The Name of Eternity

Chapter 36: Rules of the Ancestors

"It's okay to joke with you, but I dare not joke with the ancestors." Li Muxiu said lightly.

The old man with long eyebrows frowned slightly, thinking that it was true. Although the second brother was usually irrelevant, he was always very well-behaved in this ancestral hall.

He asked: "Is this child too young? Is he nine years old?"

"Eight years old."

"Eight years old?!"

The old man with long eyebrows was stunned, and waves appeared in his eyes: "Are you saying that he completed the Zhoutian at the age of eight?"

"That's right."

Li Muxiu said lightly, and then walked to the futon in front of the golden statue and knelt down.

"Hao'er come here."

After kowtowing three times, he knelt and called softly.

Li Hao immediately walked to his side.

"Kneel down and kowtow to the ancestors."

Li Hao did as he was told, kneeling on the futon and kowtowing to all the tablets in turn.

Li Muxiu raised his head and whispered: "Li Muxiu, the descendant of the younger generation, brought the younger generation here today to listen to the teachings of the ancestors. Please give me the inheritance!"

After he finished speaking, the many tablets above seemed to shake slightly.

After Li Hao kowtowed, he looked up and saw that there were shadows in front of each tablet, sitting in the void. Some of these shadows were wearing Confucian white robes, some were wearing heavy armor, and some had half of their bodies broken, wrapped in only a battle flag.

Obviously, these are the ancestors of the Li family.

"Tsk, it's another good seedling."

"He is in the perfect Zhoutian realm, and his bones are still young. He is only eight years old. He is three points more powerful than the little guy twenty years ago!"

"I didn't expect that the fortune of my Li family in the past hundred years would be so prosperous. I have to warn those little guys not to be arrogant because of this, otherwise that child will be a lesson."

The many shadow ancestors talked softly and expressed their opinions.

When Li Hao entered the ancestral hall, he temporarily put away the Wanxiang attribute. Although he didn't know whether these ancestors' heroic spirits could ignore the concealment effect of Wanxiang, it was better not to cause trouble.

"This child is talented and intelligent, I won't get involved, you guys give it to me."

"This talent can only be bestowed by the ancestors and you guys."

After a while of communication, many ancestors' phantoms gradually dimmed and returned to the tablets, leaving only four phantoms still floating on the tablets. They just looked at Li Hao quietly without saying a word.

"I..." One of the phantoms holding a gun was about to speak, but suddenly, the golden statue in the middle of the tablets glowed, as if it had resurrected.

The other phantoms couldn't help but look at it, and then bowed their heads slightly.

And many other tablets also shook slightly, and almost the same voice came out: "Greetings to the ancestors."

In front of the golden statue, a middle-aged man with a tall figure and broad shoulders sat upright. Compared with other phantoms, his figure seemed more solid.

His face looked exactly like the golden statue.

"If you can keep my oath, you will inherit my legacy." The middle-aged man looked down at Li Hao, his face gentle and calm, without any disturbance.

Li Hao could feel the old man beside him trembling slightly, as if he was quite excited. At the same time, he also recognized this shadow, it was the first ancestor of the Li family, Li Tianyuan!

"Greetings, ancestor!"

Old man Li Muxiu bowed his head.

Li Hao immediately followed and imitated him.

"I followed the Emperor Dayu to fight in the East Huang Eight Wildernesses, subdued countless monsters and tribes, and made two vows to the Emperor, which continued the glory of my Li family for a thousand years."

The heroic spirit of the ancestor Li Tianyuan said slowly: "The first vow is that the people of the Li family should swear to protect the Li family and share life and death with them!"

"The second vow is to defend the Dayu Dynasty and share life and death with Dayu!"

"Can you do it?"

After saying that, Li Tianyuan stared at Li Hao below.

Li Hao was slightly stunned. Swear to protect the Li family? Does this Li family refer to certain people, or everyone?

The ancestral hall was silent, and all eyes seemed to be focused on the child, waiting for him to speak.

After a long silence, Li Hao whispered: "Ancestor, please forgive my ignorance and confusion."

"Speak." Li Tianyuan's heroic spirit looked calm.

"Protecting the Li family, does it mean everyone, including the clan branches?"

Li Hao asked cautiously: "Does this protection mean protection, or that I can't hurt them?"

"Only protect the direct bloodline. Since it is protection, you naturally can't hurt them. Otherwise, chopping off their limbs and leaving them with a breath can also be considered protection." Li Tianyuan said, and it was obvious that this oath was quite serious.

Li Hao asked: "Then...what if there is a traitor in the direct line of the family, or someone is plotting against me?"

"You can hand such scum over to those who have not entered the ancestral hall to inherit the soul."

"But if such scum takes the initiative to attack and sneak attack me, won't I have to hide?" Li Hao said.

"Those who inherit my soul, except for the royal family, will be invincible in the same realm!"

Li Tianyuan said indifferently: "If you want to avoid, it's easy. If you meet someone who is higher than your realm, you just need to run for your life, don't try to hurt them."

