The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 103: The establishment of the head of state system

After rounds of complex speeches, everyone finally understood the head of state system.

The core of the head of state system is the parliament, the Senate, the citizens' assembly, and the head of state.

A person's decision can no longer allow the entire society to spend countless resources for his personal decision.

Under this system of heads of state, the opinions of all citizens of the kingdom can be integrated together to determine where society should consume resources. This avoids the reappearance of the corruption and degeneration of the entire society due to the corruption and degeneration of the king.

The parliament, the Senate, the citizens' assembly, and the head of state command each other and constrain each other, so that particularly unreasonable orders cannot be carried out by society, and talented people can get the opportunity to exert their talents.

It's just that the orc prophets were shocked, and the elves actually abandoned Wang Zheng!

However, it's not just that he was shocked and speechless.

Who in this circular conference hall is not shocked by the news?

Pericles abandoned Wang Zheng!

He really didn't want to be king, he didn't just talk about it.

This caused heated discussions among the elves, orcs, and pigs, but everyone had a shadow on Wang Zheng because of the previous events. Now, it is the people's desire to abandon Wang Zheng, and it is not profitable.

Everyone is more enthusiastic about the future.

This is the advantage of the head of state system. He made the politics of a few people become the politics of all citizens.

In this way, the resources that the entire society can effectively use have actually increased.

Unlike the situation in Augustus at the time, it was impossible to effectively mobilize the grassroots forces of the elven society.

After understanding what the head of state system is, the citizens of the kingdom ushered in, the first time they used their rights.

Pieces of white paper were handed out to them, and they needed to choose the first head of the elves.

The head of the elves is elected by the citizens' assembly every thousand years. Only the elves with the most votes can be the heads of the elves.

Each elves wrote their favorite names on the paper.

However, the orc prophet was surprised to find that the elves actually gave the right to vote to every pigman and orc who came to the celebration.

The elves seem to restrict the voting rights of the orcs and pigs. Only the pigs and orcs who are members of the council can have the right to vote, but this is enough to surprise everyone.

The final voting result came out, not surprisingly, it was Pericles.

Under the expectation of everyone, Pericles came out.

"Thank you for your trust in me."

The speech platform is built at the foot of the statue of God the Father, representing the person standing on this platform and speaking in front of God. This will bring a certain sacredness to the speech and prevent the speaker from exaggerating the facts and talking nonsense. .

Pericles said: "Until today, we have a consensus that everyone should understand. Elves, orcs, and pigs together form this strong and prosperous country."

"Under the witness of God the Father, we merge with each other and move forward hand in hand."

"Now and in the future, we will overcome all difficulties and win all victories."

"The system of our kingdom is so superior."

"There has never been such a vast land and so many races. It is uncommon for people to come together, unite as one, and work together for a country."

"Pigmen and Orcs, what I want to tell you is that you also have the right to vote."

"You can even set up a council, and choose to leave the Senate, enter the Senate, and join the ruling class of the elves."

"Our kingdom is so rich and powerful. Any race, anyone, as long as he is sincerely willing to be responsible for all the people of the kingdom, he can hold important positions in our kingdom."

In the stands, the orcs and pigs clapped and cheered enthusiastically, and some old pigs even cried and shed tears.

Dylan stood up and roared up to the sky, which was particularly strange, but he roared and started crying.

An old pigman stood up tremblingly and knelt down on the statue of the Creation Spirit, and he wept desperately. "My grandfather, father, and I are all serving the elves and the kingdom. My children and grandchildren are also cultivating land and building cities for the elves."

"My adults, when I was in my prime, I dedicated everything I could to this country. When I was young, I experienced 30 days of darkness and fell into despair and horror."

"At that time, my arm was healed by Lord Pericles, and the Führer saved me who had fallen into despair. So when the orc rebels repeatedly communicated to me secretly, asking me to betray the elves, I flatly refused."

"Master Pericles, I believe you can call the shots for us and make just decisions under the watchful eyes of God the Father.'

