The Name of Eternity

Chapter 163: Fighting the Four Sides (two chapters in one)

Three thousand miles outside the pass.

In a valley surrounded by poisonous fog and miasma.

There is a temple inside, and birds are covered with wind vortexes, flying through the poisonous miasma and falling into the temple.

There is a magic circle in the temple to isolate the miasma and poisonous fog.

Many birds landed on the railings and pillars of the temple, and some landed and turned into children, with petite bodies and delicate and beautiful.

This is a branch of Tianji Temple.

Among the demon forces, the status of Tianji Temple is not inferior to Longmen, Shenggong and other forces. Although the overall combat power is not strong, its master is extremely mysterious. In addition, the bird demons under his command have a lot of information, shuttle between various forces, and have a wide network of contacts, which makes all major forces quite dependent on it.

"You all got the news, right? That boy is killing demons everywhere!"

"Too arrogant, breaking into our demon territory alone. This is not the Great Yu Dynasty!"

"It's all because the Wanshan Demon King and his gang escaped from the border. No one can guard the boy. He must have been followed by the Si Lijing in secret."

"Before, the boy came from Qingzhou to Liangzhou. He was protected by the Si Lijing all the way, so that the demon kings were unwilling to risk breaking into the border and killing him. Now he is alone and seeking death!"

Seven or eight short boys and girls with different looks gathered together, led by a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, wearing a red skirt, delicate and watery, but with an indifferent and mature look.

"The master of Mingtang is dead, and it was killed by the boy!"

A boy in black whispered.

His voice was childish, but his eyes were gloomy.

The others were silent. They had already known the news through the previous whistle.

Tianji Hall shuttled around the various demons, but no demon would attack them, unless they were some crazy lunatics.

But once these demons hurt their Tianji Hall, they must pay with their lives!

Now, the human race dared to kill their Mingtang Master wantonly, so it should be like this!

"You have already passed the news, I just contacted other states and spread the news of this young man. Those big demons and demon kings who have hatred for the Li family will definitely come!"

"As long as this young man continues to stay here, he will definitely die!"

The red-skirted girl said with eyes as bright as snow and a cold voice.

Seeing this, the other children all nodded, with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Have you investigated who the Si Lijing who secretly followed the young man is?"

The red-skirted girl continued to ask.

Several children looked at each other, and another little girl in a green dress shook her head and said:

"I thought it was the fourth master of the Li family, but I personally investigated over there and found that the other party did not leave the dead river."

"It's not the fourth master of the Li family."

Another child with snow-white hair shook his head, with a sneer in his eyes, and said: "You will never guess who it is. When the Wanshan Demon King attacked before, I watched the battle from afar. Although the attack moves that person used were intentionally hidden, I still recognized it."

"I investigated the files before and found that it was related to the Buddhist incident thirty years ago. If I guessed correctly, that person should be the Thief Saint, Feng Bo Ping!"


Hearing his words, everyone else was shocked.

The many bird demons who were listening nearby also widened their eyes.

"The Thief Saint? Is he protecting that boy?"

"The God General's Mansion is actually secretly connected to the Thief Saint?"

"My God, if the Buddhist sect knows this, the Li family will be in trouble."

"Not only the Buddhist sect, but if other God General's Mansions know this, it will also be a top secret and can be sold for a good price!"

They were all a little excited. This is a rare handle for the Li family. However, at present, they only know that the Thief Saint is protecting the boy, and they have not yet obtained the specific information that the other party is colluding with the God General's Mansion.

If it is just based on protection, it is not enough to affect the God General's Mansion.

After all, it is the Thief Saint's freedom to protect whoever he wants. If there is no real evidence, it will only become an empty smear.

"I will report this matter to the Palace Master, and then our elders will personally investigate and follow the clues. If we can find evidence, it will be great news for us."

The red skirt girl's eyes sparkled, and her tone was slightly excited.

The Tianji Palace relies on intelligence to survive, and they know that intelligence is the greatest weapon.

The higher the value of the intelligence they have, the greater the benefit to them.

At this time, a flying bird flew through the poisonous miasma and landed in the palace.

"Report to the elders, the young man just killed the Pingshan Patriarch in the west and is rushing here."

