The Name of Eternity

Chapter 98: Once Promised to Be the Best in the World

The person who brought the news was another Mr. Black Hall. He heard the movement and used his soul to detect it.

"Nonsense! What a nonsense!"

Song Yufeng's face turned livid with anger, and something suddenly occurred to him: "Where's Yueyao? Didn't she go?"


At this time, there was a sound outside Tan Palace, and Song Yueyao happened to walk in.

Song Yufeng looked up, his heart suddenly returned to his stomach, and he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Why are you here? Let me ask you, did Li Hao take everyone else to visit the brothel?"

Although it was slightly indecent to mention "brothel" to his granddaughter, Song Yufeng couldn't care less at the moment.

Song Yueyao also felt angry when she heard this, and said coldly: "That's right."

"This kid is so unreasonable!"

Song Yufeng was furious.

Song Yueyao was stunned. Seeing her grandfather being so angry, she couldn't help but said, "Grandpa, it's not his fault."

"What?" Song Yufeng stared at his granddaughter.

Song Yueyao felt helpless and could only tell the whole story.

After hearing this, Song Yufeng's eyes widened even more, and Mr. Heidian next to him was also dumbfounded.

"You, you mean, that guy Li Hao just read the sword manual and practiced the swordsmanship at the true level for you?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Although they said it was impossible, Song Yufeng and Mr. Black Hall had to believe it. After all, according to Song Yueyao's statement, dozens of people in the White Hall had seen it with their own eyes.

However, this kind of thing is too exaggerated.

Song Yufeng's first thought was that the sword manual had been leaked. Li Hao had been practicing secretly for a long time, and it was only revealed today.

But the second reaction was that even if that kid practices secretly, this is too outrageous!

After all, he is only fourteen years old. Did he start practicing as a baby?

My own cultivation level in the Fifteen Mile Realm has already broken the record of the Nineteenth State, but I still master a high-grade swordsmanship at the true level?


Song Yufeng suddenly felt that something was not right.

Li Hao may have mastered more than one true-level swordsmanship.

And his sword manual may not have been leaked.

After all, there are many swordsmanships in the Li family's Tingyu Tower, including many high-grade swordsmanships. Even if they secretly collected the Yin-Yang Dianfen sword, why would they need to learn it from Li Hao?

The Li family has excellent swordsmanship!

My energy is limited, and if I want to practice, I have to practice top-grade swordsmanship for Li Hao. How could I waste my time on a top-grade swordsmanship?

Thinking of this, Song Yufeng felt his heart twitch violently. In this case, there seemed to be only one explanation.

That is, Li Hao really learned it by reading the sword manual once!

And he also practiced to his true state!

I heard from my granddaughter that there seems to be a process. The first level of perfection is revealed, and then there is a step of true state, jumping past the ultimate...

Damn it, I still can’t accept it!

Even if he is the reincarnation of the Sword Immortal, it is nothing more than this... Song Yufeng's face twitched and he looked at the outside of Tan Palace with some confusion. So what kind of child was born to the Li family?

After a long time, Song Yufeng came back to his senses. Thinking about the brothel, he couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"This kid really dares to agree, and he doesn't even look at how old he is."

Hearing this, Song Yueyao's expression changed slightly.

Song Yufeng seemed to have thought of something, slapped his forehead, and said quickly: "They didn't wear hospital uniforms, did they?"

Now that things have happened, it's too late to stop him.

What's more, the effect of Li Hao's teaching in one trip was so good that it was better than the one or two years of hard training of these students themselves. It was no problem to let them take a vacation.

But just don't embarrass Tan Gong.

"That's not true."

Mr. Black Hall said.

Song Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This kid still has some sense of proportion."

When going down the mountain, Li Hao met Jiang Hanxing, the poetry-reciting prince.

When the other party learned that Li Hao was going to visit a brothel, he was shocked and immediately followed him on the ride, saying he wanted to go and see something.

Li Hao didn't care and just followed him.

Yunyan Tower, this is the number one brothel in Qingzhou City.

It is not that you can buy fun with money here. On weekdays, it is mainly the gathering of intellectuals and nobles who recite poems and compose poems here.

Poetry gatherings are often held, and you need to come out on top to meet the top star of Yunyan Tower, the girl Hong Wan'er who is famous throughout the state.

When Li Hao and others arrived, a poetry meeting was being held here.

You can enter with money, and you can communicate with people by listening to poems and music.

However, these White Hall disciples are all warriors. They have been practicing martial arts since they were young. It is okay to recite a few famous poems by famous Confucians and spread them all over the world, but how can they be allowed to compose poems by themselves?

Fortunately, Li Hao had already prepared. Since he agreed to fulfill their wishes, he would not let them return disappointed.

"Come on, come on, each of you will sing a song, memorize it." Li Hao summoned everyone.

Zhou Zheng, who loved poetry, was extremely surprised. He secretly prepared two poems himself, but he didn't expect that this talented warrior also had poems in his hands.

You must know that the poems you participate in poetry gatherings must be composed by yourself. Copying others will be shameful.

