The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 102: The college entrance examination is over

Junci was not the first to appear in the examination room, but as soon as she left the examination room, some guards immediately recognized the candidate.

"The most beautiful boy just now."

"I came out so soon, maybe I didn't take the exam?"

"Oh, young and beautiful, but not good at the test. God is really fair."

"It's a pity."

Junci sneered when he heard the comments from people around him.

God is never fair.

Only some later, who didn't understand, just listened to their discussion with a dumb face.

There were also some reporters guarding the examination room. Seeing that Jun Ci was not the first to come out, they were not in the mood to look for her for an interview.

Of course, even if you find Junci, you will not be interviewed.

In the afternoon, a strange rumor began to appear in the Yuxian examination room.

In the morning, Junci’s beauty of the prosperous age had already alarmed a group of people, but no one knew who she was at that time, and it was impossible for the uncle of the armed police to reveal the candidates’ information.

But someone who wears a mask still knows.

It was strange to wear masks in the examination room, and many people in the know immediately revealed it.

"Isn't that just Junci? The ugly monster in No. 7 Middle School, I tell you, his face is full of black spots, it is scary to take off the mask, because of our examination room environment, he must not be allowed to take off the mask. !"

"What kind of **** are you talking about? Are we talking about the same person? He is ugly like that and I have no face to live in this world!"


Such discussions are endless.

Both those who have seen Junci's prosperous beauty, and those who have seen Junci's ugly face are a little confused.

Is it a person? Is it a person?

Such curiosity is destined to make this year's college entrance examination extraordinary.

But since the morning, Junci wears a mask for the exam, and after entering the exam room, he can’t talk freely, so many people cannot know the real situation.

There are only a few who will be very excited to say that it is that handsome guy with a handsome face.

Then someone recognized that it was Junci.

Would rather die than believe it.

So ugly, could he be the mysterious beautiful man who made a sensation in the college entrance examination room today?

However, if Junci's masks are not taken off, a group of people cannot be convinced.

In addition, no one can take a picture of Junci, which is almost mysterious.

It is the invigilator who has heard of the candidate's name.

But the ID card and admission ticket are controlled by the government this year. They haven't seen the photos, and they don't know what Junci looks like.

It is even more impossible for the armed police to talk about this as gossip.

However, what is even more unexpected is the examination of Junci.

Mathematics, Junci also left in 50 minutes.

The same was the case the next day. After the four subjects were tested in terms of science, comprehensive, and English, they all left the fastest with the time.

This also makes many people think that Junci is a scumbag.

But what a handsome student!

Shuaicheng has a great future like this.

The other part is still not convinced, even if it looks ugly, and still refuses to work hard.

What's the future!

So the college entrance examination ended in such a weird way with the flow.

The conclusion of the college entrance examination meant that many candidates were relieved.

I have been fighting for it for more than ten years, and it depends on whether I live or die.

Many candidates who finished the college entrance examination chose to party all night.

As for Junci, he returned to the rented house alone and began to pack things up.

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