The Name of Eternity

Chapter 319: Divine Blood Dao Body, Sword God Fights (Two in One)

Having chatted with alchemists such as Lin Shanhai for a long time, Li Hao has a deeper understanding of incense and many things related to saints.

Incense is not something that ordinary people can bear, it requires the great perfection of the Tao body!

During this period, his Tao power has been continuously transformed, filling all the acupoints and meridians in his body, and his Tao body has been comparable to the perfection of the Tao realm.

After the perfection of the Tao realm, if you want to go further, you have to accumulate incense.

The power of incense gathered in Li Hao's body and could not be blocked. It slowly sank in his body and turned into dust like incense, accumulated in his body, and slowly condensed into a bean-like particle.

This particle is the prototype of an incense stick.

The power of incense must be accumulated in the body for three incense sticks before you can become a saint!

Now the absorbed incense has only condensed into about one-tenth of an incense stick in the body.

This is because he has just recently perfected his Tao body, so he can sense and receive the incense. The incense received is the previous precipitation and accumulation.

Emperor Yu had promised him that he would transfer Dayu's incense to him in ten years.

Li Hao had been fleeing in the void for ten years, and it had been a hundred years in the human world.

When the Dao body was perfected, the incense of more than ninety years gathered together and condensed into the size of a soybean.

After the previously accumulated incense came all at once, the subsequent incense that came one after another did not have the same turbulent momentum as before, but it was still a thread, every day.

Li Hao did not expect that the power of this incense could actually pass through the immortal gate and come from the human world to the land of saints without hindrance.

It is worthy of being the power that can make people become saints!

According to the current accumulation speed, he can condense into a saint by lying down for three hundred years.

These three hundred years are the land of saints, and for the human world, it is already three thousand years.

Three thousand years of incense to worship a saint is still a relatively fast speed. This is mainly because Dayu Divine Dynasty has a large population and is a medium-sized Divine Dynasty in the entire Donghuang.

If it were the foreign countries around Dayu, it might take seven or eight thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years, to believe in a saint.

This is also the reason why there have been no saints in foreign countries since ancient times.

After all, it is almost impossible to worship only one person for seven or eight thousand years.

Power changes, court struggles, natural disasters and man-made disasters will all cause a break in faith.

Absorbing the incense that drifts in every day, Li Hao can't help but miss the human world.

Incense is extremely precious, but Emperor Yu did not break his promise.

Even for saints, incense is a good thing, the more the better, so saints will preach and gather faith.

Now Li Hao can also use the absorbed incense, just need to light it with divine thoughts, but it will be gone after it is lit and burned. Below the saint, it is a desperate means to fight for life.

Usually forcing people to burn incense to fight is a deadly feud.

After becoming a saint, the three incense sticks last forever, and even if they are lit, they are covered by the holy way, which is endless, like the boiling water steam in a closed boiler, circulating back and forth.

That is when you can really mobilize the power of incense to fight at will. Before that, you can only accumulate it and cannot use it.

Now with the great success of the Tao body, Li Hao's physical body has been condensed to an extremely terrifying degree. He hears the Tao with his physical body, and his bones, blood, fists and feet are his Tao. He can resist the magic of Tao by himself.

But the physical body also has a flaw, that is, Li Hao cannot speak and follow the law.

In short, although he is now perfect in the realm of Tao, he is not.

As it is.

The physical body is the way to refine the body, which is equivalent to condensing the power of Tao and the law into one's own body.

In order to speak and follow the law, Li Hao needs to upgrade the imperial way to the ninth stage, so that he can call the wind and rain with a thought, and the river flows backwards.

When the Tao body was perfect, Li Hao found that his physical strength had not increased.

Without the burst of divine power, his physical strength was still tens of millions of pounds, with only a small fluctuation. This range seemed to be the limit of the physical body.

Li Hao realized at this time what the saying "human power is sometimes limited" meant.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved by cultivation, but a limitation of life itself.

Just like a bottle filled with water, it will overflow if there is more.

The same is true for the physical body. No matter how you practice or refine your body, it only gives the body different effects of refining the body, but your physical body has reached the extreme, belonging to "the physical body becomes a god".

