The Name of Eternity

Chapter 199 Who dares to laugh at my son (Additional chapter for the leader ‘Ci哩Ci哩’, thanks!)

Li Hao was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't get angry and blame him.

The other party's face looked majestic and heroic, and his thick eyebrows gave him an aura of calmness and authority, but his gentle look at this moment offset the accumulated authority between his eyebrows, giving him a warm feeling like the spring breeze blowing on the willows.

"Let me see what you're painting."

Li Tianzong came over and saw the figure traced on Li Hao's drawing board, and could vaguely tell that it looked like a woman.

Li Hao's painting skills have not yet reached a certain level, and what he is painting at this moment is paradoxical. Li Tianzong asked curiously: "Who is this painting?"


Li Hao is referring to Chen Hefang, the "mother" of this body.

He blushed slightly. His painting skills were so bad now that he couldn't even be considered a portrait and couldn't tell.

If he were asked to draw a wanted criminal, no one would be able to recognize him when he posted the poster...

When Li Tianzong heard Li Hao's words, he was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "The painting is quite good, but your mother is more beautiful than you are now, so you have to practice hard."

Li Hao felt more and more surprised. Hearing what the other party meant, he didn't stop himself from doing this kind of "heterodox".

"I will work hard." Li Hao said.

Li Tianzong rubbed his little head and said: "When you are good at painting, draw one for me too, and include all your brothers, as well as Xiao Hongzhuang."

As he said that, he glanced at Li Hongzhuang, who was sitting next to her eating cakes.

Xiao Li Hongzhuang: "?"

Shui Ling's big eyes looked at the two of them doubtfully, wondering what they were talking and laughing about.

Li Hao's head was rubbed by his thick palm, but he felt the warmth and loving feeling in the palm. He was slightly startled. Although this was the Minghe River and the "father" in front of him was his grandfather who had died long ago, he didn't know Why, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It was like a torn wound that had not healed for a long time, closing at this moment.

He was silent for a moment, then nodded seriously:

"I will hone my painting skills!"

Li Tianzong smiled and said: "When you finish the painting, I will treasure it. In addition to his talent in martial arts, my son also has outstanding talents, haha!"

He laughed a few times and then said: "But don't forget to learn to read. After your bones are measured at the age of five, you will start reading the exercises every day, you know?"

Speaking of this, his expression became a little more serious.


Li Hao nodded and smiled.

Two rows of snow-white teeth shine brightly on the child's cheeks.

"Let's go, let's take you to eat something delicious."

Li Tianzong picked up Li Hao, then put his other hand around Li Hongzhuang, held them in his arms, one on the left and the other on the right, and walked out of the side room.

When they arrived at the courtyard, Chen Hefang saw Li Tianzong holding Li Hao and Li Hongzhuang, and hurriedly came to greet him, saying softly:

"Look at you, how old they are. You are still holding them, and you are not afraid that others will see them as a joke."

"Who dares to laugh at my son?"

Li Tianzong raised his eyebrows with some authority, then laughed again and said: "The situation outside Longcheng is not good. It is rare for me to be at home, so naturally I have to spend more time with the children."

"You should be more careful outside."

When Chen Hefang heard him mention the matter of Dragon City, his smiling face suddenly became filled with worry.

Li Tianzong shook his head and smiled, and said: "They are all trivial matters. I will solve them. Let's not mention them anymore. We don't mention state affairs at home. Let's go and get some delicious food. Let's go to the martial arts field to see how the boss and the others are practicing. Who wants to practice?" If not, send them to famous mountains outside.”

Chen Hefang couldn't help but smile. Knowing his temperament, she didn't persuade him any more and asked the maid to go to the kitchen to find some pastries.

Li Hao's eyes flickered slightly and he glanced at them. Although the warmth at this moment was precious, going to the martial arts field to watch those "brothers" train did not mean much to him.

The time that passed while awake would be returned to his body equally when leaving Qianhe, but he still chose to speed up and skip.

When the couple led Li Hao and Li Hongzhuang to the martial arts arena in whispers, Li Hao closed his eyes and accelerated while they watched the other "brothers" practicing.

A few days later.

