The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1030: Special news

[The emperor of the popular director returns home today, and the fans picking up the airport can be comparable to the Spring Festival travel]

It's an exaggeration to say that the Spring Festival travels, but when you look at the picture, the crowds of hundreds of people all go to one place, the impact can be said to be very big.

-Knowing that the emperor might be shocked when he returns home, but still shocked by his popularity

-Director has more fans than stars for the first time in history 23333

-It proves once again that the entertainment industry is a circle that looks at faces. Fans just need to look good, but the emperor does have the ability to make people fan him

-As an emperor fan, I can’t go to the scene and express my heartache

-The photo taken with rice is so close, and it can be taken so beautifully, this Yan is really invincible

-Damn, he didn't bring bodyguards when he returned home, so the fans didn't squeeze him into meatloaf?

-But the fan picked up the plane, he was too indifferent...

-Some people say indifferent, the emperor is a director, a director, not a star! Do people still welcome you warmly?

-I feel that he is annoying for fans, maybe there is this reason why he was not open at the beginning. Here, the crazy fan Emmmm

With Junci's return to China, pictures of her meals at the airport and photos taken by the paparazzi quickly spread all over Weibo.

If the current celebrity returns to China, it's normal to have a shape at the airport to make a meal and then spread the popularity on the Internet.

Of course, most airport meal shots are just a look, and celebrities will never let their ugly photos go online.

Those photos are carefully selected.

But the emperor is different. First of all, she is a director. She does not need to refine the photos of the meal. Her own face is invincible, and she does not need special styling. The powerful aura on her body makes the photos full of shocking momentum, not to mention the present. Also bears the name of a great Hollywood director.

Even if the film hasn't come out yet, it's right to put the director's title first.

Junci's return to the country caused enthusiasm on Weibo, and even a piece of news was not noticed.

Selfie Stick V: It’s said that when the film produced by Bo Endong was half-shot, the director dropped the editing version for half an hour and stopped. Investors collectively withdrew, and Bo Endong knelt down and couldn’t get the investors to change his mind. Hey, what a pity The movie "The Emperor of the Great Qi" is a rare and excellent script, and it is also a part of the acting school. It really kills people by saying wrong things.

After this news came out, it seemed that it was just a sigh from a big Internet V. Before it splashed a little bit, he was slaughtered by the news that Junci returned to the airport and fell silent.

After Jun Ci returned home, he had to arrange a birthday party.

Because she originally came back at this time, it was Jiang Yi's birthday shortly after her birthday.

Reminiscent of the last birthday, it didn't seem to take long. I didn't expect another year to pass in an instant.

Ma Li hadn’t seen Jun Ci for a long time. After seeing Jun Ci went home, she couldn’t help but feel cold and warm. She felt distressed and said with emotion that Jun Ci has lost weight. In fact, she is not only thin. People have grown a bit more meat, and the days of filming abroad are actually quite fulfilling.

This birthday party was different from previous years. Junci didn't plan to make a big deal. She planned to book a hotel casually and hold a birthday party. Just invite some people she knew.

In other words, most of them are insiders.

She told Ma Li about the matter, and asked Ma Li to find a suitable hotel, and she would return to school the next day.

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