The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 521 Brother Dao, I have a request

Sanqing's face was extremely ugly.

Naturally, they don't want to die. Even if they become saints, observe the heavens and the world, and their mental state has greatly improved, they still don't want to die.

There is also a human character among the saints.

It means that they are still living beings, not 'holy'.

I asked: "Master, is it true that as long as we don't take action, this Holy Destroying Pill will not work."

Hongjun said: "Not bad..."

Although Sanqing was very uneasy, at least he felt a little relieved.

Chen Yuan watched this scene with cold eyes.

I was thinking about how the Saint-Destroying Pill worked, and felt that it should be related to the Hongmeng Purple Qi. The Saint did not completely rely on himself to achieve this state.

External forces were used.

Otherwise it will be more complete.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi was also given by Hongjun. Heavenly Dao or Hongjun could affect the Hongmeng Purple Qi. This was not surprising to Chen Yuan, who had missed the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Although Chen Yuan felt a little regretful at that time.

But not strong...

However, although Hongmeng Purple Qi has some drawbacks, it is still a supreme divine object.

If there is a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi in front of Zhen Yuanzi, Zhen Yuanzi will not hesitate too much and will directly choose to become a saint.

Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is... too far away for too many people.

Even if Chen Yuan has expectations for his disciple Qingyou, even if Qingyou can achieve this.

I don’t know how long it took.

Hongjun looked at everyone... and said: "Now that the world has been hit hard again, we really can't withstand the torture anymore, otherwise the world will only get smaller and smaller. I have decided that you will go to the outer world to create the world and live in the chaos of the outer world."

"The world has become weak, and the power of Hunyuan cannot be shown in the world. It is necessary to give the prehistoric world some time to recover."

Chen Yuan took a step forward and said: "Teacher...then we can't enter the world."

Hongjun said calmly: "That's not true... You can use your clone to walk around the world, but you can't show the power of the Hunyuan series to avoid damaging the world again."

Chen Yuan understood what Hongjun said...

This means that they all need to move to the outer world. Hunyuan Mighty is cultivating in the prehistoric world, which is a big burden to the world.

And move the great power of Hunyuan into chaos.

It can reduce the burden on the world.

It's not that they are not allowed to come back, they can clone themselves, but they can't show the power of the Hunyuan series.

Chen Yuan said: "Wouldn't it mean that I have to stay in Tianwaitian forever..."

Hongjun said: "We need to see the recovery of heaven and earth..."

Chen Yuan knew that even if the world could be restored... it would still take a long time.

Chen Yuan doesn't care where he practices.

In fact, he still has some expectations. There are saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the world. There are too many people with great supernatural powers who can't let go because there are saints from Hunyuan suppressing the world.

If a person with great supernatural powers wants to do something out of the ordinary, he will inevitably have all kinds of scruples in his heart.

And all the great powers of Hunyuan are in the sky.

It was different. It was equivalent to giving a stage to those with great supernatural powers. Chen Yuan had expectations in his heart about what kind of myth these beings would interpret.

Hongjun said again: "You have a hundred years. After a hundred years, if you are still in heaven and earth, then the power of heaven will move you to the outer sky."

Hongjun's words follow the law...

After he finished speaking, his destiny was revealed to the world.

Countless great supernatural beings and Da Luo Jinxian looked at each other, because this news was too shocking. The saint and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian were actually restricted in Tianwaitian.

Even if you can enter the world.

Nor can it show the power of Hunyuan, although even the powerful clone of Hunyuan can only show the power of quasi-sage.

Because of the transcendence of nature.

Such beings will also be extremely powerful, but at least they won't be as desperate as before.

Too many people were excited.

They will not really provoke the Hunyuan Dojo. Who knows how long such existences will be banned if they can enter the world in the future.

It's just not something they can resist.

After Hongjun finished speaking.

Immediately, a huge roulette suddenly appeared behind him, with lines all over it, mysterious and unpredictable. This was the heavenly roulette transformed from the jade certificate of creation, and it had supreme power.

Except for the material itself, it is transcendent.

It can also inherit the power of heaven, which makes the saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian envious. Who doesn't want to get good treasures...

This roulette wheel blooms with brilliant brilliance.

Mi Zhao endless time and space, sorting out the great laws of heaven and earth, in this process.

Chen Yuan observed carefully.

He saw the extremely mysterious avenue... and the composition of the prehistoric world.

Chen Yuan's realm has increased, but it has not been long since he broke through the seventh level of Hunyuan. It will take a long time to reach the eighth level of Hunyuan.

Other saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are no exception.

They all looked at it carefully.

Not long after...

The tribulation energy in the prehistoric world has completely disappeared, and there have been other changes, which I won't go into detail here.

After Hongjun dealt with the matter here...

He disappeared and returned to Tianwaitian Zixiao Palace without a trace.

Also disappearing with Hongjun was Tongtian Cult Leader. He was probably taken away by Hongjun to Zixiao Palace to think behind closed doors as to who caused Tongtian Cult Leader to cause such a big trouble this time.

And Hongjun is not only the spokesman of heaven, but also the master of Tongtian leader, who disciplines Tongtian.

Tongtian can only recognize...

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Everyone, Pindao will go back to Xuanhua Mountain to explain, and then go to the outer world to create heaven and earth."

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he returned to Xuanhua Mountain.

The other saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian also said goodbye and left one by one.

At this moment on Xuanhua Mountain.

A beautiful figure stood there. Chen Yuan walked up to her curiously, and said in surprise: "Wangshu... why didn't you go?"

Wangshu smiled and said: "I think I was in seclusion and Master Hongjun didn't call me."

Chen Yuan was speechless... Wangshu could still be at ease in seclusion under such circumstances, and Wangshu liked quietness and didn't like to pay attention to what happened in the world.

Although Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has such ability.

But Wangshu doesn't need it... That is also Wangshu's freedom.

Chen Yuan said calmly: "We are moving..."

Wangshu said: "Move, where to move."

Chen Yuan said helplessly: "Who let this catastrophe cause too much damage to the world, let us go to the outer world to open a dojo."

Wangshu smiled and said: "That's it... Brother Dao, I have a request."

In fact, she already knew it from the long river of fate, but she wanted to hear Chen Yuan talk to her. She spent a long time in seclusion this time, so naturally she wanted to talk to Chen Yuan more.

Chen Yuan really thought Wangshu didn't know.

Chen Yuan said curiously: "What request, just say it..."

He was very generous, of course it depends on who it was.

Wangshu bowed his head and said: "I want to open a dojo together with the dojo. The world is so big, it's a waste to open a world as a dojo alone."

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