The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1069: Conversation with Jun Chengbai

Jiang Yi informed of such an itinerary in July during the meal, and currently Junci has no other arrangements.

Except for her going to an awards party in June.

However, after returning home at night, even though there is Li's mother at home, Jiang Yi still stayed in Jun Ci’s room and made love with Jun Ci for a long time. After a long time, he could not help but put Jun Ci in bed and tried to control himself before returning Own room.

Jun Ci lay on the bed, originally wanting to read some news, but received a call from Kurt.

Now everything on the island is developing smoothly and Jun Chengbai is in good condition. It stands to reason that he should have nothing to do with Junci.


After answering the call, Junci heard Kurt's voice: "BOSS, it's night in China? I'm sorry to disturb you, but I want to talk to you for nothing."

Bai is Jun Cheng Bai.

This is the first time that Junci heard Jun Chengbai request to talk to herself. She asked for it, buried her face in the pillow, and said dullly: "Yes, call him."

After a rustling voice on the phone, Junci heard Jun Chengbai's cautious voice: "Hey..."

"I'm here."

The boy raised his head, his voice was thin and cold.

Such a voice makes people totally unable to mention any impulse to feel warm.

"I... I... bored on the island."

He seemed to be very careful about his words, and made a request that made Junci somewhat unexpected: "They said that you are the master of the island, and everything must be approved by you. I want to enter your research base. Can you study?"

He has almost returned to normal mentality now, although he is reluctant to say more about the previous things, but Junci doesn't care about it anymore.

But this was the first time he made a request to Junci.

Jun Chengbai was on the island, and Jun Ci did not restrict him from anything.

So he can wander around the island, and Kurt who doesn't understand will answer for him, and find that the research base is a matter of course.

Jun Chengbai had related research experience before. After seeing the research base, he was quite excited. He stayed in it for a few days and found that the technology in it had broken through his previous cognition. He didn't know if it was because of his imprisonment. After so many years, he could not keep up with the rapid development of science and technology, so he wanted to learn.

Although he was not blocked, but for such an important matter, he still had to get the consent of Junci, and Kurt dialed the phone.

Jun Ci just about to agree. After all, she didn't care about this, nor was she afraid that Jun Chengbai could do anything under Gulu's supervision, but she rolled her eyes and said, "You call me, this is the only thing. Want to say?"

Jun Chengbai stopped talking.

He was silent only for Jun Ci to hear his shallow breathing.

For such a person, Junci is still a little bit ridiculous.

Just when she was about to say,'You can learn anything you want', Jun Chengbai actually said: "I...I just want to learn something. I have been out of the city for a long time. I can't do many things... "

His voice trembled slightly, and his emotions were unusually fluctuating, "I don't want... I don't want you to think that I am a... trash, knowing nothing, just let you keep..."

The more I said at the end, Jun Cheng could feel Jun Chengbai's trembling tone over the phone.

There is guilt after a trace of fear.

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