The Name of Eternity

Chapter 101: Landing in the World

Li Hao returned along the way, holding food and drinks.

When passing through the busy streets, the lights along the way were already on.

The streets were bustling with pedestrians, and servants were walking with tall horses. The wheels of the carriages behind were rolling, which looked ordinary.

The people leading the horses were all in the Soul Successor Realm, which was really lively...

Li Hao smiled.

As the Li family approached the period of choosing the True Dragon, the Qingzhou City was already undercurrent.

In recent days, he had seen many figures wearing foreign clothes flowing into this city.

While eating in the restaurant, he also heard all the related discussions, and there were also discussions that a certain big man with a third-rank official also came to Qingzhou City to cheer for his nephew...

As far as Li Hao knew, his mother seemed to have no relatives.

The aunt said that his mother was born in a small family, which was later destroyed by monsters. When he met his father Li Tiangang for help, they met and met, and formed a good relationship.

These figures rushing to Qingzhou clearly show that the second mother is not giving up...

That's great.

Li Hao smiled lightly and didn't care. He just counted the dates silently in his heart and looked forward to the arrival of that day.

Passing by a busy bridge embankment, Li Hao saw people playing chess here, so he went over to take a look.

Anyway, it was too late to go back now, so there was no rush.

"Don't push!"

"Why are you pushing a kid?"

Most of those who have the leisure time to watch and play chess are middle-aged and elderly. In addition to Li Hao, there are only two young people in their early thirties.

When they squeezed to the chessboard, they saw that the chess was only played in the middle, and the outcome was already decided.

Li Hao took a quick look and knew that the white piece was going to lose.

Although the white piece was in a dragon-like state, it was trapped at the head and tail and had no way to retreat.

Unless the white piece had the courage to circle and strangle the black piece, and bite off the black piece's arm, there would be a chance of winning.

But being forced and trapped step by step to this point, it was obvious that he had already shown his cowardice and could not have such courage.

Li Hao shook his head slightly and glanced at the black player.

The opponent was an old man with a ruddy complexion and white hair and beard. He smiled and gently waved his folding fan, stirring up a breeze.

He waited for his opponent to admit defeat.

"I lost."

The white piece fell back into the chess box, and the old man with the white piece in front of Li Hao admitted defeat.

"Oh, what a pity."

"Tsk tsk, there was hope if I had placed a piece here before."

"Nonsense, it should be here..."

"Why do I feel like I can still make a move? Why do you want to admit defeat?"

The people who were watching with frowns on their faces started to talk about it at this moment. Some of them felt sorry for it, some regretted the other party's previous mistakes in placing pieces, and some did not understand it and thought it was too hasty to admit defeat.

People with different levels of chess skills see things differently.

But the chessboard was set, and the game was over.

While they were discussing, a carriage and horse suddenly crossed the bridge.

Seeing the crowd gathering at the bridge, the leading horseman shouted angrily: "Get out of the way, everyone, get out of the way, what are you blocking the way for!"

His domineering attitude angered many people, but when they saw the dragon-blooded warhorse of the carriage, their faces suddenly changed, and they hurriedly avoided it, not daring to stop it.

Soon, the crowd was vacant, and the carriage drove over.

The carriage saw the chess stall on the roadside and shouted angrily: "Get out, get out!"

The others who avoided it were whispering that the horseman had been servile to the master for a long time, and now the villain was taking advantage of his power and being unreasonable.

Although they were angry, they were not as powerful as others, and the people in front of the chessboard avoided it and dared not stay there.

Even though,

They were right.

In a blink of an eye, only Li Hao and the old man with black chess were left there.

And two young men in their thirties behind the old man.

The old man with black chess still gently shook his folding fan, but his eyes were looking at the evening breeze blowing the willows by the river, as if he didn't put the noisy and noisy sound into his ears.

The two young men behind the old man had a murderous cold light in their eyes. One of them turned around and looked coldly at the coachman.

"What are you looking at?" The coachman shouted angrily. He also saw that the remaining few people were extraordinary and seemed to have some background, but even so, he was not polite.

In terms of background, how many people in Dayu could compare with his own master?

