The Name of Eternity

Chapter 132 Returning the First Favor to the Li Family (7K Two-in-One Chapter)

Seeing Li Hao talking and laughing so familiarly with the great demon king, Li Hongzhuang and Li He felt very complicated.

They could all see that the Great Demon King was very fond of Li Hao, as if he were a best friend. This kind of relationship was definitely not brought about by the Li family's reputation, and even Li Hao's own talent may not be like this. Great attraction.

After all, this is the Great Demon King of the Four Realms.

Even if Li Hao's talent is unparalleled, his upper limit in the future will probably be the Four Standing Realm. At most, he can touch the toes of the real person from the Qian Dao Palace.

As for transcending the four realms, that is extremely difficult. In the four realms, one step at a time is like climbing to the sky!

In the clouds, Feng Boping nodded slightly to Song Qiumo, then disappeared and did not come down to exchange pleasantries.

He is used to being at ease and doesn't like to get involved in these mundane things. He doesn't talk that much to other people in the Four Lands, and there are only a few people who can have a good conversation.

If Li Hao wasn't here, he would be a breath of fresh air in the world, wandering around the world.

When the wind blows, the heart cannot move; when the heart beats, the wind cannot calm it down.

"How long do you plan to stay here?"

After Li Hao met Song Qiumo, he took her to the camp.

Song Qiumo looked around and saw that there were only small dirt bags left in the city, and couldn't help but stare slightly.

Then she saw Ren Qianqian, the girl holding the sword, and the little white fox looking at her nervously, and she smiled slightly.

"How long do you want me to stay?" she asked Li Hao casually.

Li Hao said without thinking: "The longer it takes, the better."

Song Qiumo pursed his lips and smiled and said: "I thought you were living in poverty, so I came to show you a little kindness and make you feel grateful. In the future, when you reach the Four Stages, you can return this favor to me. But in the end, my coming here is just the icing on the cake. "

"The thousands of miles of dust and sand outside the pass here may be missing just one flower like you."

Li Hao smiled.

Song Qiumo obviously didn't expect the young man to say that. Her pretty face turned slightly rosy. She rolled her eyes at Li Hao and said immediately:

"I'll stay here for at most half a year."

Li Hao nodded slightly, knowing that she had a promise, and half a year was extremely rare.

"In the past six months, you can eat whatever you want." Li Hao said with a smile.

"I want a small crispy cake."

"no problem."

There was no flour or other ingredients in the camp. Li Hao found pen and paper and wrote down all the ingredients he needed. There were a lot of private goods in it, including many of the ingredients he liked to eat, as well as pens, inks, paper, inkstones and other items.

By the way, I also added a chessboard so I can play in my spare time.

It's just that there are no well-matched opponents in chess nowadays, and there is basically no experience improvement.

But Li Hao didn't care, he was preparing for it and waiting for the right person in the future.

Li Hao asked Li Hongzhuang for a map of the map to Liangzhou and gave it to Song Qiumo, asking her to go to the nearest city to purchase it.

But even the nearest city is thousands of miles away from this pass.

Originally, with Mr. Feng by his side, he had to be wary of the demon king of the Four Realms appearing at any time and unable to get away. Now with Song Qiumo's help, the supplies in the camp were finally abundant.

Li Hao used his power to control objects, took in trees and stones, and built a fenced courtyard around the small earth bag.

In the small courtyard, buildings and pavilions were built, made of trees.

A strong man from the Fifteen Miles Realm has really found the best position if he is used as a contractor.

Seeing Li Hao giving this dilapidated camp a new look little by little, Li Hongzhuang had an illusion that this young man here seemed to be re-building the city that had been destroyed in the past!

However, this feeling is a bit unreal. The big demon king also said that he would only stay for half a year.

He will leave in half a year, and then only the senior of the Four Realms on the cloud will be left. I don’t know how long the other party can guard Li Hao.

Such a top powerhouse would rarely be tied to one person.

Not long after, Song Qiumo's shopping returned, bringing back a large amount of supplies and food and drink supplies.

