The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1021: Become fine?

Jiang Yi is the prince of the Jiang family anyway, and his identity is too important.

In the same way, he was worried about Junci, and Junci didn't want anything to happen to him.

For her, she would not want Jiang Yi to be targeted by others if she could solve the problem.

This was also the main reason for the method that she asked Kurt to rush to blow up after she knew the existence of that organization.

Direct destruction of possible threats can prevent many things from happening.

Jiang Yiang raised his chin, and Jun Ci scratched it under his chin. His skin was slippery.

A big man, his skin is almost better than that of women.

He has been in the military academy for so long, and his skin is not black at all because of the wind and sun.

He is now as well-behaved as a puppy, holding his chin open and letting Junci touch it, and squinting his eyes with enjoyment.

She didn't spend much time with Jun Ci. This time she ran out at the risk of being punished. Since punishment is unavoidable, Jiang Yi might as well just stay here and get together with Jun Ci.

The young man scratched a few times, raised his hand around his head and turned around to hug Jiang Yi's neck, his breath exhaled in front of his white and firm shoulders, "Would you like to go out in the afternoon?"

Regarding the fact that he and Jiang Yi appeared upright, Jun Ci is not worried, anyway, Jiang Yi's identity will not be exposed.

But it is impossible for her to wear women's clothing. It is still the same sentence, which can stop the Internet information.

Jiang Yi curled his lips and said "Okay."

Then he lowered his head and reflected the thin lips on the boy's lips.

He remembered that the boy put on lipstick a few days ago, and at that time he was surprised at why such a beautiful person dressed up in men's clothing had no sense of contradiction.

His wife is really too strong.

After being affectionate for a while, Jun Ci went to change clothes and went out. Jiang Yi took a look at Jun Ci's newly bought house.

The daughter-in-law is now in men’s clothing and can’t show off. In addition, since the last time he PO for a photo of Junci’s women’s clothing, he was greeted by CP fans every day. This time Jiang Yi probably had a vengeful mentality. The piano has sat in front of the grand piano specially bought for it.

Jiang Yi knew it would talk about piano, but he only thought that piano was learned from Junci every day.

Seeing this, Jiang Yile was a little bit happy. When the piano was about to start playing, he took out his phone and took a picture.

Piano noticed his movements, turned his head and glanced at him diagonally. Those eyes were full of consistent contempt, and they were very similar to the popular saying on the Internet, "Don't you have a B number" standard eyes.

Especially since it is now sitting on a special stool with four legs, and its two front paws have been placed on the piano keys, with expressions, it is not too funny!

After Jiang Yi took the photo, he edited the message and posted it on Weibo.

EternityV: The daughter-in-law is not ordinary, and the dog raised is not ordinary [Picture]

Although the piano used to be his dog, to Jiang Yi now it is no different from the dog raised by Jun Ci.

When he finished posting his Weibo, the melodious piano sound had already sounded.

Listening to Jiang Yi's experience, he still played it in a decent way. If the piano were not in front of him now, he would never have thought that this piano piece was played by a dog.

Reminiscing that the piano used to slip by himself according to the elevator code, and now he is still playing the piano, Jiang Yi finally realized: "Is it perfect?"

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