Li Hao was still smelting the demon king's blood every day. He jumped into his free time and continued to paint to accumulate experience in painting.

As he sketched again and again, Li Hao's mind gradually calmed down. He seemed to relax and concentrated on painting in the side room.

Each piece of drawing paper was peeled off, and the figures traced on it became increasingly clear and beautiful, as gentle as jade.

Until the painting skills were upgraded to level 2, Li Hao's pen strokes were like a spirit, his ability to control the pen was greatly improved, his tracings became more accurate, and he could now draw portraits clearly and lifelike.

Li Hao painted Chen Hefang, Li Tianzong, Xiao Li Hongzhuang, etc. all one by one. His painting experience also fluctuated when he painted different people.

Rice paper was scattered everywhere on the floor in the room.

It wasn't until the sky was getting dark in the courtyard and Uncle Zhao called him to have dinner that Li Hao stopped, and then he directly chose to speed up and skip.

The surrounding scenery changed, and it was another free time after a few days.

He was still sitting in the side room, painting in front of him, but to Li Hao's surprise, all the rice papers scattered on the ground around him disappeared.

Li Hao thought about it and decided that the most important thing was to choose to draw first.

Every time he speeds up and skips with his eyes closed, it will be at least three or four days later, which is difficult to control. If he speeds up a little longer, it will be half a month later.

While painting, Xiao Li Hongzhuang opened the door, poked her head in, and handed Li Hao a snack.

Li Hao was interrupted while painting, but he was not angry. He took the painting with a smile and asked while eating: "Hongzhuang, where are my paintings?"

"Dad took them all away."

"Took away?"

Li Hao's heart tightened slightly.

Little Li Hongzhuang held a wooden pony toy in her hand, pushing it on the ground while recalling:

"Dad told Mom during dinner to ask Uncle Zhao to pack them all up, and put them in your courtyard when you split the family in the future, so that your wife can see your talent when you were a child."

She was only two years old, but she spoke clearly and said everything she heard word for word.

After she finished speaking, she looked up at Li Hao in confusion: "Tenth Brother, what does splitting the family mean? What is a wife? Is it delicious?"

The little girl was full of confusion, but she saw that "Tenth Brother" was sitting in front of the drawing board, like a sculpture, without saying a word or responding.


Time jumped in acceleration again and again. Every time Li Hao shuttled through time, he tried to jump to a free time, and then came to the side room to paint.

He had no memory of what happened during the time he skipped, and only occasionally asked about it from Li Hongzhuang.

After seven consecutive jumps, several months had passed in the Dead River, but in Li Hao's opinion, he had been sitting and painting for seven consecutive days.

The rice paper scattered around disappeared every time he shuttled through.

The painting papers that he had thrown on the ground were placed on the cabinet next to the main hall when he jumped to the dinner time.

There were many precious magic weapons, ceramics, jades bestowed by the royal family and other treasures, but now most of them have been removed and several thick stacks of rice paper paintings have been placed.

"My son's painting skills are getting better and better. I heard from the teacher that his literacy is also progressing rapidly. He can learn it after being taught once, haha!"

At the dinner table, Li Tianzong laughed heartily.

Li Hao was silent.

This was the first time he had dinner with this "father" and "mother" since he came to the Dead River.

This time he did not skip, holding the rice bowl and eating silently.

"Old Ten, I heard you drew a picture for us all, why is mine not there?"

At the dinner table, a child stood up and said, it was Little Li Tiangang.

It had long been known that Li Hao could draw, and the brothers had all seen Li Hao's paintings, and they were all amazed when they found their own sketches in them, but Little Li Tiangang searched and searched, but he couldn't find his own.

Li Hao glanced at him. Although he was only eight or nine years old, the other's eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to those in his memory.

Li Hao didn't say anything, and continued to eat with his head down.

"Old Ten, why don't you answer me?"

Little Li Tiangang shouted anxiously.

Li Hao closed his eyes slightly, and the scene in front of him changed quickly, jumping to a few days later.

He stood in the courtyard, his body was wiped by the maid, and it seemed that he had just absorbed the alien blood.

The teacher came over and took Li Hao to learn to read.

