The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 519: The Creator of Heaven Refines the Dongsheng Divine Land

Standing next to Hongjun, Shi Shi heard Hongjun say: "Fellow Taoist World Tree, now that the World Tree is unstable and there is a possibility of it falling, I would like to help you stabilize the World Tree again."

World Taoist is the right candidate.

The World Tree was originally his natal spiritual root, although it now supports the heaven.

World Taoist did not push it away and said: "Okay..."

Chen Yuan did not immediately take action to reunite the broken continent. This was not a small matter. It involved too many things, including spiritual veins, earth structure, and the distribution of rivers.

Otherwise, they will be put together directly.

if that is the case……

It would make Dongsheng Shenzhou full of disasters in the future. This was not what Chen Yuan wanted to see. Chen Yuan stood in the air, eyes bursting with light, constantly deducing how to make Dongsheng Shenzhou better.

Chen Yuan is not the only one who has such thoughts.

For example, the Sanqing and others did not take action immediately. This is also a kind of competition. If a certain continent does not refine well, it will inevitably cause some loss of face.

Chen Yuan paid some attention to his past body.

I saw the World Taoist walking to the side of the World Tree. The World Tree was extremely vast.

It has a very important position in heaven and earth, and it also brings a lot of luck to Taoists in the world.

Although the World Taoist took back the World Tree.

In this way, he obtained a powerful treasure, a treasure comparable to an innate treasure, but no Taoist in the world would take it back. After all, improving his cultivation speed is the most important thing.

The Taoists of the world are in resonance with the sacred tree.

The World Tree is filled with endless brilliance, and there are too many creatures on the World Tree. The World Tree seems to contain a small world, and there are also Da Luo Jinxian among them.

They felt the radiance of the World Tree.

Through the long river of time and destiny, I saw an extremely majestic existence, and I suddenly realized in my heart that this was the owner of the sacred tree, the World God.

I am even more in awe...

They are very grateful to the World Heavenly Lord for not driving them away. For many people, the World Tree is a holy place for cultivation, and they will naturally not be willing to leave.

The world's Taoists bloom with endless divine power.

The mighty Qi swept across the world, and the World Taoist did not hesitate too much. He did not need to think too much, just because the continent was broken, and the continent under the World Tree was also broken.

This made the World Tree unstable.

As long as the World Taoist re-stabilizes the continent under the World Tree.

You don’t have to do much either.

Vast power filled the heaven and earth. The Taoists of the World reunited the continents under the Divine Tree and straightened the already tilted World Tree. This process was very fast.

Chen Yuan looked at this scene.

Seen under the World Tree.

There is a piece of land exposed, one percent of the original prehistoric continent, not too big.

Not too small either.

The world Taoist finished the matter and walked to Hongjun's side. He wanted to feel what Hongjun's realm was, but Hongjun's body was covered by the mysterious and mysterious power of heaven.

This is different from the power of heaven mobilized by saints.

In normal times, saints are not surrounded by the power of heaven.

Only when they want to mobilize the power of heaven, the power of heaven will appear out of thin air.

A lotus flower appeared at Chen Yuan's feet, and supreme Qi was rippling around him.

He hesitated no more.

He had already made a plan in his mind, and a cauldron appeared in his hand. This was the innate treasure, the Qiankun Ding, which he had just borrowed from the Taoist of the world. Of course, this was only for others.

Chen Yuan wants to use it.

Taoists in the world can naturally only give.

The originally tiny Qiankun Cauldron instantly became extremely huge, and a huge bronze cauldron appeared in the void, with mysterious lines on it, flashing brilliance, and containing extraordinary power.

The Qiankun Cauldron emits a huge suction force.

Pieces of continents were sucked into it, and the World Taoist was not idle either. He obediently collected continent fragments for Chen Yuan.

There is flame spreading over the continent.

Xuanhua Mountain is on one of the continents.

When Kong Xuan and the others saw this scene, they felt the flames everywhere around them. They felt that this flame was full of mysterious power of creation, allowing the originally broken continent to heal.

Moreover, Kong Xuan could feel the spiritual veins that were originally disconnected between the continents.

Also being reconnected.

More and more fragments of the continent continued to merge into the continent beneath their feet, making the continent larger and larger and more vast.

The saints saw this.

Seeing Chen Yuan using the Qiankun Cauldron to combine the continents, he admired them in his heart. He felt that the continents that were combined in this way could retain more of the essence of the original prehistoric continents and would definitely become more beautiful.

Although I saw this scene.

But he also knew that he could not borrow the Qiankun Ding.

After all, they don't have a deep relationship with Taoists in the world, and how can they lend out the innate treasure so easily.

Chen Yuan brought together continents.

No matter what the other saints thought, time passed leisurely. After all, they were refining the continents within the prehistoric world, but not creating heaven and earth within the sky beyond the sky.

Chen Yuan can be more relaxed.

There is nothing there, so there is no need to think too much, but it is impossible in the world.

will be slower.

Nuwa and Taiyi took action together.

Nuwa is more ingenious, and the Hongmeng Avenue she practices is more suitable for refining the mainland, while the Taiyang Avenue practiced by Taiyi is not as suitable as Hongmeng Avenue.

So Nuwa unites the mainland.

Taiyi collected the continental fragments, and the two of them were also very attentive. This northern continent will definitely be the base camp of the demon clan in the future. They cooperated very well and knew each other for a long time.

And the Three Purities were not very good at the moment.

But under Hongjun's order, they could only honestly refine the continent. Laozi cultivated the Xuanhuang Continent, which can also be called the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

It is more suitable for refining the continent, and the realm is also the highest.

So Yuanshi and Tongtian assisted from the side to collect the continental fragments.

As the saying goes, fighting is fun for a while, but it will be a crematorium after the war. Tongtian and Yuanshi can only patiently collect fragments.

And on the original Western Continent.

It was Jieyin who was responsible for refining the continent, and Zhunti collected the continental fragments. I saw endless golden light in the west, covering the endless space.

Jieyin and Zhunti even mobilized the power of the Heavenly Dao to make their own power stronger, so that the refined continent would be better.

Jieyin was very determined, and Zhunti wanted to develop the West.

Jieyin naturally supported.

Jie Yin and Zhunti were not born as transcendent as the Three Pure Ones.

They were transformed from Pangu's original spirit.

Although Jie Yin and Zhunti's origins were not bad, they were also outstanding. They had faced many crises together, which made their relationship even deeper.

Even if Chen Yuan thought Zhunti was a bit shameless.

But he had to admire their relationship. It was a relationship that supported each other for countless years, which was too deep.

At this time, four continents were being formed.

And during this process, the surging earth, wind, water, fire, and the chaotic atmosphere on the continent gradually subsided.

No longer so rampant.

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