The Name of Eternity

Chapter 184 Whose flag is that, and whose name is that! (Third update, 10,000 words)

Liangzhou, the western border.

The flames of war burned, and the land was barren for thousands of miles.

The Black Stone Great Wall that was originally built here has been destroyed at this moment, with blood-stained bricks and ruins everywhere.

On the ground, there are scattered corpses everywhere, with demons and human soldiers mixed together. Some corpses were cut in half, with broken arms, but they still used their teeth to bite the demons' flesh tightly.

Some demons have holes all over their bodies, but there are several corpses hanging on the sharp teeth in their mouths, as if they were biting before they died.

Both sides are fighting with all their might, and their ferocity and bloodiness are fully reflected in this battlefield that concerns billions of lives.

Broken weapons, broken armor and limbs are everywhere, but this battlefield is already silent.

The human race has retreated, and the demons have followed them. Only occasionally, there are scattered demons in the wilderness who follow the demon tide to pick up leaks and sneak into the battlefield where the war has subsided, looking for fresh corpses as food.

I saw an ape demon climbed to the top of the broken city. There was a battle flag hanging like a rag. It picked up the broken flagpole and shook it vigorously twice.

The flag fluttered in the wind, and the word "Xuan" twisted in the fluttering flag, but soon fell lifelessly.

The little ape demon squeaked and laughed twice, and found it interesting, and shook it vigorously a few more times.

The fluttering battle flag rolled over...

A grand pursuit war kicked off!

The battlefield was five thousand miles away from the western border.

On the vast plain, the mighty demon tide was surging, like the black soil on the horizon, climbing mountains and treading water, sweeping and chasing all the way.

In front, thousands of troops were rushing towards the city ahead.

Along the way, beacon signals were constantly sent into the air, conveying information.

In the city defense line in front of them, a large army rushed out to greet them, or to be more precise, to die for them.

"Faster, faster!!"

Li Xuanli was covered in blood. Although he took drugs and barely stabilized his injuries, his body was already extremely exhausted.

However, he knew that he could not fall down. At this moment, his whole body was full of blood and blood, and he was supported by a mouthful of angry blood.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Behind them, the demon tide was already at the end of their sight and was about to catch up.

In the crowd, a signal was sent into the air. A general of the Li family, who was born out of wedlock, turned his head and looked at the demon tide behind him. He suddenly pulled the reins and slowed down his body.

He roared and ordered his camp to stop and stay to block the attack to buy time for Li Xuanli.

Li Xuanli was the commander-in-chief and must not fall down here, otherwise the defense line behind him would be even more defeated.

Moreover, Li Xuanli was also the direct descendant of the previous generation of the Li family. Only three of the nine sons of that generation were left. How could he die again?

He thought of what his mother had taught him since he was a child, that the direct descendants were noble, and the illegitimate children should be respectful and give way to the direct descendants.

The Li family was able to have this thousand-year glory thanks to the support of the direct descendants.

When he was young, he was unconvinced, arrogant, and wanted to compete with the sun and the moon.

But in middle age, he witnessed the funeral of the six direct descendants of the Li family, and the direct descendants rushed to the front line in every war.

He finally understood that the difference between the direct descendants and the illegitimate descendants was not only in origin, but also in the responsibility on their shoulders.

Now that he has been a general under Li Xuanli for many years, he has long been convinced by this direct general.

Just like what his mother said, the direct descendants are noble, and the illegitimate descendants are cheap.

Perhaps his mother was afraid that he was young and ignorant and would bump into the direct descendants, so she taught him repeatedly.

But this sentence was deeply rooted in his heart and became an indelible mark.

Looking at the demon tide sweeping in front of him, the illegitimate general smiled.

"Even my mother said that my life was cheap, so what if I am buried with you demon beasts?"

"Come on!!"

He raised the long halberd in his hand, roared, and led his troops to rush against the current.

Li Xuanli also saw the beacon signal, turned his head to look at the gradually distant figure on the horseback, that was the brother who had once fought with him.

They had drunk and talked happily in the military camp, and there was no gap between them.

He also said that he wanted to see the other party become a marquis, erect a monument for his mother, and bury her in the Li family cemetery.

