The Name of Eternity

Chapter 216: The Ancient Ji Family (10,000 updates)

"Who are you……"

Li Tiangang saw the sudden appearance of Feng Boping, and his eyes focused. He had long known that there was a Si Lijing beside Li Hao, who had been helping him, so that Li Hao could gain a firm foothold when he first came to Tianmen Pass.

Come to think of it, this is the one in front of you.

He looked at the other party carefully, his expression suddenly changed, and he said angrily:

"Are you a thief?!"

Feng Bo Pingyuan avoided the courtyard first because he didn't want to be exposed. After all, the only people in the Li family who had anything to do with him were Li Hao and Li Muchiu.

It was helpless to come forward at this moment, but since he had decided to show up, he was prepared to expose his identity.

"It's me."

"You are actually following Hao'er secretly?!"

Li Tiangang was a little shocked, his eyes widened angrily: "What is your intention, what are your plans?"

Feng Boping sneered and said: "Without me, your son wouldn't be able to reach the gate of heaven. Do you know how many pairs of demon eyes were staring at him viciously the moment he stepped out of your Li family? You will be a fourteen-year-old boy." When a 6-year-old child is pushed out of the house, do you know what he is carrying?"

"He bears the wrath of all the demons that your Li family has incurred for thousands of years!"

"He is carrying all the hatred for your Li family. Without me, your son would have died long ago!!"

"What do you think my intention is? My intention is to let him live and live with a straight spine!!"

Li Tiangang said angrily: "But if it weren't for you, Hao'er wouldn't dare to step out of the Divine General's Mansion at all. It's because you gave him protection that he dared to be so presumptuous and dare to challenge me!"

Feng Boping laughed angrily and said: "Even if he is trying to survive and save his life, so what if he stays in your Divine General's Mansion? Will he listen to your discipline? You have not returned to Yanbei for more than ten years, has your son ever lost to others? !”

"Does he need your discipline, does he?!!"

Li Tiangang couldn't help but suffocated slightly when he heard his angry and almost roaring words. Indeed, more than ten years of separation from Yan Bei made him feel guilty for Li Hao.

In terms of talent alone, that child is indeed not inferior to anyone.

But precisely because of this, he wanted to guide it on the right path.

"You are a thief, so of course you don't understand the principles of ethics and the filial piety of kings and ministers!"

Li Tiangang stared at Feng Boping coldly and said: "Those who achieve great things, do you think you can convince the public by your ability alone? Even if you are an official or a general and rely on strength to suppress your subordinates, when you get to the battlefield, you may be defeated. Stabbed in the back!"

"Officials are stronger than people, but officials are boats and people are water. Although water is weak, it can capsize a boat!"

"Even today's sage must abide by etiquette and virtue, and show kindness and power at the same time. What does it mean to be brave all the time?!"

Feng Boping laughed, but it was a sneer: "Are you talking about yourself? Can't you see, whose flag is waving everywhere in Liangzhou now!"

"Whose reputation is praised by countless people!!"

"Does it belong to you, Li Tiangang? Does it belong to your Li family?!"

"Didn't Haoer kill it on his own?!"

Li Tiangang said angrily: "This is the purpose of my coming here. Who made that battle flag? It can't be you!"

Feng Boping sneered and said: "Can't you see whose name the battle flag is and who made it? Do you think it's some other hermit master? Even if there really is such a person, why would they want to help? Hao'er, have you ever thought about it?"

Li Tiangang was slightly startled, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he was speechless for a moment.

Feng Boping saw him speechless and sneered:

"As if there is such a master, is it possible that he is helping Hao'er for the sake of your Li family's reputation? Your Li family has such a great reputation, how come the nine sons died in the battle and six people were not like this? Someone help me!"

Li Tiangang looked ugly, but he also realized that what the other party said was not completely unreasonable.

"Did Haoer really make it himself?"

Li Tiangang stared at him closely and asked temporarily suppressing his anger.

Feng Boping sneered twice but didn't answer.

