The Name of Eternity

Chapter 329 That sword illuminated the entire holy mountain! (Monthly ticket requested)

When the Dao fetus was destroyed, Lin Qingying felt as if her internal organs were hollowed out, and the intense tearing pain touched the depths of her soul, but she gritted her teeth and did not scream to let the other party succeed.

If the master was here, he would definitely be able to notice the abnormality here, and she could still be saved.

She looked at the half-saint elders with sadness in her eyes, but saw faces with different expressions, some regretful, some regretful, some indifferent, but all high above, as if looking down on everything.

However, those expressions undoubtedly told her that the little action of the Holy Son of Haoyue could not be hidden from them.

But why didn't you stop it?

Lin Qingying was stunned, and suddenly she felt a chill as if her blood was frozen.

Just because, she was not their disciple?

Or was it because of the consideration of the Master of the Holy Son of Haoyue, the Sword Saint?

Lin Qingying also saw the Sword Saint whom she admired in her heart, but the other party was indifferent, as if he didn't notice anything. At this moment, she suddenly understood.

In just a short breath, the warmth of the past seemed to be crushed, and she suddenly touched the bottom line of the world, the cold interests.

Compared with the Holy Son of Haoyue who has a greater hope of becoming a saint, if she can be a stepping stone for him and forge his invincible Dao heart, is it worth it to be destroyed?

No wonder the other party dared to do so on the battlefield. It turned out that the other party had seen through this.

He secretly harmed his fellow disciples, he was wrong, he violated the laws of the Holy Land, he was wrong, but after this battle, he can go to the next level and is expected to become the third saint of the Holy Land in the future!

And if she was abolished, she would be forgotten. She had no backing. Although her grandfather was a high-level alchemist, he could basically ignore it at this level.

It turned out that no one cared about right and wrong.

The people above were indifferent, and the people below could not see clearly.

The tearing pain of the Dao fetus being destroyed did not make Lin Qingying cry, but at this moment, tears came out of the corners of Lin Qingying's eyes.

She suddenly felt a kind of despair of discouragement.

But suddenly, a loud roar came, as if it shook the soul!

Lin Qingying looked up and saw the familiar face of the young man, but now he was furious.

The face that always smiled and didn't care about anything could get angry.

Lin Qingying saw the anger in the dark eyes, and suddenly, her cold heart seemed to flow into a stream of warmth, and she suddenly felt that the world had regained its color.


The Holy Son of Haoyue heard the roar in his ear, glanced at it, but was too lazy to pay attention, and retracted the sword, and then suddenly slashed again.

"My beloved, I have no choice but to destroy you. Not only your Dao fetus, but also your most proud swordsmanship, I can only smash it, so that I can hurt me deeply!"

The Holy Son of Haoyue raised the sword in his hand, and the sword light condensed a vast and perfect sword intent, which was the sun and moon sword intent, and it had the tendency to reflect the world. The sword intent was dazzling, and the sword force seemed to be the sun in the sky, making everyone feel insignificant.

"That is the sun and moon sword intent!"

"Is this the sword intent of the Holy Son of Haoyue? It actually feels like it contains everything."

"I see the shadows of the water swordsmanship and the fire swordsmanship in it."

"No wonder he often talks about the small way. Compared with his sword intent, my sword intent is indeed biased."

With the vast sword force in the air, countless people were shocked, including many holy sons and saints on the holy platform, and they were also shocked. They felt that their minds were plundered by the other party.

It's like holding a dead branch in your hand, but you can see a green mountain, and you suddenly feel insignificant.

The withered branch in her hand, which she had regarded as a treasure, now felt dull.

Lin Qingying, who was standing in front of the Holy Son of Haoyue, was now enveloped by the Sun and Moon Sword Intent. This sword intent invaded her sea of ​​consciousness and cut off the soft sword intent in her heart like a sharp sword.

There seemed to be a sharp sound of breaking in her mind, and it was also like a wail and cry.

Her body trembled, and she suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. She trembled all over, her sword-holding hand kept shaking, and her eyes were blank for a moment.


A sword intent swept across, shaking the sword in her hand away, dancing dozens of circles in the air, and inserted it diagonally on the battlefield.

"The sun and the moon are in the sky, shining on all things, and the world will reflect the light of my sword!"

At the same time, the Holy Son of Haoyue was burning with divine flames, and his eyes shot out brilliant divine light, and the tenderness in his eyes turned into indifference.

At this moment, Lin Qingying's Dao fetus and sword intent were abolished. He completely embarked on the path of ruthlessness. His heart seemed to be melted by the sun and the moon. He felt like he had transformed into the sun, the moon, and the stars, looking down on all things and all living beings.

This state of mind made his Sun and Moon Sword Intentions reach a higher level and become more terrifying.

"His Sun and Moon Sword Intentions are purer. This kind of sword intention is top-notch."