But all this was gone at this moment.

His eyes were wet, and he reached out to wipe it. I don't know if it was blood or tears in his hand.

He didn't stop, but gritted his teeth and roared: "Faster!!"

The whole army was speeding up and rushing towards the defense line ahead.

There were many cities along the 5,000 miles, all of which were large cities located on the border.

Those big cities chose to stay and garrison to cover Li Xuanli's retreat.

When the demon tide broke through the border so quickly, these border cities could no longer escape, so they would rather choose to die in their hometown.

A city nurtures a group of people!

However, these cities were submerged in an instant like the reefs covered by black waves in front of the mighty demon tide.

Only a few waves were stirred up, relying on the city protection array to barely support, but they were instantly smashed by the three immortal realms of the demon tide. Under the mighty demons, the people and soldiers in the city all became dead souls under the claws of the demons.

Wherever these demons passed, they were like locusts passing through, leaving no survivors.

However, at this moment, the army was chasing, and the demons did not dare to stay and taste it slowly. Some of them directly held it in their mouths and ate it while chasing, while others were attracted by the food and stayed to eat, but were slapped to death by the big demon who ruled them.

With such might, the demon army marched through the cities without slowing down at all.

And in those cities, only blood and corpses were left everywhere.

“Here they come!”

Inside the defense line, the defenders on the top of the city stared nervously, watching the thousands of troops roaring in front of them, and farther behind them, there was a large tide of demons chasing them.

“Quick, prepare to welcome them, and when they enter the city, open the magic circle at any time!”

“Let the Sitianjian Houling!”

“Lower the city bridge!”

Commands came from the top of the city.

The defenders here are also in the three immortal realms, and their strength is extremely strong, but at this moment their faces are extremely solemn and tense, because the information from Li Xuanli is that three demon kings broke through the defense line!

Although the momentum brought by the demon tide at this moment is huge, it is not unstoppable, at least it can be delayed.

But the traces of the three demon kings are invisible, which makes him nervous.

The earth shook, and the 300,000 remnants of the army galloped, like an earthquake.

Li Xuanli looked at the city wall that was so close, and saw that the other party had already made preparations to welcome him. His eyelids twitched, and he shouted:

"Set up the magic circle first!!"

His roar shook a hundred miles, integrated into the power of the soul, and transmitted to the defense line.

On the top of the city, the commander of the three immortal realms heard it, his face changed slightly, and suddenly realized something, and immediately said: "Quick, open the magic circle first!"

Opening the magic circle would block the footsteps of Li Xuanli and his men. After all, they only had the border magic circle order, but not the second line of defense.

Especially, hundreds of thousands of troops, there was no order, and it was extremely difficult to make this order, and only the generals could get a piece of it.

"Hmph, the reaction is quite fast!"

In the void, three figures suddenly appeared. They were the three demon kings who had previously broken through the border magic circle. They broke through the air and came like teleportation. They were just hiding and chasing before.

They delayed killing Li Xuanli and his army, just to let them enter the second line of defense and let the defense line close the magic circle.

In this way, they can easily break through, quickly attack the second line of defense at a very fast speed, and use this to kill deeper into the hinterland.

Speed ​​is the essence of war. As long as the speed is fast enough, Liangzhou will not have time to react, and the reinforcements of His Majesty Emperor Yu may not be able to arrive.

These human beings are united, and they must not only break the city, but also be fast, otherwise they will fall into a disadvantage if they are deadlocked.

They have experienced this situation too many times. The war in Yanbei more than ten years ago is another living example.


The three demon kings did not care about hiding anymore and chased after them at a very fast speed.

One of the demon kings suddenly raised his hand and slapped it, trying to block the magic circle.

With a bang, a rough divine weapon like a bone spear came out, driving the demon cloud to whistle and penetrate.

The magic circle condensed quickly, but the bone spear was extremely fast and hit the top of the city wall at once, destroying it. All the soldiers within hundreds of meters nearby were killed or injured. Even the Tianren Grandmaster Realm, under the influence of this residual power, all had pale faces, churning blood, and soft flesh.


At the moment when the bone spear broke through the city, the magic circle condensed at the last moment.

Bang! Bang!

