The Name of Eternity

Chapter 49: The Battle of the Dead River

Hearing this, Li Hao looked at the other party with a little more interest in his eyes.

"In the last four realms, warriors are already separated from the mortal world."

Su Yehua said: "Each realm is not divided into ten levels. For example, the 'Fifteen Miles' realm, why is it called that? Because what is practiced in the Fifteen Miles Realm is the Art of Controlling Objects. Not only can the mind travel around the world, but it can also control the body and control itself with gods. Soar to heaven and earth!”

"One breath makes one mile, and the fastest speed can reach fifteen miles, hence the name."

"Fifteen miles in one breath?"

Many people were shocked. Such speed could be considered lightning fast. In the blink of an eye, they could move out of the city, even over mountains and across states!

"In the fifteen-mile realm, you can control the flying sword and kill the enemy fifteen miles away. No blood is seen, and the head has been beheaded!"

"Therefore, the strong ones who have reached the fifteen-mile realm are truly terrifying beings who can kill people invisible!"

Su Yehua said calmly.

"Where is the human realm that day?"

"Heavenly beings are called masters, and you need to understand the heart of a master before you can step into it."

Su Yehua said: "This is also a place where the ability to measure bones is difficult to work. It mainly depends on the mind and understanding. Most of the ninth-level geniuses in the past and present have fallen in front of this state. Fifteen miles is the end of life. , so Fifteen Miles is also called 'Fifteen Miles of Spring Breeze of Life'."

After the spring breeze, comes the withered autumn.

Then we enter the cold winter when everything is silent.

She looked around and said calmly: "The three immortals in the future will be able to pass on the power of blood within their bodies. The three immortals have three realms, one realm and one heaven. It's no big deal that they can cross one realm in a century. You don't need to know this for the time being. "

Everyone listened with fascination and felt the far distance.

San Immortal is already Dayu's top divine general, and Si Lijing is a saint. They are both figures that the fathers need to worship.

Li Hao was a little disappointed when he saw the other party passing by him. He also wanted to hear something new and novel.

However, he had already looked up and understood the detailed differences between these realms when he was ten years old in Tingyu Tower.

In addition, I have heard a lot about it when fishing with the old man on weekdays, so I think I know a little bit about it.

The spring breeze is fifteen miles away, this is not the limit.

For example, if the Li family masters the ultimate weapon-controlling technique, they can control objects twenty miles away.

I heard from the old man that the royal "Nine Heavens Teng Yun Jue" can reach the distance of twenty-five miles, cross a small town in one breath, and cross a river in two breaths. It is extremely powerful.

As for the imperial treasured book on the Art of Controlling Objects, Mr. Feng naturally helped him steal it. It was also a rubbing copy and he did not dare to touch the original.

After all, the royal family is too close to the Qiandao Palace, and there is a real person who is known as the number one person of Dayu sitting in that Dao Palace.

Li Hao has combined two superb martial arts techniques. Under the enlightenment of the sixth level of Yu Dao, he can currently achieve forty miles in one breath. He can feel that this is not the limit. If he can find more supreme martial arts techniques and blend them with each other, It can continue to improve.

And his current realm is also the peak of the Fifteen Mile Realm.

Only one step away from the master.

With the enlightenment of the sixth stage of the physical path, he can complete the leap to the master realm at any time, but the reason why he has not stepped into it is because he lacks the heart of a master.

However, Li Hao felt that he could touch that opportunity at any time.

How to condense the heart of a master?

The first thing is to touch the gate of heaven, and the second thing is to find your own way.

The enlightenment of the physical way has allowed him to touch the illusory gate of heaven, and he has half-stepped into the master realm.

However, he stayed in the mansion for a long time, studying various arts every day and improving his skills. As a result, his mind did not stay on martial arts, and naturally he did not find his heart as a master.

Now that he is out to relax, Li Hao feels that the opportunity for him to step into the master realm will come at any time.

On the stage, Su Yehua finished talking about the eight realms of martial arts, and then said to everyone: "Being able to enter Academy A shows that you have excellent qualifications, but don't be proud. The real secret of our Tan Palace Academy is in the Black and White Palace. Only those who can enter the Black and White Palace can He is a true genius!”

Li Hao's eyes moved slightly and looked at the other party.

"There are two ways to enter the Black and White Palace."

"First, our Academy A has a martial arts ranking. If you are in the top five and do not fail the ranking for six months, you can enter the Black and White Palace."

"Second, it is the test of the Qianhe Battle Realm."

When she mentioned the word "Miehe", there was a slight commotion in the room.

