The Name of Eternity

Chapter 317: My Sword Will

What is chess?

There are many types of chess, including backgammon, chess, etc.

The Go played by Li Hao is also called Zuiyin, Handan, Yi, etc.

The vertical and horizontal lines on the chessboard are interlaced to form grids, the pieces are placed on the grids, and the chess pieces are connected to form a game. This is the pattern on the chessboard.

Those who are new to chess, familiar with the rules, and those who enter the room will be skillful and precise in their moves, fierce in attack, and careful about choices.

A true master of chess, however, places more emphasis on position than on pieces. He no longer sticks to swallowing pieces and killing them, but instead focuses on his own chess position.

Whether it's chess, backgammon, Go, etc., it all pays attention to accumulation and momentum!

When the general trend prevails, victory will come, and everything is unstoppable.

It turned out that Li Hao's six-stage chess technique had already revealed the chess position. But at this moment, Li Hao realized that relying solely on himself as a chess player to consolidate the chess position would be too obvious in the eyes of an expert. The real chess technique is as natural as natural chess moves. If you don’t condense the momentum, it will become your own!

When the first stone lands, it already has momentum.

Each chess piece has its own mission. They all appear to be white pieces, but in fact some are strong and some are weak. Some white pieces are soldiers, while others are generals. Their power is fierce and clear!


Li Hao's white pieces fell, and one of them penetrated deep into the black pieces like a lone army, but the momentum was like thunder, and he saved the white pieces that were originally blocked and on the verge of despair, and broke the opponent's momentum like a sharp knife.

This hand is extremely spiritual and wonderful, like sitting and watching the clouds rise and disperse while strategizing.

Shi Huajin was stunned. The black piece in her hand was about to drop, but she paused again. She stared at the chessboard. After a moment, she sighed softly:

"I lost."

Originally, she wanted to engulf the white piece to expand her offensive. This path was cut off. She had already calculated Li Hao's next move. She would be at a disadvantage after seven more moves, and the chess position was broken, so she was decisive. Choose to admit defeat.

A duel between masters, the result is clear and clear.

Rookies peck each other, but life or death is uncertain.

Until the last moment, you never know what stupid and strange moves the other side will come up with.

Seeing that the opponent had admitted defeat, Li Hao also woke up from that understanding. He took back the white piece and said immediately: "One more game?"

"I'm not coming. Today's elixir hasn't been refined yet. You have to refine it for me."

Shi Huajin said angrily.

"Little things."

Li Hao smiled and immediately stood up to accompany the other party to the alchemy room.

On the way, he glanced at the panel and couldn't help but smile when he saw the latest prompt.

Soon, using cooking and refining, Li Hao helped his teacher Hua Jin refine all the medicinal materials to be refined.

Then he sat outside and waited, not watching. This made Shi Huajin feel helpless. She was a senior alchemist. Many alchemists dreamed of being able to watch beside her and see a senior alchemist refining elixirs with their own hands. This The treatment is equivalent to that of a direct disciple.

But she provided this opportunity to Li Hao for free, and Li Hao was not interested.

She could only call her disciples and ask them to help with the attack.

Li Hao found a secluded tree branch outside the alchemy room, lying on it to rest while bringing up the panel.

Chess, seven levels.

State of mind: The chess way enters the spirit (can be used).

Li Hao smiled slightly, and without hesitation, he chose to use this state of mind in the way of swordsmanship.

Soon, the swordsmanship that had reached the sixth level bottleneck for a long time finally broke through again.

Kendo, seventh level!

A large amount of kendo information suddenly poured into his mind, and Li Hao quietly closed his eyes to absorb it.

This swordsmanship has reached the seventh level, and it is similar to the way of chess. It used to be an extremely exquisite swordsmanship, but now it is a swordsmanship!

No longer stick to moves, the sword moves with your heart, and your heart moves with you!

He has a unique skill at his fingertips, and he can unleash the most powerful sword moves at his fingertips!