The attacks of the other two demon kings fell, but were blocked by the magic circle, and only countless divine patterns flashed.

The demon king who had previously sacrificed the bone spear roared and summoned the bone spear, but found that the bone spear did not respond, and the magic circle could block his call.

The power of controlling objects could not penetrate the magic circle.

"Damn it!"

The weapon was lost, and the demon king spit out a mouthful of fishy phlegm with a sound of "Puh", just angry, but not nervous.

The previous disguise was exposed, although reluctant, but it could only take some more time.

After breaking the formation, the weapon will naturally come back.

There were no Sili Realm warriors among these armies, so he didn't care whether they had weapons or not.

"Little Li, you're quick-witted, right? I'll rip your head off!"

The demon king's body was covered with green veins, his eyes flashed with cold lightning, and he suddenly rushed towards Li Xuanli's army.

Li Xuanli saw the traces of the three demon kings, and thought to himself that it was indeed true. Now that he saw them turning around and rushing over, his eyes were gloomy, and he growled: "Form a formation!"

The military camps with thousands of horses galloping quickly gathered together and condensed into a formation.

Forming a military formation on horseback shows that they are well-trained on weekdays.

Among the many military banners of the Li family, the trump card is the Yuan Camp, but the soldiers of the Xuan Camp are also elite, and they basically practice middle-grade and upper-grade skills.

Ordinary young masters from aristocratic families may not be able to defeat a soldier of the Xuan Camp at the same level, unless they are young geniuses.


As the army formation solidified, a peacock-like shadow rushed out of the army formation, roared to the sky, and rushed towards the demon king.

"Humph, since the magic formation is open, you will die outside!"

The three demon kings turned around and vented their anger on Li Xuanli and his army. They raised their hands and lifted the earth. There was a rumble on the ground outside the city, and a high platform was raised to intercept all the troops.

Inside the city, the three immortals immediately asked the Sitianjian to come and repair the magic formation of this city wall.

Fortunately, not many magic formations were destroyed, and only a small amount of the magic formation's power was reduced. If it is repaired in time, it can be restored.

"Quick, open the 34th node of the magic circle. Who is willing to lead the army to support General Li?!"

As the general shouted, several generals around him stepped out quickly:

"General, I am incompetent and willing to open the way for General Li!"

"General, let me do it. I am willing to open the way for General Li!"

"I will definitely fight for General Li. I will personally attract the demon king!"

Several generals said loudly.

What they said now was not out of passion, but some of them were concubines of the Li family, some were favored by the Li family in their early years, and some were orphans that the Li family rescued from the dangerous city swept by demons many years ago.

Threads and threads of ties gather together to form a river. This is the Li family’s connections, and it is the grace and power that has allowed the Li family to stand for thousands of years!

The Commander-in-Chief of Liangzhou took a deep breath, quickly pointed to two of the major generals, and said, "You two, I'll leave it to you!"

"The last general takes orders!!"

The two major generals had sharp eyes and responded loudly. Then they rushed out quickly, led their soldiers, and shouted:

"Brothers, follow me out of the city. Those who died in battle will be rewarded with meritorious deeds and their names will remain forever!!"


The two major generals led their respective armies and rushed out from a separate magic circle that was opened on the side. They then circled the frontal battlefield from the side and killed the two demon kings.


The three demon kings took action, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. The monstrous demonic energy swept down and killed Li Xuanli's army. They knocked down the peacock army soul that had just flown out with a cry and hit the ground.

The peacocks screamed, and thousands of soldiers spit out blood, jolted down from their horses, and rolled into the horses' hooves.

But the red-blooded horse was psychic and did not abandon its master. Instead, after galloping for a certain distance, it stopped at a high speed, turned around and bit its master's armor, threw him onto the horse's back, and then ran forward again.

Next to Li Xuanli, Li Wushuang was vomiting blood. She was also a member of the formation. Her face was as white as paper at the moment, and her body was full of energy and blood.

Above his head was the mighty demonic power, and death had never been so close.

She looked up at the dark sky shrouded in demonic clouds, with despair and anger in her eyes.