Li Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

He also found a lot of information related to the Minghe War Realm in Tingyu Tower. This was an extremely mysterious and dangerous place, but it was not under the jurisdiction of the Li family.

Su Yehua scanned the crowd and saw that some disciples from prominent families had nervous eyes, while other disciples from aristocratic families had blank expressions.

She said: "We all know that among the five great generals, there are four great generals who guard the border and suppress the illegal demons on the border for us. They are located in the southeast, northwest and four directions!"

"And the first Divine General's Mansion, Tianzhao Divine General's Mansion, is in charge of the Minghe Division and controls Minghe in the world!"

Speaking of this, she glanced at several people in the crowd, including Li Hao.

"The gods will guard the border, and the Minghe Division will control the Minghe River. They are all related to the survival of the people of the world until the dawn of time."

"We can sit here comfortably and listen to lectures, teach, practice martial arts, and even pursue the so-called demon-slaying fame, all because of the existence of the five great generals' mansions, and they are carrying the burden forward!"

"That's right."

Next to Li Hao, Li Yuanzhao whispered, his little fists clenched under the table, his chubby face full of excitement.

"We are beyond our reach to deal with the border battlefields, but the Battle of Minghe River is like a terrestrial vein, penetrating into all the nineteen states of Dayu. It is the responsibility of us martial arts practitioners to deal with the Minghe River!"

Su Yehua's face was solemn, with an unquestionable tone.

Then, she looked at all the disciples and pointed to one person: "You must be from the Wang family of General Tianzhao's Mansion. Come and tell us what the Minghe River is."

The person she was pointing at was a young man in black, fourteen or fifteen years old, with sharp and cold eyes, who seemed to be much more mature than his peers.

When he was called, he didn't panic, he just stood up calmly:

"Teacher, my name is Wang Han."

Tianzhao God General's Mansion, Wang Family.

As the number one divine general's palace, its status is slightly better than that of the Li family.

The young man in front of him was obviously not the most outstanding third generation of the Wang family. His status within the clan was similar to that of less talented heirs such as Li Yun and Li Yuanzhao, who were the true dragons and true phoenixes.

Coming to Tan Gong Academy to study is more for the gold plating, the connections gathered at Tan Gong Academy, and the unique knowledge of the Black and White Palace.

"Wang Han, tell me." Su Yehua said approvingly.

Everyone else looked at Wang Han one after another. Knowing that he was from the Tianzhao Divine General's Mansion, their eyes changed slightly and they were a little awe-stricken.

The latter was dressed simply, and Tianzhao God General's Mansion was thousands of miles away from here. If Su Ye Hua hadn't pointed it out, they wouldn't have recognized each other's origins.

"The origin of the Qianhe War Realm has a long history and cannot be traced back. It has been increasing year by year in recent years, and now it has appeared one after another in the remote villages and towns within our territory."

Wang Han said calmly: "The Minghe War Realm is like a separate world, like a mirage or an illusion. But if you die in it, you will really die."

"It is difficult to completely eliminate the Minghe River. Even if it is destroyed, it will extend again."

"This is why the Qianhe Division recruits people every year but is still short of people."

"There are very few Ming Rivers that have been completely solved in history. It needs to be completely cleared to break the Ming River. The specific difficulty will be known when everyone enters the Ming River in the future."

Some people couldn't help but ask: "What's in the Ming River?"

Wang Han glanced at the speaker and said in a very cold voice: "It is rumored that that is the river leading to hell, and the people in it... are naturally the dead."

The temperature in the hospital seemed to have dropped by more than ten degrees, and many people shivered slightly.

"Please take a seat."

Su Yehua signaled to Wang Han, and then said to everyone: "In short, during this year, you must study hard. You will have everything you need in Tan Gong Academy. It depends on whether you have the ability to fight for it. The future world belongs to you." , come on!"

The chicken soup at the end made many people wake up from what Wang Han said, and their eyes lit up after drinking it.

"In addition, from now on in the school, no matter what your status is outside, you will be treated equally here. If you make mistakes, you will be punished. If you have merit, you will be rewarded!" Su Yehua said.

When many people heard this, they frequently looked at Li Hao, Wang Han and the others, as well as the two distinguished young men.

Is it really possible to treat everyone equally?

Li Hao smiled and didn't care.

After Su Yehua left, the courtyard became lively.

Soon, someone approached Li Hao and Li Yuanzhao and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

At a young age, under the care of my parents, I have learned to make connections and accumulate capital for the future.

Li Hao didn't dislike it, but he only talked to people with similar interests.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I am from the Zhao family in Cangzhou..."

"Can you play chess?"

"Uh, no."



Li Hao lost interest.

Time flies, half a month has passed.

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