Li Hao asked Ren Qianqian and the little white fox to help move them all to the small fenced courtyard.

Although the little white fox couldn't transform yet, it still held some mats, blankets, etc. in its two little paws, stood upright on its hind feet, and stumbled towards the small courtyard.

After half a day's work, this place has become completely new.

It's just that the newly built courtyard still has the fresh jungle smell of new wood and lacks a bit of human touch.

But that’s how the yard is. Only when people live in it can it become popular.

Li Hao set up a fire in the courtyard, picked out some demon bodies, cut them into fatter parts, and grilled them on the charcoal fire.

He asked Ren Qianqian to help take care of the fire, while he kneaded the dough and made cakes for Song Qiumo.

If you didn't see the bloodied demon corpses outside the small courtyard with a fence, and the mountains of corpses piled up, the scene in the small courtyard would still be very warm.

Li Hongzhuang felt a little empty, as if nothing happened without her.

There are two Si Lijing stationed there, and the news should spread soon. Unless it is some stupid little demon, those big demons will basically not dare to get closer.

She no longer needs to hold a sword and be ready to fight at any time.

The body that had been tense for more than ten years slowly relaxed at this moment.

So she also sat in front of the fire, smelling the aroma of barbecue, and looking at the young man beside her who was busy kneading dough, she suddenly felt that all this was like a dream.

Never thought that in this dangerous place, she would one day have such a leisurely moment.

Not long after, the dough was kneaded. With Li Hao's efforts, the fermentation of the dough accelerated.

Li Hao set up a pan to make pancakes, then used another oil pan to make a small fried crispy cake for Song Qiumo.

He added some cilantro and other spices to add some fragrance.

"Let's eat!"

When everything was ready, Li Hao called Feng Lao to sit down.

Now that Feng Lao has been exposed and known by Li Hongzhuang, there is no need to hide his identity on weekdays.

A few people gathered around the firewood and ate and drank casually.

Feng Lao ate and drank by himself, eating barbecue and drinking.

Li Hao handed him a pancake with barbecue.

Feng Lao felt a little fresh, took two bites, and couldn't help but praise it.

Li Hao took his wine bottle back when he was eating happily, and drank two sips himself, feeling comfortable.

Feng Lao reacted and couldn't help but glared at him and took the bottle back. He didn't have much wine left.

Seeing Li Hao being so intimate and casual with this old senior, Li Hongzhuang and Li He couldn't understand this young man more and more.

After eating and drinking, Feng Boping patted his butt and walked out of the courtyard, disappearing without a trace, looking extremely free and easy.

Li Hao looked at the direction where Feng Lao left, but sighed secretly in his heart, knowing that the old man was afraid that if he stayed in the courtyard for too long, Li Hongzhuang and others would recognize his identity and affect him, so he chose to sit alone in the tree branches on the mountain peak, accompanied by the breeze of heaven and earth.

Li Hao felt ashamed and got up to sort out the corpses of the monsters.

He was going to brew a jar of good wine for the old man.

After picking and choosing, Li Hao cut off a lot of good things from several three immortal monsters and returned to the courtyard to start brewing.

Song Qiumo slept in the side room in the courtyard, yawning, looking bored.

Occasionally, her eyes would fall on the figure in the courtyard who was busy with trivial matters of life, with a slight curl of the corners of her mouth, and she couldn't help feeling a little funny.

She came to deliver the sword manual today, and the Tan Palace secret skill was casually placed in the boy's arms. She observed that Li Hao had not looked at the sword manual twice since he received it.

The world's top skills and the overwhelming wealth of the God General's Mansion seemed to be inferior to the fireworks in the kitchen in the eyes of this boy.

What a wonderful little guy...

In the evening, Li Hao arranged all the wine jars and buried them in the cellar behind the courtyard, waiting for fermentation.

Under the red sunset, Li Hao finally had time to sit on an old chair made of trees in the fenced courtyard, gently shaking his body, taking out the skills from his arms, and slowly flipping through it.

Tai Chi Qiankun Sword.

Yin and Yang intercourse.