"What if they die in front of me and I stand by and watch?"

"You must rescue them, even if they are scum." Li Tianyuan said: "But when the scum is enforced, you can choose not to be present, so you won't break your heart and get hurt."

Li Hao thought about it, this is a solution.

"But, this seems a bit unfair?"

As a genius, when he meets someone of the same realm as the Li family, he can only hide.

Even if the other party is in trouble and you see it, you still have to help? It seems so unreasonable.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Next to him, Li Muchiu's expression changed slightly and he immediately whispered to Li Hao.

Li Tianyuan's heroic soul was not angry, but looked at Li Hao calmly and said slowly: "It is indeed not fair, but do you know why I would let a genius who is qualified to enter the ancestral hall to inherit the soul suffer such injustice? Make such a vow?"

Although the Li family has an ancestral hall and many ancestors' souls, not every member of the Li family is qualified to come here to inherit their souls. These ancestors' souls have very high standards.

Li Hao shook his head: "I don't know."

"It's a continuation."

Li Tianyuan said slowly: "The first oath is to prevent the genius of the family from favoring and pampering, disregarding the lives of ordinary mediocre people in the family, or even leaving the family and taking off wantonly after the family resources have taken off."

"Therefore, this kind of restriction may not be fair to the genius, but at most it will only cause a small injustice, but the advantage is that it can continue the family and pass it on from generation to generation!"

Li Hao thought for a while, and from the perspective of his ancestors, this was indeed the case.

"The reason why my Li family has been immortal for thousands of years and has not been feared by the royal family is because of the second heart oath!"

Li Tianyuan said calmly: "There were twelve generals who accompanied the late emperor on the expedition. Now, there are only five palaces of God Yu. Two of them belong to those who rose up in the past thousands of years. The descendants have long since been extinguished, and the remaining ones have lost their names and have disappeared.”

"These two heart oaths seem to be restrictions and chains, but in fact they are all for the continuation of the bloodline!"

"Otherwise, my Li family has thousands of years of military exploits, connections, number of generals, and prestige in the military. How could the royal family dare to delegate power so easily? How could it not be weakened or harmed without using imperial techniques?"

Li Hao was stunned when he heard what the other party said.

From the perspective of this ancestor, it was indeed done.

The pros outweigh the cons.

The Thousand-Year God General can continue to speak lightly, but the difficulty is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Perhaps the royal family knew that the top genius of the Li family would inherit the soul in the ancestral hall. These two oaths made the Li family achieve its current glory.

"Now that you know everything, are you willing to make a vow?" Li Tianyuan calmly thought.

Li Hao thought hard and still couldn't make up his mind.

I always feel like these two heart oaths are like a curse from the Li family.

Although it has lasted for thousands of years of glory, why is it not firmly imprisoned?

With all the fame and glory in this house, six of the nine sons of the previous generation were killed in battle. How many of each generation died at the end of their lives?

On the contrary, most of the ordinary children in the family are protected and can enjoy their old age in peace.

Genius... seems to be an unlucky existence in the Li family.

Because we have to support the entire Li family on our shoulders!

In this case, it is better to find the successor soul of the Martial Temple, at least it will be easy.

Li Tianyuan seemed to see Li Hao's hesitation, a hint of indifference appeared in his eyes, and then the figure gradually disappeared, leaving only the lingering sound:

"This child has a rare talent, but his character is not strong. Let him think about it again."

The other tablets vibrated slightly, as if they were paying tribute to their ancestors, and then they all fell silent.

Li Muchiu was stunned and couldn't help but look at Li Hao helplessly. However, he didn't say anything in front of the ancestor's tablet. Instead, he stood up, bowed deeply, and then led Li Hao out of the ancestral hall.

When Li Hao saw this, he felt inexplicably relieved and followed Mr. Li Muchiu out.

Before leaving, he unconsciously glanced at the chessboard. It's not his fault. He has a chess mentality. Just like what Jian Wudao said back then, those who love swords will see the sword first among a thousand weapons.

That's just the stage of falling in love, let alone being in the heart.

Among ten thousand things, Li Hao could notice the chessboard at a glance.

"Old man, Heizi has seven routes and thirteen, he can win."

After saying that, Li Hao followed the second master out of the ancestral hall.

It seemed to be raining lightly and continuously outside.

Li Muchiu sighed. This was the best time for fishing. The lake surface was melting with new water. The fish demon liked to come out to breathe, but he was not in the mood at the moment.

"You, don't think too much, think about it yourself." Li Muchiu knew that Li Hao was playful and didn't want to be restrained, so he couldn't persuade him.

Children who are too young will inevitably be willful occasionally.

Li Hao nodded.

The old man also inherited the soul in the ancestral hall. It can be seen that he seems to be casually wandering, but in fact he also cares about the Li family.

In the ancestral hall, the long-browed old man looked away. He was not familiar with Li Hao, so he didn't care what the other party thought. Anyway, he would come back sooner or later.

His eyes fell back on the chessboard. He twirled his fingers lightly and was about to hold the piece when he suddenly let out a light sigh.

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