The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 373 Heavenly Treasure Mirror

Chen Yuan held the Qiankun Ding and said, "It's just an innate treasure. As my realm gets higher and higher, it will be less and less helpful to me."

The world did not doubt what the master said. The world could not help but think of the Chaos Pearl, the Chaos Spirit Treasure. The world had never seen the power of the Chaos Pearl.

I don't know how majestic it is, but it can be imagined that it must be extremely powerful, able to annihilate the heavens and destroy the world.

There are even more powerful Chaos Treasures above the Chaos Spirit Treasure.

The world felt that the path of cultivation would never end, and the existence that could use the Chaos Treasure must be extremely powerful. Pangu, who had four Chaos Treasures, could open up a world in the chaos where he could achieve enlightenment.

What an amazing achievement.

Chen Yuan talked with the world for a while, then turned around and left Fangzhang Fairy Island.

Chen Yuan saw everything on Xuanhua Mountain through endless time and space, and saw Wangshu answering Qingyu's doubts about her cultivation.

Chen Yuan had no intention of going back for the time being.

Then he looked at the prehistoric world, thinking that he had not traveled in heaven and earth for a long time, and Chen Yuan had the idea of ​​traveling in the prehistoric world.

Chen Yuan had no specific destination, just walking around.

Chen Yuan saw a world where all kinds of creatures competed for freedom, and everywhere demonstrated that strength was respected.

Chen Yuan just watched.

One day.

On a mountain peak, the mountain peak was very tall, almost towering into the sky, and white clouds lingered above the mountain peak. It seemed that if you took another step up from the top of the mountain peak, you could enter the Nine Heavens Fairy Palace.

Such a misty place.

At this time, the battle unfolded here, and the aftermath of the battle caused rocks to splash and fall below the mountain peak.

The creatures under the mountain were confused. They didn't know why the rocks appeared. Some creatures were hit by the rocks. If it was just ordinary rocks.

Some creatures could resist it.

But there was magic power on the rocks, and many creatures were killed. They were very unwilling to be killed by just rocks.

On the mountain peak.

There were two creatures fighting, and one of them had the upper hand.

The more powerful creature had stripes on his face.

It was a tiger incarnation. The tiger demon said, "Little fox, as long as you hand over the treasure, I will let you live and let you become my subordinate."

The girl called the little fox was born very beautiful, as if she was the masterpiece of the Creator, much more beautiful than ordinary women.

Her skin was pure white, without any spots.

Her eyes were somewhat charming, but full of murderous intent.

The little fox said coldly, "I can't give you the Tianmiao Treasure Mirror. It and I have a fate."

The tiger demon said coldly, "The fate in this world is determined by strength. Your strength cannot be compared with mine. I have the late stage of the Golden Immortal, plus I have a middle-grade acquired spiritual treasure, the Overlord Sword, which is not something you can deal with."

The little fox had a low-grade acquired spiritual treasure she got, which was a gem.

Named the Yuanmiao Treasure Pearl by the little fox, it had some defensive and offensive power, but it was obviously not as powerful as the tiger demon's Overlord Sword, and the tiger demon was at a higher level.

The little fox had no chance of winning this battle.

But the little fox did not give up. In the past, the little fox had also encountered danger.

Past experiences have greatly improved the little fox's Dao heart. He will not be afraid or panic when encountering danger. Even if the final outcome is death, he will not lose his composure.

The little fox said coldly: "Don't even think about it."

The tiger demon was very angry when he saw the little fox resisting so resolutely. At this time, he knew that the little fox would not give up resistance, so he naturally stopped holding back and fully exerted the power of the late Golden Immortal.

In addition, with the middle-grade acquired spiritual treasure Tyrant Sword, his strength has been greatly enhanced.

The tiger demon felt that victory was in sight.

The tiger demon said: "If you give up being my enemy, there is still a way to survive, otherwise your future will only be bleak."

The little fox said: "You don't need to say anything more, even if life and death disappear, what is there to fear."

The tiger demon laughed in anger and said nothing more, but just focused on showing his own power, wanting to make the little fox completely give up, and in the end, maybe he could get both people and money.

The tiger demon had such a beautiful dream.

The situation of the little fox was getting more and more difficult.

The little fox remembered the reason why she had reached the Golden Immortal realm. In the extremely long past life, the little fox met a very strong existence. At that time, the little fox thought that the other party was a Golden Immortal.

But when the little fox became a Golden Immortal.

Only then did she realize that she was so shallow in the past. The cultivation of that existence must be more than a Golden Immortal, and it must be an existence of a higher realm.

The little fox felt a little regretful. She had not yet repaid the other party's kindness.

Because the little fox was a little distracted.

A powerful sword energy hit the little fox. A mysterious light rose from the little fox's body. Although it did not resist the sword energy, it also eliminated a lot of the power of the sword energy.

A wound appeared on the little fox's body.

This made the tiger demon even more proud. Looking at the little fox with a weaker breath, he said: "If you surrender now, you can still survive, otherwise I will not be able to stop later."

Although the little fox was seriously injured.

But he still had no intention of giving in. He looked at the other party with great indifference and said, "You don't need to say anything more."

The tiger demon felt very unhappy, and it made him realize that the little fox was not a coward. In the end, there must be a life or death. The tiger demon's attack began to change.

Every strike was fatal.

The little fox narrowly escaped death several times. Although he did not die, his injuries were getting worse and worse.

The breath became weaker, and it would be completely defeated in a short time.

Just when the little fox was in despair, a figure quietly appeared on the mountain without disturbing the two people on the mountain.

But this Mo figure did not hide its own aura and presence.

Soon the tiger demon saw the person coming and felt that the person's aura was not very strong. He said confidently: "This is not a place for you to come. If you don't leave quickly, you won't be able to leave later."

The visitor's face was very dull.

Didn't seem to hear it in general.

This made the tiger demon look worried, feeling that the other party was looking down on him, and he made up his mind to give the other party a good look when the little fox was defeated.

The little fox on the road to hell will not be lonely anymore.

The little fox didn't notice anyone coming, but after hearing the tiger demon's words, he turned his head slightly and saw the person coming.

The little fox was startled.

The little fox's magic power was lagging behind. The little fox was hit by the sword energy again, and his breath was extremely weak. If he was injured again, he would be in a more dangerous situation.

The person who arrived really surprised the little fox.

Because the immortal came here, the little fox suspected that he was hallucinating, but the little fox saw the tiger demon looking there and saying threatening words.

This lets the little fox know that she is not hallucinating.

The little fox's eyes turned. She knew that the immortal realm was extremely profound, so the little fox's heart gradually became lively.

Fight and fly at the same time.

Gradually, the little fox flew to the side of the immortal, and finally hid behind the immortal.

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