The Name of Eternity

Chapter 148 Asking Heaven and Earth for a Breath

After receiving the Holy Heart Talisman, Li Hao thanked Chu Jiuyue again and asked him to thank the Emperor Yu on his behalf.

Li Hao's impression of the most noble existence of the Great Yu Dynasty still remained in his infancy, when he first saw it when he first came here.

It was a towering and extremely burly figure, sitting on the dragon throne, with a spirit that swallowed up the mountains and rivers, and had a domineering attitude that looked down on all living beings.

It seemed that he could only worship from a distance, not approach or offend.

But the other party's several grants made Li Hao feel that the majestic figure did not seem so cold and ruthless, and unattainable.


The wind and snow were still falling.

The burnt letter did not receive a response, and it was silent.

No more letters were sent from Qingzhou City.

Li Hao still practices on his own every day, describing the snow and mountain scenery outside the pass, fishing for the little monsters in the mountains, and exploring the vast and boundless way of heaven and earth. Deep in his heart, he still doesn't want to miss the ultimate pursuit.

Perhaps, he also has a heart for martial arts?

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

From the early winter when he first came to the camp, to now it is deep winter, and the snow on the ground is thicker.

But all things are like yin and yang. When the snow accumulates to a certain depth, it is the day to break the cloud and moon.

In the snow, there are monsters sneaking out of the cave in the distance, preparing to hunt for their own food.

In the forest, two wild beasts, mountain tigers, are fighting for a deer carcass.

The river is frozen, but there are small fish swimming back and forth in the river water under the ice.

And on the top of a snowy mountain, Li Hao sits here, sensing the movements and details of everything within dozens of miles, and his body seems to be integrated into this peak.

He looked at the clouds and the rising sun, and listened quietly to the sound of the snow melting.

The heavy snow fell from the sky, but it was the evaporation and solidification of the mist from the earth.

The seeds buried deep in the soil sprouted, grew vigorously, and became towering trees. When autumn came, the leaves would float to the distant sky.

The fish were trapped in the water and lived in the low-lying areas of the earth, but they were as free as flying in the sky.

People on land seemed to be running around and happy, but they were imprisoned by various orders, like wearing invisible chains and shackles, and it was difficult to get rid of them.

All things are sentient beings, but sentient beings are not all things.

In the past six months, Li Hao has touched the bottleneck of the way of all things. The limit of the aura is right in front of him. He only needs a little bit to break the obstacles and integrate them.

Now, he has integrated all things and his sword skills have been reorganized. Although his cultivation is still at the Heavenly Master level, he has truly reached the limit of the Grand Master level. His actual combat power is about half as strong as when he was in Dayue City.

If he meets the little demon king again, he can easily kill him with the sword moves he has learned in the past six months.

At first, he only relied on the few minutes between battles to combine his own reincarnation swordsmanship, which had terrible lethality. Now, after half a year of meditation, this swordsmanship has been improved and refined by him.

At this time, a gust of cold wind blew over, brushing past his face and rolling up the snow on the ground.


A little thought seemed to pass by Li Hao's eyes. He narrowed his eyes slightly, sat quietly for a moment, and the thought slipped away again.

He has been having this feeling in recent days, but he always lacks a little bit of strength to grasp it.

Raising his hand to knock off the snow, Li Hao picked up the little white fox leaning on his knees and got up to leave.

Flying in the air, he returned to the camp.

In the past six months, the number of stone houses built around the camp has increased. Considering the war that may come at any time in six months, Li Hao did not spend too much effort on building residential houses. He just regarded it as a kind of fun or a process of understanding nature.

He still cooked lunch in person.

During the meal, Li Hao persuaded Song Qiumo again to return to Tan Palace and not to stay with him.

The Wanshan Demon King could endure the pain of losing his son for half a year, which shows that he is an extremely mature and calm demon king. If Song Qiumo did not leave, the other party might spend a lot of money to invite other demon kings to tie Song Qiumo down for safety.

Therefore, Li Hao felt that she did not need to stay here to accompany him.

Guarding Tianmen Pass, Li Hao felt that it was a private matter he had agreed to, and he did not want to involve too many people.

Song Qiumo didn't say anything, just ate the food silently. After finishing, she looked up and said to Li Hao: "Since you said so, I will leave today."

Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "When you go back, say hello to the Palace Master for me."


Song Qiumo nodded, and this time she agreed very straightforwardly.

After finishing the meal, she packed up some small accessories she had bought here these days. They were all small items she bought when purchasing supplies from nearby cities, including silk hairbands, bracelets and bells.