Li Hao flipped through the pages one by one, and when he finished reading it, a hint jumped in front of him, and he had entered the door.

Li Hao immediately put away the sword manual, leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes and comprehended.

As the sword technique was recorded, a lot of information poured into his mind. The sword meaning and core of this sword technique were revealed in his speculation and understanding.

What is too great?

A little more than big.

What is big?

Heaven and earth are big!

"Everything in the world has its own way. The artistic conception and the way I understand are not enough and too shallow. These sword techniques seem to have something in common with each other. If they can be integrated, perhaps a technique that encompasses everything can be created!"

Li Hao had some enlightenment in his heart.

He has now entered the realm of heaven and man, and he has escaped into the gate of heaven. His spirit and body are one, which is half a step beyond the mortal world.

His thoughts are no longer limited by the technique itself. He can see the wonders of all kinds of techniques in the world, but he does not need to follow their form.

His master's way is all things, but now, Li Hao feels that he has only taken a small step on this road. If he can really reach the end, his journey as a master will be considered to have reached the peak.

What kind of scenery will I see at that time?

Li Hao's thoughts drifted slightly, and then he smiled gently.

Let everything go with the flow.

Just like his master's heart, it is natural when it is just right.

All things in the world do not need to be deliberately catered to and pursued, just like the sun shining on the earth, it is not deliberate, but just the cycle of nature.

If you are greedy for that ray of light and pursue the sun, it will be like Kuafu chasing the sun, and you will eventually dry up and die.

Although the sun is warm, you can't look directly at it.

Although the bright moon is cold, it can illuminate the past and the present.

There is no need to stick to one side of heaven and earth, all things in the world have their own style.

The world is like this, people are like this, and the skills are also like this.

Li Hao felt that his state of mind seemed to have improved a little bit. Many skills in his mind have changed slightly, but they are still far from the end of the master's peak.

He smiled slightly, didn't care, but waved to get the drawing board, paper and pen, and then his soul flew into the air, watching the corpses of demons piled up in the distance.

He sketched them casually, one stroke at a time.

These demons were dead, but depicting their bodies still gave him a lot of experience.

Li Hao sketched one by one, and his painting experience points increased rapidly, getting closer and closer to the sixth stage.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

In the past two days, the fenced courtyard was particularly quiet, and no demons appeared.

The young man in the courtyard was also happy to be quiet, painting thousands of pictures, and painting all the demon corpses more than ten times. The experience points were basically pulled out, and the painting path also successfully broke through to the sixth stage, gaining an art point.

The experience points from the sixth stage to the seventh stage are 100,000.

It is necessary to accumulate 100,000 experience points to reach the bottleneck of the sixth stage, and then the painting path needs to enter the spirit to upgrade to the seventh stage.

"Enter the spirit, enter the spirit, when can I enter the spirit..." Li Hao muttered to himself, feeling that he had no clue for the time being.

He stopped painting and continued to write the skills.

Record down each of the techniques that can help improve your skills.

At noon, smoke curled up from the firewood in the small courtyard, and a group of fast horses came outside the camp.

Feng Boping seemed to have noticed something, his eyes changed slightly, his figure flickered, and disappeared beside the firewood where the barbecue was almost cooking.

Several people had long been accustomed to his elusiveness and didn't pay attention. Instead, their attention was all focused on the new guests outside the courtyard.

Li Hongzhuang took a closer look and couldn't help but be slightly startled: "Eunuch Chu?"

She recognized the person coming. When her father received an order when she was a child, it was the person who came to the door in person.

Chu Jiuyue rode his horse into the pass. When he saw the messy and pitted ground, his eyes could not help but become slightly solemn.

The land here is all auburn, as if soaked in countless blood.

He looked around, and soon he saw the messy camp, with many tents torn apart and piled in one place.

On the other side, there is a black shadow, which is a pile of demon corpses like a hill. Some of the corpses have signs of decay.

He smelled the fishy and rotting smell, and his face looked a little unsightly, but he soon returned to normal, his eyes fell on the center of the camp, and his eyes suddenly showed a bit of surprise.