Just when she was about to burst her own veins, burn her soul, and add strength to the military formation, Li Xuanli seemed to notice the fluctuations in his daughter's aura, glared at her, and roared:

"Don't be stupid, it's not that time yet."

Tears welled up in Li Wushuang's eyes. She had never felt the cruelty of the battlefield so deeply. The countless soldiers who died tragically on the border were still vivid in her mind.

It was only after countless people cut off their backs that they could escape to this second line of defense.

"You are a ninth-level warrior with top-notch talent. You can't waste it here. You still have a future!"

Li Xuanli said in a low voice: "Get out of the military formation quickly. I will ask your Uncle Jian to protect you, blend in with the army, and enter the city from that side."

As he spoke, he quickly handed a formation order into Li Wushuang's hand.

Li Wushuang was shocked. This was her father's formation order.

The formation order for the second line of defense!

The number of this array order is very small. In addition to the difficulty in constructing it, it is also because there are too many array orders and it is easy to lose them. Once the array order is obtained by the demon, the array will be useless!


Li Wushuang was sad.

"Let's go!"

Li Xuanli roared angrily: "When you reach my level of cultivation and then think about slaying demons and enemies, you still have a long way to go, so don't be stupid!"

Li Wushuang's eyes were full of tears and tears were pouring out. At this moment, she finally realized that all geniuses and geniuses were bullshit!

Only the truly grown combat power is the most important.

Otherwise, no matter how vain you are, it will be useless in the face of life and death!

She is so weak, so weak that any big demon can easily kill her!

Her cultivation speed is already very fast, but it is not fast enough, it is still too far!


Li Xuanli glared at her angrily, and then gave another look to the other Third Immortal Realm general next to him.

When the opponent understood, he immediately jumped onto Li Wushuang's horse, gathered his breath, took off his general's armor, and ordered the surrounding troops to disperse, covering Li Wushuang's entry into the city from the side.

The army is scattered and will be even more vulnerable when facing the three demon kings.

This will only make you die faster, but this is no choice.

If they continue to hold together, they will be quickly killed by the three demon kings. It is better to separate and fight!

Li Xuanli knew that the target of the Demon King was him. He took a deep breath, suddenly rose into the sky, and roared:

"You beast, do you dare to challenge me?!"

"You deserve it too!"

The three demon kings did not fall into the trap and were not provoked at all. They just wanted to kill them quickly and then destroy the magic circle at the top of the city.


One of the blood-robed old men with a cold expression suddenly raised his hand, and a stream of blood shot out from his palm, like a giant ruler with rough lines, but he slapped Li Xuanli head-on, intending to kill him on the spot.

He is in a Tao state of mind, and if he raises his hand to attack, he is sure to hit.

Li Xuanli felt shrouded in the terror of life and death, as if he was isolated from the military formation. His heart was beating wildly, and he roared and used his soul and soul to unite. His aura stirred up his whole body, activating the power of the military formation and punching out.

With a bang, the light of the fist hit the blood ruler, and the overwhelming smell of blood spread out.

The other demon king raised his hand and clapped it, and countless purple whips like lightning fell down and struck Li Xuanli.

His armor was instantly torn, his cloak was shattered, and his indestructible treasure body, which had been recuperating in the Divine General's Mansion for many years, was severely damaged again at this moment, with cracks all over his body and traces of burning and blackening.

His body fell straight into the army, creating a deep crater in the ground.

The nearby Xuanzi Army quickly surrounded him and formed a formation to shelter him inside.

The rest of the army remained scattered and rushed towards the city.


Li Wushuang saw Li Xuanli's severe injuries, his eyes were red, but he didn't call out loudly, he just bit his lips tightly, and the bright red blood flowed down his lips and into his mouth.

She knew that her father was using his life to attract the demon king's attention so that she and the other soldiers could escape.

"Miss, don't look at the Demon King, otherwise you will be noticed."

The general of the Third Immortal Realm behind the war horse whispered.

Li Wushuang felt aggrieved and angry, but he still looked away and buried his head.


At this moment, a charming roar sounded.

I saw a few figures speeding towards me from afar within the defense line.

Li Wushuang heard the voice, looked up and saw a familiar figure, it was his master, Taoist Qianji.

"Master is here!"

