The Name of Eternity

Chapter 4: Different Classes

On a sunny day.

The strong men in the army arranged by the Shenjiang Mansion came to Shanheyuan to build the foundation for Li Hao.

This was a short and lean middle-aged man with dark complexion but wearing a flowing green shirt. His name was Lin Haixia, which looked like a girl's name. Li Hao later called him Uncle Lin.

There was also a little girl who came back with Lin Haixia.

The little girl is as old as Li Hao, only two months younger than him.

I heard that he was the orphan of his father, a comrade of Marquis Xing Wu, who was far away in the Yanbei battlefield.

Before the accident, the little girl's father entrusted the young girl to Marquis Xing Wu, and before his death, the two made an infant marriage.

Li Hao was speechless about this heavenly marriage.

Good fellow, if you want to fight, just fight, and that's fine if you don't come back.

On such a big matter, have you ever asked for your opinion?

He was angry, but Li Hao did not vent his accumulated resentment on this little girl.


In addition to Li Hao, there was another small figure in the huge Shanhe Courtyard.

The little girl's name is Bian Ruxue. She looks exquisitely carved, pink and tender, like a porcelain doll.

When she first came to a strange place, the little girl was timid. Every day when she caught someone, she would ask, "Where is my daddy? Where is my daddy?"

The little girl is looking for her daddy.

But no one in the courtyard dared to answer. Some of the soft-hearted maids secretly wiped their tears in the corner after hearing the words.

The little girl was not thinking about food and tea, and was getting thinner and thinner day by day. Li Hao was angry when he saw that none of the servants in the courtyard could coax the children. It seemed that he had performed too well and failed to train these guys.

He had no choice but to take action in person and told the little girl half-threateningly, half-coaxingly:

"Your father is hiding in a place. You have to be obedient and eat well before your father will come out."

The little girl opened her innocent tearful eyes and asked, "Is it Xue'er who is not good? Why is dad hiding from Xue'er? Where is he hiding?"

Where to hide?

Li Hao looked at the little girl's pitiful appearance and felt a little soft-hearted, so he said something vulgar and pointed at the sky:

"Your daddy is right there, on one of the stars."

Since then, every night in the courtyard, there is a small figure looking up at the sky.

The silvery light of the stars in the sky fell, illuminating the lonely little back.

Another little guy in the room, lying on the chessboard, ordered his servants to fan themselves next to the little girl every day to drive away mosquitoes and avoid being bitten all over his body.

Half a month passed, and Lin Haixia, a strong member of the army, also prepared the foundation-building liquid for Li Hao and Bian Ruxue.

The two established the foundation in the same year.

The so-called foundation building is the foundation of martial arts!

The foundation-building liquid refined from countless precious medicinal materials is used to soak the body every day, take medicinal baths, and cast the body of a martial arts training boy!

The Shenjiang Mansion was one of Dayu's top sects, with rich resources. Since Li Hao established the foundation, countless precious medicinal materials and rare treasures were sent to the Shanhe Courtyard like snowflakes, which are inexhaustible.

The foundation-building liquid is divided into three grades.

Ordinary, rare, superb!

Li Hao naturally used the top-notch foundation-building liquid, which was based on a thousand-year-old treasure medicine and supplemented by countless other precious medicinal materials, which could breed a seventh-level combat body.

Once you embark on the path of spiritual practice, you can break through the first level in just two or three years!

Martial arts is the Burning Gold Cave. This top-level foundation-building liquid consumes one portion every day and lasts for six months to a year. Only top wealthy families like the Shenjiang Mansion can use it at will.

In the yard, in two huge medicine barrels.

Li Hao and Bian Ruxue soaked in it respectively.

However, there is a curtain around the medicine bucket on the little girl's side, and a maid is looking after it.

The maid is different from the maid. She is a person with some spiritual practice, which is equivalent to the female personal guard in the mansion.

As for Li Hao, Lin Haixia is taking care of it personally.

At this moment, the dark purple liquid, which symbolized nobility, impacted Li Hao's body. Even his chin was buried in the liquid, leaving only the tip of his nose exposed for breathing.

The indescribable strange smell of the medicinal liquid filled the tip of his nose, like swallowing bitter lotus, keeping Li Hao's spirit awake all the time.

Li Hao asked: "Can I drink it?"

Lin Haixia said: "It's best not to."

The medicinal liquid is so powerful that children's intestines and stomach cannot absorb it and will be destroyed instead.


This is applied externally.

Just as Li Hao was holding his breath and concentrating, a piece of font suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

[Unknown substance detected, analyzing...]

[Parse failed and has been automatically isolated. ]

Li Hao:? ? ?

What's going on?

Depend on!

Isn't it what I understand?

Li Hao was shocked and confused.

Next to the medicine bucket, Lin Haixia's calm expression was gradually becoming serious. As time went by, her brows slowly wrinkled into the character "Sichuan".

Li Hao noticed his expression, couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, and asked:

"Uncle Lin, is...what's going on?"

Lin Haixia was not surprised by Li Hao's attentiveness. During these days, he had already noticed that this young master was precocious and smart compared to his peers, and was equivalent to a five or six-year-old child.

However, he was not in the mood to talk to Li Hao at the moment. Suddenly he quickly lifted the curtain and looked at the situation on the other side. Soon, he returned to Li Hao's side, but his face was particularly ugly.

"Uncle Lin?"

Lin Haixia reached out to the edge of the medicine bucket and felt it carefully. Her eyes became complicated. He looked at the child in the medicine bucket and wanted to speak, but stopped when he reached his mouth.

