The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 400 Yao Ji of the Simu Immortal Dao

It is very difficult to go to the prehistoric world without going through the normal passage.

Ordinary immortals cannot do it.

However, saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can appear in the heaven freely, and half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can also do it.

Yao Ji walked to the East Gate of Heaven.

Looking at this magnificent gate of heaven, although it was not the first time she saw it.

Yao Ji had no good feelings for this gate of heaven that locked her.

The immortal warrior guarding the gate of heaven saw the arrival of the female fairy and asked, "I wonder who is leaving the heaven."

Yao Ji said softly, "I am a female fairy of the human race who participated in the Peach Festival. I didn't leave the heaven in time because I was greedy for the beautiful scenery of the heaven."

There was a vertical eye between the eyebrows of the gatekeeper immortal.

Strands of golden light were diffused, and a force that penetrated the true form flowed. Yao Ji knew that this was the last obstacle.

Yao Ji was hesitant in her heart.

She felt that there was a great possibility of being exposed.

There was a mysterious power descending, covering Yao Ji, so that Yao Ji's true face could not be seen through, and it also disrupted the secrets of heaven. In the eyes of the immortals, Princess Yao Ji was still in the heaven.

Yao Ji didn't know about this change.

When Yao Ji left the heaven, there was also some kind of power affecting her. Yao Ji was like a small boat.

And the power that affected her was a vast ocean. How could a small boat struggle and escape the influence of the ocean?

In the prehistoric world.

Freedom does not exist. You don't know if there is a high-level existence affecting you. You can only go with the flow.

The gatekeeper saw that Yao Ji was a human.

It's not a heavenly existence that cannot be left.

It's not the first time that Yao Ji wants to leave the heaven, but the previous few times were seen through. This time, Yao Ji's realm has broken through, so Yao Ji feels that it is very likely that she will go out.

Yao Ji will act again.

Yao Ji was a little nervous until she heard the gatekeeper say, "Please."

The gatekeeper made way.

Yao Ji was pleasantly surprised and felt that the world was bright, but she still pretended to be calm and said, "Then I'll go."

Yao Ji entered the Heavenly Gate after she finished speaking.

Yao Ji's eyes widened and she saw the scene of the prehistoric continent. Yao Ji was a creature born in the heaven and had never been to the prehistoric continent.

There was a lot of curiosity about the prehistoric continent.

Yao Ji had the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. If she was an ordinary prehistoric creature, it would be a very high realm. Yao Ji was Haotian's sister, which made Yao Ji look very ordinary in the heaven.

Nothing was too surprising.

Yao Ji was not too eager to practice, but just adhered to the idea of ​​​​a natural outcome, which made Yao Ji's realm progress slowly.

It made Haotian very sad.

It was difficult for Haotian to manage Yao Ji.

But Yao Ji was not afraid of Haotian. Haotian sometimes had a headache, but he didn't have a good way, which prevented Yao Chi from going to the prehistoric continent. Haotian was afraid that Yao Chi would encounter danger in the prehistoric continent.

Yao Chi was walking in the prehistoric continent.

Seeing many creatures, the types of creatures are not comparable to those in the heavens, there are many strange races, which opened Yao Ji's eyes.

Yao Ji went to the place where the human race was.

There is a light film in the human race. Any creature can enter the light film, but many creatures will not choose to enter it.

It is very dangerous in the human race.

Even if the immortals with a high realm have the power to destroy the world.

But in the human race formation, there are only true immortals. True immortals are not immortals. Although the difficulty of practicing this realm is not small.

But it can also be achieved.

This makes creatures of higher realms no longer so powerful in the human race area.

You can rely on human sea tactics to win.

Yao Ji did not shy away from these and directly entered the human race formation. Although she sensed that the extremely majestic power was hovering, she did not take it to heart.

Yao Ji walked.

It was the Xia Dynasty at this time.

The kings of the Xia Dynasty were all cultivators with a long lifespan, so the throne was not frequently replaced.

This day.

Yao Ji was walking in the forest, and suddenly a huge tiger ran out in front of her, with its teeth and claws bared, as if it was going to harm Yao Ji.

A tiger could not change Yao Ji's expression in the slightest.

Even if the tiger bit Yao Ji, it could not bite it at all, because the body of Taiyi Jinxian was so hard.

It was not something that an ordinary tiger could bite through.


A huge cry resounded through the world.

The sound was deafening.

Yao Ji was indifferent, and a group of people rushed out behind the tiger and chased the tiger.

The leading human saw Yao Ji and said, "Whose girl are you? You ran to the wilderness alone, and you are not afraid of feeding the wild beasts. Tianyou, go ask."

A handsome man came out. His name was Yang Tianyou. Yang Tianyou walked in front of Yao Ji and said, "I am Yang Tianyou. I don't know why the girl appeared alone in the wilderness. It's too dangerous."

Yao Ji was beautiful and flawless.

In addition, Yao Ji is a Taiyi Jinxian, and some of her body flaws have disappeared. She is perfect in every way. Yao Ji is also a goddess in the Three Realms.

But Yang Tianyou turned a blind eye to Yao Ji's beauty.

It seems that Yao Ji is an ordinary human woman.

Yao Ji looked at Yang Tianyou deeply. She said: "It's just because I envy the immortal way and want to embark on the road of cultivation. There are no cultivators in my tribe, so I want to find a great person and embark on the road of cultivation."

Yang Tianyou looked Yao Ji up and down and said: "I didn't expect you to have such ambitions. It would be very easy to embark on the road of cultivation in the past."

"There are cultivators in almost every tribe, but since Emperor Yu set up the great formation, countless cultivators have left the human area. Now it is increasingly difficult to see cultivators."

Yao Ji just made an excuse casually.

She is the Taiyi Golden Immortal. This level is not very noticeable in the heaven, but it is a very high level in the human area.

Yao Ji said: "What should we do?"

Yang Tianyou said: "Girl, don't worry. There is a cultivator in my tribe. You can try your luck. I tell you in advance that the senior will not easily accept a disciple. Girls must be mentally prepared."

Yao Ji didn't care either.

She will not really become a disciple. Becoming a disciple is no joke. The fate of the disciple and the master are partly connected.

Therefore, teachers will be very cautious when accepting disciples, and those who become disciples also want to find someone with great virtue.

Yao Ji said: "I am mentally prepared."

Then Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou went to the tribe. Yao Ji looked at everything in the tribe curiously, and Yao Ji found everything in it very novel.

Yang Tianyou took Yao Ji to a small house, and Yao Ji felt the power of the Earth Immortal pervading the room.

This power seems too weak to Yao Ji.

Yao Ji felt that as long as she thought about it, she could make the immortals in the room die without burial. As Yao Ji's thoughts flashed, the energy around her body became more and more obscure, making it difficult for others to detect her power.

This is because Yao Ji doesn't want to be exposed.

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