After taking all the things away, Song Qiumo said goodbye to Li Hao.

"Don't you regret it?"

Li Hongzhuang accompanied Li Hao to see her off. When she saw Song Qiumo's figure completely disappear in the sky, Li Hongzhuang looked at Li Hao and asked.


Li Hao was puzzled.

"Deep down in your heart, you must still hope that she can stay, right?" Li Hongzhuang said softly.

Li Hao laughed and shook his head slightly: "Then you are wrong. I am really happy for her departure. At least she doesn't have to face danger."


Li Hongzhuang was slightly surprised and stared at Li Hao.

Li Hao said: "If possible, I hope you can leave too, and don't need to stay to be buried with me. I may be able to leave, but you may not."

Li Hongzhuang frowned slightly, stared at Li Hao, and said:

"Do you have any other options? Just rely on the senior alone. I'm afraid he can't stop it. Unless he is a being like my second uncle who has reached the realm of ultimate learning, he may be able to suppress it with one punch."

The Four Realms are divided into four levels, and the differences between each level are huge. Li Hongzhuang cannot tell what level the senior is.

"There is only one way."


"If you can't fight, run away."


Li Hao smiled and returned to the camp.

Li Hongzhuang quickly caught up and said seriously: "What time has it been? I'm still in the mood to joke. Why don't you go find your fourth uncle first? If Uncle Xiao Ran comes forward, even the ordinary monsters in the Fourth Realm will not be your opponent."

Li Hao's eyes flashed and he shook his head slightly. When he left the Li family, he was alone. Except for the luxurious clothes he was wearing, he took nothing with him. He didn't even want the famous sword Yong Ye, but he just didn't want to take it again. I don’t want anything from the Li family to rely on any relationship with the Li family.

"Now is not the time to be stubborn!"

Li Hongzhuang saw Li Hao shaking his head and said hurriedly: "We have speculated before that if the Demon King of Wanshan comes over, we are likely to face an attack from three demon kings. As long as they fight two against one, they can restrain the senior for just a moment. , the remaining one can kill you!"

"I see."

Li Hao looked at her quietly: "So I said, if the situation is not right, I will run away in advance. As for you, you may become a burden and I will not be able to control you by then. If you don't want to die, you'd better leave as soon as possible."

"By the time you notice it, it will be too late." Li Hongzhuang said anxiously.

Li Hao shook his head slightly and said no more to her.

Seeing how stubborn Li Hao was, Li Hongzhuang sighed and had no choice but to pack her luggage and said:

"I can't persuade you. I'll go back to Qingzhou to find your father, second uncle, fifth uncle, and others to come and persuade you. I hope the Demon King of Wanshan hasn't had time to come over by then."

Li Hao was a little helpless and speechless towards this little aunt. He shook his head and ignored her.

Li Hongzhuang packed up her luggage and left. No one could bear the anger of the Demon King of Ten Thousand Mountains. Just like Li Hao said, she would only be a burden if she stayed here.

On the other side, Li He was anxious and sent messages to Qingzhou one after another, but there was no response.

He didn't know what the Duke was thinking, but his order was to protect Li Hao and he couldn't leave as easily as Li Hongzhuang.

At this moment, Li He was thinking about whether he should knock Li Hao unconscious and take him away by force.

But in the battle at Dayue City, he knew that he was no match for this young master. When the demon came, it was not certain who would protect whom.

When he was thinking about whether to make a sneak attack, suddenly his vision went dark.

Then, he fell straight into the snow, his face hitting the ground.

Feng Boping's figure walked out from behind Li He, patted him casually, and said to Li Hao: "This old boy from the Li family is as stubborn as those in the Li family, so we can only send him away first."

Li He, who had just been thinking about how to make a sneak attack to knock Li Hao unconscious and carry him away, was now knocked unconscious.

Li Hao smiled and handed Li He to Ren Qianqian. There were fast horses in the camp. He said to Ren Qianqian: "You can take him out of Liangzhou and go anywhere. Well, let's go to Qizhou. Wait for me at Cangyu City."

Ren Qianqian's face was full of worry. She wanted to persuade him, but in the past few days, she saw that Song Qiumo and Li Hongzhuang had repeatedly tried to persuade him, but it was all in vain. Knowing the young man's temper, she would never give in.

She could only agree, staring at Li Hao and saying: "Master, I will wait for you in Cangyu City. You must survive!"

Li Hao saw the girl's eyes as clear as lake water, and felt the untainted concern in her eyes. He smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, you learn the sword from me, I haven't let you learn it yet. With real swordsmanship, you won’t die so easily!”

