The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 223: Murloc? ? ?

     There are thousands of specially set up fishing grounds in the sea near the orc territory. There are docks and fleets around the fishing grounds, and many orcs work here.

Orc prophets use a hierarchical system to allow pigs to only engage in agricultural activities. In the past, other orcs may only be engaged in military and security forces, but now there are too many orcs. After all, they have to find other things for these orcs. Done.

   The Orc Prophet allowed the Orcs to participate in the fishery.

   Fishing is a strenuous job, which tests people's quality very much.

  Because every trip to sea implies risks and a large cost, a fisherman needs to go out to sea for twelve to fourteen hours regardless of day and night. This is just an ordinary small boat.

  If it is a larger seagoing vessel, this kind of life may last for one to two weeks, or even several months.

   Therefore, this kind of laborious work is very suitable for the orcs, and there is no need to do very delicate things, as long as you can work hard.

At the offshore edge of the orc’s territory, a ship about twenty-five meters long and ten meters wide is traveling at sea. The width of this ship is very incompatible with fluid dynamics, but because the orcs have insufficient research on this, they can only That's it.

   The captain of the orc looked at the fishing net that was salvaged yesterday. There were not many fish, only small fish jumping at the bottom of the net, and a few ungrown crabs holding tongs in the net, unable to move.

   The orc captain was discouraged. "We are the official fleet of the Holy City Organization, not the orc fishermen who drive their own boats to fish."

   "Just order the fish, we won't be able to complete the task this month."

   "You guys must think of a way."

   An orc sailor said: "We are still far from three hundred tons of fish...It's still more than half...but this month has passed the middle of the month."

   "Don't blame us, we tried our best. There are too few fish in this water, so we'd better drive some distance into the deep sea."

  Another orc sailor, hesitated, he accidentally broke the guardrail at the edge of the hull when he spoke. "Captain, the seas near us have been salvaged for several years. The fish schools are clever. They have avoided here and ran to other seas. We need to be able to enter a sea where no one has ever fished before, we There must be a bumper harvest!"

"But..." The orc captain ran to the stern and saw the colorful sea marks floating in the sea behind him. These marks made of stones and wood of different colors dyed with dyes were used for positioning on the sea. .

   Each sea mark is connected with other sea marks with an iron lock, so that you can find the way back to the coast by observing the position of the sea mark.

   The sea is wide. Without these sea marks, they would have no coordinates to refer to and would not be able to go back.

  Because of the lack of means of communication and location determination, the orc sailors have no ability to leave the coast too far. Once you leave the coast too far, you can only follow the wind. As for where you get to the beach, it's all luck.

   The orc captain thought for a while, if he can't complete the task all the time, he will be relegated from the third level to the fourth level, and can only be an ordinary orc sailor, he gritted his teeth. "The courageous orcs can't get enough to eat, set sail! Let's keep going."

   "But we can't drive too far."

   He looked back at the sea mark, then looked at the position of the sun, remembering the angle between the sea mark and the sun during this time period.

  In this way, when they need to go back, they can use the position of the sun at the same time to find the approximate direction to go back, and then find a specific sea mark to find the way back.

   The sea is a completely different environment from the land, and the orcs may be a very good race on land, but not necessarily on the sea.

   Sailing requires a lot of knowledge, which forced the orcs to improve their intelligence.

   An orc who can be a good captain has an intelligence level that is absolutely above the average racial IQ.

   But even so, they often feel the inconvenience of living on the sea.

   They need better positioning methods and better ships.

The mast raised the sails, and an orc sailor used a single hand to hold the control line more than ten meters long, and put down the canvas, his stout arm firmly grasped the control line. As far as strength is concerned, the orc is indeed suitable Be a sailor.

   The boat drove a certain distance forward.

   They came to a place where there were no sea marks, which meant that no orcs had been here.

   They chose a location and put down many fishing nets toward the surface of the sea. They could collect the nets in the early hours of the next morning, and they must be full of lively and white fish.

   Orcs and sailors thought of this wonderful sight.

   As night fell, the sailors had eaten potato pancakes and went to bed.

   When it was pitch black in the early morning, they ran out again, stood on the edge of the boat, and started to work to collect the fishing nets that were sprinkled yesterday morning.

   Someone is preparing a harpoon, some are pulling the net, and some are setting the box.

   "I think there will be a bumper harvest this time."

   "I think so, God bless you, it's best to have tender and soft white-bellied fish in the net."

   "Well, if we can't even do fishing, we will be ashamed. Others will think that we are not serious, and my neighbors will definitely think that I am a lazy guy."

   An orc sailor said in doubt: "It's not right, this fishing net is so light."

   When he pulled it up to take a look, several orcs were instantly dumbfounded face to face, because the fishing net was empty and there was nothing.

   "My side is also empty."

   "Fuck, what's the situation?"

   An orc pointed angrily at the fishing net in his hand, "Some time ago he tore the fishing net. Is it you? You and I have been at fault."

   He pointed to an orc sailor and said that the orc sailor also picked up his own fishing net, indicating that his one was also destroyed.

  The orcs found out that there was a hole in the middle of every fishing net they dropped.

   The orc captain came over, and he swept across the fishing net, his face solemn. "I'm sure these fishing nets were not destroyed by orcs."

   "This is simply bitten out by the teeth."

   "But do fish have teeth?"

   the orc captain said murky.

   Suddenly the fishing boat vibrated, something hit the fishing boat underneath.

   The whole ship was shaking.

   The orc captain shouted: "Alert! Take up the weapon! Who of you sees clearly, who is attacking our ship."

   There is water pointing to the surface of the sea, "There is something attacking our ship in the sea."

   Everyone took up their weapons and looked down angrily. They saw many big fishes with heads and limbs under the sea, biting the bottom of the boat with their sharp teeth.

   The center of gravity of the entire ship began to change, and the ship was falling to one side.

   The orc captain immediately realized that the bottom of the boat was flooded, and then he realized that it was a very dangerous thing to enter the bottom of the boat on the sea and a group of enemies who looked like fish.

   "The boat can't be kept, what should I do now?"

   "Without a boat, we would drown."

   An orc suggested: "Those big fishes can swim. We catch two of them. We use ropes and wooden boards to catch them as livestock, and tell them to carry us back."

   Some orcs raised their weapons and said in support: "It's hard not to support. Who told them to bite our boat."

   "Why are these things attacking us?"

   "Who knows!"


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