The Name of Eternity

Chapter 156 The Demon King's Blood

When Cangya City was rebuilt, Li Muchiu quietly said goodbye to Li Hao.

He saw Li Hao's temper and was unwilling to return to Qingzhou, nor was he willing to bow his head. Fortunately, the three demon kings were driven away, and there was no danger in Tianmen Pass for the time being, so he felt relieved.

Moreover, when he learned that the black bird demon king was actually killed by Li Hao, he was shocked and realized that Li Hao no longer needed to rely on the Li family's protection.

If the four demon kings hadn't come this time, under other circumstances, Li Hao would have been able to protect himself on his own.

After all, with the attack of the four demon kings, even those in the Four Standing Realm are at risk of falling, not to mention that Li Hao is only in the Heavenly Realm.

In addition to being pleased with Li Hao's growth rate, Li Muchiu also felt a bit disappointed and regretful.

However, when he saw the many warriors from various states surrounding Li Hao, he also understood that this might be the best outcome for Li Hao.

Not long after Li Muchiu left, someone from the Demon Suppression Department arrived.

What came was a governor and three demon-suppressing generals.

This Dutong is in the Four Standing Realm, and the three demon-suppressing generals are all strong men in the Three Immortal Realms.

It is worth mentioning that Li Hao, the commander-in-chief, actually saw a man named Xiang Yuguang who stood up for his opponent Li Qianfeng at the True Dragon Banquet.

As one of the seven governors in the Demon Suppression Department, Xiang Yuguang was in the wrong team before. When he heard the news about Tianmen Pass, he rushed over and saw this man who had said goodbye in a hurry at the True Dragon Banquet more than half a year ago. juvenile.

When Xiang Yuguang arrived, Li Hao's body had already healed under the condition of keeping a low profile. He also put on new clothes and looked warm and clean.

In the rebuilt fenced courtyard, Li Hao sat on the bamboo mat on the corridor, his feet dangling gently in the air outside the corridor.

There was a pot of tea and some snacks on the small table next to him, looking a little leisurely.

"Sir, I heard that a demon king has invaded the country. I came here to register and investigate."

Xiang Yuguang stood in the courtyard with a gentle attitude, but felt a little embarrassed.

I made a mistake last time and stood in the wrong team. I wonder if this young man was deeply impressed by him.

This time he came here, not hoping to make friends with Li Hao, but just hoping to resolve the incident last time and restore some distance.

After all, the days are still long, so take your time.


Li Hao had an easy-going attitude and did not take the opportunity to make things difficult and ridicule the other party. He seemed to have forgotten what happened before and said:

"How do I need to cooperate?"

"I will show you the investigation results, you just need to confirm." Xiang Yuguang said with a smile.

But he was muttering in his heart that he was the commander of the Demon Suppression Division after all, but he didn't even invite him to take a seat. This boy really had a prejudice against him.


Li Hao agreed, then picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Serving tea means seeing off guests.

Xiang Yuguang felt a little helpless and could only smile and say goodbye to Li Hao.

The three demon-suppressing generals at the entrance of the courtyard quietly looked at this world-famous prodigy with curiosity and surprise in their eyes.

This young master doesn't even give the emperor the respect he deserves. He is indeed young and frivolous.

However, they had also heard about Li Hao's killing of the Little Demon King in full view of the public. The opponent's strength was comparable to the three of them. In time, he would be on par with the Four Standing Realm, but there was no need to worry too much. Too humble.

"You're only fourteen, that's outrageous."

"Yeah, what were we doing when we were fourteen?"

"I don't know, but I'm still fighting against the demons in the Immortal Realm..."

The three demon-suppressing generals whispered to each other. They waited for Xiang Yuguang to come, then stopped the transmission and stood still.

When Xiang Yuguang and others went to investigate the details, Song Qiumo came to the courtyard. Li Hao immediately invited her to sit down and poured her a cup of tea.

Song Qiumo picked it up and took a sip, saying, "It's refreshing and sweet, not bad."

Li Hao smiled.

"I'm going back to Qingzhou." Song Qiumo glanced at Li Hao.

Li Hao also expected that now that the three demon kings here are forced to retreat, there is no danger for the time being. The people from the Demon Suppression Department can have a deterrent effect on these demons to some extent. After all, the jade light is still in the Four Standing Realm no matter what. .

These demons dare to go against the Divine General's Mansion on the border and provoke them wantonly, but they are even more afraid of the Demon Suppression Division.

Because the Shenjiang Mansion guards the frontier, there are many demons to face, but the Demon Suppression Division is different. If you provoke them, they will watch you.

Anyway, their duty is to catch monsters and suppress them. They have nothing else to do all day long, they just stare at you and follow you everywhere, which makes the monsters annoying.

"Don't worry about me. It's you who have been away for so long because of my affairs. I'm afraid you have to deal with rosters and orders again."

Li Hao said.

Even if Tan Gong comes forward in this matter, it will still take some effort. After all, it is bordering on the official family, and the person involved is the Demon King of the Four Realms, so the review is strict.

"Little things."

Song Qiumo smiled, then stared at Li Hao and said softly:

"For the time being, there shouldn't be any more trouble here. I'll be waiting for you in Qingzhou in three years."


Li Hao nodded slightly.

Although he didn't want to return to Qingzhou, Qingzhou was very big, and he didn't mind making a trip with his old friend here.

Song Qiumo smiled slightly, and her lips felt like a spring breeze. She handed out the empty tea cup and said, "I want more."


Li Hao filled her cup again.

One cup, another cup.

After Song Qiumo finished drinking, he stood up and glanced at Li Hao again, then without looking back, his figure drifted away and disappeared into the courtyard.