Li Wu's eyes suddenly glowed, as if he saw the hope of saving the world.

"Uncle Jian, it's Master, my Master is here!"

She couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Li Jian looked up, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

In the distance, in addition to Taoist Qianji, there were two female generals galloping over. They both looked to be in their forties.

They are Li Muchiu's second sister and fourth sister.

They were all married to other places in their early years and had been noble ladies for decades. Now, after receiving the message from Li Muchiu, they immediately took out the armor that had been packed in the box for many years, put it on, put on their weapons, and headed out as quickly as possible. Rushed over at such speed.

Along the way, their makeup had faded away, and they seemed to have returned to the moment when they were young and galloping on the battlefield.

They knew that if the Li family had not been in a critical situation, Li Muchiu's weird temper would never have asked them for help.

Therefore, they came here with almost no thought or hesitation.

"Three-headed Demon King!"

Taoist Qianji's eyes were solemn, falling on the three big demon kings.

He has white hair and a childlike face, and looks like an immortal, elegant and elegant.

"Old man Qianji!"

The three demon kings also noticed him, their eyes raised slightly, but they sneered.

"You dare to come here alone?"

One of the demon kings stepped out, and the aura of demons all over his body increased sharply, covering it like a dark cloud, and it faintly appeared like an entrenched double-winged monster dragon.


Taoist Qianji's face suddenly changed when he saw the other party. This was the elder in the Dragon Gate, and he was ranked extremely high, and his strength was not weak. He was a person in the fate-defying realm.

"Are the women from the Li family here too? It seems that all the sons of the Li family are really going to die!"

Another demon king sneered, and half of his face was split open, revealing ferocious sharp teeth and a bright red tongue. All his limbs twisted, revealing his true body, which looked like a ferocious monster insect.

"You deal with him, and I'll kill this brat!"

The demon king with the blue veins on his face said before.

He raised his hand to grab the rocks on the ground and threw them towards the military camp. At the same time, he slapped them down with one palm, intending to crush them all.


Taoist Qianji shouted angrily, and suddenly struck out, a white light flew out, smashing the boulder into pieces, and at the same time struck the demon king's palm.

"How dare you get distracted!"

The Abyssal Dragon Demon King's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he suddenly took action. The manifested true dragon's shadow suddenly bit at the opponent, spitting out a large amount of poisonous mist.

Taoist Qianji rolled up his sleeves, shook away the demonic mist, and said to the two sisters-in-law of the Li family beside him:

"Quick, go and fetch General Li, I'll hold them back!"

Both of them saw that the situation was serious and hurriedly dispersed and rushed towards Li Xuanli respectively.

"Do you want to fight the three of us alone?!"

Another strange insect demon king made a sharp cry, rushed towards Taoist Qianji, opened its mouth and shot out a bloody sword, shooting out a sharp black light.

Taoist Qianji raised his hand, used a golden seal, and headed towards the opponent's blood sword to kill.

"Who gave you the courage!"

The Abyssal Dragon Demon King roared angrily and suddenly manifested his true form. His dragon body swept across and his tail whipped down.

Taoist Qianji was horrified, and hurriedly held up a golden light, clapped his hands one after another, and shook the opponent's dragon tail.

But the countless scales on the dragon's tail shone with precious light, were extremely sharp, and carried a destructive aura. They directly smashed his palm prints and threw them on him.

With a bang, Taoist Qianji's body hit the ground below.

The bloody sword immediately bypassed the golden seal and quickly killed the opponent.

Taoist Qianji roared, released his divine soul, and used another divine weapon, a long whip, to wrap around the blood sword.

The blood sword was restrained by the long whip and he struggled hard, but the Yuanlong Demon King roared down directly.

The earth shook, Taoist Qianji and Demon King Yuanlong fought together. Both of them were in a fate-defying situation, and the fight was earth-shattering.

On the other side, the demon king with cyan veins threw away the magic weapon in front of him. It was a nine-section whip. At this moment, the Taoist Qianji was beaten by the Yuanlong Demon King so that he could not be distracted. The magic weapon also lost its sharp attack. He was knocked down directly.


He swooped towards Li Xuanli below, and his true body was revealed. It was a huge giant spider.

