The Name of Eternity

Chapter 221 A Young Man Enters the Wilderness

The Donghuang Continent is vast and boundless. If the Great Yu Dynasty is taken as the center, the imperial capital is the bull's eye.

The outline of the 19 states is like a teapot.

The spout of the pot is raised, and the edge of the mouth is Tianmen Pass. Extending outward from Tianmen Pass, it shuttles through the gray foreign demon land, where demons live and entrench, and farther away is the dark black Great Wilderness on the map.

The Great Yu Military Department has four subordinates, which are in charge of military selection, maps, carriages and horses of various states, weapons and equipment, etc.

The second Zhifang Department is in charge of the world map, which is regularly drawn and updated.

In the history of the Great Yu Dynasty for more than 3,000 years, the new and old versions of the map have been replaced for many generations, not to mention the changes in the terrain of various states.

The demon territories outside the country are classified as gray areas, but over the years, mountains, rivers, peaks and other landforms have been surveyed and named.

This also provides great convenience for the Demon Suppression Division to track foreign wanted demons. The map is the eye, and many talented people have been sacrificed just to draw the map.

However, no matter how the old and new maps change, outside this demonic realm, deeper and farther away, the area named "Dahuangtian" by the previous emperor when he went on the expedition is always dark black.

There is no description or introduction of the landforms.

For example, the black abyss surrounding the edge of the continent is a dangerous place forbidden to humans, dangerous and mysterious.

For thousands of years, talents rising from the Ministry of War have tried to explore the Dahuangtian, but they have sacrificed countless lives and only brought back a few messages in the end.

These messages written in blood are woven into a book called Dahuang Jing.

There are only two pages of paper and a few hundred words.

Life is thinner than paper.

But even so, these two thin pages are carefully collected by the Imperial Palace, and only the top forces such as the God General Mansion have copies.

At this moment, at the edge of the Dahuangtian, a young figure is walking in the wild jungle with towering ancient trees.

Surrounded by tall trees and misty fog.

"The records say that in the Great Wilderness, the miasma is everywhere, giant beasts are rampant, demons are rampant, and there are traces of the ancient beasts that are rumored."

As Li Hao walked forward, he was also looking around carefully.

This record is indeed true. Although he has not encountered giant beasts and demons yet, he has already felt the damp and poisonous miasma in this forest.

Fortunately, his indestructible body is extremely condensed and can easily resist and not be harmed.

But if it were another three immortal realms, even if he stayed in this forest for a long time, his body would be damaged.

If the cultivation is lower, it goes without saying that it will be more difficult.

My mother actually lives in such a place... Li Hao's eyes flashed, his thoughts turned, and he asked the old man of the Ji family who was shrinking and hiding in his body:

"Are there really people living here as you said?"

"Not people, but saints!"

The voice of the old man of the Ji family immediately corrected.

He was also fond of Li Hao, so he was willing to say more:

"My Ji family is a holy family of ancient times. Although we are also human, our people have the blood of ancient saints and strong physiques, which are absolutely not comparable to you barbarians and primitive people. Moreover, our family is blessed by the holy land and is not invaded by miasma. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairyland."

Li Hao was relieved when he heard this. It seems that his mother lives in a good environment.

As he walked, Li Hao chatted with the old man of the Ji family.

He learned that the other party's name was Ji Yunge.

The other party only talked briefly about the affairs of the Ji family, but did not talk in depth. However, he gave Li Hao a lot of advice on the affairs in the Great Wilderness, and made Li Hao understand that the Great Wilderness was indeed as dangerous as the countless sages of the Ministry of War had explored.

But this dangerous place is divided into regions.

For example, the place where they are now belongs to the outer edge of the Great Wilderness. Although they will encounter extremely terrible monsters, the probability is not high.

Most of them are demons and beasts with low blood.

However, the energy of heaven and earth here is abundant, and even demons with low blood can be cultivated to the level of demon king. Therefore, the record of Dayu Divine Dynasty that one cannot easily set foot in the Great Wilderness without the Four Li Realms is also a very reliable warning.

