The Name of Eternity

Chapter 24: Fishing for Dragons

He's a big guy!

From this huge struggle, Li Hao immediately realized that something in the water was not small. His heart was filled with fear and he did not dare to be rude. He did not pull the fishing line violently, which would easily pull the hook out of the mouth, but tightened it in an orderly manner. The ground relaxed slightly, then tightened again!

In an instant, the dark and calm water surface suddenly surged with angry waves. The surging waves were extremely large, with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Li Hao could faintly see a huge black shadow, which was gradually being pulled out of the water, struggling violently close to the water to resist.

This black shadow was ferocious, seven or eight meters long. As it struggled, the waves of water spread further.

Li Hao tightened the fishing line and followed the same method of slowing and tightening as before, dragging the huge black shadow slowly towards the shore.

The thing at the bottom seemed to sense something, and suddenly jumped out of the water, revealing a flat and huge fish head with a mouth full of fangs, like countless sharpened bamboo thorns.

The green eyes stared ferociously at Li Hao on the fishing platform. When he saw that he was just a child of seven or eight years old, the fierce light in the fish's eyes suddenly became angry.

"Ignorant boy, how dare you catch your grandpa catfish!"

The fish monster actually uttered human words and made a sharp and harsh sound. Instead of continuing to fight back, it suddenly swam towards the shore quickly, and the originally tight fishing line suddenly became loose in the water.

"Look at me eating you!!"

The distance of several hundred meters was quickly shortened by the surging waves. The fish demon wanted to swallow Li Hao alive, so it jumped up and rushed towards the fishing platform a few feet away from the water.

As the fish demon landed, the font appeared in front of Li Hao's eyes:

[Fishing experience +68]

[The fishing channel has been upgraded to one section]

At the same time, many fishing techniques came to mind.

But Li Hao didn't care about absorbing and digesting it at the moment. Instead, he tightened his scalp suddenly and focused his thoughts in front of his eyes.

The smelly strange mouth is so close, you can even see the trembling pink flesh in the fish demon's Adam's apple.

When Li Hao faced the enemy for the first time, he was secretly frightened and a little nervous at the same time, because this fish monster looked really ferocious, but fortunately, in his eyes, its movements were as slow as a turtle.

In Tingyu Pavilion, he collected three books on the physical training technique for cultivating eyesight.

Overlapping each other, checking for gaps and filling in the gaps, raised the vision to a very high level, far beyond what is available in the Tongli realm.

At this moment, he bit the tip of his tongue and quickly calmed down. Then he turned sideways and bent over. Li Hao stretched out his palm and grabbed the fish monster's sharp teeth, then turned around and swung it out!

All this happens in an instant, and the whole action is completed in one go.

There was only a bang sound, and the fish demon hit the mountain dozens of meters away behind the shore. It slapped the ground with its tail and started to writhe.

"You, what kind of monster are you?!"

The fish demon was beaten to pieces, and he actually uttered such shocking words.

It twisted the fish's belly slightly. Years of practice made it feel the shadow of death at this moment. The seven or eight-year-old white child with tender skin and tender flesh in front of it was too terrifying. It could never be a human race. It should be someone The bloodline of the great demon’s descendants.

When Li Hao heard what the fish demon said, he couldn't help but be stunned and immediately laughed.

But just in case the fish demon had some tricks that he didn't know, he decided to make a quick decision and rushed out suddenly.


Suddenly, the fish demon's gills suddenly bulged, and then a mouthful of black and smelly old mud spurted out of its mouth, as fast as a poisonous arrow.

Li Hao had long been secretly prepared for unknown means. The moment he saw the black mud exit, he suddenly tilted his feet and dodged away. Then he exerted force on his feet and quickly pushed closer.

"No, spare me..."

The fish demon was frightened and wanted to beg for mercy, but Li Hao's punch had already been thrown out and hit the fish's head.

Just the terrifying concussive power of the body made the fish demon tremble violently, and its head dented and shattered with a crack. Cyan brain matter spewed out from inside. Li Hao had no time to dodge, and a lot of it splashed on his body.

A strong fishy smell came out, making him feel nauseous.

No wonder the old man smells fishy. He has been fishing all year round. This kind of thing is inevitable.

At this moment, the fish demon's tail was still trembling and slapping the ground, but it seemed to be just a nervous twitch, not as violent as before.