Compared to the mess outside and the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, in the center of the camp is a small fenced courtyard with unique scenery.

The smoke in the small courtyard is curling up, like the life of a farm family.

But how can there be a farmer here?

He rode forward, followed by several palace guards.

Arriving in front of the fence courtyard, Chu Jiuyue immediately saw the scene in the courtyard clearly, and his eyes touched Song Qiumo who was sitting in front of the firewood. The latter's eyes were indifferent and he had no reaction.

Chu Jiuyue noticed Li Hao and Li Hongzhuang on the other side, and he suddenly felt enlightened. No wonder the atmosphere was so quiet. It turned out that this big demon king was sitting in charge.

He was a little surprised. Tan Gong's principle of keeping oneself in the world seemed to be an exception.

Turning over and dismounting, Chu Jiuyue walked into the small courtyard.

"Emperor Yu's handwriting has arrived, please ask Count Li Hao to take over."

Chu Jiuyue preached softly.

Li Hao also noticed this acquaintance, immediately patted his hands with flour, stepped forward and bowed slightly: "Father-in-law, long time no see."

"Is Young Master Li okay?" Chu Jiuyue said with a smile.

Li Hao frowned slightly, nodded and said, "Everything is fine."

"Emperor Yu is grateful for the count's bravery in going to the border and guarding the pass. He has given you a sword. Please accept it." Chu Jiuyue said simply.

There are no idle people here, so he doesn't have to say too many words about the crown.

Li Hao was a little surprised when he saw the dark golden sword handed over by the other party, but he still took it with both hands: "Thank you, His Majesty Emperor Yu, and thank you, Eunuch Chu."

"No need to thank my family. I'm just an errand boy."

Chu Jiuyue smiled, and then said: "Your Majesty, if the earl is willing, he can go to Dayuzhou at any time, worship in the outer hall of Qiandao Palace, and practice, and he can listen to the saint's teachings."

Hearing this, Li Hongzhuang and Li He both stood up and looked at Li Hao in shock.

How could this young master be so favored by Emperor Yu?

To practice in the Qiandao Palace, only the heirs of the royal family were qualified in the past.

Moreover, even among the heirs of the royal family, competition is fierce, and not every prince is qualified.

And Li Hao is the young master of the Divine General's Mansion, and is very likely to be a true dragon in the future. With such a sensitive identity, if he joins the Qiandao Palace to practice, his relationship with the royal family will probably be too close. What will happen to the other four Divine General's Mansion? think?

It can also be seen that this favor is really scary.

Li Hao also understood the value of these words and couldn't help but be surprised. Has Emperor Yu really seen him? Could it be that he was really the old man who played chess under the willow tree that day?

Apart from that, there seems to be no other possibility.

Looking at Chu Jiuyue's smiling and kind eyes, Li Hao bowed and said, "Thank you for your kindness, your majesty. I just have a mission, so I hope your majesty will forgive me."

Chu Jiuyue was a little surprised and looked at Li Hao carefully. Did the child make a random guess, or did he really want to stay here to guard?

He had also heard about the father-son battle and understood it more clearly. Judging from Li Hao's intention, it seemed that he really wanted to sever ties with his father?

Abandoning that noble surname and wealth, and now giving up the opportunity to practice in Qiandao Palace, should we cut it off at all costs?

Chu Jiuyue stared at Li Hao and said, "You are still young, so don't be too impulsive when making certain decisions."

"Thank you, father-in-law, for your message." Li Hao said.

When Chu Jiuyue heard this, he knew that he could not persuade him, so he immediately stopped talking, nodded slightly and said:

"Since you have made up your mind, I will bring back the original words."

Li Hao nodded.

Chu Jiuyue glanced at him without any nostalgia, got on his horse and said goodbye.

When they were galloping dozens of miles outside the camp, Chu Jiuyue suddenly thought of something and said to himself: "It seems that I left a little early. The smell of barbecue in the courtyard is a bit good..."

His stomach growled slightly.

He shook his head. A good horse never turns back, and he couldn't save his face before heading back. He could only clamp the horse's belly and drive away at full speed with a roar.