Many of the sword skills in his panel are constantly being deduced at this moment, undergoing new changes, from complex to simple.

After a long time, Li Hao slowly opened his eyes, digesting and absorbing all the insights of swordsmanship. The previous battle with Jiang Lichen suddenly appeared in his mind. Although he won, the opponent's swordsmanship in that battle had surpassed him, and he was at the seventh level of swordsmanship. The top level, the sword is like its heart, and it has the power of a crazy sword.

"Cleaving the Dao Realm with the cultivation level of Juexue Realm. If we go one step further and reach the eighth level of swordsmanship, we can even split the tenth level Dao Realm..."

Li Hao's eyes flashed with light. The seventh-level swordsmanship was already at the level of a sword master in the world. He could kill thousands of troops with his sword, and his sword power was like a rainbow. But for his current cultivation level, such swordsmanship was not enough.

Looking back at the swordsmanship performed by Lin Qingying, who had been practicing in the academy, Li Hao now discovered that the opponent's seemingly simple drill was deeper than what he had originally seen. It even surpassed the sword power and had its own artistic conception. The opponent's swordsmanship was more than seven levels. !

Li Hao thought silently in his heart and added some points.

Soon, the seventh-level swordsmanship suddenly climbed to the eighth-level!

A large amount of information flooded into his mind again, and Li Hao seemed to have fallen into the ocean of kendo, swimming and practicing in it.

for a long time.

Li Hao just woke up from his enlightenment, and a hint of enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

The seventh level of Kendo is momentum, and the eighth level of Kendo is intention!

The meaning is more concise than the potential, the potential is the appearance, and the meaning is the core.

Perhaps due to the influence of his own Taoist heart, Li Hao's sword intention is relatively simple, just cut off what he wants to cut off.

Everything in the world can be cut off, whatever is in the mind, wherever the sword goes!

Li Hao calls this sword intention "only me".

After realizing the meaning of the sword, Li Hao reviewed Jiang Lichen's swordsmanship when he fought with him before, and immediately felt that the opponent was still on the surface of the sword's power. If they fought again, he could break his sword with just one sword and break his sword. With his sword, he easily defeated him.

Li Hao reviewed Lin Qingying's swordsmanship again, and a bit of clarity suddenly appeared in his eyes. The opponent was indeed an eighth-level swordsman. The slow practice of swordsmanship was based on momentum and intention, and the opponent's sword intention was So soft.

"The most soft is the most strong, the most soft is unbreakable..."

Li Hao's eyes flickered, wondering if his own sword intention could cut off the opponent's gentle sword intention.

I haven't tried it, so I can't tell which one is stronger.

Li Hao's eyes fell on the panel and he tried to add some points again.

[Failed to add points, please choose the heart of Taoism]


Li Hao secretly sighed in his heart. Just like the physical way, it seems that he has to upgrade a certain skill to the ninth level.

Currently, the only skill he has gained in ninth-level Taoism is cooking.

Now that Chess has passed the threshold of becoming a spirit, you can continue to accumulate experience. However, the experience accumulation of Chess is too slow, and it requires external conditions, so you have to find someone to play against.

In comparison, Hua Dao can be done by oneself and accumulate experience quickly.

"Nine levels of swordsmanship... this should be what a saint masters."

Li Hao's eyes flickered. The ninth level of the physical body corresponds to the realm of hearing the Tao, so the tenth level is the saint.

The same is true for the way of swordsmanship. If you reach the tenth level of swordsmanship, you can take the path of sacrificing the way to becoming a saint, using the way of swordsmanship to directly break through the obstacles of the way of the saints, and becoming a saint with the sword!

And this path is the most difficult. Even a sword master from the Holy Land of the Sword Ancestor may take the path of incense to become a saint. In this case, his swordsmanship realm is still ninth level, not tenth level.

It sounds like he is not worthy of his reputation as a swordsman, but in fact, it is extremely difficult to reach the ninth level of swordsmanship.