When Li Tiangang saw him like this, he didn't pay attention. Instead, he was secretly surprised and excited.

If it was really his son who created it, no matter how he mastered this secret technique, as long as he has this ability, he will not worry about the demons in the border towns of various states in the future. !

If this flag can be produced in large quantities, with the prestige of the Li family, it will be enough to guard the entire Dayu Dynasty!

"Did you really make it yourself?"

Li Tiangang looked beyond Feng Boping and looked at Li Hao's clone.

Li Hao from the dark side said with cold eyes: "It has nothing to do with you, get out!"

Although he knew that he was just a clone of Li Hao in front of him and did not recognize him, Li Tiangang still felt a little sullen when he saw the other person speaking so rudely in front of his son's face.

Feng Boping's eyes were cold and he said: "What's the point of asking these questions? Now Hao'er's life and death are unknown, so what if it was made by Hao'er?"

"If he dies, there will be nothing left!"

Li Tiangang's face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "How can you imagine the background of my Li family? With my fourth uncle here, he knows the Ming River very well and is very familiar with it. Hao'er's own combat strength is also Not bad, just be careful and nothing will happen.”

"I have deployed hundreds of thousands of troops outside Nalong City's Minghe River. I will escort them back just waiting for them to come out!"

"You are a thief and a wanderer, how do you know what connections and heritage are?!"

Feng Boping was so angry that his lips trembled slightly, but when the words came to his lips, he still did not argue.

He also hoped that the foundation of the Divine General Mansion was indeed as capable as what Li Tiangang said in front of him, so that Hao'er could return safely.

"I hope your Divine General's Mansion really lives up to its reputation."

Feng Boping snorted coldly, rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'm too lazy to argue with a junior like you. You'd better take matters into your own hands. If you want to fight, I'll accompany you, old man. Don't even think about hurting Hao'er in the slightest!"

"I didn't show up outside your General's Mansion because I didn't want to discredit your Li family. Now here, it's no longer your turn to be so arrogant!"

"So, I want to thank you instead?"

Li Tiangang sneered and said: "You are a thief and you are doing evil everywhere. Who ordered you and who gave you the benefits to stir up trouble in our Li family? Hao'er was led astray by you, right?!"

"Ha ha……"

Feng Boping laughed angrily and said, "Hao'er and I hit it off right away. You say I instigated you?"

"Isn't it? If it weren't for you, Hao'er would still be in the Divine General's Mansion now. When he went out of the city and was attacked by demons, he would have been brought back by Li He!"

Li Tiangang said coldly: "You keep saying it's for Hao'er, but that's a matter between our father and son. How can you, an outsider, get involved?"

"Whatever your status, you are qualified to intervene in the affairs of our Divine General's Mansion, and Hao'er is also the next true dragon of our Li family. What are your intentions?!"

Feng Boping's cheeks twitched slightly, and he wanted to get angry, but the words "It's your turn as an outsider to intervene" silenced the words that came to his throat.

Thinking that he had been wandering for half his life, like a rootless duckweed, he couldn't help laughing to himself.

"No matter what you think, the infamy I have suffered in my life is more than that, it's just some noisy insects."

Feng Boping's face calmed down, and he just stared at Li Tiangang quietly:

"But as long as I'm still here today, you can't even think of hurting Hao'er!"

"Do you really think you can compete with me?"

Li Tiangang narrowed his eyes and said: "I am not an unreasonable person. If I hadn't seen that you had indeed protected Hao'er, I would have arrested you and sent you to the imperial prison!"

"Really, then you come and try it. This is a great achievement. It can at least change your title from third-class Duke to second-class Duke."

The corners of Feng Boping's lips curled up slightly, and he said sarcastically: "I have long wanted to learn the methods of the Li Family's True Dragon!"


Suddenly, the Longxiao Sword trembled and floated in front of the storm plane.

The hilt of the sword was pointed at Feng Boping, but the sharp sword was pointed at Li Tiangang.