"If you don't want your family to be unlucky, just get out of here. Do you know who the master sitting behind me is?"

One of the young men suddenly stepped out and appeared in front of the coachman as if teleporting, and slapped him.

The coachman's head tilted to the side, and his neck was broken, and he died on the spot.

The people who were driven away before were shocked and cried out.

Some people secretly said that they were happy that the evildoers would be punished, and they had vented their anger.

Some people felt that although the coachman was evil, his crime was not punishable by death.

They sympathized with him again.

But the young man did not even look at the coachman, he lifted the curtain and stepped in.

There was a cry of surprise from the carriage, and a fat old man in gorgeous clothes sat inside, as if he did not expect someone to suddenly break in.

There were also women in the carriage, and they all cried out and wanted to shout, but the cold and fierce eyes swept by the young man made them all pale, as if they would be strangled to death by this warrior as soon as they opened their mouths!

"Slap your mouth, kneel down, and get out."

The young man said a total of eight words.

The fat old man trembled and said angrily: "Do you know who I am? I know the King of Yan, I..."

"There may be someone above your head."

The young man interrupted him coldly: "But there is no one above our master's head!"

"If you say one more word, none of you will leave!"

The carriage was filled with murderous aura. The women were so scared that they wanted to cry but couldn't. They curled up and shivered.

The old man's face was as ugly as pig liver. Even if he had great power, he was now an enemy country. When a common man was angry, blood would splatter five steps. Kings and generals were no different.

He could only grit his teeth, slap himself, and then kneel down to endure the humiliation.

Seeing this, the young man took a step away, left the carriage, and patted the butt of the dragon-blooded war horse.

This horse was originally ferocious and difficult to train, but under the slapping of the young man, it was frightened and galloped all the way, scaring pedestrians on the roadside.

But in the end, no one was driving it. It rushed not far away and ran to the river. It was so panicked that it crashed into the river and took the carriage with it.

It fell into the water with a splash, attracting many people in the distance to stop and watch.

The young man returned to the old man with the black chess piece quietly, as if he had done nothing. His face was calm, as if he had been standing there without moving.

The old man with the black chess piece was a little disappointed. He looked away from the river and sighed, "What a pity for the autumn water in this river."

He was about to get up and leave.

But when he looked around, he saw a young man standing next to him, not moving, but grabbing the chess pieces in the chess box.

From beginning to end, Li Hao's eyes did not sweep over the domineering groom and the carriage.

In Qingzhou City, he did not need to bow to anyone.

Unless it was in that mansion.

At this moment, he grabbed the white pieces in the chess box, one, two, three...

He seemed to be playing for his own amusement, filling these white pieces one by one in a position, connecting them into a line and forming a momentum.

The momentum became a dragon claw, tearing a bloody gap in the original black piece.

He did not want to continue, because the victory or defeat had been decided, and this was not his chess game.

However, today, he simply did not want to see such a depressing and boring thing again.

So he drew a stroke for it.

The old man with black chess slightly raised his eyebrows and glanced at the chess pieces on the board, but was suddenly slightly stunned.

The two young men standing behind the old man in ordinary and simple clothes changed their faces slightly. The young man who had taken action earlier seemed to want to take action to teach Li Hao a lesson, but was blocked by the folding fan raised by the old man.

"Young friend also understands chess?"

The old man with black chess smiled.

"I know a little."

After filling in the chess pieces, Li Hao felt a little relieved.

"Look at the position of the young friend's chess pieces, it is exquisite, and there is also youthful blood, not bad!" The old man praised.

"Young people are naturally wild."

Li Hao said calmly: "Don't blame me, old sir."

The old man with black chess silently recited Li Hao's words, and couldn't help but smile: "Since you know chess, why don't you sit down and play a game?"

Li Hao glanced at the chessboard and thought:


At this moment, the people watching chess around had left, and there were only four of them under the weeping willow.

Li Hao put the many snacks and juggling toys in his hands on the grass beside him and sat down.

The old man with black chess glanced at it and smiled in his heart. After all, he was a young man.

But as Li Hao took away the things in his arms and revealed his brocade clothes, his eyes swept to the beautiful jade dangling from Li Hao's waist.