"The end... the cultivation is over here!"

Exhausting all efforts can make something reach the extreme.

But this is the limit of effort, not the limit of itself. After all, most things in the world cannot be touched even with effort.

And the end is the limit of things themselves. Even if you walk along the most perfect route, you have reached the end because there is no way.

However, although the tens of millions of pounds of strength is fixed under normal conditions, it can still burst out ten times the strength for a short time when combined with the divine power state. Now that the Dao power is integrated and the Dao body is perfect, the power that can be burst out is even more terrifying. The punches and kicks can easily smash the mountains and tear the earth.

The most important thing is that the Dao power is all over the body, which allows Li Hao to ignore other people's Dao methods and break all methods with force.

However, Li Hao feels that the current Dao body is perfect, which is not the limit for himself.

Perhaps it is because of the final realm of divine blood. After his Dao body is perfect, he can continue to absorb and transform Dao power and integrate these Dao powers into the divine blood.

The divine blood is like a sponge, which can absorb a lot of Dao power, which allows him to withstand Dao power transformation far beyond other existences in the realm of hearing the Dao.

As time passes.

The Dao power converted in Li Hao's divine blood is also increasing, as deep and unfathomable as the abyss. His flesh contains the power of the final realm and carries the Dao power beyond imagination.

Li Hao realized that the practice of the Dao in the flesh may be one of the necessary paths to touch the limit of the Dao realm, or even the final realm.

The limits and final realms of each realm of the martial arts seem to be connected to each other, assisting and influencing each other. Li Hao can't imagine how terrifying it would be if all of them could be cultivated. Even a saint would be far behind.

Ordinary days passed unknowingly.

Li Hao has become accustomed to living here, with three points and one line every day.

These three points are to purify Lin Shanhai's medicinal materials from time to time, to practice the conversion of his own divine blood and Dao power, and to be alone in the courtyard, painting and carving, and immersing himself in his own understanding.

And that line is occasionally invited by alchemists from all sides to help.

With his cooking and purification skills, Li Hao is favored by alchemists from all sides. In addition, Li Hao does not like to make pills, is harmless to people and animals, and has no competitiveness. Instead, he has become a central figure in the alchemist circle.

Who has a grudge against someone, and they don't see each other. When they meet, they look at each other coldly, but when they face Li Hao, they all greet him with a smile.

This has also led to the name of Qingfeng Alchemist becoming more and more famous, and even spread to the disciples in the Sword Ancestor Holy Land.

Many disciples also know that there is such a strange person among the alchemists. It is still controversial to say who has the highest alchemy skills among the alchemists, but it is undisputed to say who has the best popularity.

This also makes many inner door geniuses, including some saints and saints, want to make friends with Li Hao. Some come to the door in person, and some send people to show their goodwill.

After all, if you find a senior alchemist to refine some precious medicines, you need to prepare your own medicinal materials, and you need to report to the Holy Land and get the consent of the alchemist.

This often requires a lot of bribes to be given to the alchemist. If you give too little, you may worry that he will not be dedicated. If he ruins your furnace of pills, all the precious medicinal materials will be wasted, and you will not bear any responsibility.

After all, alchemy has a high failure rate, especially for high-level divine pills.

But if you can find Li Hao to help, it will be a guarantee for alchemy.

Even if it fails, you can only blame your bad luck and will not have any complaints about the alchemist.

Li Hao did not refuse the goodwill from these parties. As long as they came with good intentions, he would accept the other party's kindness.

After all, these geniuses have their own forces behind them, and they are not individuals fighting alone. The geniuses without background and connections have long been killed in some unknown gutter.

There is no shortage of geniuses in the Land of Saints, and even the geniuses have to bow their heads and rely on the protection and resources of various forces.

These connections are not of much help to Li Hao himself, but they may be useful in the future, and they can also ask these people to collect famous paintings, chess manuals and other illustrations for him.

In the alchemy courtyard.

Li Hao brought the rare and precious fruits sent by the inner sect Tianjiao disciples and found Lin Shanhai to share with the old man.