Li Hao, the dark side, seemed to be aware of the two people's secretly rising power. He stepped to stand next to Feng Boping and said coldly: "Trespassers will be killed without mercy!"

When Li Tiangang saw the suspended divine sword and Li Hao standing next to Feng Boping defending, his expression suddenly changed and became ugly, and a trace of bloody anger surged through his eyes:

"Say that again?!"

Feng Boping noticed the power mobilized by the dark side Li Hao. He glanced at the divine sword suspended in front of him. A flash of relief flashed in his eyes, but he quickly restrained himself and whispered:

"Hao'er, just stay here. I'll teach him personally and let him see if the thief he mentioned can shake the real dragon of the Li family!"

He took one step forward and said to Li Tiangang: "Li Tiangang, do you dare to come out to compete with me?"

"Hmph, a wild thief who hides in Tibet dares to talk to me like that."

Li Tiangang stared at him, and the next moment, the two figures suddenly teleported away from the courtyard.

"Uncle Feng!"

Ren Qianqian's face suddenly changed when she saw Feng Boping and Li Tiangang disappearing, and she couldn't help shouting in panic.

But there was no sound between heaven and earth, and there was no trace of the two of them, but suddenly a burst of excitement came from a very far away place.

Both of them deliberately avoided Cangya City and rushed out an unknown number of miles away in the blink of an eye.

With a whoosh, the dark side Li Hao next to him took a step forward and chased after him.


Ren Qianqian was anxious, but only saw the Longxiao Sword turning into golden light and following Li Hao's figure, disappearing into the sky.

Outside Liangzhou, Longcheng died in the river.

After Li Hao's body tore and disappeared, he felt that his consciousness was also torn into pieces, integrated into the world, and then melted bit by bit like snow.

The more it melts, the weaker the consciousness becomes.

This feeling is extremely strange and scary, like being eaten away bit by bit.

Dark, cold, damp, silent.

Surrounded by all kinds of uneasy feelings, Li Hao wanted to struggle, but he was like a salted fish nailed to a chopping board, with no strength to move.

The world before him became blurry and dim.

When his sight disappeared, what Li Hao saw was Li Tianzong and Li Xiaoran roaring in sorrow, but they seemed to be unable to see him. Their eyes did not focus on his consciousness, they just looked at the vast world with grief and anger.

Li Hao wanted to say goodbye with a smile, but he no longer had a body.

The darkness is like a closed window, completely closing the light.

Li Hao felt that his consciousness was disintegrating and disappearing, as if he was falling into an endless abyss.

Is this the end of my unnecessary life?

However, in the end, before he died, he seemed to have done a good deed, which was a good ending.

Li Hao was thinking in his heart, and felt a cold breath coming from the darkness, and seemed to hear the clear sound of the river flowing in his ears.

At the same time, a voice seemed to sound from the bottom of my heart:

"Don't you want to go home?"

Rather than saying it was a voice, it was more like a thought that came to my mind.

go home……

Li Hao's thoughts drifted to that luxurious and empty courtyard, and then drifted out of that courtyard, drifting across countless mountains and rivers.

It fell to Tianmen Pass, to the small fenced courtyard, and to the Longguan Road along the way, as well as to the blooming flowers I saw along the way.

Where is home?

Along this journey, there were wind and snow, and there were clear skies. The scenery was changing, but the laughter and laughter that accompanied us remained the same.

He didn't have a home, but he had friends.

Li Hao sighed in his heart, feeling regretful and guilty.

He could no longer accompany Feng Lao fishing, and he had not yet taught Qianqian her sword skills and allowed her to become a master. The little girl followed him, and she suffered a lot along the way.

There is also the little white fox. This little guy will have to find food by himself in the future.

Second Master, Auntie... Yuan Zhao...

Li Hao sighed in his heart, feeling that the chill in the darkness seemed to disappear, and his consciousness became weaker and weaker.

Is it because you're about to die that you can't feel anything?

Li Hao's consciousness continued to sink.

But as he fell deeper and deeper, suddenly, there seemed to be a warm feeling emerging from his "chest".