The bird demon said with the voice of an old woman.

"What, the Pingshan Patriarch is also dead?!"

The other bird demons were shocked.

That was a big demon in the Unfading Realm, similar to the Three Prime Ministers. He practiced for ten thousand years. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has half a foot in the Four Li Realm. He is dead?

"Didn't he escape?"

"Didn't anyone send him a message?"

"Yes, he wanted to try it. He said he wanted to see the ability of the yellow-mouthed child."


The bird demons were silent.

The red-dressed girl looked gloomy and said, "I'm afraid this miasma and poisonous fog can't stop his investigation. This young man can tear the three immortals apart with his bare hands. He's quite scary! Let's disperse immediately and use the Xuanyin Whistle to communicate. There is already a demon king on his way. I will go to meet him and ask him to wait for other demon kings to come and kill the young man together."


Many bird demons nodded.

Afterwards, many flying birds flew out of this hidden poisonous valley.

The cyclone skills on their wings can isolate the surrounding poisonous mist and separate their paths.

As the birds flew away, the palace became empty in an instant.


Li Hongzhuang stood on the top of the city and looked into the distance. She still didn't see Li Hao returning. She frowned slightly and felt a pulsing feeling in her heart for some unknown reason.

There seems to be an uneasy premonition.

"General, has Major General Haotian not come back yet?"

A master came over and asked.

Li Hongzhuang was stunned and said, "What did you call him?"

"Major General Haotian." The grandmaster said blankly.

Li Hongzhuang's expression changed slightly. Previously, Li Hao had made great contributions in guarding Dayue City and guarding Tianmen Pass. His majesty conferred Li Hao as a major general. This matter had already spread in the court, and the news had already been sent back to the Li family in Qingzhou.

Nowadays, Li Hao's military flags are planted everywhere on the city top, and the word "Haotian" is flying. Most people in the city have also changed their names for Li Hao.

It seems that no one calls that child anymore, Young Master of the Li family.

Maybe behind the scenes, everyone still remembers that the young man was born in the Li family and bears the noble surname of the Divine General's Mansion. But as time goes by, will anyone still remember it in the future?

Li Hongzhuang's thoughts wandered for a while, and it wasn't until the grandmaster in front of her asked again that she brought her thoughts back.

She frowned and said, "What do you want from him?"

"General, I'm not looking for him, it's Officer Xingxiu who is looking for Major General Haotian."

The grandmaster said: "Their magic circle seems to be completed, and I would like to ask the major general to test it."

Li Hongzhuang glanced into the distance and said, "I'll go take a look first."

With that said, he took off and soon arrived at the other side of the city.

Li Hongzhuang landed, and the old Xingxu official and several students were waiting here.


Seeing the bright red battle armor on Li Hongzhuang's body and the general tattoos on her shoulders, the old Xingxu officer slightly held his hand.

Li Hongzhuang didn't dare to show off, and quickly raised her hand to return the gift, and then said: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's just a matter of duty."

The old Xingxiu officer glanced at him and said, "Where is Major General Haotian?"

Li Hongzhuang frowned slightly and said calmly: "He went to kill the demon outside the pass."

"When did he go? Why didn't I see any troops going out?"

Later, Xia Xianglan couldn't help but asked curiously.

Li Hongzhuang glanced at her and said, "He went alone, without an army."

"one person?"

Xia Xianglan was stunned, and then asked: "Why don't you bring the army? Isn't there any danger?"


Li Hongzhuang was stunned by this sentence that seemed to come out of her mouth. Do you have any answer? How could it not be.

The answer is...if so, how can we let that young man walk alone?

She paused slightly before reacting and said: "It's dangerous outside the pass. Our soldiers can't keep up with him and will only become a burden."

Speaking of this, she suddenly felt a little hot on her face.

Things that I usually take for granted now make me feel a little embarrassed to say them out.

They are also guarding the border, they seem to be just here to show off.

"Is he so powerful?" Xia Xianglan looked at her in surprise.

Li Hongzhuang was slightly silent, yes, that boy was already very powerful.

It was so powerful that even her little aunt couldn't catch up with that young man.

Maybe, if Ninth Brother is alive, he can still be side by side with the young man. Maybe he will be waiting for the young man in the scenery further ahead.

