The Name of Eternity

Chapter 291: Becoming a Saint

"I just saw a saint who seemed to want to trouble you. Do you think it's interesting?" Ying Xiaoxiao chuckled.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly. Just now, the movement in the small teahouse disappeared, and there were two more movements outside the city, showing their auras and chasing away. He was naturally aware of it.

The ancient saint clan? Li Hao's eyes moved slightly, thinking of the Ji family and the other holy clans in Dahuangtian, his mind turned, and he asked:

"Are you scared off?"

"That's right."

Ying Xiaoxiao smiled: "Why don't you invite us to sit down first? It just so happens that we haven't eaten either."

While talking, he glanced at the grilled fish on the fire.

"Please take a seat, both of you."

Seeing that they had no ill intentions, Li Hao also invited them to sit down and said, "Are the saints here to cause trouble for you two, or are they here to cause trouble for me?"

"Of course he's looking for you." Ying Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, "He doesn't dare to cause trouble for us."

"Both of you are also from the ancient saint clan?"

"You guessed it right."

Ying Xiaoxiao was a little surprised, and then said helplessly.

Li Hao glanced at her and felt that this little girl's acting skills were a bit exaggerated.

But apart from the Ancient Saint Clan, he couldn't think of any other possibilities for the time being.

These two people were restrained, and he didn't find out the specific details, but if he couldn't find out, it was like he found out.

Obviously, the strength of these two people is somewhat terrifying, and most likely they are in the Hearing Dao realm.

"How about I draw a picture for you two?"

Li Hao suddenly said.

Ying Xiaoxiao looked at the drawing board next to her and said with interest: "Are you really good at drawing? If the drawing is too ugly, I will tear it up."

"It's beautiful."

Li Hao said.

The old man at the tea stall said: "Draw me first."

It’s better for Lao Jianghu to be cautious... Li Hao said secretly and agreed immediately.

The old man at the tea stall was obviously a little on guard. He had also heard of magic tricks such as the little demon using paintings to summon spirits. Although it was definitely ineffective against them in the realm of hearing the Tao, there was no guarantee that they wouldn't have other strange tricks.

After he sat upright, Li Hao also adjusted the ink and started painting quickly.

It didn't take long for a lifelike painting to be sketched out.

Painting experience +18790.

Following the prompts on the drawing board in front of him, Li Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he secretly took a deep breath.

Good guy, really good guy!

Painting a painting is actually close to 20,000 experience points!

His current painting attributes are:

The seventh section of the Painting Road: (38279/500000)

It takes 500,000 experience to advance to the eighth level.

Although over time, you can gain experience as long as you keep painting, which is definitely much faster than simply practicing, but it will take at least half a year to accumulate half a million experience.

After all, painting some ordinary landscapes, even if you are a master of painting, can only gain a few symbolic experiences. Only by painting some Taoist charms or powerful creatures can you gain a large amount of experience.

"Did you finish the painting?"

the old man at the tea stall asked.

Li Hao came to his senses and showed the painting to him. When he looked at the two people again, they were like two experienced babies.

"Hey, it's really good."

Ying Xiaoxiao took a look and was a little surprised. She could see that this was by no means a simple reproduction, but had a charm to it.

The old man at the tea stall looked at it twice and was very satisfied. At the same time, he quietly felt himself and made sure that he did not suffer any strange attacks such as "curses" or "soul calling" during the whole process, or hidden rules and other means, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can I get you another one?"

Li Hao looked at the girl.

Ying Xiaoxiao nodded happily when she saw that the old man at the tea stall didn't stop him.

Soon, Li Hao concentrated on painting again.

Painting experience +15832.


Li Hao was surprised. This girl is indeed not simple. With 15,000 experience points and ten paintings, even if the experience will decrease with each subsequent painting, she will still receive about 100,000 experience points in total.

If you collect them from the dead, draw hundreds of them, and collect them cleanly, you can get at least more than 200,000 experience points.

In addition to the old man's... the two of them can raise close to half a million!

With just the two of them, they can fill the void left by Li Hao with eight levels of experience.

His Majesty left earlier and was busy talking about business. Li Hao didn't have time to collect it. Next time he has time, he will go to see your Majesty and draw a picture with the real person from the Qiandao Palace. He should also be able to collect four to five million experience points. By then, he will be in the eighth stage. The experience of rising to the ninth level can directly increase the level by half.

Tsk... The more Li Hao thought about it, the more pleased he became. Suddenly he thought that they had just driven away a saint clan. Didn't they just lose an experience pack?

