The Name of Eternity

Chapter 94 Dazzling Brilliance [Fourth Update]


"For example, you can no longer ask me to practice martial arts, nor can you interfere with me doing other things." Li Hao said.

Li Tiangang was speechless.

Only then did he think of Li Hao's usual habit of not doing his job properly and wasting his top talent.

This was definitely not something he could tolerate.

But... I just promised Li Hao, and now I want to go back on my word?

He struggled for a moment in his eyes and said secretly that with Hao'er's qualifications, even if he stopped practicing temporarily and continued to live his previous life, it wouldn't have much impact.

When he becomes a real dragon in the future, inherits the family business, feels the heavy burden on his shoulders, and feels that countless soldiers are eagerly waiting for him and putting his life and hope in it, he may work hard to practice wholeheartedly.

Thinking of this, Li Tiangang nodded to Li Hao and said with a smile: "Okay, I promise you!"



Li Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that the big stone in his heart had finally settled.

Judging from the strictness of this father, he should be regarded as the most rigid in the Li family. He is much stricter than any of the aunts and the others. It is really difficult to explain without exposing the front panel.

He didn't deliberately show off his strength at the beginning, and he was afraid that Auntie and the others would do this. The more he thought his talent was good, the more he forced himself to practice.

It's like a person who can make money, making millions every minute, but you see him lying there playing games.

Is this okay? !

It's just that my situation is special, which means that although I can make millions every minute, I really just do it by playing games, but I still can't say it, and even if I say it, I can't be understood.

"Then I'll go back and play chess with Mr. Wu."

Li Hao said.

During this period of time, I have been in Tan Palace, plus I went out to Cangyu City for training.

Long time no see, the old man must be very lonely.

Li Tiangang's eyelids twitched and he was speechless. He only said: "You can go, but you must not disturb the heroic souls of our ancestors."

"Don't worry, I have experience."

Li Hao's words almost made Li Tiangang choke.

Seeing that Li Hao was about to leave, Li Tiangang immediately said:

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished telling you what I just said. The real dragon will be decided in two months. You have to prepare well during this period. I asked your Uncle Yu Xuan to find out about your biggest competitor. , should be the child of the second sister-in-law’s family.”

When Liu Yuerong was mentioned, a cold light suddenly flashed in Li Hao's eyes.

He looked at his father in front of him and thought about the poisonous pill. He hesitated to speak, but he held it back.

If he told his father now, he would definitely alert the enemy, and he wasn't sure what his father would do.

In addition to being a marquis and a general, Li Tiangang was also the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment and in charge of the Criminal Law Department of Dayu. Therefore, his personal guard camp was also called the Fazi Camp, and he himself was named the "Xingwuhou"!

But that woman has the title of Imperial Lady, and she is a first-class state lady. If the Ministry of Punishment wants to deal with it, it can only temporarily detain her. She needs to report to the court and make repeated declarations.

If he is captured, his son will be alarmed. Then the other party will be too frightened to come back to participate in the fight for the real dragon, and will shrink directly to the Wuliang Mountain. It will be really difficult to deal with.

And this possibility is extremely high.

In Li Hao's view, the news about his fifteen-mile realm has been exposed, and there should be no suspense about his talent. The opponent's chance of competing for the real dragon is not great, so it is better to take a step back to preserve it.

But this was not the result he wanted.

Once the opponent shrinks, they are really helpless to defeat the opponent.

After all, the other party was the Buddha who was his disciple, and was his direct disciple!

Over the years, Li Hao has also conducted many detailed investigations on Wuliang Mountain.

There were three top forces in the Yu Dynasty.

The first place is Qiandao Palace, the second is Wuliang Mountain, and the third is Hanlin Palace.

The number one force is undisputed, because the most powerful person, Dayu, is in charge.

The second Wuliang Mountain is occupied by Wuliang Buddha Lord, second only to the real person.

The third Hanlin Hall was filled with literati, great scholars, and no military force, but behind it was the imperial court, the Emperor Yu who had mysterious military power and overwhelming power.

The literati in this world do not have the power to speak in written form and use articles to attack. They are just simple documents and regulations, but these documents are laws and rules!

Even a first-class sect would not dare to fart if a piece of paper is confiscated.


The army will soon be approaching the territory. Not to mention ransacking the house, even the eggs in the house will be shaken to pieces.

Therefore, although there was no force in the Hanlin Palace, no one dared to provoke him. The power of law was equal to that of force, and it was only through the use of martial arts to defend the civil system that Dayu was able to remain stable for thousands of years.