"Xianglan, don't be rude."

Although the old man Xingxiu Guan didn't like to make small talk and make friends, he was not indifferent. The rumors about the young man and the Li family were too sensational, and he had heard about it, so he immediately said to Li Hongzhuang:

"General, do you know when the young general will be back?"


Li Hongzhuang was speechless, she had no accurate news, and Li Hao said nothing when he left.

Seeing Li Hongzhuang's silence, the old man Xingsuguan looked at her with a strange look in his eyes. He didn't say anything more and just said:

"In that case, I'll just wait a few more days until the major general comes back."

"Good work."

Li Hongzhuang replied.

"Has he always been like this?"

Xia Xianglan asked Li Hongzhuang.

Li Hongzhuang frowned and pretended not to hear. The girl's words made her feel unable to answer.

Seeing that she was being ignored, Xia Xianglan just pouted slightly. After her master and Li Hongzhuang led the way away, she looked at the world outside the city where the snow was about to melt:

"What demon is he fighting?"

Three thousand miles outside the pass.

A dragon bird, covered in colorful lights, fled in panic, passing quickly among the peaks, the feathers on its wings shaking off and scattering.

Behind him, a golden divine light flew rapidly, suddenly increased in speed, and slashed towards its bird wings.

The dragon bird roared angrily, a sound of wind and thunder flapped between its wings, and bursts of thunder struck down, like a dense storm, hitting the nearby area.

But the golden divine light suddenly formed an arc and slashed to another place like a crescent moon. The sharp edge quickly drew a line of blood. The side of the dragon bird split open, and the internal organs almost flew out.

It screamed in pain, with a look of horror in its eyes, and said: "I have no enmity with you, why are you forcing me to die like this?!"

Li Hao's figure quietly appeared from another place, raised his hand and punched out. The rolling fist seemed to seal the void near Longniao, and all the aura was suppressed with one punch.

The dragon bird wailed and crashed fiercely into a mountain peak, knocking a big pit out of the mountain peak, and rocks rolled into the peak gully.

The golden divine light followed closely, quickly flew into the dust, and pierced the head of the dragon bird that had not yet climbed up.


The dragon bird opened its eyes unwillingly, looking at the approaching boy in horror and anger, but it was no longer able to get up.

The Longxiao Sword flew back into the sheath. Li Hao looked at the dragon bird whose soul had disappeared, shook his head slightly, and released a dark line to wrap around the dragon bird's body and drag it up.

Then, he gathered the other dark lines, and black shadows flew in from a distance like kites, all of which were the corpses of the demons killed along the way.

Li Hao soared into the sky, and these corpses were dragged behind him, like flying a kite, which looked quite spectacular.

Pushing across three thousand miles, killing from west to east, Li Hao regretted that he never encountered the figure of the demon king, and the top among them was the demon of the Unfading Realm.

"Could the demons outside the pass be those three?"

Li Hao was a little depressed.

So far, he has only warmed up a little.

Continuing forward, Li Hao flew over some hills. He used his soul to circle around and explore nearby.

On some hills, Li Hao detected the demon's cave, but there was no trace inside.

This was not the first time Li Hao had seen such a situation. He frowned and looked around. He occasionally saw some flying bird demons before, but he crushed them casually. Later, even the flying bird demons were not easy to see.

"These demons seem to know that I am coming and ran away in advance."

"Is it the demons from Tianji Palace who are sending a message?"

Li Hao sighed secretly. He was considered to have delivered himself to the door, but these demons actually ran away. It was simply unreasonable.

He flew for a while and visited several empty hills in succession. He couldn't find the figure of the demon. He felt a little bored and found a big mountain to sit down, and those demons with dark lines also landed on the side of the mountain.

"Old Feng, give me some wine."

Li Hao called out.

In the void, a wine gourd flew over, but Old Feng's figure did not appear:

"Drink less, this wine is strong."

"Strong wine is better."

Li Hao chuckled, popped the cork and drank two sips.

A few wild birds flew over, landed on the ground, and ate mountain fruits.

These birds were not monsters, but ordinary birds and beasts.

Li Hao glanced at them, didn't care, drank two more sips, and then suddenly looked at the birds.

