The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1096: Kill it if you find it

At that time, Junci just caught Lucifer, and for people like Hades, who acted in an uncertain style, he was not completely sure.

The young man thought about this, but only raised the corners of his lips and mentioned an irrelevant thing: "You still come to China to see you, do you really have a leg with him?"


Lucifer didn't expect that a relatively stable teenager would make this kind of joke, and suddenly denied it exaggeratedly: "Oh, no, no, of course not, boss, we are just a kind of competitor friendship, not like you and Vice President Jiang. "

Lucifer's words immediately made the young man squinted, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes: "Oh, what happened to Vice President Jiang and I?"

The blonde youth showed a cynical smile on his face: "Boss, it's no fun to say something too obvious. Although they dare not think about it, you can't think the whole company is a fool!"

Junci knew that the people in the company might know it, but he didn't expect Lucifer to really have the courage to tell the matter in front of her.

But it doesn't matter if you say it, it will be known sooner or later anyway.

The boy raised his eyebrows slightly, and said noncommittal: "Hades came to see you to see you, what's the use of telling me?"

Her topic turned quickly, and Lucifer didn't care: "The boss didn't always want to dig him out, maybe he didn't mean that when he came here this time."

The teenager put his elbows on the table, and tilted his head to look at Lucifer with his temples: "Are hackers still interested in the research direction of artificial intelligence."

Lucifer shrugged, "Maybe? Of course not artificial intelligence, but the boss has such wonderful things in his hands. I believe Hades still wants to try it, right? The more challenging things, the more exciting the life."

He was referring to the procedures that Junci gave him.


Junci fell to the office chair, and moved the chair around: "When will he come over, please tell me."


Lucifer looked like he was telling Jun Ci about this. After speaking, he went out.

But when the door was closed, he seemed very careful not to let the cello take the opportunity to slip out.

Looking at the cello, Junci looked at the outside of the line of sight. The piano was nowhere to be seen. He thought for a while, afraid that the piano would do something uncontrollable outside, and ordered the little spy who didn’t know what he was doing. Said: "Little spy, help me see what the piano is doing."

"Why should I go?" The little spy raised his mechanical head, righteously retorting: "It's such a big dog, it has its own ideas, and knows how to do it. As a parent, you can't be so rigid. You only know how to control it, you know? When the rebellious period is over, it is difficult to cure because you parents are not sensible!"

Junci: "..."

It really makes sense, so she nodded in agreement: "Yes, next month you will roll me back to your research base, return to the arms of the person who created you, and reunite with your brothers and sisters. Because I thought, I am not your parent after all, and I can’t be so selfish to leave you in such a dangerous human society..."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw the little spy slipping down on the legs of the table, and angrily took the cello's dog leash: "Go, let's go find your father, and if we find it, we will kill it."

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