In the courtyard.

Since Chu Jiuyue left, Li Hongzhuang and Li He also heard the conversation between the two of them. From Li Hao's reply, they could see Li Hao's determination. The two of them hesitated to speak, but were speechless. I sighed in my heart.

Even the opportunity to practice in the Qian Dao Palace was given up, which shows how determined this child is. They knew that their own persuasion was useless.

Li Hao returned to the firewood. Song Qiumo's eyes fell on the sword in his hand and said calmly: "The sword is not bad."

Hearing this, Li Hao held the hilt of the sword and gently pulled it out.

With a clang, the sword was unsheathed, like a dragon roaring, and a bright color seemed to pass by between heaven and earth.

Just the sharp edge at the moment of unsheathing, it felt like it was cutting off the eyes.

"It's Long Xiao!"

Li He let out a low cry, his eyes showing shock and solemnity.

Li Hongzhuang also changed her color slightly. She didn't expect that Emperor Yu would give such a precious famous sword.

This is the top ten famous swords!

Its reputation and status are higher than that of Yong Ye. After all, Yong Ye took ten years to forge, but only took it out of its sheath for three years before being sealed again.

As for the Longxiao Sword, it passed through the hands of several powerful men in the Dayu Dynasty and has been forged for hundreds of years. It was once the sword of a sword master.

"Yes, it's a good sword."

Li Hao tapped the blade lightly, and there seemed to be a low dragon's roar, like an evil spirit, making him feel the cold edge.

After looking at it, Li Hao sheathed the sword again and handed it to Ren Qianqian.

Ren Qianqian hung her sword on her waist and held it in both hands, with surprise and excitement in her eyes.

She had also heard of Long Xiao's name. This was a top-notch sword. His father had never had a chance to take a peek, but now she was actually touching it.

"The barbecue is ready, get ready to start."

Li Hao smiled.

Li Hongzhuang and Li He came to their senses with complicated expressions in their eyes. At the same time, a figure appeared quietly, it was Mr. Feng who had just left.

He didn't care much about Li Hao's reward. He just glanced at Long Xiao and took out the wine gourd, ready to eat and drink.

That night.

Li Hao has transcribed 124 exercises, which is the total of the Li family exercises he learned in Tingyu Tower. What he copied are all advanced grades that he deduced.

The low-grade things he once learned were now returned to the top-grade ones, and Li Hao thought that he had received the capital with profit.

In addition, he also wrote three books of secret knowledge, all of which were created after he entered the realm of master and combined with his own perception of the artistic conception of all things.

He also packed these three secret books together and gave them to the Li family.

However, it is not so easy to learn these three secrets. There are prerequisites.

Wait until you finish writing.

Li Hao handed it to Song Qiumo and asked her to help him send it to the nearby Liangzhou city, find the local Li family garrison, and ask them to send someone to send it back to the Li family.

A few days later.

Qingzhou City, in front of the Divine General's Mansion.

Several dragon lions galloped over. These dragon lions were huge in size and could carry seven or eight people. At this moment, some of them had huge baggage tied behind their backs.

The leader jumped off the dragon lion, came to the guard, showed his identity token, and then whispered a few words.

Soon, the news was sent to Shanhe Courtyard.

In the study, Li Tiangang was reading the interrogation results, his face was gloomy and his eyes were flashing.

At this time, some personal guards came in and reported the situation outside the house.

Li Tiangang was stunned when he heard this. He suddenly slapped the case and said angrily: "The first favor given to the Li family? What does he mean? You said he sent back a lot of exercises?!"

Seeing the bodyguard nodding, Li Tiangang said with a livid face: "Bring them all in, I want to see how he returns them!"

Soon, the huge burden on the lion's back was delivered to Shanhe Courtyard.

Besides the baggage, there was also a letter.

Yu Xuan handed the letter to Li Tiangang and opened the bag casually, only to see that it was all filled with books.

Li Tiangang opened the letter and saw a few lines of elegant but neat fonts.

This handwriting is obviously better than those of their generals.

After finishing it, his face looked ugly.