Li Hao was about to get rid of his drowsy consciousness, but he gradually woke up.

He looked down and saw a red light emerging from his chest, gradually becoming stronger and stronger, like thick plasma, lighting up the darkness and surrounding his consciousness.

Then, Li Hao saw the darkness gradually dissipate little by little.

When the darkness disappeared, he saw himself in front of a thatched hut.

Next to the thatched house, an old man wearing a torn rag was facing away from him, busy in front, piling something.

Li Hao looked up and saw a mountain in front of the thatched house.

The old man is moving mountains!

In other words, he is building a mountain!

Li Hao was stunned, where was this, and what was the situation in front of him?

When Li Hao was puzzled, the old man seemed to notice something, and his hands that were carrying it suddenly stopped.

Then, the towering mountain in front of him trembled slightly, then opened a huge gap, and then suddenly collapsed!

Li Hao subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the collapsing rocks fell straight down. A bottomless hole seemed to have opened under the mountain, swallowing up the entire mountain!

Li Hao was stunned, looking at the old man. He saw an unfamiliar face. The other person was also staring at him indifferently at this moment, with no expression on his face.

"Don't you want to go home?"

After a long while, the old man slowly spoke.

Li Hao was startled for a moment. He looked around and saw only a bright moon. He was surprised and vaguely felt that this place still seemed to be in the Dead River.

"I call heaven and earth my home. Senior, are you also trapped in the Dead River?" Li Hao asked, suspecting that the old man in front of him was also a soul imprisoned in the Dead River.

The old man stared at Li Hao twice and suddenly laughed: "No wonder I can't trap you by controlling Ming He. I didn't expect that I would meet someone like you..."

When he said these words, Li Hao's expression suddenly changed. Manipulating Mian He?

The old man in front of me can actually control Mianhe?

Li Hao suddenly thought of something and quickly called Mian He in his heart.

I saw golden fonts appearing in front of my eyes, converging into several messages:

Miaohe customs clearance progress: 99%.

Main mission: Guarding Dragon City (Completed)

Side mission: Growth (Completed)

Li Hao was stunned. The clearance progress was not complete.

All the difficult main quests have been completed.

Could it be said that completing the main mission does not mean you can pass the level?

As if he could see what Li Hao was thinking, the old man seemed to be in a very good mood and said:

"The so-called main mission you completed can only allow you to leave the Death River. It can only break away from Li Tianzong's obsession. But if you want to pass the level, you think it is too simple."

Li Hao was speechless.

The main mission is perverted enough, but it’s still impossible to pass. How difficult is this Youdu-level death river!

"However, now you only need to do one more thing to truly complete the level."

The old man smiled and said: "This Death River was originally at the Nether Realm level. Because my dead soul wandered here and merged with it, it became the Nether City level. But now, its power, with my obsession, You have broken them all, and there is only one last thing left. If you can do it, you can truly pass the level."

Li Hao's eyes flickered and he said, "What's the matter?"

"take me Home."

The old man said: "The dead souls who are attracted and imprisoned by this dead river all have a deep obsession with returning home because of me. The deeper the obsession, the harder it is to escape. Similarly, those who have the same obsession No one can truly pass this river!"

"Even if you complete the so-called mission, in the end, if you cannot understand this and give up your obsession with 'home' in your heart, you will not be able to break through this place."

He turned around and looked at the mountains that had turned into dust behind him, a bit of sadness flashed in his eyes:

"I integrated into the Minghe River, and my obsession deepened. I have been building mountains here all these years, just to build the home in my heart here. However, over the years, due to my obsession, the Minghe River has absorbed more and more people. There are many dead souls, and these dead souls make the power of Shihe become stronger and stronger."

"The stronger the river is, the deeper my obsession will be. If I enter this cycle, it will be difficult to escape forever."

Speaking of this, he smiled, but his eyes were a little sad: "Now, my obsession with building has been broken by you. As long as I return to my hometown, I can rest in peace, and the power of this dead river will also Completely disappear."