Among the towering ancient trees, Li Hao hurried on his way according to Ji Yunge's guidance.

He shuttled between these large trees with a diameter of tens of meters, and each branch could easily accommodate several people.

As he was moving forward, a shadow suddenly shot over.

The Dao Yun pulled, and the attack was sure to hit, and there was a feeling of being unavoidable.

Li Hao was slightly startled, and the footsteps that had just landed suddenly stepped out quickly again, and the world disappeared. With a whoosh, he disappeared under the pull of the Dao Yun.

Before the Dao Yun pulled on, Li Hao appeared at the attack point, as fast as lightning, and saw that the sneak attack was a woman hiding behind the thick leaves on the treetops.

The other party was half human, half demon, and his lower limbs were as hideous as a mantis.

Seeing Li Hao suddenly appear in front of her, the woman was also startled. Obviously, she didn't expect that this boy, who was obviously a human, could have such skills even though his aura was not obvious!

Her pupils suddenly shrank, but she reacted very quickly and spit out a stream of green venom.


Li Hao raised his hand and punched out. The violent fist wind directly shook off the venom and hit the banshee's face, smashing her snow-white and delicate face, revealing the shell-like bones inside, and screaming.

"Ancient Pride?!"

The banshee's body retreated and looked at Li Hao in shock.

At such an age, he actually had such a terrifying explosive power. She actually met an ancient pride at the edge of the Great Wilderness? !

She cursed in her heart that she was unlucky, and turned around and ran away without caring about the pain on her face.

Li Hao reacted extremely quickly. With the opening of the Thousand Mountains and Flying Birds Picture and the disappearance of the world, he caught up with the opponent in an instant. Under the shocked eyes of the banshee, he punched her head through with one punch.

Blood splattered and splashed on the nearby trees.

A soul rushed out of the banshee's body, looked at Li Hao in fear, turned around and screamed and ran away.

Her soul burned and burst at full speed, but Li Hao's power of controlling objects had already condensed into a sword, which slashed out instantly, tearing her body apart, and then quickly split the sword energy, crushing her severed soul and completely annihilating it.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and this demon king of the Dao Heart Realm had fallen in Li Hao's hands.

Ji Yunge, who was hiding in Li Hao, couldn't help but smile when he saw it.

Although Li Hao showed an extremely extraordinary talent in the Dead River, it was somewhat due to the obsession of Li Tianzong secretly caring for him.

Now, Li Hao's real body's explosive power, the skills and strength he showed were not inferior to Muhe, which made him feel relieved and satisfied.

He thought that when Li Hao sent him back to the Ji family, he could introduce Li Hao. If Li Hao could practice in the Ji family, it would be a great training.

At this moment, Li Hao punched the female demon king and felt a stinging pain in his fist. It turned out that the poison was on his fist and corroded his skin.

Even his flesh could be corrupted. If he was in the ordinary three immortal realms, his flesh would have rotted and his bones would have been exposed.

Li Hao took a deep breath. He didn't expect that he had just come to this great wilderness and had not walked for dozens of miles before he encountered a sneak attack by the demon king.

He glanced at the corpse of the female demon king. Except for the smashed head, her body was still intact.

He quickly flew back and came to the other's corpse. He raised his hand and grabbed it, absorbing the life essence and blood in the other's body.

The female demon king's body withered rapidly, and finally became like wrinkled gray rotten meat.

Li Hao casually slapped her, crushing her bones and scattering her ashes, so as not to leave any traces.

After absorbing the life essence of the female demon king, Li Hao circulated and condensed it in his body. The tingling sensation on the back of his hand disappeared immediately, and the erosion of decay also stopped, and the flesh and blood were regenerated.

He had just come out of the Dead River, and his true body was still as strong as before the end of the Liangzhou War. His physical body was only comparable to the level of seven times of melting and casting divine weapons.

At this moment, he improved a little more.

It can be seen how powerful the venom of this female demon king is. Even a demon king like Lu Yuan in the realm of ultimate learning can hardly cause serious injuries to his physical body. The other party was only in the state of Dao Heart, but he made him bleed!