"Is the painting finished?" Ying Xiaoxiao asked immediately when she saw Li Hao stop.

Li Hao nodded and handed the painting to the girl.

In the painting, the girl's blue clothes are fluttering, and the golden bells on her wrists seem to be floating in the wind. Her hair is like a waterfall of black silk, and she has bright eyes and white teeth. She is extremely beautiful.

Ying Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with brilliance, she looked at it carefully, and then said to Li Hao, "Can you give this to me?"


Ying Xiaoxiao's face lit up with joy and she said, "I will keep it well."

Li Hao smiled: "If you like, I can draw you some more, with different postures... such as walking and picking flowers, etc."

"Okay." Ying Xiaoxiao agreed.

Li Hao smiled secretly in his heart and decided to paint her a second painting.

Through the experience gained, Li Hao could roughly judge that these two people were probably in the Wen Dao realm. After all, he did not have such rich experience when he painted the Candle Fire God.

But the two people from the Wen Dao Realm appeared here for no reason, calling themselves the Ancient Saints... Who were they kidding?

I had been to the Ji family before. Among the ancient saints, the Ji family was not a very declining family. Wen Daojing was already a war god in the family, and there were only two or three people in the family. Even if the number of other ancient saints doubled, they would not have the leisure to follow me here.

However, apart from the ancient saints, what other forces are there?

Li Hao was curious and might have to ask the emperor to know that his current knowledge was still limited to some information that the God General Mansion could grasp, and it did not include the secrets that only the family's true dragon could grasp.

"Master, the grilled fish is almost ready. How about eating first and then painting?"

Ren Qianqian came over and asked.

Li Hao nodded, finished the painting in front of him, and then invited the old and the young to have dinner together.

Ying Xiaoxiao agreed readily. The old man at the tea stall wanted to stop her, but it was too late. He just whispered: "Miss, we are not familiar with each other after all."

"Don't worry, I have an iron stomach, I can digest poison."

Ying Xiaoxiao's response almost made the old man at the tea stall vomit blood. He smiled bitterly in his heart and could only follow the young lady.

However, when it came to eating, he was faster than Ying Xiaoxiao. He took the fish piece handed by Li Hao first and swallowed it quickly.

After feeling it and confirming that it was non-toxic, he wanted to tell the young lady that it was ready to eat, but he saw that Ying Xiaoxiao had already eaten with oil dripping from her mouth. It can't be said that she has no ladylike temperament, but it can only be said that there is some, but not much.

The old man at the tea stall smiled bitterly. Seeing Li Hao eating and drinking carelessly, he also felt that he was a little too nervous.

If there was no young lady around, his own words would not matter. If there was a young lady, it would make him always overly nervous.

As the grilled fish was eaten, the few people chatted, from eating and drinking to practicing.

Jiang Lichen started the conversation about cultivation, and soon they talked about the Dao Realm, the Dao Wen Realm, and the existence of the Saint Realm.

Li Hao was only responsible for listening, while Jiang Lichen discussed the path to becoming a saint with Ying Xiaoxiao.

After witnessing the Buddha trying to jump to the Dao Wen Realm and become a saint in one step from the Taiping Dao Realm, Jiang Lichen also had this idea.

"There are three ways to become a saint. One is to become a saint through incense, one is to become a saint through offering sacrifices to the Tao, and the other is to become a saint through the extreme Tao!"

Ying Xiaoxiao assumed that Jiang Lichen was someone close to Li Hao, and explained to him: "You want to take the path of offering sacrifices to the Tao to become a saint, which is the most difficult and depends on your understanding."

Jiang Lichen hummed while eating: "I like to challenge the most difficult ones. When I practice the sword to the extreme and become a saint through offering sacrifices to the sword, I will definitely be able to kill everything in the world!"


Ying Xiaoxiao chatted for a few more words, and felt that the old man seemed to be not very smart, so he ignored him and looked at Li Hao:

"Which way are you going to take?"

When Li Hao listened to their conversation, he already understood the differences between the three ways.

Becoming a saint through incense is the most mainstream way to become a saint. Basically, 99% of the saints choose this way.

The second most difficult way is to become a saint through offering sacrifices to the Tao, which is a path to becoming a saint that Jiang Lichen knows.

By practicing the Tao to the extreme and offering sacrifices to the Tao to become a saint, one can transcend the Tao.

No need to rely on incense, just rely on offering sacrifices to the Tao to overcome the three disasters of the saints!