Countless threads shot out like poisonous blades, and instantly penetrated the many Xuanzi troops guarding Li Xuanli. His body was penetrated by spider threads, and even his soul was wiped out, leaving him with no chance to enter the martial arts temple.


Two angry shouts came.

Then he saw golden light emerge, and a burning holy talisman flew towards him, turning into a purple divine bell and covering Li Xuanli. It was a sacred heart talisman.

The giant spider demon king roared, spitting out more spider silk, covering the purple divine bell, but his eyes turned to look at the two female generals of the Li family next to him.

"court death!"

He was a little angry, his eyes opened angrily, and he shot out blue light, intending to kill the two girls.

However, a Sacred Heart Talisman suddenly burned out in Li Qingling's hand, turned into green light, and wrapped around her body, making her body power increase sharply, as fast as a phantom.

She quickly grabbed her fourth sister, and then rushed towards Li Xuanli, hoping to use the speed of this talisman to escape.

Li Xuanli also had the Sacred Heart Talisman on him, but he had used it when guarding the border earlier to block a fatal blow for him.

Seeing the two aunts appear at this moment, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and said anxiously: "Why are you here? You go quickly!"

"Stop talking and catch me!"

Li Qingling said hurriedly.

She picked up Li Xuanli's arm, grabbed it, and rushed towards the city.

But suddenly, a figure whizzed past and hit the ground in front of them, leaving a deep crater.

The three of them looked over and saw that the figure there was Taoist Qianji.

At this moment, he was covered in blood and looked miserable. He was no longer the celestial being he had just been.

The three of them were horrified. Taoist Qianji was in a fate-defying situation, but he was defeated in the blink of an eye?

At this moment, two terrifying auras suddenly rose up, shocking the three of them, and causing waves of horrified shouts to be heard from the city top not far away.

The three of them turned around and saw that in addition to the three demon kings, two more figures appeared at some point.

"You guys are so slow!"

One of them was wearing white clothes, with a figure as rich as jade and a handsome face.

But compared to the indifference of the past, his eyes were a little more deep and cold.

"Holy Palace, Lord Shirakami!"

"Blood Lake Dragon Demon!"

On top of the city, many people recognized the identities of these two demon kings.

In addition to Lord Baishen, the other one is an elder of Longmen and also a demon king, whose strength is similar to that of Yuanlong Demon King.

At this moment, the five demon kings appeared in the sky, as if they were about to engulf the world.

The terrifying demonic aura covered them like dark clouds, making Li Xuanli, Li Qingling and others' eyes widen in disbelief, but more importantly, despair.

Many of the soldiers on top of the city were also speechless and speechless.

Why are there five demon kings? !


Li Wushuang, who was about to reach the magic circle in the distance, looked back and saw this scene. The original surprise in his eyes turned into shock and disbelief.

That powerful and invincible master could actually be defeated?

how so?

Obviously the master is here.

But even the master was defeated!

Li Jian, who was protecting her, had no joy in his eyes, and his face was as ugly as a black pot. He even realized that this second line of defense could no longer be defended.

Among the five demon kings, who else can come and stop them?


In the distance, countless waves of demons swept over and rushed forward.

While the three demon kings were blocking their way, the waves of demons were already chasing after them.

The generals and soldiers who originally stopped to stop them were already swamped by the tide of monsters. They only slowed them down for a moment before speeding up to catch up again.


At this moment, everyone felt desperate, whether outside the city or inside the city.

The appearance of the five demon kings seemed to cover the sun and the moon. This terrifying pressure made people dare not even whisper.

Thousands of troops and horses were like paper in front of the demon king, unable to stop him at all.

There is no way this second line of defense can be blocked!

The eyes of the entire audience fell on Taoist Qianji in the deep pit. At this moment, he was the only one in the Four Standing Realm and the last remaining glimmer of hope.

Taoist Qianji slowly climbed up from the ground. His hair was disheveled and his hair was messed up.

He looked up at the five demon kings who were slowly approaching, and he staggered. There was a huge blood hole in his abdomen. He had just been attacked by the White God Lord, and his heart was almost broken with a shot.

His face was pale and ugly, and there was cold sweat on his forehead. He had never suffered such a serious injury in hundreds of years.

