The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1073: Can Kuagou be straightforward?


The man was knocked to the ground by a husky, and because of a sudden attack, he fell to the ground and the knife flew out without force.

The Husky landed steadily, and seeing that there was no fart, his two front paws stood together and clapped! !

The crowd around: "..."

Jun Ci: "..." It's over.

The woman was stunned. The German Shepherd was turning around her, throwing up his hands. When the man was about to get up, the little spy quickly went over and dragged the knife away with his small body. The Husky felt confident when he saw it. Zeng, together with the German Shepherd next to him, knocked the man out.

They are already humane without a bite!

"Oh my God, Auspicious!"

The woman hugged the German Shepherd and cried directly.


Can't you see your rescue dog by the side?

The little spy babbled and dragged the knife aside, and there was a sudden loud cheering in the distance.

The residents around could not help clapping their hands!

The little spy finished throwing his knife, saw the woman crying in her arms, and kicked the piano: "Look, it has other dog breeds in its stomach! You still want to save it!"

The words of the robot immediately scared the woman who was still holding Jixiang and crying.

"Machine... the robot can talk!!"

She is going to scream again!

Little spy: "..."

Miss, you were almost stabbed to see the king of Hades just now. At this moment, if you escape from the dead, you still care if a robot can speak?

Junci walked past the black line, and a resident had already rushed towards the venue with a nervous expression: "Auspicious!"

Jun Ci didn't care about this. He walked over and pulled the ears of the piano, then picked up the little spy with one hand and took it home.

The woman stared at this scene in a daze.

On the way home, the little spy was still chattering about the piano.

The piano kept retorting, but it seemed a little embarrassing.

In fact, it didn't want to save people just now, but the yellow-haired dog that rushed out was auspicious.

The dog that he couldn’t fall in love with secretly, and now he is pregnant with another baby in his stomach. At that time, the piano probably didn’t turn his head. When he saw that the knife might stabbed Jixiang, he didn’t care much, so he kicked it with one kick. Up the man.

The kick was because the piano was not stupid. It knew that if it flew up and blocked it, it would be stabbed.

Only by kicking can he successfully force the man back.

Look, isn’t the effect pretty good?

But it did not expect that this behavior is not the IQ that a normal dog should have, and it has successfully left a shocking impression in the hearts of the surrounding residents.

When he returned home, Jun Ci stared at the piano with an unkind expression: "Don't care about this kind of nosy in the future."

She can save as much as she can, but the piano is just a dog, and if something happens, the dog’s life is gone.

The piano wailed in awe.

Ma Li also saw the scene just now, and she was so frightened that she was frightened, and now she came up to help Chung to praise the abuse: "Oh, master, don't you say that, look at it just now, it's so brave! Dare to play! The piano is so awesome!"

In an instant, the piano began to flick its tail and rejoiced.

Ma Li praised and played the piano again: "But the young master is right, you are a dog, follow along to join in some fun!"

piano:? ? ?

If you humans praise dogs, you can’t be straightforward. You have to praise and lose a sentence?

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