The Name of Eternity

Chapter 61 Black Wind Mountains

"If you want to know the whole territory's intelligence, you need the Demon Suppressor to check it." Cui Fan said.

The Demon Suppressor can also lead a team to slay demons alone, but he is only responsible for rural towns.

However, the purpose of his words was not to reject Li Hao. He changed his tone and said with a smile: "But you have come from afar and are eager to kill demons. Naturally, I have to agree to this request. Please come with me."

With that said, he led Li Hao and others into a side room of the Demon Suppression Department.

There was a guard here, and Cui Fan was very familiar with him. He said hello and led a few people inside.

In the room, there is a map hanging, which is the boundary map of Cangyu City, covering more than a dozen small towns and many villages in the surrounding area.

Cui Fan took out a book from the shelf and turned around and handed it to Li Hao.

"This is the demon-slaying record near our Cangyu City in the past six months. Take your time and read it. After lunch later, I will take you to inspect it in the afternoon..." Cui Fan said with a smile.

Li Hao opened the book and started reading it carefully.

Li Yuanzhao also came to the side curiously and watched carefully.

In a wealthy mansion on the outskirts of the city.

"Mr. Yan, ten coins."

"Mr. Zhang, eight coins."

A young and beautiful woman with a plump figure leaned on the soft couch, slowly flipped through the account books, and said to the accountant beside her:

"There have been frequent demonic disasters this year, and the harvest of the sharecroppers is not good. Let me give them some tax exemptions. It's too hard..."

Mr. Accountant was slightly startled, then lowered his head and said, "Madam, I'm merciful, but it's difficult for the concierges to do business this year. If taxes are cut again, the government's revenue and expenditure will shrink."

"We just need to be frugal and let the farmers have a good year." The beautiful woman said softly and warmly.

When the accountant heard this, he nodded and said, "Then I'll go back and talk to the master."

"Madam, you are pregnant. You must be tired after reading the account books all morning. It's time to rest."

Next to her, the pretty maid said with concern.

The beautiful woman gently caressed her swollen belly, with a bit more kindness and tenderness in her eyes. She closed the ledger, and with the help of the maid, she stood up slowly and returned to her bedroom.

"I will go to the kitchen to bring you some snacks, madam." The maid helped the beautiful woman to lie down on the bed and said obediently.

The beautiful woman nodded slightly.

As the maid left and the door closed lightly, she gently stroked her belly and whispered to herself: "My child, the Chinese New Year is almost here, and I will see you soon."

Her eyes were watery, containing gentle expectation.

"Hehe, do you want to see me so much?"

Suddenly, a strange child's voice came from the quiet room, but it was quite sharp.

The beautiful woman came back from her thoughts, couldn't help but open her eyes wide, and looked at her belly in surprise.

She heard clearly that the sound came from her eight-month-old belly.


Before she could figure out what was going on, she saw her belly suddenly swelled and expanded, followed by bursts of tearing pain.

There was a pop, suddenly, and it burst from the belly button, but no blood spurted out. Instead, it was like an air bag bursting and quickly drying up.

A wet, skinny head covered with blood slowly stretched out from the beautiful woman's belly, but behind the head was a slender strange limb like a snake's tail, which looked like both a snake and a footless centipede, twisting gently.

Seeing this horrifying scene, even the beautiful woman with a calm mind who had been running the house for many years was so frightened that she screamed and fainted on the spot.

"It's so hypocritical. Your child has already come out and you don't want to see it anymore."

The skinny head let out a strange laugh and opened its mouth, which was full of sharp teeth.

Then, its body swam, climbed up to the beautiful woman's upper body, suddenly opened its mouth, and actually bit the beautiful woman's head.

Then he swallowed his entire upper body, and his slender body became swollen.

"Evil beast!!"

Suddenly, an angry voice sounded.

Golden light passed by, and a slender figure passed through the wall and rushed directly into the room. It was Song Yueyao with a fluttering figure.


The monster who was eating the beautiful woman was startled, and his face suddenly changed. He hurriedly spit out the half-eaten beautiful woman, and then swam away like a poisonous snake, climbing over the window on the other side, trying to escape.

"The golden lock traps the dragon!"

Song Yueyao's face was cold and she quickly made a hand gesture.

In addition to being able to leave the body, the soul cannot cause physical harm, but it can use magical powers to break some of the weird magic of monsters.

And this Golden Lock Trapped Dragon is a sealing magical power, belonging to the method of wandering.

I saw golden light suddenly rising up, trapping the skinny snake-like monster inside, unable to escape while struggling.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps rushing towards her. Song Yueyao's body rushed out of the window, jumped down, and slashed at the monster in the golden light with a sword.

"Spare my life..." The monster begged in panic.

But the sword light was so sharp that it cut off his head and rolled to the ground.

Song Yueyao swung two more swords to cut off her body. Then she quickly moved to the bed in the room, only to see that the beautiful woman's face was bloody and showed signs of decay.

Looking at its abdomen, it was actually empty, and its internal organs had long been eaten away.

It's too late... Her face changed and became a little ugly. Even though she had experience in slaying demons, she still felt angry.

At this time, all the servants and maids in the mansion rushed over, as well as the master of the mansion, a middle-aged wealthy businessman in his forties.

Song Yueyao immediately asked the people accompanying him to seal the room to prevent ordinary people from seeing it.

"Are you the Demon Suppressing Department?!"

The master of the mansion was well-informed. He recognized the official uniform of Tian Congzhi who sealed the door at a glance. His face changed and he hurriedly asked, "Where is Lian'er? What happened to Lian'er?"

