The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1018: be punished

Of course, Jun Ci will not let him succeed. Usually intimacy and his hooligans are two concepts.

He took the pillow on the side of the sofa and covered Jiang Yi's face: "Don't worry, I won't get hurt even if you get hurt, and you don't see who can do anything to me here."

With a Guru by his side, it would be unrealistic to attack her.

Although Jiang Yi has been training in the military area for a long time, he is still no match for someone like Junci who fought in the interstellar world, and he has no resistance under Junci's hands.

But now he doesn't want to resist at all. His wife wants to play this set and just follows it. Anyway, the cheapest one is himself.

Jun Ci held a pillow to cover him, and he hugged Jun Ci and fell on the sofa together, and the two made a laughing sound.

The piano below hadn't noticed any movement for a long time, and came up and stood at the door to see this scene, only feeling very hot in the dog's eyes.

The little spy next to him also sighed very sadly.

In the end, the result of the frolicking was that Jiang Yi held Junci, who was half leaning against him, pecked several times, and finally rubbed his head on Junci’s chest, with a low voice: "Porcelain, I really like you!"

Jun Ci touched Jiang Yi's head, "I see, I like you too. But when will you come back this time, I remember you will be punished for coming out in the military area without a reason?"

"Don't worry about this, my grandfather knows to help me deal with it."

Jiang Yi was dull and reluctant to discuss this issue, but he also knew he could not stay long.

Without saying this, his cell phone rang. Jiang Yi answered the phone and said in a low voice, "My mother."

Then he answered the phone.

"Hey, mom."

"You are at Junci, have you seen Junci?"

Jiang Yi opened the speakerphone, and Mother Jiang's voice over the phone sounded a little worried.

Jiang Yi immediately calmed down and said, "It's okay, Mom, I saw people, Junci is okay, it's so good now, I didn't call you when I arrived."

"Oh... it's okay." Mother Jiang immediately let out a sigh of relief: "Why do you encounter such a thing? Your grandfather also said that in the future, let Junci not go to such a party with those foreigners."

Although human interaction is essential, there are some occasions where you can not go.

Jun Ci leaned over slightly, Jiang Yi handed the phone to her, and heard the boy's voice slowly ringing: "Auntie, I'm fine, don't worry, please tell Grandpa Jiang the trouble."

"Hey, my aunt knows, it's okay for you to be fine. You are really unlucky as a child!"

With fear in his mother tongue, Jiang's mother tongue exhorted Jun Ci and Jiang Yi.

"But Jiang Yi, you have to come back quickly. Grandpa at the military academy said that he will let you figure it out, and he won't pressure you."

This incident was also caused by Junci, if someone else Jiang Grandpa would have cursed it.

The military order is too big, this is the rule of China.

Even Jiang Yi can't avoid it. It is a violation of military orders to go abroad without formal procedures in the military academy. You can do this without Jiang Yi's identity.

He was anxious to understand in his heart, but the military order was incomprehensible, otherwise how could he let other soldiers obey the order in the future?

A penalty is definitely inevitable when going back.

Jiang Yi also knew about this, but he didn't care too much, "I know Mom, I'll be back tomorrow."

Jun Ci also knew that Jiang Yi would definitely be punished, and sighed a little.

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