His eyes couldn't help but condense.

The two young men behind him also noticed that the young man seemed to have some background, and his performance just now was not like that of ordinary people. They also noticed the dragon blood gemstone on the young man's waist, and their pupils shrank.

"Old sir, please."

Li Hao said.

The old man with black chess came back to his senses slightly, with a smile on his face. He didn't expect that he would see the child from that year by chance.

He started the game with a smile.

Soon, the moves were divided into order, Li Hao played white and played last.

The onlookers who retreated to the distance did not dare to come over at this moment, fearing that they would get into trouble.

Besides, the young man behind the old man with black chess had just shown his extraordinary moves, and he must be no ordinary person. They were reluctant to get close to avoid accidentally provoking him.

More passers-by were attracted by the carriages and horses that fell into the water in the distance, and many people threw ropes to rescue them.

On Li Hao's side, the black and white pieces on the chessboard had already fought each other.

With the end of the initial layout, it was a layer of attack and killing.

Li Hao did not show mercy in making moves, all of which were killing moves, and they were more fierce and fierce than before.

The old man with black chess made moves slower and slower, and the folding fan that was originally shaking gently had been put away at some point.

Every time he made a move, he would frown and look at it, thinking for a moment before making a move.

But the young man was fast, accurate and ruthless, and his offensive was overwhelming.

The face of the old man in black chess became more and more solemn, and he was fully focused.

The two young men behind the old man in black chess all changed their faces slightly and looked at the young man.

After a while, the winner on the chessboard was decided.

The face of the old man in black chess was a little gloomy, obviously he didn't expect that he would lose, and lose so miserably.

He hasn't lost for... many years.

The two young men behind him had anger in their eyes, and they all looked at the young man coldly.

It seemed that as long as the old man in black chess expressed his position, he would strike with lightning in an instant and finish the young man off.

Li Hao seemed to have sensed something and glanced up, but didn't care.

If he really fought, he would not be afraid.

The old man in black chess stared at the chessboard for a long time, and slowly said: "Let's play another game."

Li Hao had already stopped, and said lightly: "You will lose again."

The old man in black chess choked slightly, and no one had ever dared to say such contemptuous words to him.

But seeing that the young man had no intention, he took a deep breath, calmed down his anger, and said:

"Let's play another game. If you can still win, I will give you a small gift."

"I don't need anything." Li Hao said.

Just said it and smiled.

The old man Black Chess smiled and said, "You will definitely like the things I give you."

"That's not necessarily the case." Li Hao said lightly: "Besides, if you win again, I'm worried that the people around you may have to protect the Lord."

The expressions of the two young men changed slightly, and they stared at Li Hao with cold eyes.

The old man Black Chess waved his fan and smiled at Li Hao: "They are not sensible. Don't be as knowledgeable as them. If I make you unhappy, I will apologize to you."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the two young men changed, and their eyes showed shock at the same time.

The master actually... apologized?

Although they could only see the master's back, they seemed to feel a kind of majesty emanating from the back under that kind voice. Both of them had stern eyes and did not dare to show murderous intent.

Li Hao was surprised. He looked at the old man and saw that his eyes were sincere and gentle. He was indeed sincere.


Li Hao agreed.

Thinking that the fight just now was indeed too fierce, there was no need to vent this anger on the other party.

Soon, the second game began.

This time, Li Hao's actions were much gentler, and the two sides had some back-and-forth.

The old black chess man's thoughts were not as tense as before, and he was able to talk leisurely while playing chess:

"Speaking of which, at such a young age, why are you immersed in chess instead of joining the army outside the border fortress, or practicing martial arts hard to strive for fame?"

"Fame and wealth are all dust, glory and wealth are also clouds."

Li Hao casually said: "The ultimate goal of life is to have enough food and clothing. I seem to be lucky. I have enough food and clothing since I was born, so why bother to bother."

"Huh, no future!"

A young man behind the old man Black Chess couldn't help snorting coldly.

Li Hao raised his head and glanced, as a bodyguard, you have a future?

The old man in Black Chess looked at Li Hao in surprise. These words did not seem like something a young man could say, but instead seemed like the mentality of an old man who had washed away all his glory and gone through many vicissitudes of life.