"You can hurt me with the state of Dao Heart. Is this the demon king of the Great Wilderness? I feel more powerful than outside."

Li Hao muttered to himself.

Ji Yunge couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Is it worth praising to hurt you three immortals with the state of Dao Heart?

It's really against the sky.

However, all the ancient geniuses were like this. Killing the demon king in adversity could shock the barbarians in the wilderness, but in the wilderness, it was only excellent.

But he knew that Li Hao's true strength was not like this, so even among the ancient saints, Li Hao was enough to be a genius, which was why he cherished talent!

After dealing with the female demon king, Li Hao did not stop and continued to move forward.

He had the attribute of all things and could cover up his breath, but the sound caused by his actions would still attract some demons along the way.

Li Hao dealt with two more on the way, but they were all in the third immortal realm. They tried to sneak attack and were slapped to death by him.

There were no weapons around him, but Li Hao's body was already at the level of a divine weapon, and his fists and feet had extremely strong destructive power.

While rushing on the road, Li Hao was also digesting the memories and martial arts techniques brought out from the Dead River.

These techniques were directly included in the panel because of his memory, and in the panel, after the deduction of the seventh stage of the physical body, some new techniques evolved.

For example, the Ten Thousand Blood True Demon Art that was originally deduced has now become the Sacrifice Spirit True Demon Art.

Absorbing the essence of demons and blood, the conversion and condensation ratio is higher.

This allows Li Hao's body to condense to the limit faster.

Ji Yunge showed Li Hao the way and avoided some of the more dangerous forbidden areas in the Great Wilderness along the way.

There are famous big demon kings entrenched in them, and they should not be easily set foot in.

Li Hao did not have the idea of ​​taking the risk of hunting. The top priority now is to send Ji Yunge back to the Ji family. If possible, he still wants to see his mother in his heart.

It's good to know that she is safe.

The night is as cool as water.

In the endless ancient forest of the wilderness, white bones and debris are occasionally scattered.

A pile of dead leaves and broken branches built a flame, burning on the thick branches, but did not ignite the branches.

The thick branches contain abundant moisture and vigorous vitality. It is difficult for ordinary flames to cause forest fires here and ignite these vigorous ancient trees.

Moreover, the miasma here is humid. If there is no constant supply of fuel, the flame will soon go out.

At this moment, Li Hao stopped to rest and adjust his state beside the fire.

He leaned against the tree trunk, picked up a piece of grass, folded it into a harmonica at his mouth, and blew it gently.

The moonlight was scattered, accompanied by the ancient trees in the desolate sky, and the lingering whistle sound floated gently, and then was blocked by the soundproof barrier set up by Li Hao.

It only echoed among the branches.

The experience of music slowly increased.

This can also be regarded as cultivation.

There was nothing around, and there was no way to study calligraphy, painting and chess, only music to entertain himself.

Ji Yunge stood at the other end of the branch, with his hands behind his back, looking at the stars and the moon in the distance, his eyes full of expectations of returning home.

At this moment, listening to Li Hao's melodious and reverberating grass whistle music, in this quiet moonlit night, his inner thoughts were aroused more deeply.

He turned around and glanced at the boy, but saw that the boy was just looking at the dark ancient forest quietly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What is the name of this song?"


"You said in the Dead River that you didn't want to go home, but your song was full of longing." Ji Yunge stared.

"Two different things."

Li Hao took off the grass leaf that was stuck in his mouth and said softly: "I miss my friends."

Ji Yunge glanced at him, "Are your friends also very good?"

"That depends on what aspect."

Li Hao smiled and said: "Some can fish, some can eat and drink, and some don't have any special skills, but they are very happy."

"I think being able to live a happy life is also a skill."

Ji Yunge's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "I see that you have spent a lot of time in the Dead River to enjoy yourself. In such a dangerous environment, you still have the mind to have fun. Are you really not afraid of death?"

"You can't give up your life just because you are afraid of death. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?"

Li Hao didn't explain that it was because of the panel, but he also expressed his thoughts: "Just like working hard to practice, it is for life, but all the time in life is spent on practice, then... what's the point?"

