At this moment, Jun Ci heard Gulu's words and instantly understood, and cursed.

It’s not peaceful to just want to come to a banquet!

The people on the deck were also a little confused when they heard the screams.

Soon, a group of people rushed out of the cabin, dressed in waiter's clothes, rather rudely let these rich people on the deck roll into the cabin.

Gulu urgently checked all the information of this group of people, only to find out, these people are very ordinary people from the bottom of the staff, and the bodyguard team want to rob this group of wealthy people, as for today's plan, it is probably a long-planned plan .

Junci is just the kind of unlucky to participate, because no one expected such a thing to happen.

Jun Ci was pushed into the cabin without expression, it was waiting for Gulu to check all the information on the ship.

Although the cabin monitoring has been controlled, this group of people didn't know that Junci could directly check it.

Gulu estimated that all the people who cooperated in this project were about fifty or sixty.

They were scattered in every corner of the ship. There were about thirty in the cabin, each holding huge knives and sticks.

When boarding the ship, the security inspection company is not one of the kidnappers and will check everything. Guns cannot be brought up, including the owner’s own bodyguard team.

This is what the rich are afraid of, so they supervise each other.

However, these knives in the kitchen are the weapons of the kidnappers.

In the face of this group of wealthy tycoons, even if there are hundreds of them, they can be controlled and threatened. Thirty kidnappers with long swords in hand are enough. No one will pay the price of their lives for being a bird. Especially the richer the richer the more afraid of death.

The other kidnappers scattered to find the fish that slipped through the net, or if something happens, the guests can run away and they can be caught.

It is equivalent to a bodyguard team uniting a group of waiters to rebel, and these people all serve a company.

The captain was already under control, Jun Ci took a look, and the ship was heading toward the depths of the ocean.

The destination is a small African country.

With the fuel capacity of the ship, it has just reached the country closest to Africa. There, these rich people can be said to be of no help. The kidnappers may not have plans to kill, but they will definitely want to blackmail huge wealth, and then from unattended Africa Run away.

Hundreds of rich men, each of whom extorted 10 million yuan, could live their lives at ease.

Of course, this group of people was left there, maybe there is still a chance of being saved.

But if you kill this group of people, the kidnappers are not stupid. Even if they get the money, they can't live in peace.

If they are only looking for money but not fate, there is still hope, such a bet, a little desperate.

At this time, the cabin was full of rich men with a frightened look, as well as people who were constantly being driven in.

The kidnapper wore a mask, obviously he was prepared.

Claire squatted on the ground and saw Jun Ci being pushed in. She was a little worried. Regardless of the risk of being discovered by the kidnappers, she quietly stretched out her hand towards Jun Ci in the crowd.

The action was seen by a rich man with a big belly next to him, and he kicked Claire with some horror.

At the moment of life and death, who cares if you are a big beauty.

Claire was in pain and glared at the fat man.

Although Jun Ci who saw this scene didn't have a cold with Claire, it was a little subtle that Claire was still taking care of her under such circumstances.

When the fat man kicked Claire, Jun Ci narrowed his eyes, and a trace of murder passed through his eyes.

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