"He has only practiced for sixty years, but his sword talent is so evil. He may even be able to become a saint by offering sacrifices to the Dao!"

"If he takes the path of offering sacrifices to the Dao, it will be too terrible."

The eyes of the six semi-saint elders, including Shanzu, became solemn.

The other party's sword talent was no less than that of their youth. He was an extremely evil rising star.

Yaozu turned his eyes to the Sword Saint. They all saw that Haoyue borrowed Lin Qingying to forge the sword, but no one mentioned it. After all, the other party's master was sitting here. They could see it. How could the Sword Saint not see it? It was even unknown whether it was taught by the other party. This was why they knew what to do and did not say much.

The Sword Saint's eyes were calm, as if he had no joy or sorrow, and he just watched quietly.

On the stage, the Sun and Moon Divine Eyes in the eyes of the Holy Son of the Bright Moon became more piercing at this moment as the sword intent gathered.

When the smelting of the sword was improved, he also contracted the power back into his body, and then looked at Lin Qingying who was like a defeated dog on the ground, but there was no trace of tenderness in his eyes, like looking down at a stone:

"You lost."

At this moment, he said as if pronouncing a sentence.

And his Dao domain has also shrunk back, and with just the sword intent at this moment, he can easily defeat the opponent.

What's more, Lin Qingying is now deposed and has fallen below the level of a saint-level disciple. Even the top genius of the inner sect can defeat him.

Hearing the indifferent words above her head, Lin Qingying seemed to have recovered from the broken sword intention. As if she was shocked, her mind was filled with the chaotic sun and moon sword intention, and her original soft sword intention was Destroyed, unable to condense.

If she lost, she had already given up, but now the other party was speaking from a superior position, which made her feel ironic and ridiculous.

Outside the court, all the disciples could not help but cheer when they heard Holy Son Haoyue's indifferent words.

Except for the Holy Son, the Holy Girl and a few top inner disciples who saw the clues, most disciples only saw Holy Son Haoyue easily defeating Lin Qingying, piercing the abdomen with a sword, and it seemed to be a normal attack.

Under the contraction of the vast sun and moon sword intent, the other party pronounced the sentence like a god, making countless people look in their eyes with fanatical reverence and cheer.

In this battle, Holy Son Haoyue not only won, he also won overwhelmingly, showing his swordsmanship beyond imagination!

In the Sword Ancestor Holy Land, all the disciples were practicing swordsmanship, and at this moment, Holy Son Haoyue's display of sword intent impressed countless people.

Only by practicing the sword by yourself can you feel the vastness of the sword intention of the sun and the moon, as well as your own insignificance.

The magic circle was slowly retracted, and the battle came to an end.

So far in this battle, Holy Son Haoyue has defeated two people in a row. There is no doubt that he is the leader of this sword god battle!

The first young person in the Sword Ancestor Holy Land in a century!

Compared with this, I am not looking forward to the subsequent competition between Lin Qingying and Linghuan Holy Son for second and third place.


The moment the magic circle dispersed, a figure rushed onto the stage. It was Li Hao.

Li Hao quickly came to Lin Qingying's side, explored with his spiritual mind, and saw that a strong force in the other party's internal organs had dissipated at this moment.

The Dao Fei was abolished. If he could be reborn with blood like him, he wouldn't have to worry about being abolished, but the other party did not have the Seventh Ultimate Realm.

"Does it hurt?"

Li Hao looked at the other party's pale face and shaky body with a very ugly expression.

Lin Qingying retracted her thoughts and slowly smiled at Li Hao: "I'm fine."

Li Hao was silent, but his fingers were slightly clenched.

"Let's go."

Lin Qingying turned around. She no longer wanted to look at the high platform, nor did she want to hear the harsh cheers at the scene. She just wanted to leave here to recuperate, and it didn't matter whether she was second or third.

"Your sword."

Li Hao raised his hand, took in the green sword that was knocked away, and handed it to her.

Lin Qingying glanced at the sword that had been with her for many years, but there was a trace of sadness in her eyes. The sword intention was abolished, which had a great impact. The influence of the sun and moon sword intention was imprinted in the depths of her soul and could not be erased. It would not be possible for her in this life. Without this influence, it would be difficult to make progress in the art of swordsmanship.

"My current swordsmanship is not worthy of it. It is my friend, and you are also my friend. I will give it to you."

Lin Qingying did not take the sword and whispered.

Her eyes were filled with despair, her sword skills had been broken, and apart from her cultivation, she had no hope of making any progress in this life.

"Don't underestimate yourself, your swordsmanship is not bad."

Li Hao stared at her and said.

Lin Qingying's mouth was bitter. She knew that Li Hao was trying to comfort her, but such words no longer made any sense.

Li Hao also knows that the power of words is far less powerful than facts.


