The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 572 The Great Divine Power

Among the sacred disciples of Hunyuan, only Kong Xuan came. After all, Kong Xuan's realm was sufficient. If the realm was not high enough, it would be useless even for saint disciples to come here.

The saint's eyes illuminate the heavens...

Naturally, he knew this very well, so he didn't tell his disciples not to come and join in the fun.

At this time, there will be no mercy from those with great supernatural powers. If you miss out on the Hongmeng Purple Qi because of mercy, you will regret it for life. Moreover, at this moment, the Holy Spirit of Hunyuan has limited power. Even if the disciple is in danger, he wants to Lend a helping hand.

I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it by then...

The power of Daluo Jinxian, even if he has the Hunyuan realm, cannot show too much power, and the saint is not willing to show up with such a weak power.

This will damage the invincible image of the saint...

Even a saint would care about his face.

As time goes by, the purple lotus in the void becomes bigger and bigger, gradually reaching the size of a thousand worlds. Any person with great supernatural powers who steps on it will be like an ant, and of course he can become a person with great supernatural powers.

Naturally, they all have the magical power to control the heavens and the earth, and their legal bodies can reach the heavens and the earth. However, generally speaking, those with great magical powers do not use this technique very much. Their body size is too huge, and it is not convenient to move at ordinary times.


A strange sound resounded in the void. The sound was not too loud, but it sounded like it sounded in the hearts of living beings, not like sound transmission from the void.

This sound attracted the minds of all the great supernatural power users. At this moment, almost all the great supernatural power users felt relieved. They felt the vibration of the long river of time and destiny, as if they had reached an extremely important moment.

Can influence the past, present and future.

In the center of the purple lotus, there is a brilliant purple energy that appears leisurely. The purple energy does not have much magic to show, it seems to be very ordinary, and not like something that caused the storm in the prehistoric world.

But the eyes of all the great supernatural beings were attracted by it.

Endless desire arose in the hearts of these strong men, and a voice sounded in their hearts.

"Must get..."

This is a treasure that can transcend all tribulations, dominate the heavens, and teach all kinds of things.

Suddenly the battle broke out, and the desire in the heart promoted the evolution of the situation. All kinds of splendid magical powers were performed in the hearts of all the great magical powers. The magical powers are the carrier of the great road. If the magical powers are cultivated to an extremely powerful level, there will be people who are not weaker than the spirit. The power of the treasure is just that the custom of the prehistoric world places more emphasis on spiritual treasures.

After all, the cultivation of magical powers is time-consuming and labor-intensive...

It cannot be achieved in a short period of time. If you use this period of time to practice, you will definitely make great progress in your own realm, and then the power of the spiritual treasure will be able to bloom even more brilliantly.

But it is difficult to progress to those realms.

Then studying magical powers is a good choice, which can enhance combat power, so these quasi-sage perfect beings have enough time to study magical powers.

The power of these supernatural powers is extremely huge...

For example, the Styx Taoist

"The Killing Sword of Heaven and Earth"

Or maybe Zhen Yuanzi's earth seals are extremely extraordinary magical powers, which can greatly enhance their strength. Even the Hunyuan saints in Tianwaitian are interested in seeing it. After all, such a sight is rare.

Those with great supernatural powers are on their own paths...

They have all reached an extremely advanced level. Seeing these great supernatural beings unleashing their magical power, you can see the crystallization of the wisdom of these great supernatural beings. If it were not for the Hongmeng Purple Qi, it would be too important.

Otherwise, even if there are people with great supernatural powers fighting.

Usually they just use the spiritual treasures in their hands, which is extremely powerful, but watching such a battle cannot reveal the wisdom of a person with great supernatural powers.

Chen Sheng watched from outside the lotus.

The sound of the strong men fighting was extremely huge. Even though the lotus flower generated by the phenomenon of heaven and earth was extremely huge, comparable to a vast world, it was not too huge for a person with great supernatural powers.

They can often span hundreds of millions of miles in one leap, which is the power of those with great supernatural powers.

Of course, it is impossible for them to destroy a great world. After all, the great world has its own will. If there is a crisis of annihilation, the will of heaven and earth will mobilize the power of the great road, the power of heaven and earth, and all the power.

If one person is not good enough, even a person with great supernatural powers will capsize in the gutter.

After all, the Great Thousand World is an existence with the same personality as a saint. Although a saint can create many Great Thousand Worlds, he cannot think that the Great Thousand World is bad because of this.

It takes a lot of time for a Hunyuan Sage to create a vast world.

It will take a long time to maintain stability after that, which also shows how precious the world is.

Gorgeous and colorful lights collide in the void. These lights are all magical powers. If the magical powers bloomed by the great magical powers are not scattered on the spot, it is normal for several Yuanhui to exist in the void. After all, Such beings are extremely close to the Holy Way of Hunyuan, and the mysteries in their magical powers are extraordinary.

If the world in the void encounters these magical lights.

An extremely terrifying thing will happen. The weak world will be evaporated and turned into the smallest particles, scattered in the void. The magical power is used for fighting, and it will naturally be used to destroy.

Of course, people with great supernatural powers are compassionate, and even if a weak world encounters such magical powers, they will be at peace with each other.

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