Jiang Hanxing had seen Li Hao's poetic talent last time, and he also came over. Seeing Li Hao speak so loudly, he was both surprised and disappointed. What good poem could each of them make?

But the next moment, his eyes widened.

Li Hao had never thought of using poetry to show off, so naturally he would not be like those literary copycats who traveled back in time, squeezing out each poem one by one and showing off one by one.

At this moment, I just took out the entire book.

Soon, the entire poetry meeting was in excitement.

As Li Hao's eternal masterpieces from that world were chanted in this world, the entire Yunyan Tower went from bustling to boiling, and then from boiling to silence.

"Don't you see, the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky, rushes to the sea and never returns..."

Zhou Zheng murmured and chanted, stunned, feeling the majestic momentum.

"No one helps me to reach the top of the mountain, I walk on the snow to the top of the mountain!"

Jiang Hanxing's eyes flashed, and he clenched his fists secretly. These two sentences seemed to tell the hidden mind in his heart.

"The sea is boundless and the sky is the shore. I am the peak when I reach the top of the mountain!"

When Ma Jing heard Li Hao hand him this poem to take it on stage, he was so excited that his eyes were red. Although he couldn't write poems himself, he could at least appreciate it.

These two sentences seemed to tell the peerless boy in front of him.

There are thousands of geniuses in the world, but only the boy in front of him climbed to the top, stood on the top of the mountain, and became a higher peak!

"Born as the leader among men, I am the only one who can live as long as the heavens..."

"I have fought for three thousand miles, and my sword has been used as a million soldiers..."

The arrogant and domineering poems were constantly chanted by the disciples of the White Palace, and they felt excited and trembling when chanting.

For warriors, these domineering poems are simply piercing their hearts.

"I look at the sword under the lamp while drunk, and dream of blowing the horn in the camp..."

Zhou Zheng, who was born as the son of a military general, was so excited that he stood up and trembled all over when he heard this poem.

"The great roc rises with the wind one day, soaring straight up to the ninth heaven!"

This heroic poem comforted countless people and made some people who were wasted and frustrated suddenly feel heroic.

The disciples of the White Palace took the stage one after another, and their poems suppressed the brothel.

On the pavilion, a 20-year-old girl with gorgeous makeup and stunning appearance stood on the high building and listened infatuatedly to the wonderful poems being chanted below.

The poems, which were either heroic and surging or unrestrained and frivolous, made people's hearts surge.

The Dayu Dynasty was founded on military power, and the people valued martial arts. Most of the poems in the brothels were about killing and war.

There were few obscene poems and songs, and even if there were, they were circulated in ordinary brothels and were not worthy of attention.

Hong Wan'er was quite knowledgeable about poems and could tell the good from the bad. Even the great scholars in the Hanlin Hall might not be able to write these poems off the stage, and only a few famous poems that could be spread all over the world could be compared.

In addition, Hong Wan'er also noticed that these young talents who went on stage to recite poems all stood up from the side of a young man and then went on stage.

And the young man whispered a few words in each person's ear, which made people think of many things.

Time flies.

As a poetry meeting ended, all the women in the building were moved, and all the talented guests in the building were intoxicated.

Someone let it slip that all these poems were written by Li Hao alone, and someone recognized Li Hao's identity and called him out, and the whole Yunyan Tower was immediately boiling.

This amazing young man, coupled with these sharp poems, made people feel that these poems seemed to be concretized.

In this excitement, no one cared about the Tan Palace disciples showing off Li Hao's poems. On the contrary, because they were so favored by Li Hao, even if they had no poems, they were also welcomed by many women and invited to fall into the trap.

The steward in the building rushed to Li Hao and bowed. When he saw that the young master of the Li family, who was famous in Qingzhou, had a casual and gentle temperament, he was relieved and immediately called Miss Hong Wan'er to accompany him.

The other Baidian disciples were also brought by other girls to listen to music and appreciate art.

In addition, the steward carefully asked Li Hao if he could borrow two poems to leave here to guard the building.

Li Hao didn't care and let the other party choose two poems.

Not long after, two lines of poetry were hung outside the door of Yunyan Tower:

You must know that when I was young, I had the ambition to capture the clouds,

I once promised to be the best in the world.

To the regret of the steward, Li Hao did not complete the poem, leaving only these two lines.

At the same time, she did not expect that because of these two lines, the reputation of Yunyan Tower would spread throughout the 19 states in the near future.

At this time, Li Hao was already in the boudoir of the most popular top star in Yunyan Tower, eating and drinking.

"Master, I am yours tonight, you can do whatever you want me to do."

Hong Wan'er said with a smile, her beautiful eyes kept looking at the first young man in Qingzhou City.

Since Li Hao showed his cultivation, no one in the young generation of Qingzhou could match him.

"Really? Then you come and peel the melon seeds." Li Hao said.

Hong Wan'er was slightly stunned, and walked over with a smile, peeled the melon seeds for Li Hao and put them to his mouth.

Li Hao clapped his hands, enjoying it while picking up other food and drinks.

At the same time, the news was transmitted back to the God General's Mansion.


When Li Tiangang heard the report from the servant, his eyes widened, and he slammed the table, and the precious table next to him suddenly exploded.