A few birds were looking for fallen mountain fruits and reptiles on the ground.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly, and with a series of bangs, the bodies of several birds suddenly exploded and were crushed by the power of controlling objects.

He released a dark line, extending around and condensing into a net.

Afterwards, he continued to drink.

Dozens of miles away, a bird demon with a restrained demonic aura, which looked like an ordinary bird, suddenly hummed in pain.

Afterwards, blood oozed from its bird eyes, but it quickly hid its head under its wings, fearing that it would be noticed.

After stabilizing its injuries, it put away its frightened heart and took off.

"That guy, can he detect it like this? I used the divine eye technique and only borrowed the sight of those birds."

It felt like it was exposed, panicked, and didn't dare to stay any longer.

Suddenly, when it took off, it touched something like a string.

Before it could react, the dark line suddenly contracted, shot out and rolled, bound its body, and then quickly pulled it to a place.

"What is this!"

The bird demon was terrified and struggled hurriedly, but was deeply entangled by the dark line and strangled to the bones.

It watched itself being dragged all the way to a hilltop, where the young man was. It was so scared that it roared violently.


The body of the flying bird rolled to Li Hao's feet, but it had lost its breath and chose to commit suicide.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly. Just like the black bird before, are the bird demons of Tianji Palace so well-trained that they would rather commit suicide than give the enemy a chance to interrogate them?

"It seems that with the Tianji Palace here, it is really troublesome to hunt these demons on a large scale."

Li Hao muttered to himself.

He put away this hidden line, slapped the bird demon's body into a pulp, then returned the wine gourd to Feng Lao, and stood up and rushed out again.

He wanted to see how many demons the bird demon of Tianji Palace could persuade to retreat.

Li Hao continued to fly eastward. When passing by a valley of miasma and poisonous fog, he found an empty palace inside, and Li Hao smashed it casually.

Li Hao smashed all the caves or dojo opened by these demons along the way and destroyed them all the way.


As Li Hao galloped and pushed forward, several figures flew over from a border of Liangzhou thousands of miles away.

These figures exuded a surging demonic aura, and the leader was a middle-aged man in white clothes, with a handsome face, a godly gaze, and a fascinating luster.

The other four figures were a little frightened when they saw this person, and hurriedly saluted:

"Lord Fengshan!"

The middle-aged man in white clothes glanced at the four people and said coldly: "Do you also have a grudge against the Li family?"


The four people nodded hurriedly, a little nervous in front of him.

After all, this is a demon king.

At this time, two flying birds came one after another, and the red flying bird in the lead shrank its body and turned into the appearance of a girl in a red skirt.

"Lord Fengshan!"

She saluted the middle-aged man in white clothes respectfully, and then nodded slightly to the other four people, saying: "Please wait, Lord Bai is also on his way here."

"Lord Bai?"

The middle-aged man in white clothes frowned slightly. He didn't expect that person to come too. However, that person had fought against the Li family in Yanbei for more than ten years and had deep grudges. It was normal for the other party to come over during this rare opportunity.

"How long will it take for him to arrive? If it's too slow, I won't be too lazy to wait." Fengshan Jun said.

The girl in the red dress was about to speak when suddenly she seemed to hear something and looked up into the distance.

I saw several figures flying towards me, led by a young man in white clothes like snow, flying across the sky and earth with his hands behind his back, looking cool and unrestrained.

Behind him, several figures were ugly and of different heights.

Fengshan Jun seemed to be aware of it, turned his head to look, and narrowed his eyes slightly.


The girl in the red dress smiled slightly, waited for the other party to arrive, and said respectfully: "I have met Mr. Bai Shen."

The young man in white glanced at Fengshan Jun and said with a smile, "You are here too."

Fengshan Jun nodded slightly, but his eyes were a bit cold. The other person was from the Holy Palace and was not close to the forces behind him.

"I came here recently just for personal reasons. Since we are all enemies of the Li family, we are temporary allies."

Bai Shenjun smiled and said: "Let's go and see if the boy from the Li family has anything to rely on."

Mr. Fengshan just nodded and said nothing.

"Ziyu, please guide the two adults." The girl in the red dress said to the purple bird beside her.

After watching them leave, the girl in the red dress then flew away again:

"The Li family has provoked quite a few enemies."

