The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 471 Xiao Ke can be hidden in the body

Qiong Ling looked at the pavilions on the fairy mountain.

Although the pavilion is very ordinary and not made of precious materials, it still has a calming effect on people.

She looked at Chen Sheng, who had his hands behind his back and his big sleeves fluttering.

I looked at the few people again.

Although Qiong Ling is not in a high realm and is only an Earth Immortal, he also knows that to establish a sect, it is not just the people in front of him that are enough. In the human race area, although there are not many sects...

But not a lot.

Qiong Ling asked: "Sir, if you want to establish the Origin Religion, how will you manage the number of people?"

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "Look."

After he finished speaking, a water mirror appeared in front of him, with mountains, rivers and earth looming in it, and the Fuyuan Immortal Mountain inside.

Such a grand scene changes in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, there was a scene of a city with many humans inside.

He said: "This is Jingcheng, where you can choose the human race."

Jingcheng is a very ordinary city.

There are many surviving human races, and Chen Sheng wants to open the mountain gate. For them, it is a very lucky thing, if they can be selected.

That was life-changing.

The task of going to Jingcheng was handed over to Qiong Ling and Nezha. The two of them had not had much contact with the outside world. Although Qiong Ling had the realm of earthly immortals.

But when she was in Chen Mansion.

Although she is a maid on the surface.

In fact, there is not much difference from the master. The reason why Nezha is following him is that although Qiong Ling has the realm of earthly immortals, he is not familiar with fighting.

There are always some monsters in the wild.

So Nezha followed.


There are many human beings here.

In a dilapidated house, a man suddenly woke up. He looked at the world in front of him and was speechless.

His clothes are shabby.

It has been three years since he came to this world.

It's true that he is not from this world. When he first arrived in this world, he was shocked because everything in front of him was beyond his understanding.

People here actually have life spans of nearly a thousand years.

You must know that in his world, it is extremely remarkable for a human to have a lifespan of a hundred years, and he was actually within Xiqi. When he heard Xiqi.

I don't know how shocked I was.

This is Xiqi in the history books.

He has always been influenced by what he hears and sees, and feels that this is a very powerful world. He has seen with his own eyes that someone can fly in the clouds.

The whole body is filled with radiant light.

This made Zhang Li set a goal in his heart, to become a being that could soar above the nine heavens.

It's just that this opportunity was missed by him.

Zhang Li couldn't help but fall into memories. That time he met the immortal who played the game in the world. Zhang Li happily asked the other person to accept him as his disciple, which was just the other person's answer.

Jean was struck.

The immortal said... His qualifications were too poor and he would not be accepted. After the immortal said this, he disappeared in front of him.

There was a sudden knock on Zhang Li's door.

He opened his blurred eyes, walked to the door, and said, "Who's there? Something's wrong."

"Li, it's me, Lin Ming."

"Why is it so urgent? You're going to break my door. If it's broken, you have to accompany me."

The door was opened by Zhang Li, and a strong hand was seen pulling and holding Zhang Li.

Zhang Li ran away involuntarily.

Zhang Li was confused and said: "What are you doing? You are in such a hurry. Please tell me what you have to say."

"It's too late to say it properly."

Lin Ming said: "In the center of Jingcheng, an immortal came and said that he would take some disciples back. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you go late, it might be too late."

Zhang Li was very calm.

He wasn't too excited, but the words of the former immortal were still echoing in Zhang Li's ears, saying that his qualifications were too poor.

Zhang Li didn't think he would be selected.

But when he looked at Lin Ming who was very excited, he couldn't pour cold water on him anymore, in this world.

Lin Ming is his best friend.

Zhang Li asked as he ran, "Then how did you know?"

"I passed by a wealthy family, and their servant who was out shopping ran back and said this. I overheard it, so I rushed to pull you forward. A servant would not dare to deceive the master. The credibility of this matter Very high." Lin Ming said.

Zhang Li did not doubt what Lin Ming said.

He knew that Lin Ming's hearing had been different from ordinary people's since he was a child, and he could hear clearly far away.

The two were running out of breath.

Out of breath, people along the way wondered what the two people were doing running so fast. Could it be that their things had been stolen, or that they were thieves.

Being chased.

Finally, the two arrived at the center of Jingcheng.

A lot of people have gathered at this moment, and not far from this place is the Yamen of Jingcheng. At this time, there are Yamen agents maintaining order.

Lin Ming looked at this scene and said: "The Yamen's policemen are actually dispatched. It seems that there is really an immortal who wants to accept a disciple. Let's go... hurry up."

Zhang Li said: "Okay..."

After saying that, the two of them walked closer and saw two boys and girls, both of whom were very young. The girl was wearing colorful clothes and her hair was shining brightly, although it was very weak.

But Zhang Li knew he was right.

And the boy was playing with a small circle. The lines of the small circle were complicated and unspeakable, and there was an inexplicable light overflowing, shining brightly, and falling into the air.

Such a vision.

This made the people in Jingcheng convinced that the two were immortals.

Lin Ming said: "Did you see that small circle? It should be an immortal magical weapon. I heard that the immortal magical weapon can be big or small. The big one can fill the sky and the earth. The small one can be hidden in the body. It has countless mysteries. I really hope I can become a disciple of an immortal.”

Zhang Li looked at Nezha.

He just felt familiar. Although he didn't see the boy in front of him, Nezha's outfit, the small circle, and the Hun Tian Ling floating around his body.

Such an outfit.

Zhang Li couldn't help but think of someone, it was Nezha who made a big fuss in the Dragon Palace and killed the third prince of the dragon clan in the myth.

It can only be blamed on Nezha's fame.


Nezha looked at Zhang Li, his eyes were real, Zhang Li couldn't bear it, and said in his heart: "The immortal is so strong, just the eyes have such pressure."

Nezha walked to Zhang Li's side and said: "Have you seen me? Your eyes are strange."

Zhang Li hurriedly said: "No, it's just that the immortal's heroic appearance impressed me, so I behaved like this."

"I see, yes, you have a strong eye, you have been selected, and you can go back to Fuyuan Immortal Mountain with us." Nezha said leisurely.

Zhang Li was confused.

He didn't expect the other party to accept him so easily. You know, he has poor qualifications, and Zhang Li thinks there is no hope. His thoughts flowed.

He saw Lin Ming in the corner of his eyes.

Zhang Li felt that the other party treated him so well, so he wanted to let Lin Ming enter the immortal gate together, and said: "Immortal, do you think it is possible to let him go to Fuyuan Immortal Mountain as well?"

Nezha was silent and said: "This time, the master said that he would recruit twelve disciples, saying that the number should be the same as the number of the ancestor witches. He took you away because he liked you. What do you think, sister Qiongling?"

Qiongling turned her eyes and said: "Let's accept him. Anyway, the young master didn't make any requirements for qualifications. I observed the whole city with my divine sense and saw that this young man is very loyal and righteous. Let's go together."

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