"How dare he, bastard!"

Li Tiangang was so angry that his face turned red. His previous thoughts resurfaced, thinking that his son was too lacking in discipline and dared to do anything!

Li Fu was startled and said, "My Lord, I asked the Tan Palace, and it seems that the young master..."

"No matter what the reason, hurry up and find him back for me!"

Li Tiangang said angrily.

It feels like every minute and every second that passes is embarrassing for the Li family.

Li Fu heard this and quickly agreed and ran away.

In Yunyan Tower, Hong Wan'er's hands were numb from peeling before she sent the well-fed and well-drinking Li family master away.

She was angry and angry, she was a great beauty, and countless heroes came to see her beauty, but this young man didn't even look at her, and only let her do some menial work.

Most of her favorable impression of Li Hao's previous poems had dissipated in her heart. She originally wanted to take this opportunity to form a good relationship with this young man. If she was lucky enough to marry into the god general's house in the future, even if she was a concubine, she would be rich and prosperous.

It's a pity that it was ruined.

Since tonight, the melon seed snacks have not been displayed in the upper attic of Yunyan Building.

other side.

As soon as Li Hao left Yunyan Tower, he bumped into Uncle Fu.

Seeing Uncle Fu hurried over with a slightly nervous look on his face, Li Hao raised his eyebrows.

"Master, that's great. didn't do anything in there, right?"

Li Fu quickly checked Li Hao's clothes.

Li Hao couldn't help but was speechless and said: "Uncle Fu, how old am I? Besides, I have a fiancée. I come here just to liven things up with these guys and let them relax. It's always hard to practice martial arts."

Hearing what Li Hao said, Li Fu immediately felt relieved. He felt more at ease with Li Hao. He smiled bitterly and said, "Master, please follow me back quickly. The Marquis is angry."


Li Hao was stunned and frowned.

He immediately returned with Li Fu.

As for the disciples in the building, they are no longer children. They can walk back by themselves without him taking care of them.

It didn't take long.

Li Hao followed Li Fu back to Shanhe Courtyard.

In the courtyard, Li Tiangang sat in the main hall with his majesty and golden sword. He had a new table at hand. In addition to the teacup, there was a rattan on it.

Li Hao and Li Fu saw it as soon as they came in.

Li Fu's expression suddenly changed and he quickly said: "Master Hou, the young master is back. There is a reason for this..."

"Really? I'd like to hear it."

Li Tiangang's face was full of gloom and anger, but thinking about the last scroll, he said in a deep voice.

Li Hao frowned slightly.

Li Fu hurriedly told the whole story.

"Nonsense! If someone makes a wish and asks you to give them a fiefdom, do you have to agree?"

After hearing this, Li Tiangang became even more angry. He felt that Li Hao's temper was really too wild, and he could even talk about making wishes casually.

You must do what you say, otherwise you will be breaking your promise.

Li Hao said: "This is to motivate them, and it is conditional. It is within my ability."

"You can afford to give away a city, if you become a real dragon." Li Tiangang stared at him and said.

Li Hao stared at him and looked at each other for a moment. He couldn't help but sigh and said:

"Within one's ability is a measure, which is very broad. I feel that I have the final say on this measure. If the request is too excessive, I will naturally not agree to it."

Li Tiangang raised his eyebrows and said: "You still know that there is room for improvement, but have you ever thought about the consequences of going to a brothel today?"

Li Hao said: "If I remember correctly, the second master said that you went to many places when you were young, why can't I go?"

"Can you compete with us?"

Li Tiangang couldn't help but secretly reproached his second uncle for how he could talk nonsense about his elders to a child.

He was about to say something to Li Hao when he saw the coldness in Li Hao's eyes. He was slightly startled, his face changed slightly, he looked at Li Hao for a moment, sighed and said:

"Hao'er, this moment is not the other moment. I got the news that Lord Wuliang Buddha has recalled your cousin. To do such a thing at this moment, it seems that he must have a chance with you in the battle between true dragons. "

He said: "They know your situation and make such a choice. They will be fully prepared. You can't tolerate any sloppiness at this time."

Li Hao was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "I understand."

Li Tiangang glanced at him twice and wanted to say something, but finally held back and said:

"You'd better not move around during this period. Although I promised you that I'll do whatever you want and I'll make it up to you, but at least for this period of time, you should stay calm."

An Fen... Li Hao glanced at him and sighed secretly.

When have I never felt at ease?

Haven't you been staying in the mansion all these years?

Are you just restless after going to a brothel?

He was a little helpless. Once a prejudice is formed, it seems difficult to change.

I just didn't expect that this kind of prejudice would appear in people who are closest to each other by blood, which is a bit ridiculous.

He lost interest in saying anything and turned around to leave.

"When will this child put away his temper? I don't know who he will be like..."

After watching Li Hao leave, Li Tiangang sighed, feeling very tired.

He wanted to make up for Li Hao, but he didn't want Li Hao to take the wrong path.

"Master, after all, you have just returned. It's better not to rush into many things..." Uncle Zhao said with a worried look on his face.

He always felt that there would be a big problem between the father and son.

Their personalities are really very different.

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