Turning his gaze back to an existence that appeared inexplicably, he observed it carefully and discovered something that he had not noticed before.

The existence in front of you has no real form and is very illusory.

It seemed that Qingyou was suspicious.

The young man wearing a gorgeous feathered coat said quietly: "I am a body made of divine thoughts. That stupid bird keeps coming back here, which annoys me a lot. I let him go once when he went to the center. Now he is clamoring to drain the Five Elements energy here. If you lead him to the center this time, he will die. "

Qingyou was shocked that he actually killed the perfect existence of Jinxian, and asked solemnly: "My name is Qingyou, you are so powerful, you can mobilize the essence of the five elements to form a millstone."

Kong Xuan, a young man in feathered clothes, felt that the person in front of him was very pleasing to the eye. He had a quiet aura around him, which was completely unlike that stupid bird, who had an incomparable aura mixed with him. He said softly: "My name is Kong Xuan."

Qingyou said curiously: "Kong Xuan, your name is very nice. Will you kill me too?"

Kong Xuan was a little confused by the question and said: "Why should I kill you? I am not a murderous person. If that stupid bird hadn't wanted to extract the innate five elements essence here, I wouldn't have killed him."

Qingyou sensed the direction of the flow of the innate five-element essence. Although the action of mobilizing the innate five-element essence just now disrupted the flow of the five-element essence, Qingyou finally sensed it and said: "This innate five-element essence It slowly disappears toward the center, and you are at the center. This innate essence of the five elements is very important to you."

Kong Xuan recalled: "It's very important. The message left by my mother mentioned that no one should take away the innate essence of the Five Elements here. That's why I asked you to lead that stupid bird to the center. No. Like me, you are an innate divine without a mother."

Qingyou said with a smile: "The prehistoric world is my mother."

Kong Xuan said quietly: "Don't worry if I eat you, you can increase your realm."

Qingyou smiled and said: "You can't. You should have heard it just now. I have a master. You must know more than him. You know that refining my innate origin is very dangerous."

It might be safer to say that his master is more powerful. He doesn't know that his master is already very powerful.

Kong Xuan smiled, he was the son of Fengzu, and his talents were not inferior to the innate sacredness. The innate origin did not have much effect on him, and said: "Yes, no, I have my pride, and I will not use external power." , mixed with my soul, my mother won’t like what I do.”

Qingyou didn't know who Kong Xuan was and said curiously: "Your mother is so powerful. Aren't you bored by locking you here?"

Kong Xuan had a smile on his face when he heard that his mother was powerful. In his opinion, his mother was the most powerful. Suddenly, his expression became gloomy. Thinking of his mother, he could not leave the Mountain of Immortality.

"I'm not locked up here, it's just that I haven't been born yet and am still being conceived."

"So, since you are younger than me, you will call me brother from now on."

"I'm very powerful here. I killed that stupid bird."

Gradually, Qingyou and Kong Xuan became familiar with each other. One was a descendant of Feng Zu and the other was a disciple of Chen Yuan.

In this case, we met.

Kong Xuan felt that he became more motivated while practicing.

In the past, I didn’t know why I practiced cultivation, I just knew how to practice.

On this day, all the storms of the nine days were washed away. Qingyou watched this scene quietly, a little nervous. Today was the day when Kong Xuan was born.

After these years of practice, he reached the perfection of true immortality.

Kong Xuan made greater progress and became a golden immortal.

After becoming the Golden Immortal, Kong Xuan could leave the land of the innate five elements and Fengzu who originally arranged it.

As long as Kong Xuan cultivates the Golden Immortal, in her opinion, he can have some power to protect himself in the prehistoric world.

The radiance of five colors spread out, and the boundless world was filled with such colors.

Kong Xuan practiced the Five Elements Avenue. Although this avenue is the foundation of the world, it does not mean that it is not strong. If you practice the Five Elements alone, you can achieve extremely high achievements.

As for fellow practitioners of the Five Elements, there are only a few beings in the prehistoric world who can do such a thing.

Just because you can practice, doesn't mean you can practice to a very high level.

In the Golden Immortal realm, one has gained a hint of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, although it is very superficial.

There is an egg in the center of the Five Elements Land, which is extremely magical, with five colors of light permeating it.

The originally perfectly round egg now had a gap, and a peacock gradually appeared, which was Kong Xuan's true form.

But this peacock only appeared for a short moment, and then turned into the boy Qingyou had seen before.

In the Land of Five Elements, the vast innate essence of the Five Elements suddenly headed towards Kong Xuan.

There was a divine light taking shape behind him. It looked like a divine light, as if it contained a world.

Flashing slightly, a large area of ​​mountains, rivers and land disappeared.

Kong Xuan observed that this innate magical power was extremely mysterious.

In an extremely distant place, there is a powerful being who has observed the strange phenomenon here. He is a member of the demon clan and a tiger demon of Taiyi Golden Immortal Dzogchen.

There is only one step left to become the Great Luo Jinxian. When he observed the world with his Dharma Eyes, he saw Kong Xuan and said to himself: "Yes, you can be recommended to join the Demon Clan. This way, my achievements will be even greater. It won't take long to exchange for a great achievement." Luo Jinxian’s experience.”

It seems simple for Chen Yuan to achieve the Golden Immortal of Daluo. Chen Yuan is born with divine destiny, which is different from the Black Tiger Monster.

He has seen the existence of those who failed to impact the Golden Immortal of Daluo. It seems that there is no damage, but he knows that the other party's true spirit has entered a deeper river of fate.

The difficulty of the next time will be even higher. Such terrible consequences make him dare not act rashly.

Fortunately, there is knowledge in the demon clan to achieve the Golden Immortal of Daluo. Such knowledge requires merit. The Black Tiger Monster can get merit by guiding other beings to join the demon clan.

It is Taiyi who wants to quickly increase the number of demons so that he can have a stronger destiny. He issued a decree to guide other lives to join the demon clan.

The Black Tiger Monster moved quickly, but he did not achieve the Golden Immortal of Daluo after all. He could not break the space and took some time.

Kong Xuan saw a black divine light, moving quickly, and soon came in front of him, with an extremely powerful aura.

It made his face look very ugly. Now he is only a Golden Immortal, which is much worse than the opponent's power.

He has been born and left the place arranged by Feng Zu. There is no powerful power here for him to borrow.

That jade talisman has infinite power only in the center of the five elements. It has no power here. Now the five elements have disappeared.

(Thanks to all book friends for the recommendation. Thank you. Thanks to Penguin book friend Xinmu for the reward.)

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