"Without power, in the face of life and death, in front of demons, there is only despair."

Ji Yunge said.

Li Hao smiled slightly: "But there are not many powerful warriors who have died. Many of them have not even had time to enjoy life. For example, senior, your cultivation is not low, right?"

Ji Yunge was stunned, and his face changed slightly. The implication of Li Hao's words was that even a powerful person like him died.

This was obviously a bit offensive.

But he did not get angry because of this, but was a little absent-minded.

Looking back on his life, he lived a long time, but he spent most of his time practicing.

Looking back at this moment, what he often reminisced about in the Dead River were things other than practice.

Playing with those guys, drinking, hunting competitions, etc., as well as the usual warm words and laughter, ordinary scenes...

He was silent.

When experiencing life and death, what he reminisced about was not how to practice, but some people and some things.

Not to mention that he is now a dead man.

His obsession with returning to the Ji family is to return home, and the purpose of returning home is that he can't bear to leave the holy mountain and the people on the mountain.

Seeing the other party was silent, Li Hao did not say anything more. He continued to hold the grass leaf in his mouth and blew it gently.

He did not oppose cultivation, but he could stop to have a cup of tea and chat in his spare time.

That was a "live" life.

The night was slightly cool, a cluster of flames, a clear whistle, two souls with different thoughts.

There was also a bright full moon...


For several days in a row, Li Hao was on the road.

On the way, he also practiced the exercises recorded in the panel one by one.

Every practice allowed the body to be refined and improved again. In addition, the monsters hunted along the way and absorbed their essence and blood, which made Li Hao progress rapidly, and his body reached the level comparable to the eight-cast divine weapon.

In the Dead River, his body was comparable to the nine-cast, and he could barely support it in the Taiping Dao domain.

Now, he is getting closer and closer to that level.

After all, in this reality, he doesn't have that many magic medicines to take, and he can't take them. He relies entirely on the absorption and conversion of the skills. Fortunately, the effect is not worse than the magic medicine, but it just takes a little time.

"Hmm? Something seems to be wrong here."

Li Hao stepped into a red mountain range surrounded by red mist. When the mist touched his body, Li Hao felt that his flesh and blood were softening.

This is more terrible than miasma, and it seems to weaken his physical strength.

"This is the Red Wood Corpse Ridge."

Ji Yunge said: "This is the place where a person who heard the Tao fell. His Tao domain did not dissipate, forming a special restricted area here, which is very dangerous."

Then he changed the subject and said: "However, it is not a big problem for you. The Tao domain rules contained here are not as strong as those of that person when he was alive. It will just continue to decompose your blood and qi. If you stay here for a long time, you will become weak and even die of old age, but with your physique, you can withstand it."

"Deep here, there is a red blood demon vine king rooted in the skeleton of the person who heard the Tao. Every sixty years, it will produce a Tao Yun Blood Fruit. It is powerful and can greatly enhance the body, help promote physical strength, reach the extreme state of Tongli, and stimulate the state of divine power."

"You can go and find the red blood demon vine king. It has absorbed too much of the flesh and blood of the person who heard the Tao. It is restricted by this and cannot escape, but its combat effectiveness is average. You should be able to win."

Li Hao was stunned and a little speechless. The Tao Yun Blood Fruit may not be of much use to him.

But since he's here, it doesn't hurt to take a look. If he can't use it, he can take it back to Qianqian.

As Li Hao was thinking, there were suddenly several sounds of breaking air in front of him.


"Who is that? Quick, help me stop him. I am from the ancient holy Qin family!"

Several angry shouts came.

Li Hao looked and saw a short man running in front, and the other three figures were chasing at full speed behind him, with extremely fast movements.

The short man who was running in front saw Li Hao standing in the air, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said: "Don't stop me, I'll give you the treasure!"

As he spoke, he had already come to Li Hao's side.

When Li Hao was wondering, the other party suddenly made a move and slapped Li Hao in the face.


The other party's wrist was pinched by Li Hao, and then with a click, it was crushed.


Li Hao asked in confusion: "What do you want to do?"

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