The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 79: Taiyi Returns

His eyes were a little dazed. Hongjun was not surprised. He was going to become a saint.

Saints are the realm that all living beings yearn for. They can survive thousands of disasters and remain undead. They are not stained by cause and effect.

The way to achieve the Tao is through strength, the three corpses, and the merits.

The way to achieve the Tao is through merits. Thinking of myself, I have never gained merits. The existence that has gained merits once is the Taoist of the world.

There is no hope for the way to achieve the Tao through merits. Even if the way to achieve the Tao through merits is the way to achieve the Tao, the Hongmeng purple air is needed.

What exactly does the Hongmeng purple air look like? Chen Yuan has never seen it.

When he met Dijiang this time, Chen Yuan remembered that he had a treasure that could increase the progress of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art.

Back to Xuanyuan Palace.

Chen Yuan's mind moved, and something appeared in front of Chen Yuan. There was a divine tree with thousands of divine lights and flowing auspicious colors.

The nine fruits on the Huangzhongli, the best innate spiritual root, seemed to be nine small thousand worlds.

Chen Yuan picked a fruit. It looked like just a small fruit.

But if you look closely, it is so huge that it seems like there is a world inside.

It is similar to Jie Zi’s embracing Xumi, which can show the boundless world in a very small space.

Let Chen Yuan believe that this fruit can improve his realm of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art.

His body does not look so tall, and his Dharma body is several thousand feet long.

Such a huge body, if there is no huge energy, will not promote the Nine Revolutions Profound Art.

After swallowing the fruit of Huangzhongli, Chen Yuan has no idea how it tastes, such an innate spiritual fruit.

It is extremely pure, and there will not be too many feelings. There is a pure and huge power surging.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan’s body is extremely powerful. If he does not have such a strong body, he cannot bear it.

Such a powerful fruit.

There are only a few nine. Even if there are fruits in the future, they will not have such powerful power. Fruits with very little power.

It is said to be few, but it is only compared with the current, the original Huangzhongli fruit.

It takes time to transform this extremely pure power into the power of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art.

When Chen Yuan refined one, he could feel his progress.

He was one step closer to the perfection of the late sixth revolution.

According to Chen Yuan's estimate, he needed three more.

He did not stop. After taking three, he achieved the perfection of the late sixth revolution and let his body adapt a little.

He felt the increasingly majestic power in his body.

This power can expand the world and redefine time and space. Chen Yuan has not spent much effort on the Nine Revolutions Profound Art.

Perhaps he believes more in the soul, which can prove the truth.

In myths and legends, there is no existence that achieves the truth with power.

They are all saints who have achieved the truth in the soul. Under such influence, Chen Yuan pays more attention to the cultivation of the soul.

But he will not underestimate the power of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art. This method of practicing the body has an extremely mysterious place.

Refining Huangzhongli, the vast energy expands Chen Yuan's body more and more.

If Chen Yuan's body falls into the endless void, it can be transformed into a small world.

Giving birth to all spirits, it can be seen that Chen Yuan has made great achievements in the physical body.


In the barrier of the prehistoric world.

The Taoist of the world has supported the Qiankun Ding for a multi-dimensional period. At every moment, there is boundless chaos brilliance, as vast as an ocean.

It covers everything here. At this time, the Chaos Bell in his hand has been refined by him to the limit of what he can refine.

The body of the Golden Crow floating in the void in front disappeared.

The current body Taiyi appeared. The Taoist of the world nodded. At this time, Taiyi had reached the realm of the middle stage of the Daluo Jinxian in his perception. There was no need for a higher level.

Although the other party can be like him, relying on the mysterious power of the current fruit, entrust the Dao fruit to the long river of the Dao and achieve quasi-saints.

That would leave traces, and the current level is just right. Even if Di Jun asks, it can be said that if you want to break through a realm, you can find a place nearby.

After returning to the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, the World Taoist did not erase Taiyi's memory, but only shattered his soul and became Taiyi's current body.

After the memory was integrated, there was no worry about being exposed. The real Taiyi did not tell Dijun that he was fought by Wangshu and Chen Yuan. He was confident that he could leave even if he could not defeat the two. Facts have proved that he did leave.

But he did not expect that there was a World Taoist in the Quasi-Sage realm, watching from the side.

The World Taoist, who had already entrusted the Dao Fruit to the long river of the world's avenue, was not something he could deal with.

The current body looked at his current state and said, "I will be Taiyi in the future."

The World Taoist was not surprised that the other party called him that, and said, "You can go back, take this Chaos Bell, you have all the memories of Taiyi, as long as you are careful, you don't have to worry about being exposed."

Taiyi said, "I know, give me the Chaos Bell."

He looked at the Chaos Bell in his hand reluctantly. If it was someone else, he would never think about taking this innate treasure from him, but after looking at the other party, he closed his eyes and threw it into the other party's hands.

As soon as it returned to Taiyi's hands, the Chaos Bell began to ring without wind, and clear sound waves were generated. The World Taoist who saw this scene nodded. It seemed that Taiyi was the master of the Chaos Bell.

In his own hands, there would be no such movement.

He looked at the Chaos Bell in his hand with great joy, showing a chaotic and dark yellow color. In his perception, it seemed as if there was a vast starry sky in the bell, which was very magnificent.

No wonder there was such a great power. Even Chen Yuan, who was in seclusion, was paying attention to this scene.

Now Taiyi said: "I am leaving, returning to the Sun Star, and going back early to explain it well."

Nodding, the world took back the Qiankun Ding that covered this world and said: "You can leave. This matter is over. I am going back to Fangzhang Island."

After speaking, the world Taoist's aura surged, and boundless power burst out, and a mighty force that destroyed the world continued to spread, covering up all traces of this mile, and even clearing traces in the long river of time and fate.

Then he broke through the space in front and disappeared in the eyes of the present Taiyi.

He smiled, and also broke through the space, heading towards the direction of the Sun Star, quietly sensing his own state. This Golden Crow body was cultivating the Great Way of the Sun, which was different from what Di Jun was cultivating. Di Jun was cultivating the Great Way of the Sun.

He could have cultivated to the Quasi-Sage in one step before being born. If so, it would tell others that there was something wrong with him. He became a Quasi-Sage in such a short time without any reason.

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