Otherwise, warriors will kill civil servants at will, ignore the system by force, and the country will be governed by a group of warriors. It will definitely be a disaster. The people will not be able to survive long ago, and destruction is imminent.

Under these three top forces are the five great generals' mansions, which are semi-top.

Thirdly, it is the various departments of the imperial court, such as the Demon Suppression Department, the Death River Department, etc.

They were also established by the imperial court. Not to mention their own military force, their status was there. No one dared to offend them at will, otherwise the army would sweep across them and no one could stop them.

After these, there are the first-class forces in the world such as Jianlu and Qianji Mountain.

If Wuliangshan Buddha mainly protects his direct disciples, even with the status of the Divine General Mansion, it will be difficult to shake him.

What's more, Liu Yuerong's children were innocent as they were not involved.

But in Li Hao's eyes, the other party has benefited from his mother's kindness and has enjoyed the benefits brought by the other party, so he should also repay it together.

Liu Yuerong poisoned him back then. To put it bluntly, there was no grievance or enmity. The main purpose was to pave the way for his child.

Li Hao's purpose is not just to compete for the seat of the real dragon, but to let Liu Yuerong see with his own eyes that his child has been pushed to the bottom by him and his future is ruined!

The poison pill I swallowed thirteen years ago.

It will be in these thirteen years that its violent and cruel toxicity will truly explode!

At this time, Li Tiangang continued to speak:

"Except for the children of the second sister-in-law, the children of the eldest sister-in-law and the third sister-in-law's family all have the hope of competing. However, the third sister-in-law's family is a daughter, and I heard that they got married in the military, so the married daughter automatically quits the real dragon. seats.”

"As for the two children from my eldest sister-in-law's family, they are already over thirty. They have made great achievements and have the title of general in the army. If they want to compete, they are quite competitive. It's just that they are not as talented as you and the children from my second sister-in-law's family. It’s still inferior.”

"Besides, my sister-in-law said early on that she would not let her children participate in the fight for the real dragon. I still trust my sister-in-law on this point."

Li Hao nodded, he also understood all these things.

"That kid Qianfeng is not as talented as you, but he learned from the Buddha and cultivated his body and mind beside the Buddha. His character is naturally passable. I heard that he is also in the fifteenth realm now. He has reached it at the age of seventeen. Ignoring you doesn't count. If so, this talent is quite good.”

Li Tiangang said.

He himself reached the fifteenth realm around this time, became a master at the age of nineteen, and entered the Three Immortals at the age of twenty-three.

This is already quite a monster, far surpassing the top geniuses.

Of course, the premise is not to compare with that guy Ninth Brother.

"The other party's connections will not be inferior if Lord Buddha is around. Another bonus is fame."

Li Tiangang said to Li Hao: "I have already understood that the other party has gone down the mountain but has not come back. He must have gone to accumulate fame. This is a bonus."

"And since you have been in the house all year round and have no fame, you will be a little weaker, but it doesn't matter. Within the next two months, I plan to arrange for you to go to the frontier to behead the big monster, which can be regarded as establishing a reputation."

Li Hao smiled slightly when he heard the fame.

Li Fu next to him couldn't help laughing.

Li Tiangang noticed the strange expressions of the two people and frowned: "What?"

Li Hao didn't say anything, but Li Fu said respectfully: "Master Hou, the young master's reputation should be not low."


Li Tiangang and Yu Xuan both looked at him with doubts on their faces.

Li Fu smiled all over his face and said: "Master Hou, do you still remember how I learned about the young master's realm? Cangyu City was attacked by demons, and it was the young master who saved the whole city alone!"

Hearing his words, Li Tiangang and Yu Xuan were both stunned and a little stunned.

They looked at Li Hao and saved the whole city? This is a great achievement!

For those who have been fighting all year round, they are all too familiar with the reckoning of merit.

"Hao'er, you actually..."

Li Tiangang looked at Li Hao with great surprise. His eyes revealed excitement and joy, and his love for his son increased greatly.

I thought that Li Hao was careless by nature and just having fun, but who would have expected that he would do such a great job quietly!

Yu Xuan looked at Li Hao with the same admiration, with appreciation in his eyes. Saving the people from fire and water was already a great achievement!

"The reward for the young master's meritorious service should be spread to Qingzhou soon." Li Fu said with a smile, looking forward to this matter.

"Okay, okay!"