Seeing the five demon kings surrounding them, he knew that he would never be able to escape unless he took advantage of his fate.

But his opportunity to defy fate has long been used up.

Could it be that he is going to die here too?

"Old guy, it seems you have no chance to rebel against your fate!"

Lord Bai Shen caught a hint of sadness flashing in Taoist Qianji's eyes and sneered.

Following their footsteps, the demon tide approached the only remaining army outside the pass.

The rushing torrent seemed to be able to swallow up all of Li Xuanli's army in the blink of an eye.

Li Xuanli's eyes were filled with despair, but he soon burst into a bloody and furious roar, roaring: "Xuanzi Camp, listen to the order, in the final battle, follow me and fight to the death!!"

His roar spread throughout the military camp and also echoed on the city walls.

"Hmph, the mayfly shakes the tree!"

Bai Shenjun sneered and raised his hand to kill Li Xuanli first.

He had been competing with Li Tiangang for so many years in Yanbei, and he had already hated Li Tiangang deeply. Now, he was even more murderous towards his brother.

Just when he raised his hand to slap it, an angry roar suddenly came from the horizon.


That was a woman's angry rebuke!

The sound was clear and clear, but it traveled thousands of miles and fell into the ears of Bai Shenjun and other demon kings.

Several demon kings looked surprised. Could it be that there are girls from the Li family who dare to come?

"Little sister!"

Almost instantly, Li Xuanli identified the shouting voice as that of the youngest sister guarding Tianmen Pass.

His originally angry face now showed a rare look of panic. In this desperate situation, no matter how many people came, it would be useless. My little sister would just be buried with her!

"Hongzhuang, don't come!!"

His eyes were moist and red, and he shouted loudly.

But what responded to his roar was a sound of a rapid shot breaking through the air!

I saw a black shadow flying from the horizon, like a sharp arrow, like a meteorite from the sky, cutting through the sky, crossing the vast plain, and shooting straight at the ground under the demon kings!

The ground was dusty, and a deep pit of more than ten meters was burst out.

And in the deep pit, there was a flag!

Previously, the flag was rolled up on the flagpole, which did not increase the wind resistance. At this moment when it landed, the power of Li Hongzhuang wrapped around the flagpole was also dissipated by the impact.

The cloth wrapped around the flagpole slowly slid down and stretched out.

The breeze fluttered, and it turned out to be a military flag!

This more than ten-meter-long military flag was inserted diagonally on this vast battlefield. As the breeze swayed, the two words "Haotian" rolled down.

When Bai Shenjun, who was about to take action, saw the two words on the battle flag, his footsteps stopped, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

At the same time, his heartbeat seemed to tremble violently.

Is it that fighting god-like boy? !

He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the horizon, but saw a series of black shadows flying over.

It was a row of military flags, flying over one after another, shooting at the ground where the demon tide was moving.

As the ground burst, the battle flags were revealed. The three immortal realm great demons who were in charge of the command in front of the demon tide were briefly surprised. When they saw the two words "Haotian" stretched out, their bodies trembled violently and showed horror.

They immediately roared and shouted, ordering the whole army to stop.

The long roars of the demons were heard, which quickly reduced the momentum of the demon tide.

In the end, they stopped four or five miles away from the battle flag.

Seeing that they were only a few thousand meters away, the three immortal realm great demons in the demon tide were all sweating and secretly relieved.

The Tianji Palace frequently transmits intelligence, and they have long known the situation outside the Tianmen Pass.

This matter has long been spread among the upper echelons of the demon forces. Longmen and Shenggong even pulled out Li Hao's battle flag and went back to study it, and ended up killing a great demon in the Three Immortal Realms.

Everyone knows that the Tianmen Pass, with that young man in charge, is the hardest nail in Liangzhou.

That is also the place they are going to devour and pull out in the end!

This Haotian battle flag is planted five thousand miles outside the pass, deterring the demons, and has long been known for its fierce reputation, which makes people afraid.

"Don't, don't destroy the battle flag!"

A great demon knew the secret and shouted in a hurry.

For fear that some blind demons would crush the flag.