"There is a monster inside, please don't get close."

Tian Congzhi was a disciple of the Black Hall. His mission this time was to assist Song Yueyao in handling the case. He had already seen the tragic situation in the room and said in a deep voice.

"Where did the monster come from in my mansion? Do you have any misunderstandings? Let me see Lian'er!" The master pushed Tian Congzhi and said with gritted teeth.

Song Yueyao pushed the door and walked out. She had put away her long sword. She glanced at the middle-aged man and said, "Your wife is dead. She was killed by a monster. I killed the monster. You should bury her well."

"Dead, dead?"

The master was shocked and dazed. Then he pushed like crazy and rushed in.

It was not easy for Tian Congzhi to attack ordinary people. He could only try his best to stop him. Seeing this, Song Yueyao shook her head slightly at him and motioned him to get out of the way.

You have to see it eventually, after all, you have to bury it later.

The middle-aged man rushed into the room and immediately saw the miserable scene. He was stunned as if he was struck by lightning.

Song Yueyao told Tian Congzhi: "You stay to deal with the aftermath, I will go to the city guard."


Tian Congzhi agreed.

Before Song Yueyao left, the middle-aged man suddenly grabbed her arm, his eyes red, and roared at her angrily:

"Why, why didn't you come earlier, why?!"

"Give me back my Lian'er, give me back my Lian'er!!"

Song Yueyao's face changed slightly, subconsciously broke free, and threw the middle-aged man to the ground with a flick of her hand.

The middle-aged man sat down on his buttocks, and did not pester her any more. He just grabbed his head in a state of collapse and burst into tears:

"She said that this was her first time being a mother, and she had even thought of a name for her child. Why, why did you treat Lian'er like this, God, you are so unfair!!"

The wailing sound spread throughout the courtyard, and the servants and maids who were blocked outside the door also heard it and were all shocked.

A trace of guilt flashed through Song Yueyao's heart. Looking at the middle-aged man who was almost insane, she knew that the other party would not listen to anything at this time. She just tightened the sword in her hand, said nothing, and turned around and left quickly.

Yes, why can't it be faster... She bit her thin lips slightly.


In the city lord's mansion.

Song Yueyao arrived quickly and acted quickly.

"Mr. Yue, are you looking for me?"

Song Yueyao saw the city guard here, who was responsible for the safety of the entire Cangyu City.

Yue Shuhong is in his forties this year, and he has a kind of elegance. He looked at the woman running towards him, and a trace of emotion flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He reached the state of wandering in his early twenties, and it was close to the state of perfection. This is the gap between the top monsters and himself.

"Governor Song, thank you for your hard work. I asked you to kill the monster as soon as you arrived yesterday. Thanks to you, the town was spared from disaster." Yue Shuhong chuckled.

Song Yueyao had just come out of the mansion. She was in a bad mood and said with a gloomy face: "It is the duty of warriors like us to eliminate monsters. It's nothing. I don't know why Mr. Yue asked me to come?"

Yue Shuhong has been in a high position for a long time and knows a lot of people. Seeing that the other party is not the kind of person who likes flattery, he suddenly felt good in his heart and his expression became serious:

"I believe that Governor Song has read the files of monster killing in our city recently. In the past six months, monsters have appeared frequently. About half a month ago, there were many in the Black Wind Mountains a hundred miles east of the city. Monsters are gathering, and the escort teams passing by have all met with misfortunes. "

Yue Shuhong spread out a geomancy map of the entire territory on the table and pointed to a mountain range on the east side: "I sent people to investigate, and sacrificed four demon-suppressing masters before I found out some information."

Speaking of this, he looked at Song Yueyao with a terribly serious look in his eyes: "Among these monsters, there is a big monster who wants to command the nearby small monsters and swallow up the entire Cangyu City!"

Song Yueyao was startled and her face changed suddenly. There are millions of people in Cangyu City. All of them are swallowed up? Does this monster want to massacre the city?

This kind of thing is not common even on the border.

"Have you notified the Xia family?" Song Yueyao asked immediately.

The Xia family is one of the four great generals, and Qizhou is the big state it guards.

Yue Shuhong smiled bitterly and said, "We have been notified, but the Xia family seems to be fighting in another battlefield. They said that they will send people to clear out the monsters when they really attack us, so we should not make assumptions."

A trace of anger flashed across Song Yueyao's eyes, but she knew that the God General's Mansion was not something she could discuss. If what she said here was secretly passed on to the Xia family, it would be somewhat disadvantageous to the Tan Palace. She asked, "Is this news true or false?"

Yue Shuhong's expression became serious, and he said seriously, "Of course it is true."

Then he said, "But I am not 100% sure, so...if possible, can you, Governor Song, come forward and ask the Xia family for help?"

Song Yueyao frowned. She was not familiar with the Yuecheng Guard, and she didn't want to be used as a gun.

After thinking for a while, she said, "I am only a governor, and I may not be able to invite him. So, I will go to investigate the truth first."

Yue Shuhong seemed to have expected her to say this, and nodded: "Okay, otherwise, I will go with you. There are big monsters in the Black Wind Mountains, which is too dangerous."

"No need, I will just investigate the edge." Song Yueyao said, and then took her leave.

Seeing the other party leave, Yue Shuhong stared for a long time and couldn't help but sighed.


Another place, in the Demon Suppression Division.

Li Hao has finished reading the recent records of killing monsters, and in addition, he also saw some other monster traces.

"In the Black Wind Mountains, monsters gather..." Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

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