He turned around and suddenly shouted towards Holy Son Haoyue, who was also about to fly away from the battlefield.

Holy Son Haoyue paused for a moment. The voice was roaring just now, which made him feel a little unhappy. Seeing such rudeness at this moment, his eyes were slightly cold, and he turned to look at Li Hao.

Li Hao held the green sword in his hand, picked up a sword flower, and said coldly:

"You seem to be very satisfied with your swordsmanship. Would you like to have a sword fight with me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone outside the venue was stunned.

Lin Qingying was also slightly startled, and then looked at Li Hao slightly absentmindedly, but soon she came to her senses and knew that Li Hao was standing up for her.

But this kind of thing is not a matter of impulse.

Even though Li Hao is an alchemist, Holy Son Haoyue's status surpasses that of a senior alchemist. If the opponent dares to destroy her in public, he can naturally destroy Li Hao as well.

She suddenly became anxious and quickly grabbed Li Hao: "Don't be impulsive."

"Did I hear you correctly? Who is that person?"

"You actually want to challenge Holy Son Haoyue. Do you want to make a name for yourself? Even if you lose, you will still be remembered."

"Is he also a Holy Son? I've never heard of him."

"What Holy Son? He is an alchemist. Don't you know? Qingfeng Alchemist has been widely praised in the alchemist circle recently."

"Alchemist Qingfeng? So it's him?"

"What's the situation, you said that he, an alchemist, actually wants to challenge Holy Son Haoyue?"

"Are you standing up for Lin Qingying? Lin Qingying has been defeated. What can he do as an alchemist?"

"I am an alchemist and cannot understand how terrifying Holy Son Haoyue is. I didn't expect Alchemist Qingfeng to be such a person. He is really stupid."

Many disciples in the audience reacted and started talking and ridiculing.

On the stage, many saints and saintesses were also surprised. Many of them had sent people to make friends with this alchemist Qingfeng before, but they never expected that he had such a deep friendship with Lin Qingying. He actually stood up for him at this time, and chose the sword. Was he so angry that he lost his mind?

"What is Qingfeng doing? Call him back quickly."

"What a fool! No matter how good his relationship with Qingying is, he can't offend the Holy Son Haoyue like this."

Alchemists such as Zhao Yingzhen were also anxious. They didn't see that Lin Qingying's Dao fetus was abolished. They only knew that Lin Qingying lost, and lost completely.

But when disciples compete, winning or losing is a common thing. No one was optimistic that Lin Qingying could win this battle. After all, the power that the Holy Son Haoyue had only slightly demonstrated before was too strong.

"He's going to make a move?"

Among the inner disciples below the stage, Jiang Yingyue was stunned, but then her eyes suddenly lit up.

She didn't know how good Li Hao's swordsmanship was, but she knew that he was indeed gifted and had comprehended the Dao Sword Art within ten days. However, she was obsessed with Li Hao's 97th Dao Domain. If they really fought, she didn't know whether she could defeat the Holy Son of Haoyue.


Yao Zu was also surprised to see Li Hao step forward. She had heard Li Hao's roar before, but she didn't expect that Li Hao could also see Haoyue's little movements besides them. She could understand that he was angry and challenged Haoyue at this moment.

However, challenging the opponent with swordsmanship was a bit irrational.

"Fighting a sword with you?"

The Holy Son of Haoyue felt a little funny when he heard what Li Hao said.

He also heard the discussion in the audience. He thought it was some inner sect disciple, but it turned out to be an alchemist. It was outrageous.

He said coldly: "Since you are an alchemist, you don't know the world, so I won't care about this offense, but there must be no next time!"

After saying that, he turned around.

Li Hao did not speak, but only glanced at the green sword in his hand, then raised his hand and slashed it casually.

This was a simple action, but as he swung it, a terrifying and vast sword energy suddenly rushed straight into the sky.

A dazzling light suddenly burst out from the three-foot green blade, cutting off all the ridicules from the audience and illuminating countless eyes.

The sword energy seemed to be 30,000 miles, rushing straight into the sky. Following the direction of Li Hao's slash, the clouds on the entire holy mountain were split in two, as if splitting the sky and the earth!

The entire battlefield was split into two halves just by the sword energy!

And the sword energy passed by the body of the Holy Son of Haoyue, and his figure, which was flying away, suddenly stopped.

The sword energy that passed by made his hair stand up in an instant, and the blood in his body seemed to condense in an instant, and he felt cold from head to toe.

It was as if the god of death had passed by.

If this sword had come at him, he might have been seriously injured!

The expression of the Holy Son of Haoyue froze, and his eyes shrank slightly.

The holy mountain, which was originally noisy, suddenly became silent.

The clouds that were quietly dispersing were still flowing slowly, and the breeze blew across the battlefield, and everything seemed quiet.

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