The sudden battle flag and the demons' strange reactions made Li Xuanli and others, who were originally facing despair, stunned.

What is this... situation?

Qianji Taoist was also stunned, looking at the military flag in surprise.

Everything seemed to be because of this military flag.

These demons were extremely afraid of this flag.

But the Yuan flag of the Li family ancestors stood on the battlefield, symbolizing the invincible Yuan camp army, and they never had such power.

Whose flag was that, and whose name was on it? !

After seeing the flag clearly, Li Xuanli was shocked. Being in Liangzhou, he naturally knew who the flag belonged to.

Hao'er is here too?

He hurriedly raised his head and looked into the distance, but only saw a bright red figure flying over, it was his younger sister Li Hongzhuang.

On Li Hongzhuang's back, there was also a large bundle of flags, which landed at this moment.

"Fifth brother!"

Li Hongzhuang shouted anxiously.

Li Xuanli looked behind her and hurriedly said, "Hao'er is here too?"

There was tension in his voice, both expectation and fear, fearing that Li Hao would come and something would happen.

He knew that Li Hao was protected by the Si Lijing behind him. If Li Hao came, the Si Lijing would most likely come too.

But there are five demon kings in front of them!

Li Hongzhuang pursed her lips slightly and did not answer. She was worried that her answer would be heard by these demon kings.

Although she didn't know how much deterrence Li Hao had on these demon kings, it was better to keep silent.

At this moment, after Bai Shenjun's eyes swept over Li Hongzhuang's figure, he stared at the place where she came from, as if he was nervously waiting for something.

But no figure appeared there for a long time.

However, Bai Shenjun did not dare to relax.

He knew that in addition to his terrifying combat power, the boy was also extremely cunning. Maybe he hid his figure and was waiting for an opportunity to move!

The previous huge momentum outside the city came to a brief pause because of Li Hongzhuang's arrival.

Countless demons in the demon tide stopped in front of a row of battle flags on the ground and dared not move forward.

Those demon kings also stopped in front of the battle flag and did not continue to attack.

Such a weird scene made everyone on the top of the city stunned.

These demons seem to be very scared? !

"Haotian Flag... Could it be the one from Tianmen Pass?"

"How is it possible?"

On the top of the city, the Liangzhou commander muttered to himself.

The young general's reputation was too loud. Even if he didn't deliberately ask, he would have heard it from his subordinates' conversations.

But, this military flag belongs to that young man?

But why are these monsters so afraid? !

Too weird!

"The kid from Tianmen Pass is here too?"

Several monster kings looked into the distance with solemn eyes.

Although they didn't see the figure of the young man, they all felt uncomfortable.

The rumors about the young man had long been spread among their major forces, and he was also listed as a must-kill list.

It was cruel to fight against the three monster kings alone and beat the second life of the monster king in the realm of reversing fate.

If the other party also came here, it would be hard to say what the battlefield in front of us would be like.

The most important thing is that I didn't see Li Hao.

Did he come or not?

He didn't come, but his battle flag came.

He came, but I didn't see his figure.

—— Tathagata.


"Stinky brat, come out if you have the guts!!"

"Hiding your head and showing your tail, what kind of ability is that!"

Several demon kings looked around and roared.

This sudden shouting stunned everyone on the top of the city.

What are these demon kings doing?

Whose name are they calling? !

"That seems to be the flag of Major General Haotian!"

"Yes, that's right, I went to Tianmen Pass, and I didn't see him so I came back, but I saw this flag!"

"It's his flag!"

"It's the battle flag of Major General Haotian!"

In the city wall, some young men in the temporarily assembled aristocratic army recognized Li Hao's battle flag and shouted in shock, surprise and excitement.

The voice came quickly, and everyone was in disbelief. This was actually the battle flag of Major General Haotian!

The flag of a mere Major General actually stopped the demons that had broken through the border and chased the demons within 5,000 miles, and deterred the demons!

Even the demon king was afraid of it?

Did the young man have such a great reputation? !

During Li Jian's escort, Li Wushuang took advantage of the demon king's daze to sneak into the magic circle in the city. When she heard the exclamations in the city, she was stunned.

She stared blankly at the flags fluttering on the battlefield, with the two words fluttering on them.

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