The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 484: The Power of Tai Chi Diagram

A dark space.

Jiu Tianjun was here, and the Golden Light Holy Mother said: "It was a close call just now. These people are very powerful. If they were stronger, they might be able to break the Immortal Refining Array."

The Golden Light Holy Mother finished speaking.

She saw the power of the array being triggered again, and the sun in the starry sky fell, smashing down unstoppably.

But it was chopped into pieces by Yu Ding holding the Immortal Sword.

Bai Tianjun said: "We must destroy them all."

Yao Tianjun said: "They are restricted by the Jiuzhou barrier, but they themselves are extraordinary. Although the power they bloom is limited, their magic power is vast and boundless, and it cannot be easily exhausted."

Bai Tianjun said seriously: "Water drops can wear away stones. As long as time is longer, they will be killed by us, and we will show the power of our Jiejiao and let all the people of the Chanjiao be on the list of gods."

Jin Guang Holy Mother is a woman.

She is more delicate and thinks that things will not be so simple. Although they are now trapped by Ran Deng, it does not mean that they can be killed.

You should know that most of Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples are here.

As long as these disciples are killed, there will be only a few people left in the already sparsely populated Xianjiao.

Although Jin Guang Shengmu thought of it.

But she didn't say it out loud. She knew that it was impossible to reverse the minds of others, especially Bai Tianjun. Bai Tianjun made a great effort in the unity of the formation.

He has the status of the leader of the ten Tianjuns.

Moreover, Bai Tianjun is Taiyi Dayuan and has already refined the five qi.

Complete the cycle.

As long as the true spirit in the long river of fate is fished out, he can achieve the position of Daluo Jinxian.

He has no good feelings towards the Xianjiao, and it is certainly impossible to persuade him.

Jin Guang Shengmu knows this very well.


Kunlun Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun sat cross-legged on the cloud bed. At this moment, a Taoist entered the hall. He was a fairy, although he was not among the twelve golden immortals.

But he was blessed with good fortune and luck, and was very much loved by Yuanshi Tianzun.

This person was Yun Zhongzi.

Yun Zhongzi bowed and said, "Master, I wonder why you asked me to come here."

Yuanshi Tianzun did not speak. A water mirror appeared in front of Yun Zhongzi, reflecting the scenery of the universe.

The image of the universe.

Randeng and others appeared on the water mirror. Although Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and others did not look embarrassed at this moment, their mana consumption was huge. Although the quasi-saint Ran Deng could still hold on for a long time.

Yuanshi Tianzun was worried that Guang Chengzi and others would not be able to fight.

Randeng was the only one left. Although Ran Deng was powerful, he was limited by the Jiuzhou barrier.

He would only be stretched to his limits.

In danger...

Yun Zhongzi said, "Master, now Master Ran Deng and Guang Chengzi are in danger. Do you want me to rescue them?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was majestic and unparalleled.

Although he was very worried about the Twelve Golden Immortals, he did not show it. He said, "You are about to achieve the Daluo Golden Immortal, so it is reasonable not to call you. After all, the path is important, but you have also seen the situation of Guangchengzi and others."

Yun Zhongzi said seriously, "Master... please give me your orders."

Yuan Shi Tianzun said, "You go to Shouyang Mountain to borrow the Tai Chi diagram. Although the attack power of my Pangu Banner is huge, the Chaos Sword Qi is blind. When attacking the formation, the power of Pangu Banner may be diverted by the nine Jiejiao disciples."

Yun Zhongzi praised, "Master, you are thoughtful. This innate treasure Tai Chi diagram has the power to calm the earth, wind, water and fire, transform the power of yin and yang and the five elements, and divide the mysteries of the heavenly way. It includes the power of the great ten thousand phenomena, and its power is more peaceful. It is suitable for use at this moment."

Yuan Shi Tianzun frowned and said, "Then you should go early and come back early."

Yun Zhongzi did not dare to neglect it.

He went out directly, and soon he arrived at Shouyang Mountain, where he saw Master Xuandu waiting for him at the mountain gate.

Yun Zhongzi and Xuandu were very familiar with each other.

When Yun Zhongzi had not yet joined the Chan Sect, he had met Xuandu, and it was Xuandu who gave Yun Zhongzi the courage to face the test array set by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Then he became a disciple of the Chan Sect.