Li Hao listened to him, his eyes flickered, but he was doubtful in his heart.

The old man in front of him turned out to be the source of the Dead River?

So, he was the big boss behind it?

But he looked kind and amiable, not vicious at all.

"You don't have to be suspicious. The Dead River is now in the process of collapse, and those dead souls are scrambling to escape. I will let your consciousness return to your body later. When you return to the Dead River, I will shrink myself and live in your body."

The old man said: "When you take me back to my hometown, I will completely dissipate. Otherwise, I will take root in you. Over time, the power of the Dead River will gradually grow stronger, and then it will return to its current appearance. Therefore, you don't have much time left."

Hearing this, Li Hao believed the other party's words in his heart. Return to the Dead River?

If he can return to his body, everything can be verified.

And if it is an illusion, he can test it through the flesh panel.

Thinking of this, Li Hao said, "Then send me away first."

Suddenly thinking of something, he hurriedly said, "Wait, can you send the one who came in with me out as well?"

The old man smiled and said, "Of course, he has come here many times, but his obsession is too deep, he will never be able to pass through here, even if he really hears the truth, he can't pass through."

"In addition, I will also send the soul of Li Tianzong out, but don't think that he can be truly liberated by passing through the Dead River. You think too simply."

"This is the Netherworld-level Dead River. The souls here have long been corrupted. Even if they pass through, they will dissipate."

The old man said, "But I can use the little bit of power left in the Dead River to keep him temporarily. At least, I can let him go home and take a look."

Li Hao was stunned. So, even if the grandfather returned to the ancestral hall, he couldn't stay forever?

It's just... can he go back and take a look.

Li Hao's face was a little ugly, but he knew that this was something he could not do now.

"If you are ready, I will take you away together." The old man said quietly.

Li Hao nodded slightly.

In an instant, Li Hao felt that the surrounding scenery seemed to be moving, and countless mountains and rivers were flowing. His vision became blurred and finally fell into darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, bursts of light appeared.

At the same time, a strange fragrance of trees and grass came.

Li Hao opened his eyes and saw towering trees, as huge as steep mountains, and hundreds of people could only hug one.

Where is this?

Li Hao was puzzled. This did not seem to be the rocky peaks and valleys outside the Dead River in Longcheng.

"Hao, Hao'er?!"

At this moment, two surprised and surprised voices, with disbelief, sounded beside Li Hao.

Li Hao turned his head and saw Li Xiaoran standing beside him in a daze.

Next to him, a phantom floated. It was Li Tianzong, who was also surprised and shocked at this moment.

"You're still alive!"

Li Xiaoran saw Li Hao and rushed over excitedly. He hugged Li Hao in his arms and hugged him tightly, as if he was feeling whether Li Hao's body was real.

Then, he grabbed Li Hao's shoulders and looked up and down. When he saw a ball of red light on Li Hao's chest, he hurriedly said: "Are you okay? What is this?"

Li Hao looked down. Previously in the Dead River, his chest emitted a strange red light. Li Hao was also wondering what it was. At this moment, he looked down and saw that the clothes on his chest were stained red.

He opened the clothes and saw two broken jade pieces, emitting blood light, wrapped in the clothes.

"It's the dragon blood gem!"

Li Tianzong's heroic spirit saw it and exclaimed softly, with a little surprise on his face: "Is this given by His Majesty Emperor Yu?"

Li Hao was also stunned. He didn't expect that the red light was actually the gem that he had worn since he was a child and that His Majesty had given him shortly after he was born.


Li Hao picked up the two broken jade pieces in a daze.

Li Tianzong stared for a long while, sighed, and said: "The Li family is favored by Emperor Yu. Xiaojiu died in an accident, but fortunately Emperor Yu preserved the next generation of true dragon blood for our Li family. Hao'er, you must remember Emperor Yu's kindness!"

Li Hao was stunned and said: "This dragon blood gem saved me?"

