The Myth Of Confucianism And Taoism Is The Holy

Chapter VIII Fifth Chapter Immortal Heavenly Sword, God Di Nian? !

"This is?! Immortal Emperor's Jidao Emperor Soldier!"

Bu Feihua was shocked.

Through Shen Gongbao, he also learned about the deeds of the immortal emperor. The immortal emperor was another world emperor in his early years. The great emperor-level powerhouse was equivalent to the quasi-sage level in the primordial land, not to mention that the immortal emperor later proved Immortal Ascension and became the existence of the red dust fairy.

Therefore, his Jidao Emperor soldiers also got the sublimation of the extreme realm following his proving. This weapon is called the "Undead Heavenly Sword". It was the only imperial soldier of the Immortal Emperor. How many gods and demons have been killed.

Now that the Undead Heavenly Sword is here, Concession Extraordinary can't help but look shocked, "Could it be that this emperor coffin is really the emperor's corpse of the undead emperor?!"

If it is really the emperor's corpse, then everything is terrible. Who can kill the undead emperor who has become the Hongchenxian. The Hongchenxian is no less than Sage, who can behead the saint?

Bu Feihua didn't dare to act rashly anymore. At this time, he sat down in the Lotus Position and opened the Sumeru ring at the same time. Through the opening of the Sumeru ring, a trace of the emperor's divine thought floated out.

"Emperor Tomb Realm!"

The emperor's performance was very surprised, she did not expect Bu Feihua to be able to get here.

Then she saw the Undead Heavenly Sword in her spirit, and she was even more startled: "How could the Undead Heavenly Sword be here? Isn't this the place where her father left? Why didn't the Undead Heavenly Sword be taken away by his father."

Bu Feihua could see that the emperor's daughter was also very sorry, so he spoke.

"Have you ever sensed anything from that emperor's coffin? Is it true that your father's immortal emperor was buried in the emperor's coffin?"

What was buried in the emperor's coffin was a real red fairy. If this is true, it would be the supreme horror.

No one knows what happened in the so-called calamity years during the Great Dark Turmoil.

The emperor screamed, "Father, have you really fallen? How can you be as violent as you?"

Bu Feifei saw that the emperor was very sad and was about to comfort her.

"Asshole, what are you talking about, making me sad and crying."

The emperor's scolding is extraordinary, her teeth rustling.

At first she thought that the emperor's coffin was the corpse of her father's Emperor, but when it was actually sensed through the blood of the Emperor, she had to eliminate the fact that it was not.

However, although it was not the emperor's corpse of the undead emperor, the emperor's daughter still felt a great crisis. She had a strong premonition that there was a great horror in the emperor's coffin.

"What do you mean? Isn't the emperor's corpse of the undead emperor in the emperor coffin?" Bu Fendi asked.

"Of course not. I suspect that it is my father's widow, but this widow should have the climate. If the coffin is opened, there will be great horror."

The emperor thought for a while and came to this conclusion.

"Is it Shendi Nian?!"

Bu Feihua was shocked, he was also startled by the three words he had said, and couldn't help but breathe in air.

Especially when the three words of Shendi were spoken, I felt that the whole body was weird. There was a cold and terrible aura permeating the surroundings, as if there was an infinite and terrifying existence hidden in the dark, looking at himself coldly. .

"What do you think?"

The emperor interrupted Bu Huan's contemplation, and said contemptuously: "It's just a decay! But it is also very scary for you and me."

"Aren't you the daughter of the Emperor Immortal? Or you go up and try, maybe you can recognize each other, and then I will give you good fortune in vain. I also saved your life and escorted you all the way to here. Just give me the holy spirit beads of the Nuwa clan, and then give me a drop of God’s blood."

Bu Feifan opened his mouth like this, and said the previous purpose again, and at the same time he also meant to stir up the emperor's daughter, and the idea of ​​selling his teammates was at a glance.

The emperor girl was speechless. This guy really regarded her as a fool, so she bluntly stated her own purpose, and she was not half as embarrassed.

She bitterly said: "I said it was my father's widow who morphed into a fine spirit. It's only blame for me to recognize me. You can't directly destroy me when you go up!"

"That's it!" Bu Feifan touched his nose, expressing embarrassment, and at the same time hiding his own guilty conscience, said: "Then what to do, the good fortune treasure is in front, and he can't move, it's too violent."

He expressed regret.

"Asshole, you still dare to covet my father's good fortune, as I said a long time ago, all my father's gods are mine!" The emperor yelled angrily.

"Okay, it's all yours, yours!"

Bufei's righteous expression on the expression, by the way, perfunctory, and then directly closed the Dimensional Sumeru ring, completely isolating the emperor's mind.

The emperor who was blocked by divine consciousness suddenly jumped into thunder in the ring of Sumeru, jumped angrily, began to curse extraordinary with endless resentment, and cursed him.

But Bu Fendi could not hear this anymore, even if he heard it, he wouldn't care.

After doing all this, Bufei touched his chin, and began to think. After testing the emperor's daughter, he came to a part of the conclusion that there is an immortal emperor's remnant in the emperor's coffin. .

If you say so, the strength of this evil existence should already have the quasi-sage Realm, or even the quasi-sage king. In this way, it is indeed incompetent.

"It seems that some people need to be pitted."

Bu Feifan muttered to himself, feeling that he had an idea.

Then he started to meditate in the Lotus Position and recharged.

After about a long time, someone finally set foot on the starry sky.

Bu Feihua looked up, but his eyes moved, but he didn't show it directly from his face.

The visitor was a little strange, wearing a white cloak, hiding half of his appearance under the cloak, his breath concession was a bit strange, but there was a touch of familiarity in the strangeness.

The visitor stopped not far from Bu Feihua, first stared at the emperor's coffin for a moment, and finally cast his gaze on Bu Feihua.

"Su Shen, I finally saw you." The visitor said.

"Are you?" Bu Feihua was a little puzzled.

But for Bu Fei's doubts, the visitor gave a faint smile.

"Before, everything is no longer important. Just when we meet again, remember my name, my name is-Bai Huang."

After the visitor finished speaking, he looked at the emperor coffin again.

"The White Emperor?"

Impossible doubts flashed in Bu Feifei's eyes, but he didn't speak either, and continued to recharge his energy.

At this time, the white emperor wearing a white cloak finally moved.

As soon as this person moved, he stepped into the void and walked towards the emperor coffin. The immortal sword on the emperor coffin just moved.

A terrifying sword aura that made the world tremble filled with horror, and then the blade turned, the immortal sword slashed from the void, and an invisible sword suddenly slashed towards the mysterious White Emperor.

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