After the hemolysis was over every day, it was time to learn to read, and when the learning to read was over, it was Li Hao's free time.

Li Hao did not jump again, and followed the teacher to learn honestly, but this time he participated in person. He basically knew everything the old teacher taught, so he took a pen and wrote poems in his notebook while listening to the class.

[Poetry and Calligraphy Experience +53]

[Poetry and Calligraphy Experience +46]

As he wrote down poems one by one, his poetry and calligraphy experience was also improving.

When the old teacher was teaching halfway, he saw Li Hao buried his head in writing notes, and nodded secretly in admiration. He took a closer look and was stunned.

It turned out that there were not the words he taught, but a few poems.

The old teacher quickly grabbed Li Hao's textbook and read it carefully. The more he read, the bigger his eyes widened. Finally, he looked at Li Hao in disbelief:

"This, this is all written by you?"

Li Hao nodded.

This will not be exposed, it can only be regarded as his poetic talent.

Only when he talked about Liangzhou, the demon king Zhuhuo Shen, and other things that he could never touch with his current identity, would his identity be exposed, which would be inconsistent with the current situation.

"This, this..."

The old man was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

This is simply a genius of the time, with the appearance of a great scholar!

Just learned to read, he can write poems, even if he is thrown into a great scholar family, it is enough to shock the whole family!

Not to mention being born in a general family, it is rare to have such a poetic talent!

And he knew that Li Hao's talent for cultivation was also extremely terrifying. It had long been spread throughout the God General Mansion. He was the top genius of the Li family for thousands of years!

Both civil and military!

"I must tell the master about this news!"

The old man said excitedly: "If the master knew that you have such talent and intelligence, he would definitely be very happy!"

Li Hao thought of the "grandfather", his eyes flickered slightly, and inexplicably, he also had some expectations in his heart.

Since ancient times, those who can recite poems just after learning to read are already considered little geniuses. Some great scholars can point to chickens and ducks and write a poem when they just learned to read for two or three years.

But that was the influence of the conversations of the elders in the great Confucian family. The daily communication was full of gorgeous rhetoric. Of course, some people were born with such talent and were called Wenquxing.

At this moment, after the old man ran out of the classroom excitedly, Li Hao also ran to his side room to paint as usual.

He was fully engaged. Thinking of the paintings on the cabinet in the main hall, his eyes became solemn and serious, and he was fully engaged.


Li Hao's brush and ink floated, and he carefully felt the outline of each stroke.

He was completely immersed in it, and his thoughts were all about the painting.

"When you are good at painting, draw a picture for me, and draw your brothers, and Xiao Hongzhuang..."

"When you finish, I will keep it well. My son has outstanding talent in addition to martial arts, haha..."

Li Hao's pen moved, and his mind was all on the painting. It seemed that he could not hear or feel anything.

Only the figure on the painting remained, and it gradually became clear. It was a burly and powerful general who stood tall and upright!

His face was majestic, but his eyes were gentle, and his posture was straight. He was extraordinary.

With the last stroke, a font prompt jumped in front of Li Hao's eyes.

But Li Hao ignored it directly.

He sat quietly for a long time before his mind was withdrawn. At this time, he remembered what was just prompted and called up the panel to look.

[You have understood the painting heart]

[State of mind: painting heart]

Li Hao was stunned. At this moment, his painting experience had not reached the 3rd stage of saturation, but he had understood the painting heart in advance.

He was silent for a moment, blew the drawing paper in front of him dry, and then carefully put it aside, not throwing it at his feet.

Then, he took out the white paper next to him and continued to paint.

One by one.

His painting experience was constantly improving.

When he reached the third level, he quietly upgraded to the fourth level, and his art points increased by one point.

Li Hao looked at his current accumulated art points. In addition to the first level of swordsmanship that had been used up, he still had 4 points, three from painting and two from poetry and books.

He hadn't touched chess, carving, fishing, etc. yet.

Li Hao thought of Tingyu Tower. It was time to go there.

Thinking of Tingyu Tower, Li Hao thought of the Second Master. He wondered what he looked like when he was young.

At dinner, Li Hao left the side room and returned to the main hall.

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