Not long after Song Qiumo left, guests were welcomed again outside the small courtyard, which was very lively.

This time, the people who came were the Si Tian Jian. They mastered the secrets of magic arrays. Most of the magic arrays in various cities were carved and arranged by the Si Tian Jian.

The leader of this time was the Xingxiu official, who was in the third immortal realm and had a very high status.

In terms of official position, he was half a grade higher than Xiang Yuguang just now. After all, the secrets of magic arrays were extremely complicated. Not only did they require martial arts qualifications, but they also required extremely high comprehension and lifelong research. It was equivalent to reaching the top of both disciplines to be competent.

Thousands of years ago, demons sneaked into the Si Tian Jian and stole several volumes of magic array secrets, but the magic arrays mastered by foreign demon forces over the years were extremely superficial. The reason was that they did not have enough brains to learn these things.

The magic array involved the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, the astrology and the Yi Li. Even after hundreds of years of research, they might not dare to say that they understood it.

The star official had sparse gray hair and a solemn and dull look in his eyes. Li Hao stood up to greet him and wanted to offer him tea, but the old man just waved his hand and said that they were here to work, not to eat and drink. He greeted Li Hao, got the city lord's order from Li Hao, and then turned around to get busy.

That posture made him look like an old scholar.

He didn't care about the worldly affairs at all, and was only focused on studying the magic circle.

Most of the scholars who accompanied him also looked dull, but their eyes occasionally flashed with a thoughtful light.

Only one girl looked lively. After the others left, she was at the end and said to Li Hao with a smile:

"Don't blame me, my master is just like that."

When Li Hao saw the official title embroidered on her chest, he saw that it was the lowest position among them. He smiled and said:

"You should learn from your master and study the magic array more."

The bright smile on the girl's face withered immediately, and she pouted and said: "Why are you like my master, saying such old-fashioned words."

Li Hao chuckled and said nothing more.

The girl glanced at him. She thought that this genius young master was about the same age as her and would also be a lively person. Unexpectedly, he was mature. She pouted secretly, turned around with her hands behind her back, and ran out of the courtyard after chasing her master.

"Xianglan, don't run around. Get ready to work."

A senior brother said to the girl. Although they were from the same school, their ages looked very different. The senior brother looked like he was in his fifties.

"I know, I know~"

The girl's head was like a pendulum, and she replied in a long tone.

After saying that, she looked around the new city, watching the busy warriors coming and going. She had seen such a scene when she followed her master to other cities to set up magic arrays in the past, so it was nothing strange.

Soon, they came to a city head under the guidance of Li Hongzhuang.

Just as they got to the top of the city, a gust of cold wind blew, and Xia Xianglan shrank her neck. Then, she looked forward naturally and saw a vast cemetery.

She was stunned for a moment and subconsciously said: "This, these are..."

Li Hongzhuang whispered to the old man of the Xingxiu official in front of her about the magic array. After hearing what the little girl said, he looked back at her and whispered: "These are my Dayu's sons."

Xia Xianglan's heart was shocked, her pupils shrank slightly, and her breathing seemed to be held.

This was her first time to the border, and the first time she saw such a scene.

So the lonely graves thousands of miles away from the frontier mentioned in the book really exist?

The girl's mind suddenly emerged with the young man's peaceful and smiling face in the courtyard just now. That mature and indifferent look, now it seems that there are countless scars hidden under that face.

Her fingers clenched unconsciously, and her eyes became much more solemn.


In the small courtyard, Li Hao called Ren Qianqian and the little white fox to deal with the body of the demon king.

Ren Qianqian rode back on the second day after the war. Although she didn't say anything, Li Hao guessed that she should not have returned to Qizhou, but only stayed in the nearby city, otherwise she would never rush here from Qizhou so quickly.

Li Hao didn't say anything about this, everything was very natural.

At this moment, they came to a fenced area in the city, where the body of the black bird demon king lay here, like a small hill, surrounded by a blockade.

"This demon king is full of treasures, how are you going to deal with it?"

Feng Boping's figure quietly appeared beside Li Hao, looking at the demon king in front of him, still sighing in his heart.

At that time, only he and Song Qiumo knew about the battle here. There was no publicity, and not many people knew that the demon king was actually killed by Li Hao.

After all, it was a bit too shocking for a person in the Heaven Realm to kill a demon king in the Four Realms.

This kind of news is also considered secret information, and it should be blocked as much as possible.

Feng Boping did not ask much about Li Hao's strange martial arts state. He watched Li Hao grow up, but he could not see through many things, such as the talent of this demon.

But these are not important. What is important is that Li Hao is still the little mouse he is familiar with.

"Make a delicious meal for everyone."

Li Hao replied.

Feng Boping was stunned and looked at Li Hao in astonishment. When he saw the serious expression of the boy, he suddenly laughed, and then laughed again.

"You are really good, kid."

Li Hao said: "The taste of the demon king should be quite good. It is worth their help to treat everyone."

"That's right." Feng Boping smiled and nodded. It was more than worth it. If they had known that there was demon king meat to eat, more warriors would probably want to come.

"However, in addition to the flesh and blood, the demon king's Tao heart is a treasure. You can use it to comprehend its foundation of Taoism and lay a foundation for you to enter the Four Realms in the future."

Feng Boping said: "The gilded bird feathers on its back are the essence of the power of the ancient demon king's bloodline, and are also good materials for forging divine weapons. You can collect them and send them to the Wanqi Building together with your Longxiao Sword, and ask them to help you recast them for the second time."

Li Hao nodded, he also thought of these.

This is also the most precious treasure of the demon king, and countless people are eager to get it.

"Prepare a container, I still have a use for this demon king's precious blood." Li Hao said.

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