The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 467: The Origin of Martial Arts

royal palace.

In an extremely luxurious palace.

The person living inside is Su Daji. Su Daji is on the throne at the moment, and Di Xin is not here.

There is a woman below. At first glance, she looks like a palace maid.

But there is an extremely subtle evil spirit hidden in this woman.

Daji asked angrily: "What are you talking about? The great sacrificial wine told Jiang Ziya to be tempered in fire, so my sister died, otherwise she would still have a chance to live."


The woman below is a little fox.

Now that Su Daji has established a firm foothold in the palace, it is natural for some vixens to enjoy the wealth and honor in the world.

Su Daji suddenly stood up.

She was extremely angry. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She shouted: "Okay, it turns out there is an accomplice. Since my sister is dead, how can there be no one to be buried with her?"

At this time Di Xin came from outside.

He looked cheerful. Di Xin had been completely fascinated by Daji and had no idea as long as it was what Daji wanted to do.

He would all agree.

Di Xin saw Da Ji's unhappy expression, but did not hear clearly what Da Ji said just now, and asked: "Beauty, why are you so angry? Tell me who made you look like this. I will make him look good."

Daji hesitated to speak and said: "No..."

Di Xin smiled and said: "No..."

Su Daji rolled her eyes and said: "A few days ago, I heard that the Grand Master was coming back, so a grand meeting was held, and many ministers came to participate."

Di Xin said strangely: "What does the beauty want to say?"

Su Daji's eyes turned red.

Seemingly aggrieved, he said: "I left the table once, and Daji followed me secretly. He had some evil thoughts about me. I told him... I am the king's concubine. Your Majesty, do you know what he said?" "

Di Xin's expression changed drastically and he said, "What did he say?"

"Your Majesty, he said...even if he does something to me, you don't dare to do anything to me. I only saved myself from being bullied by him by forcing myself to die." After saying that, Daji sobbed softly, looking soft and weak.

Just how can such a thing be possible.

Chen Sheng is the future body of the God of Creation, so even if he really wants a woman.

Nor would he like Su Daji.

Di Xin looked furious and said: "He is like this. I respect him very much, but he has provoked you. Let me seek justice for you."

"Your Majesty, you said that he has advanced cultivation, but we are just mortals."

Su Daji continued his performance.

Di Xin said: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will give you an explanation."

Chen Mansion.

In Chen Sheng’s soul space.

The Yuanshen space is both real and illusory. It is unclear whether it is real or fake. Everything in it rotates according to Chen Sheng's wishes.

A vast world can be created in the Yuanshen space.

It can also transform into countless living beings, which is possible because everything in it is both real and illusory.

Inside, the sun, moon and stars appeared.

On the illusory sun star.

Shi Shi said: "Tsk tsk, that little demon fox complained in front of Di Xin, Chen Sheng, your good days are over."

"In the end, what's going on?"

Chen Sheng's soul body stood on the illusory sun star, and the illusory sun's real fire was burning.

He watched the stars swirl around the sun star.

Even the lunar star surrounds the sun star. In the space of the soul, the sun star is the most expensive star and the source of unity. Although all of this was born from Chen Sheng's transformation,

But there was also Taiyi’s instigation.

Taiyi smiled and said: "It's not because you reminded Jiang Shang that the little demon fox Ji Ji hated him, but it's not as good as the little fox Yuan Miao from the Wangshu family."

Chen Sheng said: "Yuan Miao is very good... So I can't stay in Chaoge anymore."

The World said: "Yes, although you are extremely powerful, what can you do? Can't you demolish Chaoge? This is the largest capital city of the human race. Even if it is to fail, it will be destroyed by other human forces."

Chen Sheng said: "I naturally know this. This is the center of the great tribulation. Neither the saint nor Hongjun will let me destroy this place."


Taiyi's eyes were dark.

Chen Sheng said leisurely: "Now that I have achieved the Yukong Realm, the martial arts are only practiced by Nezha and I. In the past, because of lack of strength, I had no idea of ​​spreading the martial arts, so I relied on the luck of the Shang Dynasty to practice. In the future, I will teach the world. Naturally, There will be a gathering of immeasurable luck.”

Taiyi guessed: "Are we going to establish a sect..."

Chen Sheng smiled and said: "Build one! Let those who practice martial arts know where they come from."

Establish a source of martial arts.

This can make the beings who practice martial arts have a lighthouse in their hearts, which can gather more luck for Chen Sheng. This is a very cost-effective thing.

Chen Sheng will naturally do it.

The world suddenly said: "I was worried about you, but now I see that you are a little complacent with the status quo in Chaoge and do not have the will to be brave and diligent. Now I am grateful to Daji. You must know that your stage is not in the mortal world, but above the nine heavens." "

Chen Sheng was silent for a long time...

He thought a lot, and finally said: "Indeed, I am indeed content with the status quo. I have been reincarnated for countless lives, which has weakened my spirit. Now that you have awakened me, my stage is not here."

At this moment, Chen Sheng had undergone tremendous changes, and he felt that his soul was more determined.

My mood has completely improved.

Outside Chen Mansion.

A large number of soldiers gathered.

The place is surrounded by buckets, and not even a mosquito can fly out.

The leader is a man with vertical eyes between his eyebrows and wearing armor.

A man holding a double whip.

His face was extremely majestic, and wherever he looked, people there subconsciously turned their eyes away.

But his expression was very complicated.

He looked at the plaque hanging high.

"Chen Mansion"

But thinking that it was Emperor Xin who asked him to come, saying that the chief priest was reckless and deceived the emperor, although Wen Zhong felt that the chief priest was not such a person.

But it was difficult to disobey the king's order.

In front of the gate of Chen Mansion, there were two burly men holding swords flashing with cold light. These were made by Chen Sheng casually, but they were also extraordinary.

They were much better than the weapons in the mortal world.

"Who are you? How dare you surround Chen Mansion."

A rumbling voice sounded.

These two burly men have practiced some exercises to enhance strength, which cannot be regarded as real martial arts. The two men are named Chen Da and Chen Er.

They were picked up by Chen Sheng on the roadside.

The two of them treated Chen Mansion as their own home, and Chen Sheng was also very kind to them. Even if there were many soldiers outside, they would not retreat a single step...

"It's unreasonable to be so arrogant when seeing the Grand Master."

"Yes, this is the Grand Master of the dynasty. Two gatekeepers dared to treat the Grand Master like this. They will be in trouble later."

Some soldiers talked about it.

The Grand Master Wen Zhong has a very high prestige in the army.

Chen Er and Chen Da were shocked. Although they were not well-informed, they knew Wen Zhong's reputation. Now they saw that it was Wen Zhong who surrounded the Chen Mansion. Their hearts sank. The leader had three eyes.

It was Wen Zhong, no doubt.

Although there was more than one person with the third eye in the world, but in Chaoge.

No one dared to pretend to be Wen Zhong.

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