The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1055: game development

Of course Jun Ci is not gay, but what she is talking about is to disclose her female identity at that time.

We haven't found a suitable opportunity yet, but if we go with the flow, maybe Junci will be public.

Of course, Brother Dog must be mentally prepared for such a shocking worldview.

Before the preview of "Hongmengjie" came out, StarCraft City of Dreams 3 had been in the publicity period for one month. However, the overwhelming momentum of "Hongmengjie" today cannot be stopped by Interstellar.

They instantly felt that Hua Guo was really a tricky director.

However, it is still early in the end, and what will happen has not been predicted. Maybe then, the plot will collapse?

A movie, apart from special effects, the plot must also be easy to accept, otherwise the movie will not be successful.

Gaffney felt that they might not lose yet, but he was already worried.

Not only in China, the powerful special effects preview of "Hongmengjie" made many foreign audiences amazed. For the huge beasts that appeared in this story, they all expressed incredible. They also knew that this was something that China has had since ancient times. The historical characteristics, they find it very magical, and they are also very curious that this TV series will be shown on international forums and begged to be released abroad when it is time. They also want to see such a wonderful Chinese movie.

When the whole network was starting to look forward to the release of "Hongmeng World", Junci quietly started to make the structure of Hongmeng World with everyone in the company.

On the day the contract was confirmed, both the Sad Painting Fan and Zhixiangyin came.

Sad Painting Fan came to the company to help and structure the plot. Because the game settings were too large, Zhixiangyin followed along to join in the fun to see if there is any help.

Nowadays, "Jianghu Life" is still booming on the market. The fact that Man'an Company wants to make an online game "Hongmeng World" has not been spread. Under the initial game settings, they only decided on the name of the online game and still adopted Hongmeng. The name of the world itself is enough to represent the meaning of this story.

The data of the smart engine needs to be edited again. At this point, the server rooms of Junci and Lucifer let Lan start compiling.

"With such a large amount of data, are you sure that one blue is enough?"

Lucifer sat in a side position with his head supported, watching what data simulation test the teenager was doing on the server host.

In fact, Junci made it for him. The Gulu in her mind is already developing a larger data architecture with Lanlan, and she doesn't need anyone's help at all.

Hearing Lucifer saying this, Junci just glanced at him: "Of course, now the mobile game has enough capacity, Lan Lan can use it to edit new games."

Hongmeng’s worldview structure is too large. According to the online game data packages on the market, the largest game is only a few dozen gigabytes. After all, the larger the amount of data, the greater the memory required to install the game package.

Some ordinary computers cannot even host a game.

Of course, Junci has a way to compress the performance data of this game, otherwise, according to the current computer capacity, the architecture of Hongmeng World may not be able to win 1Z.

Several groups are now acting separately. The planning group and the data group need to test and structure a large amount of game data. The art group makes game scenery and various character models. Several management figures are responsible for the development of intelligent data.

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