Since he was awarded this jade, he has worn it since he was a child. He usually feels that there is a warm warmth accompanying his body, which drives away the cold and warms the body. Compared with these, it is usually more of a symbol of status.

"That's right, not many people know the secret of this jade. This jade was refined by the real person of Qiandao Palace. It is said that the power of a powerful person in the realm of reversing fate is sealed in it. This jade has the effect of reversing life for people. It can be called a second life in desperate situations!"

Li Tianzong said.

Li Hao was stunned.

The power of the powerful person in the realm of reversing fate is sealed in it?

What is this method?

When a strong person in the realm of defying fate perceives life and death, he can defy fate and change his fate. If he encounters instant kill, it will automatically trigger and defy fate for himself!

I have never heard of a method that can plunder the power of defying fate from a strong person!

This is too terrible. Is this the power of the strongest person in the Dayu Dynasty?


No one has ever told him that this thing is so precious!

He almost lost it several times!

"It's just deceiving fate."

At this time, a calm voice sounded, which made the three people stunned.

Li Hao looked over and saw the shadow of the old man at the source of the obsession of the Dead River also appeared on the side. The other party looked at them calmly and said:

"Even without this gem, he would not have died. When this kid was almost alive and dead in the end, he had already broken the power of the Ming River, and the vitality in his body flowed in. It was just that the gem sensed that his consciousness was dying and triggered it on its own. "

"Who are you?"

Li Tianzong's face changed slightly, and he felt a strong sense of oppression from the other party. The feeling made him tremble a little, as if the other party could make him fall into a place of eternal destruction with just a thought at any time.

Li Xiaoran also felt the special aura exuding from the old man, but there was no sense of oppression like that of Li Tianzong, but his eyes were focused on it.

"You people in the wilderness don't even know my name." The old man said indifferently, obviously not thinking highly of Li Tianzong and Li Xiaoran.

Li Tianzong was slightly startled. He vaguely thought of something at this familiar title.

"Senior, where is this place?"

Li Hao asked. He had already detected that the towering wild trees all around were not the place where they entered the Ming River before.

"This is the source of the Ming River."

The old man said calmly: "The place you entered before was just an opening in the Changhe River. I said that if you want you to send me back, I will naturally take you out of the source. This place is... closer to my hometown."

As he spoke, he looked in a distant direction, his eyes showing a bit of nostalgia and hope, as well as a hint of impatience.

Li Xiaoran's expression changed slightly, he looked at Li Hao and said, "Have you promised him any conditions?"

"Well, he is the source of Ming He's obsession. I have to send him back, otherwise Ming He will revive." Li Hao said.

Moreover, I have already passed 99% of the level, just one final step away.

"Where are you sending it to?" Li Tianzong asked quickly.

Li Hao also looked at the old man. At this moment, he had felt that this was indeed the outside world and not an illusion. In this case, the old man's words were probably not lying.

However, such a magical thing was somewhat beyond his knowledge.

The Death River was actually moved, and its source was actually a dead soul.

"The Great Wilderness Realm, the Ancient Saint Ji's Family of the Wilderness!"

The old man said indifferently.

Hearing what the other party said, Li Hao and the other three people were shocked.

Li Hao's mind suddenly flashed through the words that the eighth lady's children, Li Rumeng, said in his ears during the fight for the real dragon.

Dahuangtian is where his mother is, and his mother’s surname is Ji!

Li Tianzong and Li Xiaoran both had constricted pupils. When Ji Qingqing married into their Li family, they were both present. The origin of the woman was also told in this way...

The hometown of the old man in front of me is actually the family of Li Hao's mother?

"You, are you from the ancient sage Ji's family?" Li Tianzong couldn't help but ask.

If you put it this way, they seem to be in-laws? !

But the old man in front of him obviously didn't recognize them.

"You know?" When the old man heard this, he looked at him in surprise.

Obviously, he did not expect that the people outside the wilderness would actually know the name of the Ji family. Could it be said that the Ji family's reputation has spread beyond the wilderness?