"Today I finally waited."

"Thank God Father for allowing me to live to this age, so that I can tell my children and tell them with confidence, instead of hiding in the dark secretly and telling them in a low voice that this is our home. "

The old pig man walked to the orc prophet tremblingly, and he glared at him. "You never want me to betray the kingdom."


"When I ruled the pigmen for the elves and built our common home, you were still hiding in the dark and couldn't see anyone."

The elves looked at the orc prophet.

The Orc Prophet looked embarrassed.

He clenched his fists, and he saw the excellence of the head of state system.

Under the head of state system, even the poorest pig man dare to claim that they are the masters of the country.

Everyone here is a master, not a slave.

Their enthusiasm is fully used in national and public affairs.

The efficiency of resource mobilization is simply not the same as that of Wang Zheng, where only a few people benefit.

Under the head of state system, everyone can imagine that they are the master of the country, can lead the country, and have the obligation to consciously learn how to lead the country.

How can the insensitive slave compare with them?

The orc prophet's heart was rippling, attracted by this system, and a little eager to try, but soon he fell into contemplation and doubts.

The elves, the main race of the Elf Kingdom, have sufficient cultural level to support this system and allow this system to develop in a healthy manner, rather than becoming a rabble of chaos.

But the orcs don't talk about writing. They don't even use words rich enough in their usual conversations. They are afraid that they will turn voting into a melee of fighting.

His eyes darkened, ignoring the many gazes that looked at him.

"This system is too messy."

"We orcs are not suitable."


Called by the head of state, the elves, orcs and pigs of the kingdom began to vote for public office.

Ten capital veterans, twenty-three city-state veterans, membership qualifications for city-state councils, four pig/orc veterans, and four pig-man city-state councils.

Each public office is selected by the people through a joint vote.

This took a long time and took two days.

When the new government of the whole elves is basically formed, some positions involving specific affairs need to be appointed by the local councils, the Senate and Pericles. They also passed several basic laws, and other laws are prepared to be added later.

For example, the declaration of major diplomatic and war events requires the approval of the citizens' assembly before the Senate can legally declare a state of war.

The citizens of the kingdom have equal rights in public affairs, and no citizen can be deprived of this right.

Abolish all slavery, pigs are no longer slaves, their lives are protected by the kingdom, no one can enslave anyone else, and the act of slavery is sanctioned by the kingdom.

However, the kingdom recognizes the behavior of hiring and tenants.

For example, the scope of citizens of the kingdom is limited. Elves are citizens. Pigs and orcs can only become citizens when they enter the council.

Only if both parents are citizens, the child born is a citizen, and citizens have the right to vote.

Even if the pig’s parents are citizens, the children they give birth cannot be citizens unless they are chosen to be members of the parliament, or even senators.

Another example is the principle that killing pays for life, killing pigs requires imprisonment, and killing elves and orcs requires life.

Also, whoever bypasses the head of state system and does things on his own will result in expulsion from the kingdom.

Within this kingdom, there is only one existence that allows everyone to do things for it desperately, and this existence is the spirit of creation!

Only the speech of the spirit of creation overrides the law passed by the citizens' assembly.

The laws of the elves are relatively simple and simple. The main purpose is to restrict people from stealing, prevent people from fighting and killing people, treason and other actions. Also, it is clear that the citizens assembly is the only source of all laws in the kingdom, and the citizens' voting rights are clarified. The right to rule.

After all this is done is already a week later.

Pericles, about to announce the end of the ceremony, suddenly a rainbow descended from the sky.

Everyone stood up first, then all knelt down.

"It is God the Father who is casting a miracle."

"Great, thank God Father."

Pericles was so excited, Father God!


In the outer space, the creation spirits of the Panyang tribe and the stigmata elves have been paying attention to, and the high elves who have formally established a new government.

‘Your high elves unite some pigmen and orcs to establish a council leader system. ’

‘Is it a blessing? ’

The Spirit of Creation thought for a moment. ‘Bless the head of the council. ’

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