The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1026: Intimacy, further

She couldn't help but bowed her head and kissed Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi felt the soggy itch. When Jun Ci was about to get up, Jiang Yi opened her lips and covered her lips.

He didn't open his eyes. Jun Ci kissed him a few times and said in a low voice, "You go to bed and I'm going to take a bath."

Jiang Yi didn't object much, and drew closer to the bed in a different direction and fell asleep.

Junci helped him cover the quilt and went into the bathroom to take a bath.

When she came out of the shower, she only wore simple pajamas.

When I went to bed, I remembered Jiang Yi, who was just wearing a bath towel.

Seeing that he was asleep, she didn't call out to wear pajamas, and there was no pajama suitable for Jiang Yi.

The person who had just lay on the bed, who was clearly asleep still entangled her and hugged her tightly.

His scorching breath fell on the top of Jun Ci's head, and the whole person hugged Jun Ci tightly, and Jun Ci adjusted his posture slightly before falling asleep slowly.

When Jun Ci woke up in the morning, he was awakened by a strange touch.

She suddenly became sober.

There are hands in my clothes that are not doing honestly, and I also feel an abnormal reaction between my legs.

This person, who only wore bath towels last night, now feels so obvious that the bath towels are gone.

He woke up a bit earlier than Jun Ci. It was just a man. He must be in an inevitable state when he woke up in the morning. Jun Ci was lying in his arms now. He couldn't hold back it and started to move.

He originally didn't want to wake up Junci, but Junci was not dead.

She felt his such obvious range instantly.

The young and attractive body will glow with attractive red just by gently touching it. This is an unstoppable feeling and reaction.

Jun Ci has always been calm, but slowly began to awaken in this aspect. The simple white shirt was lifted up, and Jiang Yi's movements became more proficient than before.

He gently kneaded the palm of his hand, licked the red earlobe of the person in his arms with the tip of his tongue, and made a **** low-pitched gasp in his throat.

The movement range under her body also appeared to be larger, Jun Ci turned her head, buried her face on the pillow, and her face turned red.

This is the first time that Jiang Yi has been so close, using her to solve his own desires.

She is not hypocritical, but after all, she feels a little shameful. Only in this regard, Junci has a seductive reaction that cannot be restrained.

"Well, porcelain..."

His low-pitched and extremely magnetic voice was obviously emotional, and it is estimated that he would not stop if he was called to stop at this moment.

He moved, and every time he called out Junci's name, he went deep into his bones, as if he was inviting her to sink into **** together.

Because of the different feeling, Jun Ci couldn’t help but snorted and exhaled a little. It was clearly a female voice with the most temptation. Jiang Yi, who was hooked, was itchy in his heart, and his movements became stronger. .

He just slapped her on the leg socket, he used to solve it by himself, and now he felt that he was extremely stupid before.

He had such enjoyment, and he didn't want to go back when he returned home.

After a long time, Jiang Yi stopped his movements. He got up and went to the bathroom.

He didn't want to stain the porcelain.

Jun Ci lay on the bed and moved a little lazily.

Her face was still flushed, and she clearly enjoyed it, but she felt a little tired.

After a while, Jiang Yi came out of the bathroom and had already changed the set of clothes he bought yesterday. He was refreshed and his smile couldn't stop him.

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