The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 556 Moving the Immortal Mountain

I only felt a strong pressure permeating the world.

They didn't know that the fairy mountain under their feet was held up by an extremely majestic and sacred statue. The shock in the fairy's heart can be imagined.

If the strength of both sides was just a little different.

Others would not accept it, but if the gap was huge, they would not have any unconvinced emotions, and would clearly know that it was difficult to surpass the other party. They were already people from different worlds.

There was no comparison.

Chen Sheng used the Law of Heaven and Earth, his body was tall and full of power, but compared with the Fuyuan Fairy Mountain that stretched for millions of miles, he was just a tiny thing, but such a tiny thing.

But it held up the vast fairy mountain.

Chen Sheng did not hesitate... After all, to hold up a fairy mountain like this, the world power consumed was not small, so it was better to put the Fuyuan Fairy Mountain in a pre-planned place first, and then think about other things.

The mind is set...

Above his head, there is a golden light ball that is floating and sinking, revealing the supreme aura, and the golden light diffuses leisurely, and this light is vast...covering Fuyuan Immortal Mountain.

Like a thin light film.

Time and space are distorted, changed, and shrunk. Finally, a pocket-sized immortal mountain is lifted up by Chen Sheng. Looking at this scene... Chen Sheng smiled. If a large immortal mountain is lifted up, there will be many inconveniences.

Not to mention anything else, the airflow brought by the flight alone is extremely magnificent. I don’t know how many winds and clouds will be rolled up and how many lives will be destroyed.

And the immortal mountain after shrinking will naturally not have such a problem.

In the eyes of that immortal, the space in front of Chen Sheng was broken, showing a mysterious road. Chen Sheng stepped into it and went to the destination.

Now the continent is much smaller.

Naturally, the time to rush is reduced a lot. It didn’t take long before he arrived at the destination. The scene here is very desolate. This is a desert with no living creatures. This is why Chen Sheng chose this place.

If you choose a place with many living creatures.

The fairy mountain will press down.

I don’t know how many living creatures will be destroyed, but this desert does not have this problem. Although this desert is a little far from Xuanhua Mountain, Chen Sheng can accept it.

The golden light on Fuyuan Fairy Mountain dimmed.

The originally distorted space will be smoothed by the order of the prehistoric world without the support of that great power. Between the ripples, Fuyuan Fairy Mountain is getting bigger and bigger, and the vast aura permeates the world.

Fuyuan Fairy Mountain reappears in the world.

Chen Sheng put down the fairy mountain and landed on the desert. The desert is very vast, but after the whole mountain was put down, it only occupied one percent. The place Chen Sheng chose was the edge of the desert. One side was not a desert.

And the other side was a desert.

After a while... Nezha and the others came to his side, and there was a brand new feeling. Without the restrictive force that followed him like a shadow, he could show all his strength, and it seemed to be more in line with the world.

This feeling is intoxicating.

At this moment... I also understand what the teacher is thinking. Although the Jiuzhou barrier is not small, it is actually just a small pond, which is more suitable for creatures with low realms.

Not suitable for them.

Chen Sheng closed his eyes. He just put down the Fuyuan Immortal Mountain, but there is still a very important thing to do, that is, the Immortal Mountain has not yet merged with the earth veins.

Like a rootless duckweed.

He looked at the dragon veins. The dragon veins were very vast, crisscrossing in the Immortal Mountain, like the blood vessels of the Immortal Mountain.

Chen Sheng thought secretly.

It is difficult for Ao Zhen to gain freedom. Ao Zhen is living much better than before.

Ao Zhen has a clone appearing in the world.

The reason for this is that Chen Sheng feels that Ao Zhen has been completely restricted, which will definitely make the dragon vein full of negative power, but if a clone appears in the world, there will be some changes.

Of course, it is just a clone.

His original body is still the dragon vein, and the dragon vein is imprisoned by the power of the half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It is difficult to regain freedom.

Ao Zhen's clone can walk freely on the Fuyuan Immortal Mountain.

In the eyes of others.

Ao Zhen looked relaxed, and finally left the Jiuzhou barrier. Although he gained some freedom, Ao Zhen did not dare to leave Fuyuan Xianshan. It was not for other reasons. Chen Sheng had told him clearly at the beginning.

If his clone fell.

To have a clone again, he had to wait for nine Yuanhui. Nine Yuanhui was very long, which made Ao Zhen, who wanted to walk the world, give up.

He did not intend to die.

And the safe place for him... was Fuyuan Xianshan. Here, in addition to his own magic power, he could also communicate with the power of the dragon vein, and the strength he could exert was extremely powerful.

On Fuyuan Xianshan, he was the most powerful existence besides Chen Sheng.

The creatures of Fuyuan Xianshan often saw him, but few knew his true identity.


With the cooperation of Chen Sheng's power and Ao Zhen, Fuyuan Xianshan officially fell, and there was a mysterious wave sweeping over. Ao Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and the dragon vein was connected to the ground vein.

You can get endless energy from the ground vein.

This is the blessed land of the immortal mountain, and the reason why the immortal cave is more suitable for cultivation.

If the immortal mountain did not have such a capability, there would be no division of ranks.

Ao Zhen saw Chen Sheng's eyes open and said, "Venerable, I feel a powerful force hovering nearby, with malicious intent."

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "This is a powerful person nearby. If we come here rashly, anyone will be unhappy. It is normal to have malicious intent."

Ao Zhen said, "I see."

Chen Sheng looked at Ao Zhen and couldn't help but think of the scene in the past. At that time, he had just given Ao Zhen the authority to condense his clone. The reason for the nine-yuanhui limit was that he didn't want Ao Zhen to commit suicide.

If Ao Zhen committed suicide.

To provoke some powerful beings, it would cause some trouble to Chen Sheng, but if Ao Zhen had a nine-yuanhui limit, he would be much more careful and would not be rash.

People's minds are like this.

Chen Sheng also knows a lot that Ao Zhen doesn't know...

For example, the malicious master is a Daluo Jinxian, and a Daluo Jinxian who is about to achieve the path of a quasi-saint.

Chen Sheng's eyes are deep, looking at the human race practicing martial arts on Fuyuan Xianshan.

A grand voice sounded on Fuyuan Xianshan.

"There will be a martial arts lecture on the top of the mountain in a year, and you can come and listen."

The human race on Fuyuan Xianshan are all excited. Fuyuan Xianshan at this time is different from the past. At first, there were only human race practicing martial arts on Fuyuan Xianshan.

But now Fuyuan Xianshan is like a world.

There are mortals on it, children born by warriors who love each other. These children will give birth to children, and the cycle will continue.

On Fuyuan Immortal Mountain, there are human kingdoms in some places.

It is enough to recruit disciples from Fuyuan Immortal Mountain.

After Chen Sheng's voice spread throughout Fuyuan Immortal Mountain, many escape lights appeared and came to Chen Sheng's place after a while. They would naturally not miss the preaching of such a powerful person as Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng's achievements in martial arts are unique.

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