Li Hao stomped down a cave and was about to head into the distance. Suddenly, he heard Feng Lao's voice:

"Little mouse, a demon king is coming."

Li Hao's eyes lit up, he raised his head and looked around, his soul was sacrificed, and at the same time, dark lines extended out.

Soon, in the sight of Shenhun, he saw several figures flying towards him in the distance.

The first two figures did not cover up the demonic aura at all, flying all the way. The demonic aura above their heads hovered like dark clouds, like a dragon and a phoenix mingling, carrying a terrifying pressure.

Li Hao narrowed his eyes, there were two of them at the same time, he really came prepared.

He threw the restrained demon corpse to another hilltop to avoid affecting the subsequent battle.

Then, the energy and blood in his body slowly began to vibrate, and he began to warm up.

"It's over there."

The purple bird pointed, but stopped.

When several demons saw this, they didn't care. They had already seen the young man's figure. What made them funny was that when the other man saw them, he didn't even run away, but waited in place.

He is really confident!

"Sure enough, there are four realms protecting you in secret, but there is only one."

Bai Shenjun squinted his eyes and sensed the strong man hiding in the darkness.

"You come and block the Four Standing Realm, and I'll deal with this brat!"

Fengshan Jun said immediately, with a murderous look of hatred in his eyes.

Bai Shenjun's eyes flickered slightly, he glanced at him and said, "Okay."

Seeing that he was so easy to talk to, Lord Fengshan was secretly relieved. He came here just to kill the blood of the Li family with his own hands.


He greeted, but didn't charge first.

The young man stopped where he was. It was too weird. Although he was the Demon King and was confident that he could kill him easily, his years of caution made him choose to observe first.

The three immortal demons around him who came for revenge were a little hesitant at this moment.

They saw the corpses of many demons that Li Hao threw on the distant hilltop. Those demons were all in the third level of immortality, but they were thrown out by the young man like a kite.

According to the information from Tianji Palace, the young man killed many three immortal demons in a row. It would be difficult for them to kill them alone.

"Why, aren't you coming for revenge? Are you afraid?"

Seeing their hesitation, Lord Fengshan couldn't help but sneer, but there was a fierce light in his eyes.

Several demons felt a little helpless when they saw this, but fortunately there were many of them and they could take care of each other.

"Let's go, let's take action together!"

Several three immortal realm demons quickly discussed and then flew directly towards Li Hao.

They directly revealed their prototypes, huge bodies appeared in the sky, and the demonic aura surged like a wave.

Li Hao stood quietly. When several large demons rushed within a few hundred meters, they suddenly attacked.

He breathed out a breath of immortal energy, gathered the power of heaven and earth, and suppressed the sky.

The Longxiao sword was unsheathed with a clang, and dazzling golden light shot out.


A monster that looked like a giant turtle roared and charged forward first, relying on its thick skin and flesh to block Li Hao's attack and give others time to attack and kill him.

The Longxiao Sword slashed away and landed on its indestructible treasure body, only to create a tiny gap.

Li Hao's eyes opened slightly, and a golden haze of light suddenly rolled out from the Longxiao Sword. A dragon roar sounded, and the real dragon transformed into shape.


The Longxiao Sword suddenly slashed down again, shattering the treasure light outside his body, and struck directly on his neck, tearing a huge wound.

At the same time, several other monsters roared and rushed to Li Hao.


A monster like a giant gorilla suddenly drew its bow. The huge demon iron bow, which seemed to have a rough structure, but glowed with a strong silver frost, suddenly shot an arrow from a distance.

Another monster that looked like a giant rat, but was covered with dragon scales and had the blood of a real dragon. It jumped and rushed towards him. It opened its mouth and spat out a stream of black demonic mist, intending to rot and devour Li Hao's body.

Facing the simultaneous attacks of the two demons, Li Hao's face turned cold, and he raised his hand and pressed down sharply.

The force that stretched across the sky and earth suddenly pressed down, and with a bang, several demons' bodies trembled violently as if they were hit by a mountain.

The frost arrow that was flying at them had a skewed momentum and turned towards the dragon rat.

The dragon rat's demon mist was directly dispersed by Li Hao's palm.

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