Master Xuandu was very graceful, and the aura of the great way flowed around him. The whole person seemed to be one with the heaven and earth, and in harmony with all things.

He was very much like Laozi.

Yun Zhongzi stepped forward and bowed, saying: "Big Brother..."

No matter whether they were from the Jie Sect or the Chan Sect, they had to call Xuandu "Big Brother".

Who made Xuandu the first to join.

Xuandu looked leisurely and said: "Master has told me your purpose, and the treasure you want is in my hands."

Xuandu finished speaking.

A divine picture appeared in his hand, on which the innate yin and yang energies kept flowing, interpreting the supreme yin and yang avenue. Yin and yang are the beginning of heaven and earth, and yin and yang exist in all things.

It was the first time that Yun Zhongzi saw the Tai Chi diagram.

He was a little crazy. The innate treasure was of the same status as Hunyuan. It was mixed with the avenue and contained infinite power. Only the sacred Hunyuan could fully display the power of the innate treasure.

Yun Zhongzi carefully took the Tai Chi diagram.

Although he knew that even if he was killed hundreds of millions of times, the innate treasure Tai Chi diagram would not be damaged, he still couldn't help being careful.

Xuandu passed on a spell to Yun Zhongzi.

Otherwise, it would be wishful thinking to want to control the Tai Chi diagram that was completely refined by the saint.

Yun Zhongzi thanked him and rushed to save people.


The nine formations combined into one immortal refining formation.

At this moment, those who have not achieved the Daluo Jinxian look depressed. Not all the Twelve Jinxian have achieved the Daluo Jinxian. The Daluo Dao fruit is very extraordinary.

It is the ultimate of immortals.

It is not something that can be achieved easily.

Guangchengzi suddenly said: "If this continues, our hope of escaping will be getting smaller and smaller. Now we can only place our hopes on Master."

Randeng said: "These nine people are just juniors, and it is not easy for the Heavenly Master to attack directly. Although our mana has been consumed a lot, we are not in danger so far."

Guangchengzi was about to speak.

A long bridge of golden light appeared, and a sense of Hunyuan filled the world.

This power is self-contained, Hunyuan is flawless, and can show powerful power. Under the golden bridge, the world seems to be still.

Randeng saw this scene and said: "Good opportunity, do it..."

Instantly, brilliant power bloomed.

The twelve golden immortals all took action in an instant, the Immortal Sword crossed the sky, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire covered the sky, the Fantian Seal covered the earth, and the Qiankun Ruler crushed time and space.

All kinds of powerful spiritual treasures bloomed their power.

This world that was stilled by the innate treasure Tai Chi diagram was turned into ashes.

There is no possibility of recovery. The suppression objects of the formation were all destroyed, and the Tianjun hidden in the dark space was constantly killed.

Ran Deng Guang Cheng Zi and the others are also ruthless characters. Once they seize the opportunity, they will not show any mercy.

Bai Tianjun saw that the situation was not good.

He stood up and left without any hesitation. He also sent a message to other Tianjuns to leave quickly. The cultivation of the nine Tianjuns was not as good as that of the Daluo Jinxian.

The Daluo Jinxian's understanding of the Great Dao.

The mastery of magical powers was stronger than them. Even in the Jiuzhou barrier, if there was no Lianxian formation, they would not be opponents.

It's just a pity.

Only he Bai Tianjun escaped, and the other Tianjuns died in the hands of Jiejiao, and their souls were included in the Conferred God List.

It's not considered a fall.

Guang Cheng Zi walked up to Yun Zhongzi and said, "Thank you, junior brother, otherwise we would be in danger."

Yun Zhongzi said, "This is thanks to the power of the Tai Chi diagram of the master uncle, otherwise it would be difficult to save you."

At this moment, endless innate spiritual energy gathered.

In this battle, they consumed a lot of mana, only Ran Deng looked normal, his mana was too boundless, but the water outlet was too small.

Therefore, the power displayed is limited.

This is also the reason why powerful immortals are unwilling to come to the Jiuzhou barrier.

This is also the purpose of Emperor Yu. With fewer powerful immortals, the human race will be safer.

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