The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 535 The Changing Times

Yao Chi saw Haotian agreed to hold the Peach Festival.

It was not beyond her expectation. In the world... the saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could not display the power of Hunyuan, which would undoubtedly reduce the majesty of Hunyuan Sacred.

And in this process.

It can be easier to establish the authority of the Heavenly Court, although the full strength of the Heavenly Court is just an ant in front of the Hunyuan Sacred.

But compared with other forces.

It is not weak.

It is a big force in the world. As long as it shows its own strength and majesty, it will surely attract more creatures to follow. This is exactly the purpose of Haotian and Yao Chi.

Both of them are the highest level of the Heavenly Court.

The relationship with the Heavenly Court is close. If the Heavenly Court is better, the two can get more benefits. Now Yao Chi is about to achieve the peak of Quasi-Saint.

It is also because of the power of luck of the Heavenly Court.

The power of luck has a promoting effect on the cultivation of Hunyuan Sacred, and it is naturally more effective for Quasi-Saint. Haotian has a deep understanding of it.

Although he has reached a relative limit now, under the promotion of luck.

He could feel that he had a deeper understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and although the luck of Heavenly Court was not weak, it was not too strong.

After all, Heavenly Court did not have much presence.

Honghuang was a world where strength was respected.

Although Hongjun agreed to the establishment of Heavenly Court, Hongjun's position was too high, and it was impossible for him to really take action. Hongjun's every move was subject to the constraints of Heavenly Dao.

When Hongjun chose to unite with the Dao.

He already knew the consequences of such a choice.

But he still chose to unite with the Dao. Although there was a great love for all spirits, there was also selfishness. How great is Heavenly Dao, it is an existence beyond the realm of Hunyuan.

Contact with such an existence.

It can increase one's own realm faster, and as a person seeking the Dao, it is undoubtedly impossible to resist such attraction, although in this process, a lot will be lost.

But it is all worth it.

Only a higher realm is what practitioners want to pursue most.

Yao Chi's thoughts are flying.

But she quickly took it back. Her beautiful eyes turned, thinking about the future evolution, but soon she focused on Haojing.

Jiang Ziya was still conferring gods.

The souls of the immortals were conferred gods one by one, and they were unwilling on their faces, unless some ordinary beings felt that it was a good thing to go to heaven and become gods.

It didn't make them feel bad.

Instead, they were a little happy.

Yao Chi sighed in her heart.

She felt that those powerful immortals would not be so easy to succumb and obey the law when they went to heaven. Even if they would not disobey the order openly, after all, Haotian Yao Chi's realm was very high.

It was okay to deal with them.

Moreover, the two were Hongjun's boys, and they were higher in seniority than them, but they could not disobey openly, but they could obey in secret.

If this was the case.

Yao Chi felt that it was difficult to deal with. Although it was a bit of a headache, she knew that this was a challenge to face.



"The conferring of gods has been completed. You should be fair and just as gods, and you must not be disrespectful..." Jiang Ziya said.

When the last living being was canonized as a god, Jiang Ziya's eyes were complicated. He felt that an infinite power of Taoism was dissipating from him.

This power of Taoism came silently.

It also left without a trace, but Jiang Ziya could feel his own transformation.

When the supreme power descended, his thoughts were affected, and some complicated thoughts seemed to dissipate.

No trace.

In this state, Jiang Ziya only felt that he was like a puppet, without autonomy, as if too many thoughts, as if he had become one with some great existence.

No more selfishness.

Some of the god positions that had been arranged earlier were not executed, because at that moment, Jiang Ziya seemed to have forgotten to arrange the god positions.

It was just a cold canonization of gods.

After the canonization of gods was completed, everything was over. Jiang Ziya clearly saw that a huge portal suddenly appeared.

Feel the innate spiritual energy behind the portal.

Jiang Ziya looked at the world behind the door with some longing. He knew that it was the heaven, and the gods who were conferred by the Conferred God List were entering in a line at this moment, heading towards the door in an orderly manner.

Jiang Ziya didn't know who opened the door.

But he knew that it must have been done by the Hunyuan God, and only such an existence could open the door to the Daluo Heaven.

Too many creatures looked at Jiang Ziya with hatred, and they had a bad impression of Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya shook his head.

He just felt relieved, and finally everything was over, and he didn't have to worry anymore. Along the way, Jiang Ziya was afraid in his heart, even though he was a conferred god.

But everything has a chance.

Sometimes Jiang Ziya thought that even if he was killed, he was not innocent, because too many creatures died along the way.

Fortunately, he won.

He was happy.



It seemed that there was such a sound, foreshadowing the change of times.

The Conferred God Tribulation has come to an end. The world is changing. The remaining tribulation energy in the world has all dissipated.

Endless creatures only feel light and agile.

As if something has been removed. This feeling is fleeting. Only the truly strong know what is going on.

And after the great tribulation.

The creatures feel that it is easier to comprehend the Great Dao, so they want to go back to practice, but suddenly a vast Buddha light permeates Xiniu Hezhou.

Although it is very faint.

But it is extremely majestic.

Such visions have attracted the attention of too many powerful people here. They feel that something big must have happened, but they are very puzzled. This time, the Great Catastrophe of Conferring Gods... The Western Sect has benefited greatly.

I thought it would be more low-key.

Unexpectedly, it was so high-profile, something important was bound to happen, and not only Daluo Jinxian, the great supernatural power, looked there.

Outside the sky and within the sky.


Chen Yuan and Wang Shu walked in this primitive world, although Xuanyuan Tian was very monotonous.

But the two of them enjoyed shopping.

Wangshu suddenly took action, her palms were white and filled with holy light, a bit like moonlight, but extremely gentle.

Wangshu's palm stretched straight forward, and his flawless jade arm disappeared.

Chen Yuan looked on indifferently.

He looked far into the sky and saw a jade arm suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the energy of chaos surged towards the jade arm.

The mighty and endless flow.

It didn't last long. Wang Shu collected enough chaotic energy and retracted her jade arm. She looked at the chaotic energy ball in her hand, although it didn't seem big.

But the energy of chaos contained in it is as vast as an abyss.

Although it is not enough to open up a large world, it is more than enough to open up a thousand worlds. Wang Shu sighed in his heart that he had become so powerful without knowing it.

She is slightly narcissistic now.

Beautiful eyes blinked.

He couldn't help but look at 'Chen Yuan' out of the corner of his eye, and murmured to himself: "I'm really glad to have met that time."

She remembered fighting side by side.

These memories are extremely precious to her and cannot be forgotten...

Then she smiled calmly, and Chen Yuan's voice sounded in her ears: "What are you thinking about? There is a smile on the corner of your mouth. Can you tell me."

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