Li Tiangang said three good words in succession and laughed heartily.

"In this case, the position of the True Dragon is certain!"

Li Tiangang was completely relieved.

The talent is top-notch, and he has great achievements. Even though Li Hao's temperament is a bit loose and not top-notch, it is enough to be able to achieve such great achievements, which shows that he is not bad in other aspects.

Such a gap is difficult to bridge.

Even if the second sister-in-law's child goes to make meritorious deeds, it will be difficult for him to have such an opportunity in just two months.

Meritorious service does not mean that you just have to do it, even if you go to the border battlefield to perform meritorious service, but the Li family's border, except for Yanbei, has basically been calmed down, and there is nothing going on for the time being.

When going to other borders, the relationship becomes complicated.

What's more, it's not easy to perform meritorious service on the border. In the tide of hundreds of thousands or millions of monsters, what does the Fifteen Miles Border mean?

Able to control hundreds of thousands of demons, 80% of their leaders are at the level of celestial masters.

Seeing what he said, Li Hao said, "In that case, won't I have anything to do with you later?"

Li Tiangang had just finished laughing. When he heard this, he suddenly felt helpless. This child had not been disciplined for many years and was really too idle.

"If you don't practice, what do you want to do?" Li Tiangang asked.

"Just do something when you think of it, such as painting, playing the piano, or writing poetry." Li Hao said.

The corner of Li Tiangang's mouth twitched. None of these things he liked.

If Li Hao had said this before, he would probably deny it all, but thinking of the promise he had just made to Li Hao, he could only endure it and sighed: "Okay, it's up to you. I promised you that I will do it."


Li Hao was relieved when he saw what he said. The other party didn't like him doing this, but he didn't ask for understanding, as long as he allowed it.

Even though I said goodbye to him, I wanted to go play chess with the Fifth Master.

Li Tiangang didn't stop him anymore and let Li Hao go.

After Li Hao left, Li Tiangang sighed to Xuan Yu, "I wonder when this child will really grow up."

Li Fu smiled and said: "Master Hou, in fact the young master is much smarter and more mature than children of the same age. He went to find the fifth uncle, maybe not to play for himself, but to accompany the fifth uncle."

Li Tiangang was startled, thinking of the lonely old man in the ancestral hall and the lonely chessboard in front of him.

His eyes changed and he fell silent.

A few days later.

Li Hao's reward came down as expected.

In recognition of Li Hao's meritorious service in defending the city and protecting millions of people in the city, he was awarded the title of third-class earl!

A fiefdom for a city!

In addition, there are ten boxes of jewelry and gold.

A set of divine weapons and armor from the Fifteen Miles Realm.

For soldiers and knights, these possessions are just additional items.

Just like when Li Junye died, he was rewarded with the Yulong Order and ten buckets of gold. The gold was just an added bonus and not worth mentioning.

The real reward is the Yulong Order, which is a gold medal to avoid death!

Three Yulong Orders saved him from death three times, which shows his great achievements!

When the conferment was over, Li Hao took the imperial edict and the award from the "top student" from the palace and bowed to express his thanks.

The news spread throughout the entire mansion in an instant, and also spread to Qingzhou outside the mansion.

The young master of the Li family, only fourteen years old, was awarded the title of earl!

And his own fiefdom!

In addition, Li Hao's feats in defending the city were also spread throughout the city and were constantly publicized, making the people marvel and say that he was indeed the son of the Li family!

Some people still vaguely remember the rumors that spread about ten years ago that the young master of the Li family was a martial arts waste. Now it seems that it was obviously a misinformation and a rumor.

Li Hao's name now completely resounds throughout Qingzhou, and is spreading to further places!

Inside the mansion.

The ladies from all the houses were stunned when they heard the news.

He Jianlan was a little stunned. Ever since Li Tiangang came back, news broke out from Li Hao one after another, which almost shocked her.

Is this still the child she loves so much?

It was so dazzling that she could hardly look straight at it.

"That child...he..."

In the Piaoxue Courtyard, Gao Qingqing was a little unbelievable when she heard the news. Thinking of the advice she gave her children many years ago to alienate them from Li Hao, she couldn't help but secretly regret it.

Li Xuanli next to him was very happy when he heard the news and exclaimed:

"As expected of Lao Qi's child, his appearance is no worse than that of Lao Jiu back then. No, Lao Jiu was not as dazzling as him when he was fourteen years old!"

"Awesome, Lao Qi is really good at giving birth!"

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