He raised his hand to take a few books into his hands and flipped through them quickly.

The exercises in the book seemed to be written in the same handwriting, all written by one person.

After finishing one book, he read another, and then several in succession.

The courtyard was eerily silent, without any sound.

Uncle Zhao and Li Fu both stood aside with worried expressions on their faces.

"Okay, great!"

After reading several books, Li Tiangang's eyes were filled with shock in addition to anger.

The few exercises I grabbed at random were all at the top level, just like what was said in the letter!

Not only did the other party repay the skills, but he also repaid the excess with interest!

Total quantity, 124 copies.

In addition, there are three unique books.

Li Tiangang was a little unbelievable that his son had learned so many exercises!

Hundreds of books!

In just fourteen years, I have learned hundreds of books?

While practicing so many complicated techniques, how can you still take into consideration the cultivation level to the fifteenth realm? Even during the battle with him, did he suddenly realize that he was a master of heaven?

Li Tiangang couldn't help but feel a little shaken at this moment.

Such talent is unheard of, even if the demon reincarnates and seizes the body, it may not be able to reach this level.

Could it be that I was really wrong?

Are you really too harsh on him?

But soon, the cold eyes with drawn swords appeared in his mind, and the warmth in his heart quickly cooled down.

Although his talent is peerless, his temperament is really not suitable to be the real dragon of the Li family. He can even draw a sword against him, let alone other Li family members?

If the Li family is left in the hands of the other party, he will not be able to feel at ease.

Today, Dayu is in troubled times. He must control this sailing ship well and cannot tolerate any mistakes. Otherwise, even a thousand years of glory will be destroyed in one day. How can he face his ancestors?

Taking a deep breath, Li Tiangang picked up the rest of the exercises and began to copy them.

There are names on these exercises. He handed over the levels of high-grade exercises to Yu Xuan for review, and he personally inspected the secrets inside.

With Yu Xuan's status and reputation, he cannot easily check his secret knowledge.

At the same time, Li Tiangang found several elders in Tingyu Tower. These elders were not allowed to leave the house for life. They were all the outstanding illegitimate children of Li Muxiu's generation. They usually cooperated with Li Muxiu to manage and look after Tingyu Tower.

These elders were also the living dictionaries of the Li family, and their heads were filled with many secrets of the Li family.

The exercises collected in Tingyu Tower on weekdays were also reviewed by them.

As the elders were dispatched, other courtyards also received the news. They were inevitably surprised and surprised, and they all rushed to Shanhe Courtyard.

In one day and one night, several elders reviewed all the exercises and confirmed that they were all practicable exercises without defective ones.

Upon hearing the news, Li Tiangang felt extremely complicated. He was shocked, proud and happy, and at the same time, he was indescribably angry.

Hearing the words of several elders, He Jianlan, Li Xuanli and others were shocked.

These are hundreds of top-grade techniques. Even for a master, in addition to deducing his own unique skills, it takes a lot of time to deduce other techniques, and he rarely wastes time on such things.

It was a thousand years ago that so many top-grade techniques were collected in Tingyu Tower at one time.

At that time, the sects in various places were disrupting the imperial order and violating the ban with force. The imperial court sent their God General Mansion to sweep and suppress the sects. After a bloodbath, they collected hundreds of techniques at one time, and only a hundred of them were top-grade.

And now, these techniques were all given back by Li Hao alone? !

Could it be that there were several four-level masters who helped Li Hao deduce?

What shocked them the most was that they knew that Li Hao followed his second uncle and stayed in Tingyu Tower for many years. Li Hao could learn any technique there if he wanted to. Since he was a direct descendant, it was okay.

However, Li Hao was only fourteen years old, and he actually learned hundreds of techniques from there. This was a bit too exaggerated.

How could he have so much time and energy!

"Tian Gang, are you satisfied now?"

Li Muxiu was alarmed and rushed over. After understanding the situation, he did not show any joy on his face, but looked at Li Tian Gang with a cold face.

After hearing his words, the faces of others also changed slightly, thinking about the purpose of Li Hao giving back these skills.

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