The ninth level means entering the Tao in the way of swordsmanship. Except for some idiots, most warriors are focused on the realm of cultivation. They are only a few among the geniuses who can step into the realm of hearing the Tao. Let alone comprehend the way of swordsmanship and enter the Tao. This requires a lot of energy. Too many.

Even if there are, they are rare existences, mostly at the level of Semi-Saint.

After thinking about this, Li Hao withdrew his thoughts. In the previous battles, his many skills were far behind. If three skills reached the ninth level at this moment, his strength would increase to an incredible level.

At this time, Li Hao noticed that Shi Huajin's elixir had been prepared.

He jumped down from the branch, came to the outside of the alchemy room, said hello to his teacher Hua Jin, and strolled back to Lin Shanhai's alchemy academy.

They are only a thousand miles apart from each other, and within a radius of hundreds of miles, there is basically no one else except his own medicine boy disciples and servants, and the environment is quite peaceful and comfortable.

Alchemists often have to delve into prescriptions by themselves, and they do need a quiet environment.

"You're back. I see you are in a good mood today."

Lin Shanhai said with a smile when he saw Li Hao coming back.

Li Hao glanced at the yard and saw Lin Qingying practicing her sword as usual.

The other party did not respond to his arrival and was still concentrating on practicing his sword.

Li Hao didn't bother, walked around from the corridor next to him, walked to Mr. Lin who was tasting the medicinal materials, sat down and said:

"Xiao beat her in a few games."


Lin Shanhai was helpless. During this period, he also heard about Li Hao's deeds from those old friends. He went to help them purify medicinal materials. It turned out that he was just helping them and didn't ask for anything. The pills given by the other party were also I didn’t take it, and I didn’t even look at Dan Fang.

He didn't know whether Li Hao was worried about it or if he was really not interested.

But after getting in touch with Li Hao, he felt that this young man's thoughts were indeed a little different, different from those he had interacted with before.

"Oh, by the way, I brought you some Wuyin tea from her."

Li Hao seemed to have thought of something, and took out a bag of tea leaves from the space of heaven and earth and handed it to Lin Shanhai.

Lin Shanhai was stunned and quickly took it. He had no other hobbies except making alchemy and just drinking a sip of tea.

"Good guy, I've given you the Wuyin Tea. It seems that the master-in-law really likes you. I begged her many times but she didn't give it. The friendship that lasted hundreds of years is not as good as yours!"

Lin Shanhai opened it and confirmed that it was Wuyin Tea. His eyes were bright and he couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

Li Hao couldn't help but glance at him and said, "Is there a possibility that her not giving it to you is not due to friendship."

"What's that?"

"You can try changing your title next time."

"Master-in-law? I've been called you for hundreds of years. If you don't call me that, why would you call me that?"


Li Hao couldn't help but glance at him and said that he hadn't been beaten to death for hundreds of years. This was indeed a deep friendship.

Lin Shanhai also thought about it at this moment. It is said that women don't like others to talk about their old age. He looked at Li Hao suspiciously:

"Then what did you call her?"

"Senior sister."

Li Hao said calmly without blushing and without a beating heart.


Lin Shanhai couldn't help but stare: "You are so bold. She can be your grandma at her age. Your title is too frivolous!"

"She asked me to call her that." Li Hao said.


Lin Shanhai was stunned.

Li Hao shrugged slightly and said nothing more. His eyes fell casually into the yard and looked at the cool figure dancing gracefully.

Now watching the opponent practice his sword again, Li Hao found that he could understand it completely.

"This sword is a bit too soft."

When he saw the opponent's sword move slightly, Li Hao couldn't help but shook his head and said.

He had never competed in other places, so he didn't know if he could cut it off, but the sword just now was too soft and loose, so he believed that he would be able to cut it off.

The other party is pursuing the softest, but if they pursue it too much, they will easily fall apart.


Although Li Hao's voice was soft, the woman in the courtyard had already stopped her sword.

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