The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 5 Ghost Card Si Ye

"The ghost master who appeared during the Hungry Ghost Incident? That is also possible."

Yang Jian nodded. He didn't have much doubt about Si Ye's words, but he just kept it in mind.

In such a large-scale supernatural event, it is quite normal for one or two ghost masters to appear.

"Since you are a ghost controller, you can live in Guanjiang Community for the time being. The community will provide you with food during this period."

"But as a ghost controller, in order to survive this crisis, you have to use your power next."

"I will take you there to meet the others tomorrow. Then you can negotiate some conditions with the official people."

Si Ye is a new ghost controller, and Yang Jian can use other reasons to get him to actively participate in the supernatural.

But Yang Jian didn't want to do this. After all, the things he saved were official, and there was no need for him to save for the official.

There is no need to risk offending a ghost controller whose situation is unknown for the sake of official resources.

Even if he is just a newcomer, in Yang Jian's opinion, it is unlikely that he can survive this supernatural event.

"Really? That's okay. You can ask someone to call me tomorrow."

Si Ye didn't have any objections to Yang Jian's arrangement. If he wanted to try the specific effect of scheming, he needed to meet a real ghost.

The ghosts that have not been captured and eaten by the starving ghosts are basically ghosts that are difficult to trivialize or find.

So Si Ye could only follow Yang Jian and Wang Xiaoming's team.


Yang Jian nodded and motioned to the security guard to lead Si Ye to find a place to stay first.

Although Yang Jian didn't think that a new ghost controller would be of much help, having one more ghost controller would make it less dangerous when dealing with powerful ghosts.

At least the newcomer is obedient and won't mess around, right?

Under Baian's leadership, Si Ye spent his first night in Guanjiang Community.

The next day, not long after eating, Yang Jian came over.

"Come with me to see Wang Xiaoming. He is an official. Then you can talk to him about the reward for participating in this supernatural event."

Si Ye nodded, followed Yang Jian into the car, and drove in a certain direction.

They talked about remuneration, but Si Ye felt that he wouldn't get any good remuneration.

His current strength is unknown, and he is still a newcomer who doesn't understand how to use supernatural powers.

Therefore, Wang Xiaoming should not offer a large bargaining chip.

And Si Ye doesn't have that kind of channel to get more rewards for himself, after all, he is a newcomer now.

From the perspective of others, he has no way to know about the good things from the headquarters.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Let's solve the identity problem first and figure out the cost of using the easy way."

Si Ye shook his head, feeling helpless.

"Anyway, with my current ability to control a ghost, it is unlikely that it will be of much use in the Starving Ghost Incident."

"If that's the case, then just focus on saving your life."

Soon, under the leadership of Yang Jian, the two came to a stop at the hospital not far from Guanjiang Community.

The hospital was dark and gloomy, shrouded in a black and blue aura, and silent. There was no light or call for help. It was so quiet that it was a bit scary.

The two of them walked toward the entrance of the hospital, where there were many people.

"Yang Jian is here~!"

I don't know who said something, and everyone else put down what they were doing and looked at Yang Jian who just walked in.

At the same time, they also found Si Ye standing next to Yang Jian.

"This is a new person who appeared after the Starving Ghost incident. I thought it would be nice to have more than one person, so I brought him here." Yang Jian introduced to the others.


Standing in the middle of the crowd, a man with glasses glanced at Si Ye.

"That's good. If you have one more ghost controller, the probability of solving the starving ghost incident will increase by one point."

"What's your name? If you don't want to say your name, you can just give it a code name. For example, Yang Jian's code name is Ghost Eyes, and so on, there are Ghost Hands, Ghost Pupils, Ghost Hair and so on."

Si Ye glanced at the other person and then looked around. The others were all ghost masters, but this person could speak here. He must be Wang Xiaoming.

"My name is Si Ye. If you want a code name, call me Guipai." Si Ye said after thinking for a moment.

(There are always people who question here. Please remind me that Mysterious Recovery calculates the real name based on the ID card, not the name you think in your mind.)

"Okay." Wang Xiaoming spoke quickly, as if the situation was tense now. After confirming Si Ye's code name, he immediately looked at the others.

"Now let's get back to the topic. Just yesterday, the hospital got out of control. With Yang Jian's protection, I managed to escape."

"A ghost invaded the hospital. When I fled in a hurry, I left some things there. Now I have to go back."

"Professor Wang, are you okay?" someone asked.

Wang Xiaoming said, "The retreat was quite timely, and there is nothing going on for the time being. It is certain that this hospital has been invaded by ghosts."

"I'm not sure what kind of ghost it is, so you have to work together to solve this supernatural incident. If successful, it is likely to change the current situation."

"Isn't it too risky to go in directly like this? Yang Jian, what information do you know?" Zhao Kaiming looked at Yang Jian who was sitting next to the green belt not far away with a cold face.

Yang Jian said: "I took Wang Xiaoming away before the supernatural incident here broke out. I haven't encountered him head-on, so I can't give him any useful information."

"If we just go ahead without the support of information, there will definitely be considerable casualties." Zhao Kaiming said: "Professor Wang, what do you think?"

Wang Xiaoming said; "Sorry, I can't give you any information support."

"Damn, isn't this going to be a desperate effort?" Someone immediately complained.

Si Ye watched everyone's conversation and slowly judged the current situation in his mind.

Judging from their conversation, it should be time to face the fourth-stage ghost baby.

"Si Ye, right? The situation is urgent now, and I don't have time to talk to you about anything more. Participate in this mission, follow the command, and I will give you 100 million in cash when you get out."

Wang Xiaoming looked at Si Ye and said.

For a newcomer, this condition can be said to be full of sincerity.

That is to say, the scope of influence of the Starving Ghost is too large, otherwise Wang Xiaoming would not offer such conditions.

"One hundred million in cash? I don't have any objection." Si Ye nodded.

Compared to Sun Yi, who was a ghost controller and couldn't even pay off his mortgage, Si Ye's remuneration was pretty good.

Although the ghost controller doesn't care about money, he is still a powerful ghost controller.

As for Si Ye's current situation, he didn't even have a penny in his hand, and he was still a gangster. If he didn't make some money, his life would be in trouble.

So this starving ghost incident can be regarded as a supernatural incident to prove itself.

Si Ye was not worried about the problem of black households. He had basic money to spend, as long as he could survive the starving ghost incident.

Even if he doesn't solve it, the officials will take the initiative to help him deal with this problem when they investigate him.

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