Ren Qianqian bit her lip slightly and said nothing.

Even if you don't teach me swordsmanship, I don't want to see you die... She stared deeply at Li Hao, but these words were only in her heart and were not spoken out.

Without saying much goodbye, Li Hao slapped the red-blooded horse on the butt and sent the girl away.

Li He's body was also carried on the horse, and they left together along the Longguan Road.

This Long Pass Road has been cleaned by Li Hao. Within half a year, demons will occasionally pass by, but they are all killed, so it is relatively safe.

"Little guy, if something happens to me, you can find a cave to practice in this wilderness."

Li Hao lowered his head and looked at the little white fox holding him tightly with two small paws at his feet.

The little white fox raised his head, looked at Li Hao pitifully with his watery eyes, and bleated like a fox, with a strange sound.

Li Hao returned to the small fenced courtyard. As the others left, the courtyard suddenly became a little empty.

In the snow next to her, the figure of the girl practicing sword was missing.

There was no charming figure of Song Qiumo in the side bedroom.

There was no bright red figure drinking wine and sitting in silence in front of the lonely grave in the distance.

"Mr. Feng, you haven't caught the Demon King yet, have you?"

Li Hao looked at the old man leaning on the old man's chair in the courtyard and smiled. He had known him for many years and could be regarded as a close friend. He owed him too much and deeply, so he couldn't say thank you.

"Well, I can try it this time."

Feng Boping chuckled, holding a bottle of wine in his hand and shaking it gently.

Li Hao sat next to him, took two sips, and asked: "Mr. Feng, it's been so long since I've been here that you've never urged me to practice."

He knew how his daily behavior was like a waste of time in the eyes of others. When he was in that mansion, he still had some concerns, but here he was completely relaxed.

He let go of "cultivation".

"Cultivation is also for happiness. Since you are happy, what does it matter whether you practice or not?"

Feng Boping chuckled.

Li Hao had long known that Feng Lao was a carefree person who did not stick to trivial matters. Hearing this, he turned his head and stared at him, and then laughed:

"If I can become stronger, you won't have to work so hard."

Feng Boping shook his head slightly, his expression indifferent: "It's just three years of wind and frost, it's nothing to mention."

Li Hao glanced at him and said nothing.

The old man and the young man drank quietly and looked at the snow scene. Although there were fewer people in the yard, it was more peaceful.

In order to deal with the arrival of the Wanshan Monster King, Li Hao and Feng Lao made some preparations and secretly buried a lot of hidden lines outside Tianmen Pass.

Both of them are good at fishing and are waiting for each other's arrival.

As for whether he can compete, it depends on how much and how big the catch is.

If the line breaks, it should be abandoned.

Another half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Hao sat on the top of the mountain, bathing in the cold wind.

Today's wind seems to be particularly strong and cold.

Li Hao sat quietly, and the little white fox had shrunk into his arms.

With Li Hao's physique, he naturally didn't care about the cold wind. He looked at the cold wind carrying countless falling snow, drifting down from the sky. In his field of vision, countless snowflakes rolled, drifted, and fell among all things.

Suddenly, a feeling of blessing came to his heart, as if suddenly.

The accumulated thinking and precipitation for many days, as well as the spiritual light that repeatedly hit the door of his heart, suddenly broke through the last wall of his heart at this moment.

Li Hao suddenly realized.

He suddenly understood what he was looking for.

He also suddenly understood what the common point between all things in this vast world is.

——It's a breath!

Mountains, rivers, birds, beasts, and all living things are moved by this breath!

The same is true for martial artists' cultivation.

Ordinary people rely on this breath to live.

Martial artists rely on their energy to move through their meridians and exert their strength.

All seven emotions and six desires are a breath.

The growth of all things is also a breath!

But this breath is not the breath that ordinary people understand. This is a breath of air between heaven and earth!

This breath can evolve all things, nourish all things, turn into mountains, rivers, birds, and beasts, and turn into life in the world!

Li Hao closed his eyes, and the breath in his body was rapidly contracting, transforming, and blending with heaven and earth.

This feeling is very similar to cultivation, but not the same.

The energy in his body merged with heaven and earth, all dissipated, and transformed under the condensation of heaven and earth, as if washed away by all the lead, blooming with a dazzling and brilliant luster.

This luster is ethereal and illusory, as if it does not exist in the real world.

Li Hao gave all his energy to heaven and earth, and then asked the heaven and earth to borrow a breath and integrate it into himself.

Li Hao called this breath of air, immortal energy.

The limit of the Grandmaster, the land immortal realm, has been achieved!

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