The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 480 The first collision between the two religions

The man riding the tiger was Shen Gongbao. He saw Jiang Ziya serving as an official in Xiqi.

Then he wanted to get into trouble with Jiang Ziya.

Shen Gongbao was even more dissatisfied that Yuanshi Tianzun favored Jiang Ziya and ignored him. In Shen Gongbao's view, this might be because of his leopard becoming a spirit, and he was very dissatisfied.

Want to cause trouble for Jiang Ziya...

Not wanting to make things easier for Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao met with King Shang.

Di Xin saw Shen Gongbao below. At this moment, he was completely different. He had the realm and power of a true immortal. He could clearly see the mana rising from Shen Gongbao.

Understand that this is a man of integrity.

It is not comparable to someone who is a swindler.

Di Xin was a little more polite and said: "Why does this immortal come to see Gusuo?"

Shen Gongbao vaguely felt that there was something different about Di Xin.

He was not as fatuous as the legend said, and there was an inexplicable energy surrounding Di Xin. Shen Gongbao had never seen Di Xin before.

So I don’t know what Di Xin was like in the past.

He thought that Emperor Xin was normal now and said: "Your Majesty, I am a poor Taoist who longs for wealth and honor in the world and wants to become an official in the court."

Di Xin didn't quite believe it.

But there was an immortal who was willing to serve the Shang Dynasty, and he welcomed him very much. Although he now has the power of a true immortal, the more he does it, the more he feels his own insignificance. He has also seen that earth-shattering battle.

Make the earth empty.

The power of the destruction of mountains and rivers made him feel that his own power was limited, so he did not refuse help from others.

Di Xin pretended to be hesitant and said, "I just don't know the immortal's abilities and what official position he should be given."

Shen Gongbao said: "You don't need to be a high official, as long as you can serve the King of Shang."

Emperor Xin looked bright and said: "The Immortal Chief has not made any achievements now. How about waiting for the Immortal Chief to make great achievements and then grant him an official title?"

Shen Gongbao's eyes were dark and he said: "Okay... I have a lot of connections. I can invite experts from the Xian family to help King Shang, so that the Xiqi thieves can be defeated as soon as possible."

Di Xin stood up and said: "I didn't expect that the Immortal Chief would have this ability. He could find an expert from the Xian family for me. I don't know when the Immortal Chief will leave."

Shen Gongbao did not hesitate and said: "Now..."

Di Xin laughed and said: "Let's do it tomorrow. Today, the Immortal Chief and I hit it off like old friends, and we are going to host a banquet in honor of the Immortal Chief."

Shen Gongbao did not delay and said, "I'll just thank you, Your Majesty."

Shen Gongbao also saw Daji that day.

Daji also sensed the subtle evil spirit in Shen Gongbao, and immediately became a little more kind to Shen Gongbao.

At the banquet, cups were pushed and cups were changed, and there was singing and dancing.

I don't think there's anyone out there who's starving to death.

The next day Shen Gongbao rode on his tiger and went to invite the master of the Xian family.


The sky and the earth changed color, and the rising momentum dispersed the clouds in the sky.

More than one momentum shot up into the sky.

A total of ten auras shot up into the sky, and Jiang Ziya looked at this scene with a solemn expression.

He could feel the power.

At this moment, the endless power of heaven and earth is mobilized, guided, and gathered here, making the power contained in this place more and more powerful and majestic.

This is actually ten powerful formations deployed.

Moreover, the formation is on the way forward of the army. Although there are other ways to go, the formation can also be moved. The best way is to break the formation.

Otherwise, it can only be a temporary solution.

Unable to truly solve the problem, Jiang Ziya looked bitter. He could never solve it. He truly felt the power contained in it. He was just an Earth Immortal.

Although the Jade Pure Secret Technique practiced.

Although he was stronger than others at the same level, it was difficult for him to face his current predicament.

He was at his wits' end.

At this time, a Taoist priest came out, full of energy, and shouted: "Jiang Ziya... you have repeatedly killed my disciples of Jiejiao. Now the ten of us have set up the Ten Jue Formation here. If we can't break the formation, don't even think about it." You can move forward, just wait here to die."

Jiang Ziya walked out of the crowd and said: "Why do you do this evil act? My religion and your religion come from the same origin, why do you kill each other?"

The person who replied was Qin Tianjun, saying: "Killing each other, the Four Saints of Kowloon Island died at your hands, and now you deny it."

Jiang Ziya said: "Those four people didn't listen to the persuasion and blocked the upright master, which is why they ended up like this. Don't be stubborn, otherwise they will be dead and dismembered."

"Okay, you Jiang Ziya are so overbearing. You want to kill all ten of us, even if Feng Da flashes your tongue. Are you strong enough?"

Qin Tianjun said angrily: "I'm not afraid to tell you that this Ten Ultimate Formation has unlimited murderous potential, so don't even think about moving forward."

Jiang Ziya looked at the scene in front of him with a troubled expression.

Not knowing how to solve it, Jiang Ziya was helpless in the face of these ten powerful formations.

The army could only stop advancing.

If you don't dare to step forward, you will lose your life in vain.

far away……

Shen Gongbao looked at this scene and was very proud. These ten people were invited by him. He Shen Gongbao said it was amazing, especially...the four dead Four Saints of Kowloon Island even added fuel to the fire.

This made Shitianjun very angry.

Want to avenge the dead person who intercepted the religion.

That's why I came here to set up a big formation, to let others know that Jie Jiao is not someone to be trifled with.

Time passes.

Jiang Ziya listened to the enemy's clamor every day, but had no choice but to watch.

Just when Jiang Ziya was anxious.

A group of immortals arrived outside. They were all filled with glow and aura of auspiciousness. Some were holding magic weapons or spiritual objects in their hands. They were all extraordinary.

Unpredictable energy lingers in his body.

When the soldiers saw the visitor, they were in awe and understood that this was the lower realm of immortals.

Jiang Ziya felt the energy and hurriedly went outside. Seeing many familiar people, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I never thought... Teacher Ran Deng would come in person. I am extremely honored."

"The master has orders and must be obeyed."

Ran Deng's eyes were dark, and he turned to look at the formations there. His heart sank slightly. If it was outside the Kyushu Barrier, these formations were not needed. Even if there were dozens more, he would not take them seriously. .

He is a quasi-sage.

It can shatter time and space and wipe out mountains and rivers. Naturally, it cannot be dealt with by someone who has not even achieved the Daluo Way.

But it happened to be within the Kyushu barrier at this moment.

Although he was not as restricted as others, he still felt unsatisfied. If not for what Yuanshi Tianzun said, he would not have come here.

Jiang Ziya looked at the people behind Ran Deng and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. These people were all Taoist immortals, and they were by no means comparable to him, Jiang Ziya.

Under the leadership of Jiang Ziya.

The group of people walked into the camp, not in a hurry to deal with the Ten Jue Formation. After all, the Ten Jue Formation was no small matter, so they naturally had to be careful.

Otherwise, it will happen accidentally.

If you fall into the Ten Jue Formation, Tiantian will no longer respond, and the Earth will become inoperable.

After practicing hard all his life, his Taoism turned into running water.

For cultivators, the most important thing is their conduct.

This is a strong foundation...

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