But before, the boy could clearly tell that the boy had the arrogance of a teenager.

"Young men should shoulder high aspirations and travel across nineteen states in one day."

The old man Black Chess said with great interest: "Don't you want to see the scenery on the top of the mountain?"

"There's nothing good to see, but it's only in the human world."

Li Hao said casually: "Some people's journey is to the stars and the sea, but I just want to write poems and wine in the countryside. Everyone has his own ambitions."

The old man in black chess was slightly startled, and the moves in his hands stopped.

He stared at the young man in front of him, and his sealed heart seemed to feel loose.

But the young man behind the old man Black Chess sneered:

"You have never been to the top of the mountain, how can you know the scenery on the top of the mountain and dare to say such nonsense!"

Li Hao frowned slightly, glanced at him, and ignored him.

The old man Heiqi came back to his senses, his face suddenly became serious, and he said: "Hua'er, apologize to the little gentleman!"


The young man seemed to have not heard clearly and was in disbelief. He looked at the old man Black Chess in shock.

Father actually let himself... apologize to others?

What is his identity?

How many people can bear his apology, and how many people dare to bear it? !

"Father...Master, I..."


The old man Black Chess turned his head slightly and looked at him.

His eyes were as calm as the wind and frost after heavy snowfall, but it made the young man instantly break out in cold sweat.

His face changed with shock, sweat broke out on his forehead, he hurriedly bent down and bowed to Li Hao:

"Little sir, I made a presumptuous statement, and I hope you will forgive me."

"That's all."

Li Hao waved his hand.

The old black chess man smiled slightly, then continued to make moves and continued chatting.

From talking about fame and fortune to those people who made waves, the old man Heiqi asked the young man if he had ever yearned for it?

The young man asked, are they still alive?

The old man Black Chess thought about it and couldn't help but laugh.

Good second set.

Li Hao won again.

But this time I started much softer, pulled more, and it was considered going back and forth.

Li Hao felt that this old man's chess skills were slightly higher than those of Fifth Master, but compared with his own, they were a few points behind.

"It's getting late, old man. Let's meet again if we are destined."

Li Hao stood up, picked up the sideshows and food that amounted to only three taels of silver, smiled and waved to the old man, then turned and left.

"I haven't given you a gift yet."

The old man Black Chess said immediately.


The young man didn't look back, he just waved his hand back: "I said, I don't lack anything."

The old man Black Chess was startled, couldn't help laughing, and whispered:

"No one in this world really lacks anything..."

"Hmph, are these the third generation of the famous Li family in Qingzhou? Their cultivation is indeed amazing, I can't even see through it, but they are a bit stupid."

Looking at the young man's leaving figure, the young man who apologized earlier had gloomy eyes and a sarcastic look on his face.

I'm afraid that young man still doesn't know how big an opportunity he just gave up, right?


When the old man Heiqi heard what he said, he glanced at him lightly and said nothing. Instead, he looked at the street where the young man left and sighed secretly:

If this son were my son, how good would it be?

But it was only a momentary thought.

He shook his head and smiled, and said: "I'm afraid this boy's talent is beyond your imagination. He is only fourteen years old, and his chess skills are already at the master level. Even if he has a natural talent for chess, he still needs some study..."

After fourteen years, it is terrifying to be able to study chess to this extent and to practice to the fifteenth level.

The two young men were silent when they heard this.

They couldn't refute this, it was true.

At the age of fourteen, he was only in the Fifteen Mile Realm, and his talent was beyond their reach.

"You are being modest. His chess skills are only displayed on this small chessboard, while your chess pieces are all over the world..."

Another young man with a slightly literary air said with a smile.

The old man with black chess heard this, and although he knew it was a compliment, he couldn't help laughing.

He felt that the humiliation of losing two games in a row seemed to be much better.

"Haha, not bad!"

"But next time I see this young man, I will definitely win back on the chessboard!"

He was not willing to admit defeat.

After saying that, he shook his sleeves and left towards the city gate with a big laugh.

"Master, we just got here, and the show hasn't started yet. Don't you want to go and see it?"

"I've already seen it, very good, very good!"

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