The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 105: Let Grandma Chang accept it at ease

After Junci arrived at the hotel, he put down his luggage.

She doesn't have a lot of things now, and only one computer is more expensive, and the others are planning to purchase after coming to the Imperial Capital.

But now the house hasn't been seen, so I don't rush to buy it.

Fortunately, although this era is backward, it is still more convenient to buy things.

Junci took out the notes from the suitcase and played the game by himself. Gulu took the place of Junci and began to contact the signing representatives of major websites.

After making appointments one by one, Junci received a call from Grandma Chang.

When Grandma Chang woke up in the morning, she saw ten thousand yuan under the basin.

She thought it was a thief in the middle of the night, who accidentally put it here.

Panic with the old man.

No one came up to get it for a long time, and the old man tried to ask if it was left by Junci.

The reason why Grandma Chang hadn't thought about Junci was because she knew about Junci.

That child lives on the scholarship himself, where is such a large sum of money left to them.

But the money appeared inexplicably. Grandma Chang and Grandpa Chang waited for a long time and no one came to pick it up. They didn't dare to announce it in a big way. In the afternoon, Grandma Chang tried to call Junci.

She and Grandpa Chang are getting old and dim-eyed, and can't handle those high-tech products.

In particular, the two people’s ears are not very good. Every time the children call, they rarely call.

This time, the call to Junci was made by two old people. They pressed the old brick machine for a long time before they called me cautiously.

"Hello, is it porcelain?"

When Jun Ci heard it, she could hear Grandma Chang's voice.

There was a cautious smell in the aged voice, as if for fear of making a mistake.

Jun Ci felt soft, knowing that Grandma Chang had found that 10,000 yuan.

He immediately answered: "Grandma, it's me."

Knowing that Grandma Chang's ears were bad when answering the phone, Jun Ci raised the volume rare.

"Hey, it's porcelain, it's porcelain."

Grandma Chang happily said to Grandpa Chang next to her, and she heard Jun Ci's voice at once.

Grandpa Chang is a bad-spoken old man. At this time, he also asked with concern: "Porcelain, don't you even have an emperor?"

"Here, Grandpa, I have settled down in the Imperial Capital now, so don't worry."

To be honest, there are people who care about themselves all the time, even as the crown prince Junci, the mood is very soft for a moment.

"Hey, it's fine when you arrive."

After Grandpa Chang finished speaking, Grandma Chang told me the main reason: "Porcelain, I ask you, in our house, under the basin, did you leave something?"

"You mean the ten thousand dollars?"

Jun Ci said with a smile.

"Ah, yes, yes, you really kept it? Porcelain, you went to the imperial capital by yourself. You don't have any money yourself. Where did you get the money? What are you staying for?"

Grandma Chang suddenly became a little anxious.

When they left, they desperately wanted to give Junci some money, but Junci didn't ask for it.

Now Junci has left money for the old couple. How can this make them feel good about it?

"It's okay, Grandma Chang."

Jun Ci thought for a while, and chose a suitable reason that he had thought up a long time ago: "That's the money I have saved for so many years of scholarship."

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