This rare spiritual fruit can nourish the body. It is not very effective for Li Hao. He mainly wants the taste. It tastes crunchy and full of strange fragrance. It is very delicious.

"Thanks to you, I can enjoy a feast again."

Lin Shanhai smiled.

He took out his own collection of tea and made tea for Li Hao. The two chatted while eating spiritual fruits.

The threshold of Li Hao's courtyard has been trampled these days, and people from all sides have been visiting one after another. Such a grand scene reminds Lin Shanhai of the grand banquet he held when he just became a senior alchemist. It was also so lively.

"I also benefited from you." Li Hao smiled.

Lin Shanhai smiled when he heard Li Hao's words, and felt a little emotional.

It is difficult to tell whether a person's smile is true or false when he is at the bottom of the valley, but when a person reaches the peak and is proud of his life, you can see his true face.

With Li Hao's current connections, he can still get along well even without him. As long as Li Hao is willing, other alchemists are happy to make in-depth friends with Li Hao.

But Li Hao still lives in his place, not anxious or impatient. Those who come to visit Li Hao, knowing his relationship with Li Hao, some choose roundabout means, which also makes him suffer a lot of benefits.

And Li Hao treats him as humbly and politely as before, but their relationship is closer, and occasionally they laugh and scold each other. You say a bad boy, and he replies with a bad old man.

"Your injuries are almost healed now, what are your plans?"

Lin Shanhai asked Li Hao.

He has lived for thousands of years and has seen many people, but Li Hao is a person he can't figure out. His figure refers to the desire that he can't see through Li Hao.

It feels like Li Hao's name, like the breeze in the world, rising and falling at will. Apart from the pleasures of painting and carving, there seems to be nothing else worth his attention.

Alchemy, martial arts, things that people pursue, but Li Hao didn't even look at them.

"If Mr. Lin doesn't mind, I plan to stay here for a while longer. When I paint a top-notch painting, I will consider other things." Li Hao said.

Although the Land of Saints is very large, he just wants to live in seclusion here for the time being, live a quiet life, and improve his skills. Then it will be time for him to seek revenge on the Void Saint.


Lin Shanhai was speechless, staring carefully into Li Hao's eyes, as if trying to see his true thoughts.

But all he saw was a pair of clear and calm eyes, without the slightest flicker.

Lin Shanhai couldn't help but smile bitterly and sighed: "This is the holy land of the Sword Ancestor, a place that countless people dream of entering. You stay here, with your current status and connections, as long as you want anything, you can basically get it!"

"If you want to learn martial arts, as long as you show a little bit of this idea, those saints, including others, will be happy to open a back door for you, allowing you to directly enter the inner gate and become a disciple of a semi-saint!"

"Even if you have low martial arts qualifications, those semi-saints should be willing to accept you as a disciple. After all, your current connections are your confidence and foundation."

"If you want to make pills, just say a word, and I can give you two of the three advanced pill recipes in my hand. Others are probably willing to exchange with you. . "

He looked at Li Hao and said helplessly: "But you stay in this treasure land, you just want to paint?"

Li Hao could also understand his idea, smiled and said: "There is no rule that you can't paint in the holy land, you must drink in the restaurant, and you must study hard in the academy. The environment is just the environment. Being affected by the environment is the most boring. The journey of life is very long, and you will experience many scenery, but I am still me. "

"But the essence of the environment is that a group of people do the same thing to form an environment. "

Lin Shanhai said: "If you keep passing by yourself, you will seem out of place. "

Speaking of this, he wanted to teach Li Hao to be sociable, but soon thought that Li Hao's current network of contacts is wider than his, and if he really wants to teach him, it should be Li Hao who teaches him.

He smiled bitterly. It is strange that he is obviously a maverick, but he is not hated by others.

Li Hao smiled, said nothing more, and picked up the teacup: "Cheers."


Lin Shanhai was not in a good mood, but his hands were very cooperative. He clinked glasses with Li Hao and drank at the same time, smacking his lips.

The conversation between the two also fell into the ears of Lin Qingying in the courtyard. She raised her eyes slightly. She had heard most of the daily exchanges between the old and the young during this period, and she had a deeper understanding of Li Hao.