Li Tianzong was startled, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "I wonder who you are from the Ji family, do you know Ji Qingqing?"

"Do you still know Qingqing?"

The old man was stunned and looked at him in surprise. Then he seemed to have thought of something and raised his eyebrows:

"Calculate the time, that little girl has grown up. Why, did she come to play with you, Dayu? Ha, with the talent she has shown, she can easily sweep away the younger generation of your Dayu Dynasty, right? "

Speaking of this, the corners of his mouth curled up, seeming a little proud.

Li Tianzong was dumbfounded. They didn't know Ji Qingqing's cultivation level. They only knew that her cultivation level was pretty good.

Come to think of it, the other party didn't really show it.

Knowing his identity was only known privately when he got married. Not many people knew this secret.

After all, many families in the Great Yu Dynasty, including other divine generals' mansions, were afraid of and rejected the residents of the Great Wilderness.

Li Tianzong glanced at Li Hao and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't.

He knew the rules of the Ji family. When Ji Qingqing married Li Tiangang, she decided privately. If not for their deep love and righteousness, he, the father, would not agree.

Sighing secretly, Li Tianzong said nothing, and sent a message to Li Hao:

"Hao'er, do you also know the identity of your mother? We will send him back together later, but you must not stay at Ji's house for a long time, and you must not let anyone know. Your mother is Ji Qingqing. I Worry that they will do something bad to you.”

Li Hao was slightly startled. While chatting at Tianmen Pass, he also asked Mr. Feng some things about Dahuangtian. Although Mr. Feng didn’t know much about it, he did know a few things. That was that Dahuangtian’s family had extremely excellent blood. Therefore, marriage with foreigners is rare.

The combination of Li Tiangang and Ji Qingqing can be regarded as a concerted effort. Coupled with the protection of the power of the God General's Mansion, they concealed the information about their mother Ji Qingqing, which resulted in them being in peace and harmony over the years.

This is why after her mother revealed her identity in Yanbei, she scared the Holy Palace away, and her mother left since then.

Li Hao fell into silence.

When you go to Ji's house, can't you recognize the mother?

The caring and loving look in his eyes when he was a baby, that gentle and beautiful woman, vaguely appeared in his mind.

"Come on, it's time for us to set off."

The old man urged.

"Let's go too." Li Xiaoran stood up and said.

Li Hao came back to his senses. He looked at the two people who were preparing to set off together and said quickly: "Fourth Master..." He turned around and wanted to call Li Tianzong, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to call them.

If you call him "Grandpa", doesn't it mean that you still recognize that identity?

But if he doesn't call him that, he will be very sad if he knows his current situation, right?

Thinking of the old man from the Ji family saying that he only has enough time to go home to take a look, Li Hao felt sad.

Having experienced the battle of Longcheng, he knew how strong his obsession with going home was.

"You go back first. The power of the Dead River has penetrated into Grandpa's body. Grandpa... I'm afraid he can't hold on for long." Li Hao said.

In this last journey, he still planned not to let the old man get hurt.

Li Xiaoran was stunned and couldn't help looking at Li Tianzong.

Li Tianzong's face changed slightly. He also noticed his abnormality, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

"That's right, you guys go quickly. This kid can take me back alone." The old man from the Ji family said impatiently.

"Brother, is it true?!"

Li Xiaoran's eyes suddenly turned red and looked at Li Tianzong.

Li Tianzong was silent. He looked at Li Hao and said, "It's just a glance anyway. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. I am already satisfied to see that I still have a good grandson like you."

"Since I will die sooner or later, I will pass on my power to you. Maybe I can help you reach a higher level!"

Li Hao understood his intention and shook his head slightly: "I haven't realized the heart of Tao yet. Your power can only increase the strength of my soul, but it can't help me break through the realm."

Increasing the strength of the soul is certainly a great thing, but for Li Hao, practicing some spiritual cultivation techniques can do it.

How can this old man be so annihilated for something that can be done with the techniques?

Li Tianzong was stunned, and felt like crying: "But my good grandson, I haven't given you anything yet, and you almost died for me..."