Li Hao prevented it from feigning death and threw two more punches. When a hole was made in the fish demon's head and the brain material inside popped out, he stopped and stepped back and left the fish demon's side.

He thought to himself that if he went fishing next time, he would probably bring a sword with him.

Otherwise, if you encounter a more powerful big guy, you will not be able to fish but will become bait.

Of course, with Li Muchiu by his side, Li Hao would not be in any danger at all. The golden talisman given by the old man has not been triggered yet.

However, Li Hao doesn't like to rely on others for everything.

After dealing with the fish monster, Li Hao recalled the many messages in his mind. Many fishing skills emerged one by one, making him feel as if he had been fishing on the shore for more than ten years.

Observing the water, measuring the line, hiding the hook, etc... Many fishing techniques were well understood. Li Hao came to the fishing platform, sorted out the fishing rod and the messed up fishing line, and hung the bait and lifted the hook again, but this time his technique was more skillful. With a touch of his palm, the bait was firmly wrapped around the fishhook.

Then he stared at the black lake. The originally pitch-black lake now had a clear change in his eyes.

His eyes could clearly see the faint changes in the water flow, and he could see seven or eight meters deep under the water. The ripples after the waves on the water calmed down were like some kind of pattern in his eyes, depicting the direction of the undercurrent under the water. .

Through this undercurrent, Li Hao came up with a judgment in his mind that something was moving at the bottom of the water far away from here.

And near this fishing platform, after two big movements, there should be nothing left, and the heavy guys at the bottom of the water have all run away.

Li Hao's heart moved, and he did not wait here to cast the rod, but chose to take the initiative.

He carried the rod and walked along the shore, staring at the water surface from time to time. Through the undercurrent at the bottom of the water, he could judge the direction of the prey.

Soon, after walking about a kilometer, Li Hao stopped at a place like the mouth of the bay. He chose a solid earth platform and chose to cast the rod.

And this time, although he swung the rod hard, it was strange that when the heavy fish hook fell into the water, it only caused a small ripple, and did not make the previous ding-dong sound.

Then, the line was pulled by the fish hook and slowly sank to the bottom of the water.

Li Hao squatted slightly and waited quietly.

In just a few minutes, the fish bladder moved.

Li Hao was not surprised. This hook was equivalent to delivering the bait directly to the underwater guy not far away, delivering food to the door.

With a whoosh, the fish bladder was swallowed into the water. Ha, he was still an impatient guy.

Li Hao chuckled and lifted the rod suddenly. There was a huge force on the line, but Li Hao could sense and judge at the first moment of struggling. It was about two thousand pounds. It should be just a fish demon in the Tongli realm. The intelligence has not yet fully revealed. No wonder the movement caused underwater can be faintly seen from a thousand meters away.

He still chose to lift it again and pull it lightly.

Then the rod swayed left and right. Every time he dragged, the fish hook was hung more firmly and not easy to get off the hook.

Soon, after walking for seven or eight minutes, Li Hao pulled the exhausted fish demon out of the lake.

[Fishing Experience +23]

The fish demon on the shore rushed towards Li Hao ferociously, but was killed by his punch and thrown to the hillside behind.

Then continue to bait and fish.

There is more underwater.

"This old dragon is cunning, and there is no trace at all."

Above the Demon Lake, Li Muxiu's figure disappeared in the sky. He did not have a fishing rod in his hand, but only a nearly transparent line that sank vertically into the water.

His fishing skills have long been mastered, and he can sense the underwater situation through the movement of the line at the bottom of the water. This skill is no different from directly searching the soul and spying on the bottom of the water.

He had already cast the line secretly enough, but the old dragon did not move at all.

The small fish demon that Li Hao had fished for before was eaten by another fish demon, and the big fish ate the small fish.

But his purpose was not to fish, but to fish for dragons!

"Forget it, it seems that the old dragon should be sleeping soundly today. I don't know where it is hiding in this three thousand miles of black lake."

Li Muxiu shook his head slightly and glanced at the thousand miles of surging lake, which was endless.

He sighed, reeled in the line, and pulled out a fish monster with more than ten meters long and covered with spikes, which was exactly the bait he used to catch the dragon.

At this moment, with a flick of his finger, the fish monster's body suddenly shrank and turned into a palm-length black-spotted fish, which he threw into the fish basket.

"I don't know if that little guy has any results. Don't be impatient and don't catch any fish later."

Li Muxiu muttered, picked up the fish basket, and flew in the original direction.

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