She didn't agree with some of Li Hao's ideas, but she didn't dislike them. On the contrary, she had a little envy in her heart.

Not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy such a chic life.

However, she has her own way. When she strives for the highest, becomes a saint, and cultivates her own ultimate swordsmanship, she will be as happy as the other party, right?

Thinking of this, her eyes became brighter, and her sword moves became more round and gentle.


A few months later.

Li Hao's divine blood was finally filled with Dao power, thanks to the magnificent energy in the Sword Ancestor Holy Land. If the energy of the heaven and earth in the Land of All Saints is thicker than that in the human world, then the energy in the Sword Ancestor Holy Land is even thicker and purer than outside.

If it were in the human world, it might take Li Hao seven or eight years to fill all the divine blood with the converted Dao power.

But here, it only takes half a year.

Li Hao can also understand why some people in the Wen Dao realm are often thousands of years old.

In addition to breaking through the realm and understanding, the daily tempering also takes time.

Usually a retreat lasts for more than ten years, or even a decade.

In the Land of All Saints, those in the Wen Dao realm under a hundred years old can be called top geniuses, those under three hundred years old are still considered the young generation, and those over a thousand years old are considered old guys.

As for those who are thousands of years old or even tens of thousands of years old, they are old monsters.

These people are either mediocre Wen Dao realms who have been polished by time, or have become saints.

The age limit for the Sword God battle this time is also within 300 years old.

If it exceeds 300 years, the basic potential will be almost exhausted, and it will attract the dust of time, which will make the mind and character dusty and progress slower.

Now, as the divine blood is fully integrated into the Dao power, Li Hao has also condensed the divine blood Dao body, which he feels should be stronger than the general Dao body.

Most of the Tianjiao in the Wen Dao realm have their own Dao body, such as the sword bone Dao body, the Dao heart Dao body, and so on.

Some people are born with sword bones. This sword bone grows with cultivation. When they reach the Wen Dao realm, they can transform the Dao power into the sword bone, which is equivalent to having one more place to carry the Dao power than others. The strength of their Dao power is naturally self-evident.

Moreover, the Dao power is carried in the sword bone, forming a sword bone Dao body, and the attack is even more terrifying.

With the great completion of the divine blood Dao body, Li Hao thought he could touch the limit of the Wen Dao realm, but in fact he did not. It was just equivalent to him condensing a Dao body.

It seems that other methods are needed to reach the ultimate state of hearing the Dao. Li Hao guessed that he might have to wait until he reached the ninth stage of controlling the Dao before he could reach it.

After all, the state of hearing the Dao, which cannot be followed by words, cannot be considered the limit.

After the cultivation of the divine blood Dao body, Li Hao's mind also shifted to the Dao of painting, and he worked harder on painting and research.

And in the Sword Ancestor Holy Land, the Sword God War finally opened.

As the Sword God War really started, the entire Sword Ancestor Holy Land was boiling.

For those ordinary disciples, although there is no chance to participate in the show, it will be of great help to their practice to see those unattainable Tianjiao fighting each other on weekdays, and they can comprehend.

"Child, are you ready?"

In the Alchemy Court, Lin Shanhai looked at Lin Qingying in green clothes, and a trace of worry appeared in his eyes.

Although he knew that his granddaughter was very good, the other saints and saints were not simple characters, and they would definitely set off a bloody storm.

Lin Qingying's expression was relatively calm, as usual, but her bright eyes were deep, and all the years of practice had prepared her for this moment.

"Qingfeng, let's go with Qingying to see how those top geniuses fight."

Lin Shanhai greeted Li Hao.

He hoped that Li Hao could see the charm of the top geniuses fighting for the top position, so that Li Hao would pay more attention to martial arts. No matter what his aptitude was, it was always right to practice martial arts.


Li Hao nodded, but did not refuse.

After all, in this battle, the geniuses from all sides would perform various skills, which was also a good opportunity to collect the top skills.

After collecting this wave, if there was a chance, he would see if he could use his connections to go to the Sword Tower of the Holy Land to take a look at the skills of the Holy Land.

After all, his Dao domain still needed many skills to fill it before it could be opened up to more levels.

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