"You have already given it."

Li Hao looked at him, smiled, and said: "You recognized my paintings, my fun of doing things that are not doing your job..."

Li Tianzong felt even more sad when he heard this, and said: "Those are such trivial things, my grandson is unparalleled in talent, isn't it worth praising?"

Li Hao was silent for a while, then smiled again, and said to Li Xiaoran: "Fourth Master, please take Grandpa back. Be careful on the road."

Li Xiaoran heard that his elder brother Li Tianzong would soon die. At this moment, his head was still buzzing and he was a little lost. He came to his senses and said:

"I know, Hao'er, you have to be careful too. Wait for me to send my elder brother back. If I don't see you come back, I will come to find you!"

"You don't have to come to find him. This kid is much better than you." The old man of the Ji family sneered. He was the source of the obsession of the Dead River. He knew everything that happened in it and was very satisfied with Li Hao's performance.

Such a talent is considered a genius even in their Ji family.

"Fourth Master, goodbye."

Li Hao said goodbye to them immediately.

"This seems to be the border of the Great Wilderness. There are many demons in the Great Wilderness, and they are very powerful. You have to be careful too." Li Xiaoran said.

Li Hao nodded.

"Let's go quickly. Don't be nagging." The old man of the Ji family couldn't help but urge.

Li Xiaoran and Li Tianzong looked at each other, thinking that this uncle from the in-laws' family had really bad patience.

The two of them asked again to tell Li Hao the information they knew about the Great Wilderness. The old man of the Ji family said halfway through:

"I will tell this kid along the way, you guys hurry up and leave!"

The two of them gave up after hearing this, thinking that the other party was a strong man from the Ji family and should be able to show Li Hao the way.

Several people said goodbye.

Li Hao thought about Tianmen Pass and said to Li Xiaoran: "Fourth Master, after sending grandpa back, please go to Tianmen Pass and say hello to my sword servant. Tell him that I can't come back for the time being, and Tianmen Pass will be handed over to her and my clone."

He said sword servant, but didn't mention Feng Lao, mainly because he was worried that the other party would not accept Feng Lao's identity.

When the message was passed to Ren Qianqian, it was naturally passed to Feng Lao, and Feng Lao could understand what he meant.


Li Xiaoran nodded, thinking of the rumors about Li Hao and Li Tiangang that he had heard vaguely, his face changed slightly, but thinking that his elder brother was still around, he did not show any expression immediately.

After saying goodbye, Li Hao watched Li Xiaoran and Li Tianzong leave together. They followed the road, identified the direction of Dayu Divine Dynasty, and then flew away.

"We should leave too."

The old man of the Ji family said.

Li Hao stared for a long time, then retracted his gaze and nodded slightly.



Li Xiaoran flew straight through the wilderness with Li Tianzong.

Every time he flew hundreds of miles, he stopped to identify the direction.

As he continued to move forward, he finally found a clear location and couldn't help showing his joy:

"This is outside Liangzhou. Looking at the route ahead, we can just pass by Tianmen Pass when we go back."

"Tianmen Pass?"

Li Tianzong was curious: "I just heard Haoer say that he is stationed there? How old is Haoer? How can he be allowed to lead troops to fight now? He is still at the age of cultivation."

Li Xiaoran smiled a little unnaturally and said: "Haoer is extremely talented, you have seen it, and his cultivation speed is amazing. It is not a bad thing to train in advance."

"That's right, he is only fifteen years old outside, and he can compete with the demon king of Taiping Dao Realm at the age of eighteen there..."

When Li Tianzong said this, his eyes kept shining, showing excitement and surprise: "My Li family has such descendants, I can die without regrets!"

When he heard him say the words "die without regrets".

Li Xiaoran's face changed slightly, and he was silent. Thinking of what Li Hao had just said, his elder brother could only go back and take a look, and it would disappear immediately.

He felt sour in his heart, and he didn't say anything. He lowered his head and hurried on his way.

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