The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1003: The piano says you are ugly

It's just that the sentence may have stimulated the piano, and the piano slapped its front paws, and one paw caught the little spy.

The little spy got up furiously: "You dead dog hit your sore spot, did you? I'm auspicious and I don't look down on you!"

I don’t know if it’s because of the activation of the wisdom, some instincts have been reduced a lot, such as the estrus period that dogs have.

When the piano was in estrus, he fell in love with an auspicious **** raised by a family in the apartment building next door, or a noble German shepherd.

You know when you often play in the community.

The wire rod looks bright and smooth, but beautiful.

It's a pity that the owner of the shepherd dog dislikes it as a husky, and resolutely does not allow interbreeding, and prohibits the piano from approaching his shepherd.

The piano was hit hard, until one day following the owner of the shepherd dog, he saw that it was sent by the owner in estrus, and a male dog rode on an auspicious body...

The piano has been depressed since then.

Tell me, is a dog, can you tolerate your favorite dog being ridden by others?

If it's another stupid dog, it may obey instinct, but the piano is not ordinary!

How can the dog he fancy has a leg with other male dogs?

From then on, playing the piano at home all day to express her gloom, Li Ma didn't know why.

Only the little spy knew about this.

So when I say it now, the piano is furious, pressing the little spy and slapped his face with his paws!

Jun Ci was shocked.

Grumblingly told Jun Ci about the incident without taking a stingy smile, Jun Ci also understood why the piano attitude was so bad.

"Beat the robot but not the face, dead dog, it's too much!! Believe it or not, I will take an X-ray to give you a look!!"

Seeing that the little spy suffered such a humiliation and great humiliation, Jun Ci endured a laugh and rescued it, and at the same time persuaded the piano: "What are you depressed? You are the dog of the Jiang family. I can't find what kind of **** you want. I will take you to the base. You You can pick a female husky."

The piano let out an aura.

The little spy translated it: "It doesn't want arranged marriages, it wants free love."

Jun Ci: "...then you can look for it abroad slowly. You can find a foreigner to have a transnational dog love!"

"Foreign devils are not good, not even foreign dogs!"

The little spy smacked his lips and sighed.

Gulu grinned to death: "Oh, drama..."

It's a genius.

Jun Ci ignored the dog-robot, holding back a smile, and arranged a doghouse for the piano.

By the way, I opened a video for Jiang Yi.

He has just finished training and just finished washing his hair. He took the video and wiped his hair in the video. The wet water drops on his forehead and his handsome face is very sexy.


A mouthful, still tired of panic.

He just finished calling Jun Ci, and saw the figure of the piano behind Jun Ci with sharp eyes, and he was a little surprised: "Hey, did you take the piano abroad?"

"Yeah! Didn't I tell you that I bought a new house? It's too big, I live too much by myself, so I moved it over to occupy a place."

Probably after hearing his name, the piano also came to him, and his eyes looked at his former master with endless contempt.

Then he grinned suddenly, with a cry of "Oh".

The little spy’s head also came in from the lower right corner of the phone and acted as an interpreter: "The piano says you are ugly."

Junci: "..."

Jiang Yi: "..."

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