"Uncle Lin, just say what you want to say." Li Hao couldn't help but said.

Lin Haixia was slightly surprised and glanced at him. Although Li Hao was relatively precocious, he was still only a three-year-old child, and he could actually see that he was hesitant to speak?

However, he was in a bad mood at the moment, so he didn't think much about it. Regardless of whether Li Hao understood it or not, he said directly: "Martial arts talent, apart from being directly visible when the bones are measured at the age of five, has actually been revealed during the foundation building. "

"The faster you absorb the foundation-building liquid, the higher your martial arts qualifications will be. But young master, you... the absorption rate of the liquid is too slow!"

He glanced at Li Hao in the medicine bucket, his eyes showing incomprehensible confusion and pity.

Then, he thought for a while and said to himself: "Maybe it was just an accident today and my refining mistake. I will take a closer look tomorrow."

Li Hao felt a chill in his heart.

Does the thing in the font prompt just now really refer to the foundation-building potion?

Whatever is absorbed too slowly is blocked, and it even absorbs wool!

Li Hao was speechless. Is this panel going to completely adhere to the settings in the game?

This year, he discovered it while fumbling with the panel.

There is no combat system setting in the game, so he seems to be insulated from martial arts.

In other words, it is insulated from martial arts training.

It does not give experience when practicing combat skills. Only the arts set in the game have experience bars.

Although I can improve through hard work, in this case, I might as well go back to engage in art and become popular.

At least the experience will take off, add some points to enter the Tao, and the skills will become self-contained.

One day is better than decades of hard work.

However, now it is a pity that these resources accumulated around me are used up. At least I can cultivate a first-class warrior.

By the way, since this extraordinary medicinal solution with exceeding modern ingredients cannot be absorbed, why did the previous poison work for Mao?

Or is it not working? I just fell asleep and didn't notice the font prompt?

Perhaps, you can tell if you awaken the divine blood in the future.

However, the woman said that there is a probability of awakening the divine blood, but it is not certain that it will be awakened.

Forget it, no matter what, it's up to you whether it causes harm or not. This account must not be settled.

"Don't be discouraged. I'll try again tomorrow. If it doesn't work, I'll inform the Marquis and he will definitely find a solution for you."

While Li Hao was thinking, Lin Haixia said comfortingly, although she didn't know if Li Hao could understand.

"No need."

Li Hao waved his hand slightly and was about to climb out of the medicine bucket.

Since the foundation-building liquid was isolated by the panel, it was useless to soak it any longer.

"Don't get up first, try again, watch more bubbles." Lin Haixia said immediately when she saw Li Hao coming down.

Li Hao shook his head and said, "It's useless."

"Be obedient!" Lin Haixia looked serious and became serious.

Li Hao was dumbfounded and could only say: "Let me take a look at the little girl first."

As he spoke, he lifted the curtain and came to the little girl's medicine bucket. He immediately saw that the same foundation-building liquid that he had poured earlier had changed from purple to almost transparent water, with only wisps of lavender. The medicinal liquid, like clouds of smoke, is still floating.

"Brother Hao?"

Bian Ruxue in the medicine bucket looked at Li Hao doubtfully. The little girl was too young and didn't know how to hide it, but her face was full of confusion.

"Uncle Lin, does this little girl's absorption speed count as a talent?"

Li Hao didn't look back and asked Lin Haixia who was standing behind him.

Lin Haixia was feeling depressed and confused, and couldn't help but feel funny when she heard this. Although they were the same age, this little guy was always old-fashioned in front of Xue'er.

"Her absorption speed is very good."

Lin Haixia had seen it before, and there was some emotion in her eyes at this moment: "If the hemolysis goes well at the age of four, and when the bones are measured at the age of five, with the top resources of the Shenjiang Mansion, her combat body will probably be upgraded to the eighth level. , even to the level of ninth level, ranking among the top geniuses!"

"Ninth grade?"

Li Hao was confused.

Lin Haixia was quite patient with the young master of the coach's family. Regardless of whether he understood it or not, since the child asked the question, she, as a temporary teacher, had to answer.

After listening to Lin Haixia's detailed explanation, Li Hao finally understood.

It turns out that there is a collective term for foundation building, hemolysis, and bone measurement, which is called three, six, nine, etc.!

The foundation-building liquid is divided into three grades.

Hemolytic heterogeneous blood is divided into six grades!

The qualifications for measuring bones are divided into nine levels!

The first to third-level combat bodies are universal qualifications and belong to the lower level.

The fourth to sixth level combat bodies are the elite, among the best, and the middle class.

Level seven can be called a genius.

Eighth grade is enough to make a state famous.

The ninth-level combat physique is already the top martial arts physique and belongs to the peerless wizard level.

With such a top-notch physique, if you break through the realm like eating and drinking, you can generally enter the fourth or fifth realm!

As for a higher realm, in addition to talent, you also need other things, such as your own understanding, perseverance, luck, opportunity, etc.

Li Hao turned his head and looked at the little girl in the medicine bucket, somewhat amazed.

Will this little girl become a world-famous genius in the future?

A picture emerged in his mind, a little girl with a snot-filled nose standing proudly in the crowd... He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Lin Haixia glanced at Li Hao, but her eyes were filled with sadness.

He is indeed a child, he looks quite smart, but he is only three years old after all.

He still doesn't understand how big of a deal happened today.

The possibility of making mistakes with that foundation-building potion was extremely slim.

And this means... he is probably a martial arts waste that cannot be cultivated!

He couldn't even imagine how cruel it would be to be in this family of generals, especially as the son of the Li family, but unable to practice.

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