And this path values ​​​​comprehension the most!

And the comprehension required is extremely terrifying, so terrifying that it is extraordinary. After all, what kind of comprehension can match the power of hundreds of millions of incense?

This is the most difficult path, no one will choose it. Compared with spending your brain on this path, it is better to think about how to collect some incense to be more efficient.

This is equivalent to the difference between taking the entrance exam to Tsinghua University and earning one million.

If you earn one million, work harder and be lucky, you can save it for decades.

If it is not enough, find a relationship, borrow from your parents, and it will be almost enough.

But taking the entrance exam to Tsinghua University and Peking University... that is not something that can be done by hard work.

Without that brain, no matter how you study, it will be useless.

Unless you reincarnate and change your brain.

This is how incense becomes a saint. Basically, those who have reached the realm of hearing the Tao are all favored by heaven. No one will think that their comprehension is poor, but on the road to becoming a saint through offering sacrifices to the Tao, countless people have been defeated since ancient times.

Therefore, no one chose it gradually. Occasionally, there would be some stubborn people, but they didn't achieve anything except wasting their time.

Therefore, incense and fire became the main way to become a saint. After all, who doesn't have some connections in the realm of hearing the Tao? Borrowing, saving, and accumulating, it can barely be done.

If it's still not enough, you can only spend time to endure.

Although incense is always scarce, just like money, there is still hope after trying hard.

In addition to these two ways to become a saint, the third way, which is what Ying Xiaoxiao said, extreme way to become a saint, is a somewhat evil way to become a saint.

It is similar to incense and fire, but the difference is that extreme way to become a saint does not collect incense power, but negative things such as resentment and killing.

Compared to being praised, it seems easier to make people afraid, especially when there is power.

This path is suitable for the rampant Jiang Lichen, but it's a pity that he is too stubborn and insists on the sword.

However, according to Ying Xiaoxiao, this secret method can only be used by their clan, and the specific control method is not passed on to others. Moreover, even if outsiders learn it, they cannot use it because their physical conditions are not up to par.

"I... will wait and see."

In response to Ying Xiaoxiao's inquiry, Li Hao thought for a while and said.

According to the other party, he can choose between incense and sacrifice.

Li Hao has not yet reached the realm of hearing the Tao, and the specific situation can only be seen after the panel is upgraded.

He thinks that according to the way the panel is added, he may be the way to become a saint by sacrificing the Tao.

Flesh body becomes a saint!

During the chat, the relationship between the few people became closer. Although Jiang Lichen looked crazy, he whispered to Li Hao after chatting with Ying Xiaoxiao and the others:

"They may be demons, be careful."


"Yes, the way to become a saint has long been lost, and it is also the most evil way. Once discovered by the saint, it will definitely bring disaster."

Li Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this crazy Jiang knew a lot. He was worthy of his royal family.

"However, whether it is the demons or the gods, there is no difference. At least they have no ill will towards us." Li Hao replied to him in a voice transmission.

Jiang Lichen thought about it and replied: "That's true."

Then he continued to find Ren Qianqian and teach her how to practice sword.

Li Hao was full and continued to paint for Ying Xiaoxiao and the others. His painting experience was growing.

Time passed quickly.

There was also an old man and a young girl in the courtyard.

The courtyard was not big and everyone seemed to have their own entertainment.

Two days later, Li Hao received news from the Imperial City that the Wang family had information about Old Feng!

After reading the news, Li Hao suddenly became a little excited. Old Feng's missing soul was indeed in the Dead River.

"Qianqian, you practice sword in the yard. Ninth Prince, I'm going to the Wang family. Do you want to go with me?"

"Wang family? No, no."

Jiang Lichen waved his hand impatiently and said, "Go and come back quickly. I will teach your little apprentice for you."

"She is not my apprentice."

"What's the difference? Go away."


Li Hao looked at Ying Xiaoxiao and the old man at the tea stall again. Now he also knew the name of the old man at the tea stall, although he didn't know whether it was true or not. His name was Ying Lizhong.

"Do you two still want to follow me?"

Ying Lizhong looked at Ying Xiaoxiao who was eager to try, and shook his head and said: "Miss, the Wang family is surrounded by dead rivers, let's not join in the fun."

Ying Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said: "Okay, then we will wait for you here."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you two and the Ninth Prince to take care of Mr. Feng for me."

Li Hao nodded. Although they had just met not long ago, friends don't need to spend too much time together over a glass of wine.

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