The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 448: Law of Heaven and Earth

"It is still unknown who will win, don't be happy too early."

Chen Sheng looked indifferent, not worried about falling into a disadvantage, and said: "The final victory is the real winner. Although I am a little embarrassed now, my life is not in danger at all."


The five dragon wheels spinning in the sky came to Chen Sheng again.

This time, the power contained in it was even greater, and there was a blazing flame burning on it, which seemed to be able to burn anything in the world.

"If I don't use any tricks, do you think I am just like this?"

Chen Sheng looked at Luo Xuan not far away.

He shook his body and suddenly expanded, becoming even bigger, 33 feet high, and such a huge body contained extremely blazing power.

As his body expanded...

The sword of the end had extraordinary spirituality, and it naturally grew larger. The deep and endless black light on it was diffused, as if it could end anything.

Chen Sheng's body expanded.

The power has increased greatly.

His black eyes were huge, containing a blazing light, looking at the tiny Luo Xuan.

He suddenly ended the giant sword and chopped it down.

The terrifying force bombarded down, turning Luo Xuan into ashes.

"I can also use the Law of Heaven and Earth. Don't forget that I am a disciple of Master Tongtian."

Luo Xuan laughed loudly, and his body shape was also changing. The last body shape was twenty-one feet. He said: "If it is a casual cultivator without roots, it will definitely not be able to use the Law of Heaven and Earth."

"What's wrong with casual cultivators."

Chen Sheng pointed his huge finger at Luo Xuan and said: "I am a casual cultivator. Although my realm is lower than yours, the power contained in my body is stronger than yours. The Law of Heaven and Earth has very high requirements for the power of the body. Not every creature can have great power when using this magical power. Power never appears out of thin air. It all comes from somewhere."

"This is impossible..."

Luo Xuan couldn't believe it and said loudly: "How come I am only 21 feet tall, while you are 33 feet tall? Your physical strength is so much stronger than mine. How did you cultivate?"

"There are only a handful of creatures who can compete with me in physical strength at the same level."

Chen Sheng looked gloomy and said, "You are not one of them."

"Even if your physical strength is stronger." Luo Xuan regained his confidence in an instant and said confidently, "My level is higher, which can make up for the lack of physical strength. The final victory belongs to me."

"Don't talk big, I'm afraid you will laugh."

Chen Sheng stepped forward and rushed towards Luo Xuan, his speed chasing the stars and the moon, and a grand voice sounded, saying, "Death is your destined ending."


The huge black sword collided with Luo Xuan's Feiyan Sword, but Chen Sheng did not have the advantage. Chen Yuan's physical strength was stronger, but he did not have the advantage in terms of magic power.

Luo Xuan had the advantage in magic power.

This made the two evenly matched.

The five dragon wheels were spinning in the sky, constantly attacking Chen Sheng. Chen Sheng, who was performing the Law of Heaven and Earth, had a full increase in strength. Facing the flying five dragon wheels, he could deal with them more easily.

Chen Sheng's blood and qi were like dragons.

Constantly providing him with extremely powerful strength to support him to fight.

Like a fighting machine that never stopped.

At this moment, another sword appeared in Luo Xuan's hand, which was exactly the same as the Feiyan Sword just now. These should be two identical swords. Luo Xuan held the sword with both hands.

There were two Feiyan Swords.

It made Luo Xuan's power stronger, and Chen Sheng's pressure was even greater.

Suddenly, another magic weapon appeared above Luo Xuan's head.

It was a seal. This seal was called Zhaotian Seal. It was an extremely great treasure. Zhaotian Seal became very huge and pressed down towards Chen Sheng.

If Chen Sheng's strength was insufficient.

It would be easily crushed into pieces.

Fortunately, Chen Sheng was powerful and could sweep Zhaotian Seal away.

Another treasure emerged, a treasure called the Ten Thousand Crows Pot, which can release countless fire crows to fight the enemy, and these fire crows can also set up a large formation to interfere with the enemy.

It is very useful in battle.

Another treasure emerged, this treasure appeared at Luo Xuan's feet, it was a cloud, which could make his body lighter, move faster, and make his attacks more difficult to dodge.

The name of the treasure is Wanli Qiyunyan.

Such Luo Xuan is undoubtedly more difficult to deal with.

"How about it, desperate, even if your strength is not bad, but the treasure can't compare with mine."

Luo Xuan was very proud, looking at Chen Sheng who didn't take out other treasures, and said: "You don't have a treasure, right? You haven't refined this black sword yet. Even if there is an extraordinary fate between you, it still takes time to refine it. Now the power you can exert is extremely limited, just relying on the resonance of the avenue between you."

"I also have a treasure." Chen Sheng finished.

A green sword appeared in Chen Sheng's hand. This sword was a treasure made by Chen Sheng himself. The material used was very precious, named Taiyi Jingjin.

Taiyi Jingjin is particularly suitable for making attacking treasures.

It can make a high-grade acquired spiritual treasure, which is as powerful as a medium-grade innate spiritual treasure, and is suitable for Taiyi Jinxian to use.

This is why it is named Taiyi Jinjing.

"Just one sword."

Luo Xuan mocked, "Too little, that's right, you are just a casual cultivator, even if your power is not too bad, but limited to the world you can access, it is very rare to have a magic sword made of Taiyi Jingjin."

"Luo Xuan. All your treasures will be mine soon, although I don't think much of them." Chen Sheng responded.

Chen Sheng and Luo Xuan fought together.

The two men were as fast as light and lightning.

Each sword contained extremely strong power, and swung out sword energy.

Chen Sheng felt the attacks falling on him, some of which broke his defense. Chen Sheng's mind moved, and a huge fairy tower appeared above Chen Sheng's head.

It dropped billions of strands of mysterious energy.

It fell like a waterfall, so that the sword energy from the outside world could no longer hurt Chen Sheng.

Luo Xuan's eyes were ugly.

He really thought that Chen Sheng had no treasures, but now it seems that he has a lot of hidden power. If it didn't threaten him, Chen Sheng would not have taken out this magnificent fairy tower.

"This is a bit like the exquisite and mysterious pagoda of the world of Master Uncle, but not quite." Luo Xuan muttered to himself.

Chen Sheng ignored what Luo Xuan thought, but just waved the two magic swords in his hand. In terms of power, the power exerted by the green magic sword is still more powerful.

The power of the black sword is stronger.

But there are not many innate divine prohibitions that have been refined, which is why the blue sword is more powerful.

The blue sword is a mid-grade acquired spiritual treasure.

It can be compared with the lower-grade innate spiritual treasures. The innate spiritual treasure is more precious because it contains the avenue, which is extremely important to the creatures that are in harmony with the avenue.

In addition, the innate spiritual treasure can be used to behead corpses.

This makes the innate spiritual treasure more precious...

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